Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories

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Revision as of 05:42, 24 January 2024 by Mantidactyle (talk | contribs)
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories
Internal Name YUGIOUDM2
Region Code 0x00 - Japanese
Type 0x80 - GB and GBC
SGB Support 0x03 - Yes
Cartridge Type 0x1B - MBC5 RAM BATTERY[[Category:0x1B - MBC5 RAM BATTERY Game Boy games]]
License Code A4 - Konami
ROM Size 0x07 - 32 MBit (256 banks)[[Category:Game Boy games of 0x07 - 32 MBit (256 banks) ROM size]]
ROM Checksum 0x8EE0
SRAM Size 0x02 - 64 Kbit[[Category:Game Boy games of 0x02 - 64 Kbit SRAM size]]
Header Checksum 0xC4




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Known Dumps

(Note: include known dumps here)

External Links
