Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/ROM map

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ASM	65816 assembly code
CGFX	compressed graphics using the LC_LZ4 format
DATA	any type of data or formatting
GFX	raw uncompressed graphics, such as objects
PAL	palettes or palette sets
PTR	pointers, in whatever structure
TXT	raw text, such as dialogue, names, descriptions, etc.

| OFFSETS         | TYPE | DATA
| 007FAC - 007FAE | DATA | battle debug menu lock
| 007FC0 - 008166 | DATA | embedded cartridge info
| 00F7F1 - 00FBCB | ASM  | LC_LZ4 Decompression functions
| 00FBCC - 00FBEB | PTR  | LC_LZ4 Decompression function pointers
| 01B100 - 01BEFF | GFX  | Chandelier GFX (uncompressed), alphanumeric symbols
| 01BF00 - 01CFFF | GFX  | other GFX
| 01E580 - 01FFFF | GFX  | alphanumeric symbols, menu cursor/symbol GFX
|          01ED00 | GFX  | damage/heal numerals
|          01F280 | GFX  | inventory page numerals
| 020D3D - 020F1E | ASM  | Event/Animation function pointers
| 020F1F - 026D__ | ASM  | Event/Animation functions
| 029F51 - 029F58 | DATA | Battle Music bytes (8 bytes)
| 02A3C3 - 02A402 | ASM  | Battle Script function pointers
| 02A403 - 02A8DD | ASM  | Battle Script functions
| 02D3AF - 02D3D1 | TXT  | Level-Up Bonus character names
| 02D5F8 - 02D6AF | TXT  | Level-Up Bonus text
|          034165 | GFX  | 'New Game' menu alphanumeric symbols
| 03F000 - 03FFFF | GFX  | Battle Numeral/Cursor GFX
| 042748 - 042824 | PTR  | Music pointers (73 songs, 3 bytes each)
| 045526 - 061___ | DATA | Music (SPC) data
| 09E02E - 09E0F6 | TXT  | 'multi5 connection' text
| 0A0000 - 0AF437 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 0B0000 - 0BF8E8 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 0C0000 - 0CF9A1 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 0D0000 - 0DF790 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 0E0000 - 0EFF8D | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 0F0000 - 0FF799 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 100000 - 10FC24 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
| 110000 - 11FC00 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
| 120000 - 12FE96 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
| 130000 - 13FFFF | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
| 140000 - 145FFF | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
| 148000 - 1483FF | DATA | Sprite Map pointers
| 148400 - 14F016 | DATA | Sprite Map data
| 14F017 - 14FFFF | ---- | --------
| 150000 - 15EFEA | DATA | Battlefield Tile Maps
| 15EFEB - 15FFFF | ---- | --------
| 160000 - 16FDE8 | DATA | Tile Maps
| 170000 - 17FC80 | DATA | Tile Maps
| 180000 - 18FC80 | DATA | Tile Maps
| 190000 - 19FEDD | DATA | Tile Maps
| 1A0000 - 1A4D9F | DATA | Tile Maps
| 1A4DA0 - 1A7FFF | ---- | --------
| 1A8000 - 1AFF71 | DATA | Ending Scene Close/Beetle Game CGFX, palettes and tilemaps
|          1A8020 | DATA | Ending Scene Close - animation sequences & molds
|          1A8B7E | CGFX | Ending Scene Close GFX - Mario
|          1AA072 | PAL  | Ending Scene Close palettes (4 palettes total)
|          1AA0F6 | CGFX | Ending Scene Close GFX - Toadstool, Yoshi, Chancellor, Thank You archway
|          1ADFED | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - BGL 1
|          1AE234 | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - BGL 2
|          1AE555 | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - 'Thank You' word art only
|          1AEA38 | PAL  | Ending Scene Close palettes (8 palettes total)
|          1AEB2B | CGFX | Beetle Game objects: beetle, stars, timer, shells, hearts, numbers
|          1AF3C5 | PAL  | Beetle Game object palettes (8 palettes total)
|          1AF431 | CGFX | Beetle Game background clouds
|          1AF7F3 | CGFX | Beetle Game background woods, grass
|          1AFC71 | DATA | Beetle Game tilemap - clouds
|          1AFD45 | DATA | Beetle Game tilemap - woods, grass
|          1AFEF6 | PAL  | Beetle Game background clouds palette (1 palette)
|          1AFF1C | PAL  | Beetle Game background woods, grass palettes (3 palettes total)
| 1B0000 - 1BFC12 | DATA | Physical Field Maps
| 1C0000 - 1C6505 | DATA | Physical Field Maps
| 1D0040 - 1D243F | DATA | Area Layout data (layout PTR, screen placement, etc...)
