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Final Fantasy VI/ROM map/Assembly C20
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C2/0000 unknow
C2/0000: 4C 0C 00 JMP $000C C2/0003: 4C 1B 11 JMP $111B C2/0006: 4C 77 0E JMP $0E77 C2/0009: 4C 30 47 JMP $4730
C2/000C unknow
C2/000C: 08 PHP C2/000D: E2 30 SEP #$30 C2/000F: A9 7E LDA #$7E C2/0011: 48 PHA C2/0012: AB PLB C2/0013: 20 1E 26 JSR $261E C2/0016: 20 ED 23 JSR $23ED C2/0019: E6 BE INC $BE (increment RNG table index) C2/001B: AD 02 34 LDA $3402 (Get the number of turns due to Quick) C2/001E: D0 03 BNE $0023 (Branch if not zero; either we are in a regular (i.e. non-Quick) turn, or else we are in the process of executing Quick turns. Only if the final Quick turn just passed will we do the next line. Either way, we still need to decrement the number of Quick turns.) C2/0020: CE 02 34 DEC $3402 (Decrement the number of turns due to Quick) C2/0023: A9 01 LDA #$01 C2/0025: 20 11 64 JSR $6411 C2/0028: 20 95 20 JSR $2095 C2/002B: AD 58 3A LDA $3A58 (was anybody's main menu flagged to be redrawn right away?) C2/002E: F0 03 BEQ $0033 (branch if not) C2/0030: 20 CC 00 JSR $00CC (redraw the applicable menus) C2/0033: AD 0A 34 LDA $340A C2/0036: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/0038: F0 03 BEQ $003D C2/003A: 4C 63 21 JMP $2163 C2/003D: A9 04 LDA #$04 C2/003F: 1C 46 3A TRB $3A46 C2/0042: F0 05 BEQ $0049 C2/0044: 20 91 0A JSR $0A91 C2/0047: 80 D0 BRA $0019 C2/0049: AE 07 34 LDX $3407 C2/004C: 10 11 BPL $005F C2/004E: AE 68 3A LDX $3A68 C2/0051: EC 69 3A CPX $3A69 C2/0054: F0 0C BEQ $0062 C2/0056: EE 68 3A INC $3A68 C2/0059: BD 20 39 LDA $3920,X C2/005C: 30 F0 BMI $004E C2/005E: AA TAX C2/005F: 4C 7B 4B JMP $4B7B C2/0062: AD 3A 3A LDA $3A3A C2/0065: 2D 2F 2F AND $2F2F C2/0068: F0 05 BEQ $006F C2/006A: 1C 2F 2F TRB $2F2F C2/006D: 80 AA BRA $0019 C2/006F: A9 20 LDA #$20 C2/0071: 14 B0 TRB $B0 C2/0073: F0 08 BEQ $007D C2/0075: 20 73 5C JSR $5C73 C2/0078: A9 06 LDA #$06 C2/007A: 20 11 64 JSR $6411 C2/007D: A9 04 LDA #$04 C2/007F: 14 B0 TRB $B0 C2/0081: 20 ED 47 JSR $47ED C2/0084: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0086: A2 03 LDX #$03 C2/0088: 9D FC 33 STA $33FC,X C2/008B: CA DEX C2/008C: 10 FA BPL $0088 C2/008E: A9 01 LDA #$01 C2/0090: 14 B1 TRB $B1 C2/0092: AE 64 3A LDX $3A64 (get position of next Wait Queue slot to read) C2/0095: EC 65 3A CPX $3A65 (does it match position of the next available [unused] queue slot? iow, have we read through the end of queue?) C2/0098: F0 0C BEQ $00A6 (if so, branch) C2/009A: EE 64 3A INC $3A64 (increment next Wait Queue position) C2/009D: BD 20 37 LDA $3720,X (see who's in line at current position) C2/00A0: 30 F0 BMI $0092 (if it's null entry, skip it and check next one) C2/00A2: AA TAX C2/00A3: 4C 88 21 JMP $2188 C2/00A6: AE 06 34 LDX $3406 C2/00A9: 10 17 BPL $00C2 C2/00AB: AE 66 3A LDX $3A66 (get position of next Action Queue slot to read) C2/00AE: EC 67 3A CPX $3A67 (does it match position of the next available [unused] queue slot? iow, have we read through the end of queue?) C2/00B1: D0 06 BNE $00B9 (if not, branch) C2/00B3: 9C 95 3A STZ $3A95 C2/00B6: 4C 19 00 JMP $0019 C2/00B9: EE 66 3A INC $3A66 (increment next Action Queue position) C2/00BC: BD 20 38 LDA $3820,X (see who's in line at current position) C2/00BF: 30 EA BMI $00AB (if it's null entry, which can happen from Palidor and who knows what else, skip it and check next one) C2/00C1: AA TAX C2/00C2: 4C F9 00 JMP $00F9 C2/00C5: A9 09 LDA #$09 C2/00C7: 20 11 64 JSR $6411 C2/00CA: 28 PLP C2/00CB: 6B RTL
