BS-X BIOS/Tutorials

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a Tutorial for BS-X BIOS.

One Byte Hacks

If you want to change the world with just one byte. Here are the addresses where to change and the result.

| Address | Address | Stnd. | Effect                                                      |
| in ROM  | in Hex  | value |                                                             |
| 80/9024 |  001024 |   84  | Change the sound effect when clearing the SRAM              |
| 94/8090 |  0A0090 |   03  | Change the music during nintendo logo                       |
| 94/811C |  0A011C |   20  | The number of frames until the Nintendo logo appears        |
| 94/8138 |  0A0138 |   10  | Change how far the line extends until nintendo logo unfolds |
| 94/813D |  0A013D |   04  | Change the speed the nintendo logo expends to the left      |
| 94/8146 |  0A0146 |   04  | Change the speed the nintendo logo expends to the right     |
| 94/81E3 |  0A01E3 |   04  | Change the sound effect when Nintendo logo appears          |
| 94/8402 |  0A0402 |   53  | Change the sound effect when leaving the title screen       |