Dragon Warrior II (NES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Dragon Warrior II (NES).

RAM Byte Address Byte Size Function Details
0x0400 - 0x04ff 256 (Overworld) Something with status screens This block of RAM seems to be a bitmap showing what overworld tiles are overlaid with status popups like health or a menu... but changing it seems to have no effect. This block of RAM seems to have a different purpose during battles.
0x05fb 1 Movement counter Counts up as you move, unknown purpose
0x0624 - 0x0625 2 Party Gold Little-endian value. Total gold for your party is 255 * 0x0625 byte plus the 0x0624 byte. You can just set the 0x0625 byte to 0xff for a LOT of gold.
0x0633 - 0x0635 3 Character 1: Current XP Little-endian value. Current total experience points for the first character. Careful, changing this will potentially result in a long process of level up messages after your next battle!
0x063b 1 Character 1: Current HP Current hit points for the first character. Appears fine to set this higher than your max HP.