(Will keep grayed versus white commands up-to-date.) C2/00CC: A2 06 LDX #$06 C2/00CE: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/00D1: 1C 58 3A TRB $3A58 (clear flag to redraw this character's menu [note that switching between characters with X and Y will still redraw]) C2/00D4: F0 09 BEQ $00DF (branch if it hadn't been set) C2/00D6: 86 10 STX $10 C2/00D8: 46 10 LSR $10 C2/00DA: A9 0B LDA #$0B C2/00DC: 20 11 64 JSR $6411 (this must be responsible for the menu redrawing) C2/00DF: CA DEX C2/00E0: CA DEX C2/00E1: 10 EB BPL $00CE (loop for all 4 party members) C2/00E3: 60 RTS
C2/00E4 unknow
C2/00E4: 0C 2C 3F TSB $3F2C (set "Jumping" flag for whomever is held in A) C2/00E7: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/00E9: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/00EC: 09 08 ORA #$08 C2/00EE: 29 DF AND #$DF C2/00F0: 9D A0 3A STA $3AA0,X ($3AA0: turn on bit 3 and turn off bit 5) C2/00F3: 9E B5 3A STZ $3AB5,X C2/00F6: 4C 66 4E JMP $4E66
C2/00F9 unknow
C2/00F9: 38 SEC C2/00FA: 6E 06 34 ROR $3406 (set top bit of $3406) C2/00FD: F4 18 00 PEA $0018 C2/0100: A9 12 LDA #$12 C2/0102: 85 B5 STA $B5 C2/0104: 8D 7C 3A STA $3A7C C2/0107: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/010A: 30 77 BMI $0183 C2/010C: 0A ASL C2/010D: A8 TAY C2/010E: B9 20 34 LDA $3420,Y C2/0111: C9 12 CMP #$12 C2/0113: D0 03 BNE $0118 (Branch if not Mimic) C2/0115: 20 D9 01 JSR $01D9 C2/0118: 38 SEC C2/0119: 20 76 02 JSR $0276 C2/011C: C9 1F CMP #$1F (is the command Counterattack?) C2/011E: D0 1E BNE $013E (branch if not) C2/0120: 20 01 03 JSR $0301 C2/0123: AD 97 3A LDA $3A97 C2/0126: D0 0C BNE $0134 (branch if in the Colosseum) C2/0128: BD 95 33 LDA $3395,X C2/012B: 10 07 BPL $0134 (branch if the monster is Charmed) C2/012D: BD E5 3E LDA $3EE5,X C2/0130: 89 30 BIT #$30 C2/0132: F0 05 BEQ $0139 (Branch if not Berserk or Muddled) C2/0134: 20 34 06 JSR $0634 (Picks random command for monsters) C2/0137: 80 C7 BRA $0100 C2/0139: 20 DC 02 JSR $02DC (Pick command for monster) C2/013C: 80 C2 BRA $0100 C2/013E: C9 16 CMP #$16 (is the command Jump?) C2/0140: D0 0C BNE $014E (branch if not) C2/0142: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0144: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0147: 1C 2C 3F TRB $3F2C (clear the monster's "Jumping" flag) C2/014A: F0 98 BEQ $00E4 (if it hadn't been set, we're currently initiating a jump rather than landing from one, so go set the flag and do some other preparation.) C2/014C: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/014E: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/0151: A8 TAY C2/0152: B9 84 31 LDA $3184,Y C2/0155: DD CC 32 CMP $32CC,X C2/0158: D0 13 BNE $016D C2/015A: A9 80 LDA #$80 C2/015C: 14 B1 TRB $B1 C2/015E: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0160: EC 