Mother 3/Battle actions table

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3.

Battle actions table
Start Address 0xD9D28
End Address 0xE1707
# of Entries 650 (0x28A)
Entry Length 48 bytes (0x30)
Total Length 31200 bytes (0x79E0)
Back to the ROM map


The battle actions table is mostly unknown, but it serves as a lookup table for an enemy's action values; it also contains indices into the battle text table.


There are 650 entries; each entry contains 48 bytes.

Field listing

Table view

       00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
00  | [        A        ] [   B   ] [   C   ] [                 D                  ->
10  | <-                                     D                                     ->
20  | <-                                     D                                      ]

Sprite colour

Either 46 or 48. If 46, the sprite gets white before printing the text (Damaging actions). If 48, the sprite gets black before printing the text (Not damaging actions).

Plays sound

If 0xFFFF, attack sound effects get played, if 0x0000, they do not.

Info chunk

A group of byte that's the same for PSI data, Item data, Battle skills table and Battle actions table.
Let's just call it Battle Info chunk.