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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (SNES)/RAM map
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$7E00F5 - $2140 Buffer $7E00F6 - $2141 Buffer $7E00F7 - $2142 Buffer $7E00FA - $2143 Buffer(?)
$7E0540 - Flag for OAM Update $7E0545 - Contains the address of the OAM Buffer - Low Byte $7E0546 - Contains the address of the OAM Buffer - High Byte $7E0547 - Not empty, if Joypad 1 has inputs? $7E0548 - Not empty, if Joypad 2 has inputs? $7E0549 - Joypad 1 Inputs - Low Byte $7E054A - Joypad 1 Inputs - High Byte $7E054B - Joypad 2 Inputs - Low Byte $7E054C - Joypad 2 Inputs - High Byte $7E054D - Joypad 1 held buttons - Low Byte $7E054E - Joypad 1 held buttons - High Byte $7E054F - Joypad 2 held buttons - Low Byte $7E0550 - Joypad 2 held buttons - High Byte $7E0551 - Last frame's Joypad 1 Inputs - Low Byte $7E0552 - Last frame's Joypad 1 Inputs - High Byte $7E0553 - Last frame's Joypad 2 Inputs - Low Byte $7E0554 - Last frame's Joypad 2 Inputs - High Byte $7E056A - $2100 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E056B - $2105 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E056C - $2101 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E056D - $2107 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E056E - $2108 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E056F - $2109 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E0570 - $210A Buffer (what is to input?) $7E0571 - $210D Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E0572 - $210D Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E0573 - $210E Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E0574 - $210E Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E0575 - $210F Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E0576 - $210F Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E0577 - $2110 Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E0578 - $2110 Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E0579 - $2111 Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E057A - $2111 Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E057B - $2112 Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E057C - $2112 Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E057D - $2113 Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E057E - $2113 Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E057F - $2114 Buffer (what is to input?) - Low Byte $7E0580 - $2114 Buffer (what is to input?) - High Byte $7E0581 - $2130 Buffer (what is to input?) $7E0583 - $2132 Buffer (what is to input?) --- R? $7E0584 - $2132 Buffer (what is to input?) --- G? $7E0585 - $2132 Buffer (what is to input?) --- B? $7E0586 - $420C Buffer? $7E0587 - $2100 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E0588 - $2101 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E0589 - $2105 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E058B - $2107 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E058C - $2108 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E058D - $2109 Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E058E - $210A Buffer (what is currently in it?) $7E058F - $210B Buffer (both input and info?) $7E0590 - $210C Buffer (both input and info?) $7E05A6 - $212C Buffer (both input and info?) $7E05A7 - $212D Buffer (both input and info?) $7E05A8 - $212E Buffer $7E05A9 - $212F Buffer $7E05AF - $4200 Buffer? $7E05B0 - $420C Buffer?