Final Fantasy VII/Save map

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< Final Fantasy VII
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This is a sub-page of Final Fantasy VII.

The following is the general save format for the game. This data excludes the header data that differs between the PSX and PC version.

Note: For the preview descriptions below, changing these values does not change any in-game values. These are only used so a player can preview the data within the save file when viewing the Save menu.

Table 1: FF7 Save Slot
Offset Length Description
0x0000 4 bytes Checksum
0x0004 1 byte Preview: Lead character's level
0x0005 1 byte Preview: Lead character's portrait
0x00: Cloud
0x01: Barret
0x02: Tifa
0x03: Aeris
0x04: Red XIII
0x05: Yuffie
0x06: Cait Sith
0x07: Vincent
0x08: Cid
0x09: Young Cloud
0x0A: Sephiroth
0x0B: Chocobo
0xFF: None
0x0006 1 byte Preview: 2nd character's portrait
0x0007 1 byte Preview: 3rd character's portrait
0x0008 16 bytes Preview: Lead character's name, terminated with 0xFF
0x0018 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's current HP
0x001A 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's max HP
0x001C 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's current MP
0x001E 2 bytes Preview: Lead character's max MP
0x0020 4 bytes Preview: Amount of Gil
0x0024 4 bytes Preview: Total number of seconds played
0x0028 32 bytes Preview: Save location, FF Text format, terminated with 0xFF
0x0048 3 bytes RGB value for upper left corner of window
0x004B 3 bytes RGB value for upper right corner of window
0x004E 3 bytes RGB value for lower left corner of window
0x0051 3 bytes RGB value for lower right corner of window
0x0054 132 bytes Character record: Cloud [see below for Character record format]
0x00D8 132 bytes Character record: Barret
0x015C 132 bytes Character record: Tifa
0x01E0 132 bytes Character record: Aeris
0x0264 132 bytes Character record: Red XIII
0x02E8 132 bytes Character record: Yuffie
0x036C 132 bytes Character record: Cait Sith
0x03F0 132 bytes Character record: Vincent
0x0474 132 bytes Character record: Cid
0x04F8 1 byte Party member in slot 1 [uses same format as character portrait above]
0x04F9 1 byte Party member in slot 2
0x04FA 1 byte Party member in slot 3
0x04FB 1 byte 0xFF
0x04FC 640 bytes Party Item stock, 2 bytes per item, 320 item slots max [See save item list below]
0x077C 800 bytes Party Materia stock, 4 bytes per materia, 200 materia max [See materia list]
0x0A9C 192 bytes Materia stolen by Yuffie, 4 bytes per materia, 48 materia max [See materia list]
0x0B5C 32 bytes Unknown
0x0B7C 4 bytes Party's Gil amount
0x0B80 4 bytes Total number of seconds played
0x0B84 16 bytes Unknown
0x0B94 2 bytes Current map
0x0B96 2 bytes Current location
0x0B98 2 bytes Unknown
0x0B9A 2 bytes X location on world map
0x0B9C 2 bytes Y location on world map
0x0B9E 2 bytes Z location on world map
0x0BA0 4 bytes Unknown
0x0BA4 1 bytes Plot Progression Variables [BEGINNING OF SCRIPT MEMORY BANK 1/2]
0x0BA5 2 bytes Unknown
0x0BA7 1 byte Aeris' current love points
0x0BA8 1 byte Tifa's current love points
0x0BA9 1 byte Yuffie's current love points
0x0BAA 1 byte Barret's current love points
0x0BAB 5 bytes Unknown
0x0BB0 2 bytes Number of battles fought (???)
0x0BB2 2 bytes Number of escapes (???)
0x0BB4 1 byte Game timer (Hours)
0x0BB5 1 byte Game timer (Minutes)
0x0BB6 1 byte Game timer (Seconds)
0x0BB7 1 byte Game timer (Tenths)
0x0BB8 4 bytes Unknown (curse ring usage?)
0x0BBC 2 bytes Number of battles fought
0x0BBE 2 bytes Number of escapes
0x0BBF 2 bytes Menu Visiblity Mask (Quit not affected)
LSB item magic materia equip status order limit config PHS save MSB
0x0BC1 2 bytes Menu Locking Mask (1: Locked) (Quit not affected)
LSB item magic materia equip status order limit config PHS save MSB
0x0BC3 17 bytes Unknown
0x0BD5 1 byte Materia Cave masks (applied when you pick up the corresponding Materia).
0x01: Mime, 0x02: HP<->MP, 0x04: Quadra Magic, 0x08: KOTR
0x0BD6 1 byte Unknown
0x0BD7 1 byte Item masks (applied when you pick them up).