04 34 CPX $3404 (Is this target under the influence of Quick?) C2/0163: D0 08 BNE $016D (Branch if not) C2/0165: CE 02 34 DEC $3402 (Decrement the number of turns due to Quick) C2/0168: D0 03 BNE $016D (Branch if this was not the last Quick turn) C2/016A: 8D 04 34 STA $3404 (If it was, store an #$FF (empty) in Quick's target byte) C2/016D: EB XBA C2/016E: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0171: 89 50 BIT #$50 C2/0173: F0 05 BEQ $017A (branch if bits 4 and 6 both unset) C2/0175: A9 80 LDA #$80 C2/0177: 4C AB 5B JMP $5BAB (set bit 7 of $3AA1,X) C2/017A: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/017C: 99 84 31 STA $3184,Y C2/017F: EB XBA C2/0180: 9D CC 32 STA $32CC,X C2/0183: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0186: 29 D7 AND #$D7 C2/0188: 09 40 ORA #$40 C2/018A: 9D A0 3A STA $3AA0,X (turn off bits 3 and 5. turn on bit 6.) C2/018D: 4A LSR C2/018E: 90 16 BCC $01A6 C2/0190: BD 04 32 LDA $3204,X C2/0193: 09 04 ORA #$04 C2/0195: 9D 04 32 STA $3204,X C2/0198: BD 05 32 LDA $3205,X C2/019B: 09 80 ORA #$80 C2/019D: 9D 05 32 STA $3205,X C2/01A0: 20 D3 13 JSR $13D3 C2/01A3: 20 1E 02 JSR $021E C2/01A6: A9 A0 LDA #$A0 C2/01A8: 04 B0 TSB $B0 C2/01AA: A9 10 LDA #$10 C2/01AC: 1C 46 3A TRB $3A46 C2/01AF: D0 06 BNE $01B7 C2/01B1: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/01B4: 1A INC C2/01B5: D0 1E BNE $01D5 C2/01B7: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/01BA: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/01BC: D0 08 BNE $01C6 C2/01BE: FE 19 32 INC $3219,X C2/01C1: D0 03 BNE $01C6 C2/01C3: DE 19 32 DEC $3219,X C2/01C6: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/01C8: 9D 2C 32 STA $322C,X C2/01CB: 9E B5 3A STZ $3AB5,X C2/01CE: A9 80 LDA #$80 C2/01D0: 14 B0 TRB $B0 C2/01D2: 4C 67 02 JMP $0267
C2/01D5: 8E 06 34 STX $3406 C2/01D8: 60 RTS
C2/01D9: AD 28 3F LDA $3F28 (16h if last character command was Jump,12h if it's a different command) C2/01DC: C9 16 CMP #$16 C2/01DE: D0 11 BNE $01F1 (branch if not Jump) C2/01E0: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/01E2: AD 28 3F LDA $3F28 C2/01E5: 99 20 34 STA $3420,Y C2/01E8: AD 2A 3F LDA $3F2A C2/01EB: 99 20 35 STA $3520,Y C2/01EE: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/01F0: 60 RTS
C2/01F1 unknow
C2/01F1: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/01F3: AD 20 3F LDA $3F20 C2/01F6: 99 20 34 STA $3420,Y C2/01F9: AD 22 3F LDA $3F22 C2/01FC: 99 20 35 STA $3520,Y C2/01FF: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/0201: AD 24 3F LDA $3F24 C2/0204: C9 12 CMP #$12 C2/0206: F0 D0 BEQ $01D8 C2/0208: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/020A: AD 24 3F LDA $3F24 C2/020D: 8D 7A 3A STA $3A7A C2/0210: AD 26 3F LDA $3F26 C2/0213: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/0215: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/0217: A9 40 LDA #$40 C2/0219: 04 B1 TSB $B1 C2/021B: 4C CB 4E JMP $4ECB
C2/021E save last attack to be used by mimic command