| 1D2440 - 1D2D63 | DATA | Area Mapping Assignments data (tilesets, physical fields, palettes)
| 1D2D64 - 1D3165 | PTR  | Exit Field pointers
| 1D3166 - 1D4904 | DATA | Exit Field data
| 1D4906 - 1D4D04 | PTR  | ?????? pointers
| 1D4D05 - 1D5EBC | DATA | ?????? data
| 1D5EBD - 1D62BC | PTR  | ?????? pointers
| 1D62BD - 1D62BD | DATA | ?????? data
| 1DB190 - 1DB7FF | ---- | --------
| 1DB800 - 1DC5FF | DATA | Object mapping properties (512 objects, 7 bytes each)
| 1DC600 - 1DDDFF | ---- | --------
| 1DDE00 - 1DDFDF | DATA | Sprite Mapping parameters (120 items, 4 bytes each)
| 1E0000 - 1E0BFF | PTR  | Event Data pointers
| 1E0C00 - 1EFFFF | DATA | Event Data
| 1F0000 - 1F0BFF | PTR  | Event Data pointers
| 1F0C00 - 1FFFFF | DATA | Event Data
| 200000 - 2007FF | PTR  | Event Data pointers
| 200800 - 20DFFF | DATA | Event Data
|                 |      |---------------------------------------------------
|          200800 | DATA | Treasure chest pointers
|          20081D | DATA | Mushroom pointer
|          200827 | DATA | Flower pointer
|          20082C | DATA | Frog Coin pointer
|          200930 | DATA | Magikoopa's 'infinite coin' pointer
|          200935 | DATA | ten-coin pointer
|          20093A | DATA | one-coin pointer
|          200877 | DATA | Treasure Chest Flowers grant 1 FP increment
|          200885 | DATA | Rose Town shop HTC gives #$01 frog coin
|          20091F | DATA | Magikoopa's Treasure Chest coin animation vertical position
|          2009A0 | DATA | MK's TC sprite (#$10 big coin, #$12 small coin)
|          2009A8 | DATA | MK's TC grants #$01 coin each hit
|                 |      |---------------------------------------------------
| 20E000 - 20E3FF | DATA | Area Map parameter pointers (512 pointers)
| 20E400 - 20FDC7 | DATA | Area Map parameter Data: event pointers, other exit fields, music, beds
| 210000 - 2107FF | PTR  | Event Data Pointers
| 210800 - 21BADE | DATA | Event Data
| 21BADF - 21BFFF | ---- | --------
| 220000 - 249100 | DATA | Dialogue
| 249434 - 24A003 | DATA | Dialogue/Menu Text GFX
| 24A000 - 24EDDF | DATA | Palette Sets for areas (93 sets, 212 bytes each)
| 24EDE0 - 24FFFF | ---- | --------
| 250000 - 2508FF | DATA | Object animation data (575 items, 4 bytes each)
| 250C00 - 250E7F | DATA | Object animation data (spells)
| 251000 - 2511C1 | DATA | Spell GFX assignments
| 251800 - 251FFF | DATA | Object GFX/Palette Pointers (512 items, 4 bytes each)
|                 | DATA | 1st short: pointer to GFX
|                 | DATA | 2nd short: pointer to palette
| 252000 - 252BFF | PTR  | Object mold pointers
| 252C00 - 252FFF | DATA | Spell GFX assignment mold/palette pointers
| 253000 - 258FFF | DATA | Object palettes (819 palettes, 30 bytes each)
|          259000 | DATA | Object Animation sequences
| 280000 - 32FFFF | GFX  | Object uncompressed GFX
| 350202 - 350401 | DATA | Monster death animation/misc pointers (256 monsters, 2 bytes each)
|                 |      | PTR    DEATH  FLOAT  SHADOW  HIT REACTION    SPELL CAST
|                 |      |--------------------------------------------------------
|                 |      | 058A   pop    --     --      normal          no movement for Escape
|                 |      | 0596   pop    --     --      slide backward
|                 |      | 05A2   (Bowser clone)
|                 |      | 05AE   (Mario clone)
