Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team/Dungeons Floors Data/Pokémon Found

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Dungeons Floors Data: Pokémon Found
Game Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Start Address 0x04B6064
End Address 0x04C2A9B
# of Entries 839
Entry Length varies
Total Length 51768 bytes (0xCA38)
Back to the ROM map

Each entry lists the Pokémon found in a floor with relative probability.

Entry Structure

Address   Size     Description
--------  ----   ---------------
  0000      0002   Pokémon ID plus 512 for each level starting from 0, written as hexadecimal number in little-endian form. Formula: ID+(Lv*512)
  0002      0002   Probability to spawn, written in little-endian form. This is subtracted by the sum of all of the precedent Pokémon probability values in the same entry.
  0004      0002   Seems irrelevant. It may be a discarted or debug data. In the original ROM data, it always matches to the precedent 2 bytes.
  0006      0002   Seems irrelevant. In the original ROM data, is always matches to two null (0x00) bytes.
Repeats until a line of 8 consecutive null (0x00) bytes is found.



  • every couple of byte is written in reverse order due to the little-endian form.
  • the probability values are set in order to get 10000 as last value, just for convenience. All the original probability values in the ROM are organized so, probability just to make it easier to read as raw code.
Code    Description
----  ---------------
1906  First Pokémon: Lv. 3 Pikachu. Pokémon ID is 25 (0x0019) plus 3*512=1536 (0x0600)
8813  First Pokémon probability value: 50.00%. Value is 5000 (0x1388)
8813  Repeating the previous value
0000  Null space
E318  Second Pokémon: Lv. 13 Wobbuffet. Pokémon ID is 227 (0x00E3) plus 13*512 (0x1800)
401F  Second Pokémon probability value: 30.00%. Value is 3000 (0x0BB8) plus the previous of 5000 (0x1388) = 8000 (0x1F40)
401F  Repeating the previous value
0000  Null space
3B0F  Third Pokémon: Lv. 7 Nincada. Pokémon ID is 315 (0x013B) plus 7*512 (0x0E00)
1027  Third Pokémon probability value: 20.00%. Value is 2000 (0x07D0) plus the previous of 8000 (0x1F40) = 10000 (0x2710)
1027  Repeating the previous value
0000  Null space
0000  Ending line of 8 null (0x00) characters