0x10: Chaos & Death Penalty, others are unknown
0x0BD8 0x0BE3 Unknown
0x0BE4 8 bytes Key items [see Key Item List]
0x0BEC 0x0BF8 Unknown
0x0BF9 1 byte Field Chocobo rating
0x0BFA 1 byte Field Chocobo rating
0x0BFB 1 byte Field Chocobo rating
0x0BFC 1 byte Field Chocobo rating
0x0BFD 0x0BFE Unknown
0x0BFF 3 bytes Ultimate Weapon's remaining HP
0x0C02 1 byte Rating for Penned Chocobo Number 1 (01: Wonderful -> 08: Worst)
0x0C03 1 byte Rating for Penned Chocobo Number 2
0x0C04 1 byte Rating for Penned Chocobo Number 3
0x0C05 1 byte Rating for Penned Chocobo Number 4
0x0C06 0x0C1D Unknown
0x0C1E 1 byte Mask for the "target" text appearing over all available targets in battle
Inactive (0x00); Active (0x40)
(Other masks are still to be identified on this byte)
0x0C1F 0x0CA3 Unknown
0x0CA5 0x0CED Unknown
0x0CEE 2 bytes Party GP (0-10000)
0x0CF0 12 bytes Unknown
0x0CFC 1 byte Number of chocobo stables owned
0x0CFD 1 byte Unknown
0x0CFE 1 byte Number of occupied stables
0x0CFF 1 byte Mask of occupied stables
0x0D00 0x0D2C Unknown
0x0D2D 1 byte Kalm Traveler sidequest Progression (details)
0x0D2E 0x0DA3 Unknown
0x0DA5 0x0DC3 Unknown
0x0DC4 16 bytes Chocobo slot 1 [See table 3 for Chocobo Slot format]
0x0DD4 16 bytes Chocobo slot 2
0x0DE4 16 bytes Chocobo slot 3
0x0DF4 16 bytes Chocobo slot 4 [Slot 5 and 6 are located at 0x1084 - 0x10A3]
0x0D04 0x0E28 Unknown
0x0E29 1 byte Chocobo breeding tutorial (taught by the Chocobo Sage) Progression Variable
0x0E2A 2 bytes Number of battles to reach in order to unlock the next part of the Chocobo breeding tutorial
0x0E2C 0x0E32 Unknown
0x0E33 1 byte Lucrecia's Cave sidequest Progression Variable
0x0E34 1 byte Unknown
0x0E35 2 bytes Lucrecia's Cave sidequest:
Number of battles to get past in order to unlock Chaos & Death Penalty
0x0E37 0x0EA3 Unknown
0x0EA4 1 byte Current CD [BEGINNING OF FIELD BANK D/E]
0x0EA5 0x0EC1 Unknown
0x0EC2 1 byte Field pointers mask (hand over party leader's head + red and green arrows)
Inactive (0x00); Active (0x01)
0x0EC3 1 byte Unknown
0x0EC4 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 1 (FF Text format)
0x0ECA 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 2
0x0ED0 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 3
0x0ED6 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 4
0x0EDC 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 5
0x0EE2 6 bytes Name of Chocobo 6
0x0EE8 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 1
0x0EEA 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 2
0x0EEC 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 3
0x0EEE 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 4
0x0EF0 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 5
0x0EF2 2 bytes Stamina of Chocobo 6
0x0EF4 0x0EFD Unknown
0x0EFD 1 byte Vehicle Enabler
0x0EFE 0x0F14 Unknown
0x0F15 24 bytes Name of location (FF Text format)
0x0F2E 0x0F63 Unknown
0x0F5C 8 bytes Party's coordinates on world map (FF Coordinates format)
0x0F64 0x0F6B Unknown (Emerald or Ruby Weapon's coordinates on world map ?)
0x0F6C 8 bytes Tiny Bronco/Chocobo's coordinates on world map
0x0F74 8 bytes Buggy/Highwind's coordinates on world map
0x0F7C 8 bytes Submarine's coordinates on world map
0x0F84 8 bytes Ultimate Weapon's coordinates on world map
0x0F8C 0x0FA5 Unknown
0x0FA5 1 byte Unknown
0x0FA6 1 byte World map camera & map display
Add two values (one from camera, one from map) and set this byte.