|                 |      | 05BA   pop    --     --      none
|                 |      | 0898   pop    --     shadow  normal
|                 |      | 0985   pop    float  shadow  normal
|                 |      | 0991   pop    float  --      normal
|                 |      | 0AD3   pop    float  --      slide backward
|                 |      | 0ADF   pop    float  --      slide backward
|                 |      | 0AEB   fade   float  --      normal
|                 |      | 0CF2   fade   --     --      normal
|                 |      | 0CFE   fade   --     --      normal
|                 |      | 0D0A   fade   --     --      normal          Smithy 1 sprite casting anim
|                 |      | 0D16   fade   --     --      normal          no casting anim for Escape
|                 |      | 0E60   fade   --     --      normal          no moving foward for Escape
|                 |      | 0E6C   pop    --     --      normal
|                 |      | 0E78   pop    --     --      none
| 350462 - 351025 | DATA | common animation code
| 351026 - 35107F | PTR  | Spell animation pointers-Monsters (45 spells, 2 bytes each)
| 351080 - 351492 | DATA | Spell animation code/pointer sets-Monsters
| 351493 - 351594 | PTR  | Attack animation pointers (129 pointers)
|          351595 | DATA | Attack animation code/pointer sets
| 359300 - 35C760 | DATA | Spell timing ranges, sounds
| 35C761 - 35C802 | PTR  | Item Animation pointers (81 items)
| 35C803 - 35C967 | DATA | Item Animation code/pointer sets 
| 35C968 - 35C981 | DATA | Item Freebie code/timers
| 35C982 - 35C991 | DATA | display 'Get a freebie!' message
| 35C992 - 35C9C7 | PTR  | Spell animation pointers-Allies (27 spells, 2 bytes each)
| 35C9C8 - 35CAAB | DATA | Spell animation code/pointer sets-Allies
| 360000 - 36FFFF | DATA | Object animation data/molds
| 370024 - 370984 | DATA | Tileset, ????
| 370985 - 371469 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - background clouds
| 37146A - 371496 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (2 total) - background clouds
| 371497 - 371547 | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 3
| 371548 - 373638 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - grassland hills & flower bed
| 373639 - 37376D | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 2
| 37376E - 373896 | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 1
| 373897 - 373A3A | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (16 total) - Toadstool, Pipehouse
| 373A3B - 373BE2 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (16 total) - Toadstool, Pipehouse (darkened) 
| 373BE3 - 374521 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Bowser in helicopter, dialogue bubble
| 374522 - 374589 | DATA | Flower Garden Tilemap, Objects/Sprites
| 37458A - 3745D3 | DATA | Tilemap, ????
| 3745D4 - 374635 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (3 total) - Bowser, helicopter, dialogue bubble
| 374636 - 374654 | DATA | Tileset, ????
| 374655 - 376C9D | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Toadstool picking flowers, Pipehouse
| 376C9E - 378725 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Mario at opened door, jumping
| 378726 - 3787C4 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes - Mario
| 3787C5 - 3799E8 | DATA | Tileset, ????