C2/021E: DA PHX C2/021F: 08 PHP C2/0220: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0222: B0 40 BCS $0264 (branch if it's a monster taking this turn) C2/0224: AD 7C 3A LDA $3A7C C2/0227: C9 1E CMP #$1E C2/0229: B0 39 BCS $0264 (branch if not a normal character command. iow, Roulette or a counterattack) C2/022B: 0A ASL C2/022C: AA TAX C2/022D: BF 00 FE CF LDA $CFFE00,X (get command data) C2/0231: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/0233: F0 2F BEQ $0264 (branch if this command can't be Mimicked) C2/0235: A9 12 LDA #$12 C2/0237: 8D 28 3F STA $3F28 (indicate to Mimic that the command is something other than Jump?) C2/023A: AD 7C 3A LDA $3A7C C2/023D: C9 17 CMP #$17 C2/023F: F0 15 BEQ $0256 (branch if command is X-Magic) C2/0241: A9 12 LDA #$12 C2/0243: 8D 24 3F STA $3F24 (Last attack (second attack w/ Gem Box) (for use by Mimic). C2/0246: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0248: AD 7C 3A LDA $3A7C C2/024B: 8D 20 3F STA $3F20 (Last attack (for use by Mimic)) C2/024E: AD 30 3A LDA $3A30 C2/0251: 8D 22 3F STA $3F22 (Last targets (for use by Mimic)) C2/0254: 80 0E BRA $0264 C2/0256: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0258: AD 7C 3A LDA $3A7C C2/025B: 8D 24 3F STA $3F24 (Last attack (second attack w/ Gem Box) (for use by Mimic)) C2/025E: AD 30 3A LDA $3A30 C2/0261: 8D 26 3F STA $3F26 (Last targets (second attack w/ Gem Box) (for use by Mimic)) C2/0264: 28 PLP C2/0265: FA PLX C2/0266: 60 RTS
C2/0267 unknow
C2/0267: A9 0D LDA #$0D C2/0269: 8D 6E 2D STA $2D6E C2/026C: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/026E: 8D 72 2D STA $2D72 C2/0271: A9 04 LDA #$04 C2/0273: 4C 11 64 JMP $6411
C2/0276 unknow
C2/0276: 08 PHP C2/0277: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0279: B9 20 35 LDA $3520,Y C2/027C: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/027E: B9 20 34 LDA $3420,Y C2/0281: 8D 7C 3A STA $3A7C C2/0284: 85 B5 STA $B5 C2/0286: 28 PLP C2/0287: 48 PHA C2/0288: 90 10 BCC $029A C2/028A: C9 1D CMP #$1D C2/028C: B0 0C BCS $029A (Branch if command is MagiTek or a non-character command?) C2/028E: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0291: 1C 4A 3A TRB $3A4A C2/0294: F0 04 BEQ $029A C2/0296: 64 B8 STZ $B8 C2/0298: 64 B9 STZ $B9 C2/029A: B9 20 36 LDA $3620,Y C2/029D: 8D 4C 3A STA $3A4C (save actual MP cost to caster) C2/02A0: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/02A3: 89 20 BIT #$20 (Check for Imp Status) C2/02A5: F0 33 BEQ $02DA (If not imp) C2/02A7: A5 B5 LDA $B5 (get command) C2/02A9: C9 1E CMP #$1E C2/02AB: B0 2D BCS $02DA (branch if not character command) C2/02AD: DA PHX C2/02AE: 0A ASL C2/02AF: AA TAX C2/02B0: BF 00 FE CF LDA $CFFE00,X (get command data) C2/02B4: FA PLX C2/02B5: 89 04 BIT #$04 C2/02B7: D0 21 BNE $02DA (branch if command is supported while Imped) C2/02B9: 9C 4C 3A STZ $3A4C (zero actual MP cost to caster) C2/02BC: DA PHX C2/02BD: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A) C2/02BE: E0 08 CPX #$08 (set Carry if monster attacker) C2/02C0: 2A ROL C2/02C1: AA TAX (move Carry into X) C2/02C2: B5 B8 LDA $B8,X (get targets from $B8 or $B9) C2/02C4: 3D 40 3A AND $3A40,X (characters acting as enemies) C2/02C7: 95 B8 STA $B8,X (remove all targets who weren't members of opposition) C2/02C9: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/02CB: 9C 7C 3A STZ $3A7C C2/02CE: 64 B5 STZ $B5 (zero out command, making it Fight?) C2/02D0: A5 B8 LDA $B8 (get all targets of attack) C2/02D2: 20 2A 52 JSR $522A (pick one at random) C2/02D5: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/02D7: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/02D9: FA PLX C2/02DA: 68 PLA C2/02DB: 60 RTS
