Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge.

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Legend: [u] is unsigned, [s] is signed, [d] is binary-coded decimal. [2] is a 2 byte word, [3] and so on likewise. [b] is big-endian; otherwise, values are assumed to be little-endian.

0xC00F [s2] Belmont's Y velocity. Negative is upward
0xC011 [u] Belmont's Y subpixel
0xC012 [u] Belmont's Y pixel
0xC014 [s2] Belmont's X velocity. Negative is leftward.
0xC016 [u] Belmont's X subpixel
0xC017 [u] Belmont's X pixel
0xC018 [u] hitstun
0xC880 game mode (0: konami logo. 1: title screen. 2: title fade-in. 3: stage select and title screen selected. 4: stage entry. 5: normal gameplay. 6: death. 7: game over. D: password entry. E: intro reel.)
0xC886 current input (1: right. 2: left. 4: up. 8: down. 10: A. 20: B. 40: select. 80: start)
0xC887 input pressed (like 0xC886, but only what was just pressed this frame.)
0xC8C0 [d3] points
0xC8c5 [d] lives ("rest")
0xC8D0 subweapon (0: none. 1: axe (us) / cross (jp). 2: holy water)
0xCC80 [d2] time remaining
0xCC86 [d] hearts
0xCC89 [u] Belmont's hitpoints