| 3799E9 - 379FFF | ---- | --------
| 37A000 - 37BFFF | PAL  | Palettes
| 37C000 - 37DFFF | GFX  | Overworld Menu Alphanumeric symbol GFX
| 37E000 - 37E7FF | PTR  | Dialogue pointers (to bank $E2-$E4)
| 380000 - 384678 | CGFX | Ending Credits (LC_LZ8 compression)
| 384800 - 384DC8 | CGFX | Ending Credits, fireworks (mushroom, star, flower)
| 385000 - 3857FF | PAL  | Ending Credits, palettes
| 385800 - 385D96 | DATA | Ending Credits procession march, tilemap
| 386000 - 387214 | DATA | Ending Credits final closing screen, tilemap
| 387400 - 3878EB | CGFX | Ending Credits, BG star in final closing screen
| 387A00 - 387CA7 | CGFX | Ending Credits, 'The End' word art
| 387CA8 - 387FFF | ---- | --------
| 388000 - 38801E | PTR  | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Stage Properties
| 38801F - 389EC4 | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Compressed GFX (used for Mode 7)
| 389EC5 - 389F98 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Tileset (used for Mode 7)
| 389F99 - 38A05D | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Palettes (used for Mode 7)
| 38A05E - 38A07D | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - CGFX Assignments (used for Mode 7)
| 38A07E - 38A539 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1 - Tilemap  (used for Mode 7)
| 38A53A - 38AAD4 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 3 - Tilemap  (used for Mode 7)
| 38AAD5 - 38ACB6 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - background tilemap
| 38ACB7 - 38B035 | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Item GFX (mushroom, coin, sparks)
| 38B036 - 38B077 | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Item Palettes (mushroom, coin, sparks)
| 38B078 - 38B37A | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Physical Field
| 38B37B - 38EBFC | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Compressed GFX
| 38EBFD - 38EE6E | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Tileset
| 38EE6F - 38EF33 | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Palettes
| 38EF34 - 38F534 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - background tilemap
| 390026 - 390224 | PTR  | Monster Stats pointers
| 390226 - 391146 | DATA | Monster Stats (256 monsters, 16 bytes each)
| 391226 - 391429 | DATA | Monster Special Attack stats (128 specials, 4 bytes each)
| 39142A - 391629 | PTR  | Monster EXP, coins, items, Yoshi Cookie pointers
| 39162A - 391C29 | DATA | Monster EXP, coins, items, Yoshi Cookie (256 monsters, 6 bytes each)
| 39222A - 392609 | DATA | Monster Formation Packs (248 packs, 4 bytes each)
| 39260A - 392AA9 | ---- | --------
| 392AAA - 3930A9 | DATA | Monster Formation Stats (512 items, 3 bytes each)
| 3930AA - 3932A9 | PTR  | Monster Battle Script pointers (256 monsters, 2 bytes each)
| 3932AA - 3959F3 | DATA | Monster Battle Script data
| 3959F4 - 396554 | TXT  | Monster special attack names
| 396554 - 396753 | PTR  | Battle Dialogue pointers
| 396755 - 3992D0 | TXT  | Battle Dialogue
|                 |      | 02 01  break line
|                 |      | 02 00  end dialogue
|                 |      | 20  space
| 3992D1 - 399FD0 | TXT  | Monster names
| 399FD1 - 39A1D0 | PTR  | Psychopath Message pointers
| 39A1D1 - 39B643 | TXT  | Psychopath Messages
| 39B644 - 39B843 | DATA | Battlefield Layout data (64 battlefields, 8 bytes each)
| 39B944 - 39BA43 | DATA | Monster targetting cursor coordinates (256 bytes)
|                 |      | lower bits: +Y coordinate from bottom of monster
|                 |      | upper bits: -X coordinate from right of monster
