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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team/TBL
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The following article is a Text Table for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team.
Control Characters
0A=13 pixel new line 0D=13 pixel new line 1D= 5 pixel new line
1-Byte Characters
This characeter set is very similar to Windows-1252.
Note that the space character 0x20 is 4-pixel long, 0x60 and 0xA0 are 6-pizel long.
20= 21=! 22=" 23=# 24=$ 25=% 26=& 27=' 28=( 29=) 2A=* 2B=+ 2C=, 2D=- 2E=. 2F=/ 30=0 31=1 32=2 33=3 34=4 35=5 36=6 37=7 38=8 39=9 3A=: 3B=; 3C=< 3D== 3E=> 3F=? 40=@ 41=A 42=B 43=C 44=D 45=E 46=F 47=G 48=H 49=I 4A=J 4B=K 4C=L 4D=M 4E=N 4F=O 50=P 51=Q 52=R 53=S 54=T 55=U 56=V 57=W 58=X 59=Y 5A=Z 5B=[ 5C=\ 5D=] 5E=^ 5F=_ 60= 61=a 62=b 63=c 64=d 65=e 66=f 67=g 68=h 69=i 6A=j 6B=k 6C=l 6D=m 6E=n 6F=o 70=p 71=q 72=r 73=s 74=t 75=u 76=v 77=w 78=x 79=y 7A=z 7B={ 7C=| 7D=} 80=€ 85=⋯ 86=† 88=ˆ 89=‰ 8A=Š 8B=‹ 8C=Œ 8D e 8E=Ž 8F=• 90=• 91=‘ 92=’ 93=“ 94=” 95=• 96=ᵉʳ 97=ʳᵉ 98=˜ 99=™ 9A=š 9B=› 9C=œ 9D=• 9E=ž 9F=Ÿ A0= A1=¡ A2=¢ A3=£ A4=¤ A5=¥ A6=¦ A7=§ A8=¨ A9=© AA=ª AB=« AC=¬ AD=— AE=® AF=¯ B0=° B1=± B2=² B3=³ B4=´ B5=µ B6=¶ B7=„ B8=‚ B9=¹ BA=⁰ BB=» BC=← BD=♂ BE=♀ BF=¿ C0=À C1=Á C2= C3=à C4=Ä C5=Å C6=Æ C7=Ç C8=È C9=É CA=Ê CB=Ë CC=Ì CD=Í CE=Î CF=Ï D0=Ð D1=Ñ D2=Ò D3=Ó D4=Ô D5=Õ D6=Ö D7=× D8=Ø D9=Ù DA=Ú DB=Û DC=Ü DD=Ý DE=Þ DF=ß E0=à E1=á E2=â E3=ã E4=ä E5=å E6=æ E7=ç E8=è E9=é EA=ê EB=ë EC=ì ED=í EE=î EF=ï F0=ð F1=ñ F2=ò F3=ó F4=ô F5=õ F6=ö F7=÷ F8=ø F9=ù FA=ú FB=û FC=ü FD=ý FE=þ FF=ÿ
Internal Data for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team
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