Pokémon ID list

0000: ??????????
0001: Bulbasaur
0002: Ivysaur
0003: Venusaur
0004: Charmander
0005: Charmeleon
0006: Charizard
0007: Squirtle
0008: Wartortle
0009: Blastoise
000A: Caterpie
000B: Metapod
000C: Butterfree
000D: Weedle
000E: Kakuna
000F: Beedrill
0010: Pidgey
0011: Pidgeotto
0012: Pidgeot
0013: Rattata
0014: Raticate
0015: Spearow
0016: Fearow
0017: Ekans
0018: Arbok
0019: Pikachu
001A: Raichu
001B: Sandshrew
001C: Sandslash
001D: Nidoran (Female)
001E: Nidorina
001F: Nidoqueen
0020: Nidoran (Male)
0021: Nidorino
0022: Nidoking
0023: Clefairy
0024: Clefable
0025: Vulpix
0026: Ninetales
0027: Jigglypuff
0028: Wigglytuff
0029: Zubat
002A: Golbat
002B: Oddish
002C: Gloom
002D: Vileplume
002E: Paras
002F: Parasect
0030: Venonat
0031: Venomoth
0032: Diglett
0033: Dugtrio
0034: Meowth
0035: Persian
0036: Psyduck
0037: Golduck
0038: Mankey
0039: Primeape
003A: Growlithe
003B: Arcanine
003C: Poliwag
003D: Poliwhirl
003E: Poliwrath
003F: Abra
0040: Kadabra
0041: Alakazam
0042: Machop
0043: Machoke
0044: Machamp
0045: Bellsprout
0046: Weepinbell
0047: Victreebel
0048: Tentacool
0049: Tentacruel
004A: Geodude
004B: Graveler
004C: Golem
004D: Ponyta
004E: Rapidash
004F: Slowpoke
0050: Slowbro
0051: Magnemite
0052: Magneton
0053: Farfetch'D
0054: Doduo
0055: Dodrio
0056: Seel
0057: Dewgong
0058: Grimer
0059: Muk
005A: Shellder
005B: Cloyster
005C: Gastly
005D: Haunter
005E: Gengar
005F: Onix
0060: Drowzee
0061: Hypno
0062: Krabby
0063: Kingler
0064: Voltorb
0065: Electrode
0066: Exeggcute
0067: Exeggutor
0068: Cubone
0069: Marowak
006A: Hitmonlee
006B: Hitmonchan
006C: Lickitung
006D: Koffing
006E: Weezing
006F: Rhyhorn
0070: Rhydon
0071: Chansey
0072: Tangela
0073: Kangaskhan
0074: Horsea
0075: Seadra
0076: Goldeen
0077: Seaking
0078: Staryu
0079: Starmie
007A: Mr. Mime
007B: Scyther
007C: Jynx
007D: Electabuzz
007E: Magmar
007F: Pinsir
0080: Tauros
0081: Magikarp
0082: Gyarados
0083: Lapras
0084: Ditto
0085: Eevee
0086: Vaporeon
0087: Jolteon
0088: Flareon
0089: Porygon
008A: Omanyte
008B: Omastar
008C: Kabuto
008D: Kabutops
008E: Aerodactyl
008F: Snorlax
0090: Articuno
0091: Zapdos
0092: Moltres
0093: Dratini
0094: Dragonair
0095: Dragonite
0096: Mewtwo
0097: Mew
0098: Chikorita
0099: Bayleef
009A: Meganium
009B: Cyndaquil
009C: Quilava
009D: Typhlosion
009E: Totodile
009F: Croconaw
00A0: Feraligatr
00A1: Sentret
00A2: Furret
00A3: Hoothoot
00A4: Noctowl
00A5: Ledyba
00A6: Ledian
00A7: Spinarak
00A8: Ariados
00A9: Crobat
00AA: Chinchou
00AB: Lanturn
00AC: Pichu
00AD: Cleffa
00AE: Igglybuff
00AF: Togepi
00B0: Togetic
00B1: Natu
00B2: Xatu
00B3: Mareep
00B4: Flaaffy
00B5: Ampharos
00B6: Bellossom
00B7: Marill
00B8: Azumarill
00B9: Sudowoodo
00BA: Politoed
00BB: Hoppip
00BC: Skiploom
00BD: Jumpluff
00BE: Aipom
00BF: Sunkern
00C0: Sunflora
00C1: Yanma
00C2: Wooper
00C3: Quagsire
00C4: Espeon
00C5: Umbreon
00C6: Murkrow
00C7: Slowking
00C8: Misdreavus
00C9: Unown (A)
00CA: Unown (B)
00CB: Unown (C)
00CC: Unown (D)
00CD: Unown (E)
00CE: Unown (F)
00CF: Unown (G)
00D0: Unown (H)
00D1: Unown (I)
00D2: Unown (J)
00D3: Unown (K)
00D4: Unown (L)
00D5: Unown (M)