| 39BA44 - 39BB43 | DATA | Battlefield Sets by area map byte (64 sets, 4 bytes each)
| 39BB44 - 39BC44 | DATA | Monster Flower Bonus (256 bytes)
|                 |      | bit 0-3   flower bonus
|                 |      | bit 4-7   odds of getting flower
|                 |      | 1   Attack Up
|                 |      | 2   Defense Up
|                 |      | 3   HP Max
|                 |      | 4   Once Again
|                 |      | 5   Lucky
| 39BC57 - 39BFFF | ---- | --------
| 39C000 - 39F3FF | DATA | Monster Formations (512 formations, 26 bytes each)
| 39F400 - 39FFFF | ---- | --------
|          3A0000 | DATA | Starting Stats pointer
|          3A0002 | DATA |
|          3A0004 | DATA | Item Stats pointer
|          3A0006 | DATA |
|          3A0008 | DATA | Spell Names pointer
|          3A000A | DATA | Item Names pointer
|          3A000C | DATA | Level Up XP pointer
|          3A000E | DATA | Level Up Status Mod pointer
|          3A0010 | DATA | Level Up Bonus pointer
|          3A0012 | DATA | Magic Stats pointer
|          3A0014 | DATA | Battle Messages pointer
|          3A002A | DATA | Shop Stats pointer
| 3A002C - 3A008F | DATA | Characters' starting stats (16 bytes each)
| 3A00DB - 3A00DF | DATA | Starting Coins, FP, and Frog Coins
| 3A014D - 3A134C | DATA | Item stats (256 items, 18 bytes each)
| 3A137F - 3A1514 | TXT  | Spell Names-Allies
| 3A1514 - 3A1AFF | TXT  | Spell Names-Monsters
| 3A1AFF - 3A1B38 | DATA | Experience needed for level up (29 items, 2 bytes each)
| 3A1B39 - 3A1CEB | DATA | Stat modifications by level (29 items, 3 bytes each)
|                 | DATA | 1st byte  HP increase
|                 | DATA | 2nd byte/16  Attack increase
|                 | DATA | 2nd byte, 2nd bit  Defense increase
|                 | DATA | 3rd byte/16  Mg.Attack increase
|                 | DATA | 3rd byte, 2nd bit  Mg.Defense increase
| 3A1CEC - 3A1E9E | DATA | Stat Bonus modifications by level (29 items, 3 bytes each)
| 3A20F1 - 3A2234 | DATA | Magic Stats-Allies (12 bytes each)
| 3A23F1 - 3A26F0 | DATA | Magic Stats-Monsters (12 bytes each)
| 3A26F1 - 3A274C | PTR  | Battle Message pointers
| 3A274D - 3A29FF | TXT  | Battle Message data
| 3A2B80 - 3A2BB5 | PTR  | Magic Spell description pointers
| 3A2BB6 - 3A2F1F | TXT  | Magic Spell description data
| 3A2F20 - 3A311F | PTR  | Equipment/Item description pointers
| 3A3120 - 3A40A1 | TXT  | Equipment/Item description data
| 3A40FC - 3A4253 | DATA | Shop Prices for Items (172 items, 2 bytes each)
| 3A438A - 3A441D | DATA | Weapon Timing variables (41 weapons, 4 bytes each)
| 3A44E0 - 3A46EE | DATA | Shop Data (16 bytes each)
| 3A46EF - 3A55EF | TXT  | Equipment/Item names
| 3A55F0 - 3A5FFF | DATA | --------
| 3A6000 - 3A60CF | PTR  | Battle Event pointers
| 3A60D0 - 3A70__ | DATA | Battle Event data
| 3B0000 - 3BFA55 | DATA | Tilesets
| 3C0000 - 3CFF54 | DATA | Tilesets
| 3D0000 - 3DB5D3 | DATA | Tilesets
| 3DB5D4 - 3DBFFF | DATA | --------
| 3DC000 - 3DD7FF | DATA | Physical Tile properties (1024 tiles, 6 bytes each)
| 3DD800 - 3DEFFF | DATA | --------
| 3DF000 - 3DFFFF | GFX  | fog/sky and other GFX
| 3E0000 - 3EE03A | CGFX | Compressed GFX - world maps, overworld menus
| 3EEF00 - 3EEFEB | PTR  | Menu Text Pointers
| 3EF000 - 3EF5FF | TXT  | Menu Text
| 3EF800 - 3EFBAF | DATA | Map Location data
| 3EFD00 - 3EFD7F | PTR  | Location Names pointers
| 3EFD80 - 3EFF1F | TXT  | Location Names
| 3F0000 - 3F9FFF | PAL  | Palettes
| 3FA000 - 3FAFFF | ASM  | LC_LZ8 Decompression functions (ending credits)
| 3FB5E3 - 3FB642 | TXT  | alphanumeric text
| 3FE800 - 3FFFFF | GFX  | long alphanumeric symbols