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Motocross Maniacs/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Motocross Maniacs.

Text data

Text data format: 2 bytes for display address, then a series of tiles IDs. xFE is the end of a word, xFF the end of the text.

* x0F08-x0F13 "GAME OVER"
* x0F37-x0F8F Pre-race screen data (QUALIFYING TIME/COURSE RECORD...)

Level data

* x4760-x476F - table of x08 pointers to course definitions
* x4770-x56CB - course definitions
* x56CC-x5793 - table of pointers to course object definitions
* x5794-x5A1E - course object definitions
* x5A1F-x5C8E - metatile defintions