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Little Nemo: The Dream Master/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Little Nemo: The Dream Master.
* 0x1AC10 to 0x1AC11 = PPU Address of the text * 0x1AC12 to 0x1AC15 = 1905 * 0x1AC17 to 0x1AC18 = PPU Address of the text * 0x1AC19 to 0x1AC20 = NEW YORK
* 0x1AC21 to 0x1AC22 = PPU Address of the initial position of graphics (X/Y) (0/8) * 0x1AC23 to 0x1AE23 = First Screen of presentation
Second screen of presentation (Nemo in Bed)
* 0x1AE45 to 0x1AE46 = PPU Address Top of bed Left (2188) * 0x1AE47 to 0x1AE49 = 85 86 87 * 0x1AE4A to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE4B to 0x1AE4C = PPU Address Top of bed Right (2190) * 0x1AE4D to 0x1AE4F = 85 86 87 * 0x1AE50 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE51 to 0x1AE52 = PPU Address (21A8) * 0x1AE53 to 0x1AE5C = 88 89 8A 8A 8B 8C 8D 8D 8E 89 * 0x1AE5D to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE5E to 0x1AE5F = PPU Address (21C8) * 0x1AE60 to 0x1AE69 = 88 89 F3 F3 8F 90 40 40 91 89 * 0x1AE6A to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE6B to 0x1AE6C = PPU Address (21E8) * 0x1AE6D to 0x1AE76 = 88 89 F3 92 93 94 95 96 91 89 * 0x1AE77 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE78 to 0x1AE79 = PPU Address (2208) * 0x1AE7A to 0x1AE83 = 88 89 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 91 89 * 0x1AE84 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE85 to 0x1AE86 = PPU Address (2228) * 0x1AE87 to 0x1AE90 = 88 89 9D 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 89 * 0x1AE91 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE92 to 0x1AE93 = PPU Address (2248) * 0x1AE94 to 0x1AE9D = 88 89 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA 89 * 0x1AE9E to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AE9F to 0x1AEA0 = PPU Address (2268) * 0x1AEA1 to 0x1AEAA = 88 89 AB AC AD AE AF B0 B1 89 * 0x1AEAB to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AEAC to 0x1AEAD = PPU Address (2288) * 0x1AEAE to 0x1AEB8 = 88 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB * 0x1AEB9 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AEBA to 0x1AEBB = PPU Address (22A8) * 0x1AEBC to 0x1AEC7 = 88 BC BD BE BF E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 * 0x1AEC8 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AEC9 to 0x1AECA = PPU Address (22C8) * 0x1AECB to 0x1AED7 = 88 E7 E8 E9 EA EB 40 40 40 40 EC ED EE * 0x1AED8 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes) * 0x1AED9 to 0x1AEDA = PPU Address (22E8) * 0x1AEDB to 0x1AEE8 = 88 EF F0 F1 F2 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 EE * 0x1AEE9 to 0x----- = FE (End of bytes)
Internal Data for Little Nemo: The Dream Master
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