00D6: Unown (N)
00D7: Unown (O)
00D8: Unown (P)
00D9: Unown (Q)
00DA: Unown (R)
00DB: Unown (S)
00DC: Unown (T)
00DD: Unown (U)
00DE: Unown (V)
00DF: Unown (W)
00E0: Unown (X)
00E1: Unown (Y)
00E2: Unown (Z)
00E3: Wobbuffet
00E4: Girafarig
00E5: Pineco
00E6: Forretress
00E7: Dunsparce
00E8: Gligar
00E9: Steelix
00EA: Snubbull
00EB: Granbull
00EC: Qwilfish
00ED: Scizor
00EE: Shuckle
00EF: Heracross
00F0: Sneasel
00F1: Teddiursa
00F2: Ursaring
00F3: Slugma
00F4: Magcargo
00F5: Swinub
00F6: Piloswine
00F7: Corsola
00F8: Remoraid
00F9: Octillery
00FA: Delibird
00FB: Mantine
00FC: Skarmory
00FD: Houndour
00FE: Houndoom
00FF: Kingdra
0100: Phanpy
0101: Donphan
0102: Porygon
0103: Stantler
0104: Smeargle
0105: Tyrogue
0106: Hitmontop
0107: Smoochum
0108: Elekid
0109: Magby
010A: Miltank
010B: Blissey
010C: Raikou
010D: Entei
010E: Suicune
010F: Larvitar
0110: Pupitar
0111: Tyranitar
0112: Lugia
0113: Ho-Oh
0114: Celebi
0115: Treecko
0116: Grovyle
0117: Sceptile
0118: Torchic
0119: Combusken
011A: Blaziken
011B: Mudkip
011C: Marshtomp
011D: Swampert
011E: Poochyena
011F: Mightyena
0120: Zigzagoon
0121: Linoone
0122: Wurmple
0123: Silcoon
0124: Beautifly
0125: Cascoon
0126: Dustox
0127: Lotad
0128: Lombre
0129: Ludicolo
012A: Seedot
012B: Nuzleaf
012C: Shiftry
012D: Taillow
012E: Swellow
012F: Wingull
0130: Pelipper
0131: Ralts
0132: Kirlia
0133: Gardevoir
0134: Surskit
0135: Masquerain
0136: Shroomish
0137: Breloom
0138: Slakoth
0139: Vigoroth
013A: Slaking
013B: Nincada
013C: Ninjask
013D: Shedinja
013E: Whismur
013F: Loudred
0140: Exploud
0141: Makuhita
0142: Hariyama
0143: Azulrill
0144: Nosepass
0145: Skitty
0146: Delcatty
0147: Sableye
0148: Mawile
0149: Aron
014A: Lairon
014B: Aggron
014C: Meditite
014D: Medicham
014E: Electrike
014F: Manectric
0150: Plusle
0151: Minun
0152: Volbeat
0153: Illumise
0154: Roselia
0155: Gulpin
0156: Swalot
0157: Carvanha
0158: Sharpedo
0159: Wailmer
015A: Wailord
015B: Numel
015C: Camerupt
015D: Torkoal
015E: Spoink
015F: Grumpig
0160: Spinda
0161: Ground
0162: Vibrava
0163: Flygon
0164: Cacnea
0165: Cacturne
0166: Swablu
0167: Altaria
0168: Zangoose
0169: Seviper
016A: Lunatone
016B: Solrock
016C: Barboach
016D: Whiscash
016E: Corpish
016F: Crawdaunt
0170: Baltoy
0171: Claydol
0172: Lileep
0173: Cradily
0174: Anorith
0175: Armaldo
0176: Feebas
0177: Milotic
0178: Castform (Normal Form)
0179: Castform (Snowy Form)
017A: Castform (Sunny Form)
017B: Castform (Rainy Form)
017C: Kecleon
017D: Shuppet
017E: Banette
017F: Duskull
0180: Dusclops
0181: Tropius
0182: Chimecho
0183: Absol
0184: Wynaut
0185: Snorunt
0186: Glalie
0187: Spheal
0188: Sealeo
0189: Walrein
018A: Clamperl
018B: Huntail
018C: Gorebyss
018D: Relicanth
018E: Luvdisc
018F: Bagon
0190: Shelgon
0191: Salamence
0192: Beldum
0193: Metang
0194: Metagross
0195: Regirock
0196: Regice
0197: Registeel
0198: Latias
0199: Latios
019A: Kyogre
019B: Groudon
019C: Rayquaza
019D: Jirachi
019E: Deoxys (Normal Form)
019F: Unown (!)
01A0: Unown (?)
01A1: Deoxys (Attack Form)
01A2: Deoxys (Defense Form)
01A3: Deoxys (Speed Form)
01A4: Munchlax
01A5: Decoy
01A6: Statue
01A7: Rayquaza (Unused)