Camera: Aerial(00); Closeup(20)
Map: Off(80); Small(00); Large(40)
0x0FA7 0x0FAA Unknown
0x0FAB 1 byte If not 0x00, game crashes
0x0FAC 0x0FFA Unknown
0x0FFB 1 byte Kalm Traveler prices visibility (each bit set back to 0 when picked up)
Guide Book (0x01); Master Command(0x02); Master Magic (0x04); Master Summon (0x08); Gold Chocobo (0x10)
0x0FFC 0x102F Unknown
0x1030 1 byte Field screen rain switch (non-zero to turn on rain effect)
0x1031 0x1083 Unknown
0x1084 16 bytes Chocobo slot 5
0x1094 16 bytes Chocobo slot 6
0x10A3 0x10AE Unknown
0x10AD 2 bytes PHS Locking Mask (1: Locked)
LSB Cloud Barret Tifa Aeris Red Yuffie Vincent Cait Cid MSB
0x10AF 2 bytes PHS Visibility Mask (does not turn off party characters)
LSB Cloud Barret Tifa Aeris Red Yuffie Vincent Cait Cid MSB
0x10B0 0x10D7 Unknown
0x10D8 1 byte Battle Speed (0x00: fastest, 0xFF: slowest)
0x10D9 1 byte Battle Message Speed
0x10DA 1 byte General configuration
Sound: mono (0x00); stereo (0x01)
Controller: normal (0x00); customize (0x04)
Cursor: initial (0x00); memory (0x10)
ATB: Active (0x00); Recommended (0x40); Wait (0x80)
0x10DB 1 byte General configuration (continued)
Camera angle: Auto (0x00); Fix (0x01)
Magic order: (game crashes if flag set to 0x18 or 0x1C)
"1. restore attack indirect" (0x00)
"2. restore indirect attack" (0x04)
"3. attack indirect restore" (0x08)
"4. attack restore indirect" (0x0C)
"5. indirect restore attack" (0x10)
"6. indirect attack restore" (0x14)
Extra battle window displaying information: Inactive (0x00); Active (0x40)
0x10DC 16 bytes Unknown
0x10EC 1 byte Message Speed
0x10ED 7 bytes Unknown
Table 2: Character Record
Offset Length Description
0x00 1 byte Sephiroth flag for changing Vincent into Sephiroth
0x01 1 byte Level (0-99)
0x02 1 byte Strength (0-255)
0x03 1 byte Vitality (0-255)
0x04 1 byte Magic (0-255)
0x05 1 byte Spirit (0-255)
0x06 1 byte Dexterity (0-255)
0x07 1 byte Luck (0-255)
0x08 1 byte Strength Bonus (Power Sources used)
0x09 1 byte Vitality Bonus (Guard Sources used)
0x0A 1 byte Magic Bonus (Magic Sources used)
0x0B 1 byte Spirit Bonus (Mind Sources used)
0x0C 1 byte Dexterity Bonus (Speed Sources used)
0x0D 1 byte Luck Bonus (Luck Sources used)
0x0E 1 byte Current limit level (1-4)
0x0F 1 byte Current limit bar (0xFF = limit break)
0x10 12 bytes Name (FF Text format)
0x1C 1 byte Equipped weapon
0x1D 1 byte Equipped armor
0x1E 1 byte Equipped accessory
0x1F 1 byte Character flags - 0x10-Sadness, 0x20-Fury
0x20 1 byte Char order - 0xFF-Normal, 0xFE-Back row
0x21 1 byte Level progress bar
0x22 2 bytes Learned limit skills
0x24 2 bytes Number of kills
0x26 2 bytes Times limit 1-1 has been used
0x28 2 bytes Times limit 2-1 has been used
0x2A 2 bytes Times limit 3-1 has been used
0x2C 2 bytes Current HP
0x2E 2 bytes Base HP (before materia alterations)
0x30 2 bytes Current MP
0x32 2 bytes Base MP (before materia alterations)
0x34 4 bytes Unknown
0x38 2 bytes Maximum HP (after materia alterations)
0x3A 2 bytes Maximum MP (after materia alterations)
0x3C 4 bytes Current EXP
0x40 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 1
0x44 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 2
0x48 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 3
0x4C 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 4
0x50 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 5
0x54 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 6
0x58 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 7
0x5C 4 bytes Weapon materia slot number 8
0x60 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 1
0x64 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 2
0x68 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 3
0x6C 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 4
0x70 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 5
0x74 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 6
0x78 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 7
0x7C 4 bytes Armor materia slot number 8
0x80 4 bytes EXP to next level
Table 3: Chocobo Record
Offset Length Description
0x0 2 bytes Sprint Speed
0x2 2 bytes Max Sprint Speed
0x4 2 bytes Speed
0x6 2 bytes Max Speed
0x8 1 byte Acceleration
0x9 1 byte Cooperation
0xA 1 byte Intelligence
0xB 1 byte Personality
0xC 1 byte Pcount (?)
0xD 1 byte Number of races won
0xE 1 byte 1: female)
0xF 1 byte Type (Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, Gold)