Whomp 'Em/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Whomp 'Em.

$0033 - Which levels/powers are finished/gained

$0035 - Current Player health left

$0040 - Current Boss health left

$005B - Player's Y Position

$005C - Speed and direction Player is jumping/falling

$005D - Player's X Position

$005E - Speed and direction Player is moving

$006A - Player's pallet, etc.

$006B - State of invincibility (load with 7F where timer begins)

......00 - none

......odd - Invisible

......even - Visible

$0083 - How long spear is

$0084 - Current Power Up Selected

......00 - Spear (no power up)

......01 - Sacred

......02 - Fire

......03 - Ice

......04 - Secret

......05 - Water

......06 - Magic

......07 - Dragon

$0094 - Attack towards character and follows with...

$0095 - Amount an attack causes towards character

$0098 - Current number of Life bottles in reserve

$009B - Number of times Strong Spearhead is left

$009C - Number of hits the Helmet can still take

$009F - Number of medicine bottles left for another Heart container

$00A1 - Pallet #1 foreground

$00A2 - Pallet #2 foreground

$00A3 - Pallet #3 foreground

$00B1 - Character color #1

$00B2 - Character color #2

$00B3 - Character color #3

$00E6 - Graphic to show for current item (includes hearts and bottles)

$00F5 - Controller 1 button press

$00F6 - Controller 2 button press

$00F7 - Controller 1 button held

$00F8 - Controller 2 button held

$0210 - Left half of current ability's Y position

$0211 - Left half of current ability graphic

$0212 - Left half of current ability palette, mirroring, etc.

$0213 - Left half of current ability's X position

$0214 - Right half of current abiliity's Y position

$0215 - Right half of current ability graphic

$0216 - Right half of current ability palette, mirroring, etc.

$0217 - Right half of current ability's X position

$0218 - Bottle's Y position

$0219 - Bottle's graphic

$021A - Bottle's palette, mirroring, etc.

$021B - Bottle's X position

$0514 - Enemy 1's pallet, mirroring, etc.

$0515 - Enemy 1's Y position

$0516 - Enemy 1's Jumping physics

$0517 - Enemy 1's X position

$0518 - Enemy 1's speed

$0519 - Enemy 1's health

$051B - Enemy 1's jump/movement

$051D - Enemy 1's time left before next jump

$0534 - Enemy 2's pallet, mirroring, etc.

$0535 - Enemy 2's Y position

$0536 - Enemy 2's Jumping physics

$0537 - Enemy 2's X position

$0538 - Enemy 2's speed

$0539 - Enemy 2's health

$053B - Enemy 2's jump/movement

$053D - Enemy 2's time left before next jump

$0554 - Enemy 3's pallet, mirroring, etc.

$0555 - Enemy 3's Y position

$0556 - Enemy 3's Jumping physics

$0557 - Enemy 3's X position

$0558 - Enemy 3's speed

$0559 - Enemy 3's health

$055B - Enemy 3's jump/movement

$055D - Enemy 3's time left before next jump

$0574 - Enemy 4's pallet, mirroring, etc.

$0575 - Enemy 4's Y position

$0576 - Enemy 4's Jumping physics

$0577 - Enemy 4's X position

$0578 - Enemy 4's speed

$0579 - Enemy 4's health

$057B - Enemy 4's jump/movement

$057D - Enemy 4's time left before next jump

$0594 - Enemy 5's pallet, mirroring, etc.

$0595 - Enemy 5's Y position

$0596 - Enemy 5's Jumping physics

$0597 - Enemy'5's X position

$0598 - Enemy 5's speed

$0599 - Enemy 5's health

$059B - Enemy 5's jump/movement

$059D - Enemy 5's time left before next jump

$05BA - Character Page

$0674 - Music Track

$067A - Pitch of Melody Line

$0680 - Music - Melody Line (Active)

$0681 - Music - Accompany 1 (Active)

$0682 - Music - Accompany 2 (Active)

$0683 - Music - Noise (Active)