C2/02DC unknow
C2/02DC: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/02DE: 9C 98 3A STZ $3A98 C2/02E1: BD 54 32 LDA $3254,X C2/02E4: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/02E6: BD 0C 3D LDA $3D0C,X C2/02E9: 85 F2 STA $F2 C2/02EB: BD 40 32 LDA $3240,X C2/02EE: 85 F4 STA $F4 C2/02F0: 18 CLC C2/02F1: 20 2F 1A JSR $1A2F C2/02F4: A5 F2 LDA $F2 C2/02F6: 9D 0C 3D STA $3D0C,X C2/02F9: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/02FB: A5 F5 LDA $F5 C2/02FD: 9D 40 32 STA $3240,X C2/0300: 60 RTS
C2/0301 unknow
C2/0301: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/0304: 30 15 BMI $031B C2/0306: 5A PHY C2/0307: A8 TAY C2/0308: B9 84 31 LDA $3184,Y C2/030B: DD CC 32 CMP $32CC,X C2/030E: D0 02 BNE $0312 C2/0310: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0312: 9D CC 32 STA $32CC,X C2/0315: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0317: 99 84 31 STA $3184,Y C2/031A: 7A PLY C2/031B: 60 RTS
C2/031C unknow
C2/031C: 64 B8 STZ $B8 C2/031E: 64 B9 STZ $B9 C2/0320: FE 2C 32 INC $322C,X C2/0323: F0 03 BEQ $0328 C2/0325: DE 2C 32 DEC $322C,X (if Time to Wait is FFh, set it 0) C2/0328: 20 41 0A JSR $0A41 C2/032B: BD 4C 3E LDA $3E4C,X C2/032E: 29 FA AND #$FA C2/0330: 9D 4C 3E STA $3E4C,X (Clear Retort and Runic) C2/0333: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0335: 90 0D BCC $0344 (branch if character) C2/0337: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/033A: 10 1B BPL $0357 C2/033C: A9 1F LDA #$1F C2/033E: 8D 7A 3A STA $3A7A C2/0341: 4C CB 4E JMP $4ECB
C2/0344 unknow
C2/0344: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0347: 1C 4A 3A TRB $3A4A C2/034A: BD 55 32 LDA $3255,X C2/034D: 30 03 BMI $0352 C2/034F: 4C DC 02 JMP $02DC
C2/0352 unknow
C2/0352: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/0355: 30 24 BMI $037B C2/0357: 48 PHA C2/0358: 0A ASL C2/0359: A8 TAY C2/035A: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/035C: B9 20 35 LDA $3520,Y C2/035F: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/0361: B9 20 34 LDA $3420,Y C2/0364: 20 E4 03 JSR $03E4 C2/0367: A5 B8 LDA $B8 C2/0369: 99 20 35 STA $3520,Y C2/036C: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/036E: 68 PLA C2/036F: A8 TAY C2/0370: D9 84 31 CMP $3184,Y C2/0373: F0 05 BEQ $037A C2/0375: B9 84 31 LDA $3184,Y C2/0378: 80 DD BRA $0357 C2/037A: 60 RTS
C2/037B unknow
C2/037B: BD F8 3E LDA $3EF8,X C2/037E: 4A LSR C2/037F: B0 56 BCS $03D7 (Branch if Dance status) C2/0381: BD F9 3E LDA $3EF9,X C2/0384: 4A LSR C2/0385: B0 47 BCS $03CE (Branch if Rage status) C2/0387: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/038A: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/038C: D0 38 BNE $03C6 (Branch if M-Tek Status) C2/038E: 20 20 04 JSR $0420 C2/0391: C9 17 CMP #$17 C2/0393: D0 1B BNE $03B0 (Branch if not X-Magic) C2/0395: 48 PHA C2/0396: EB XBA C2/0397: 48 PHA C2/0398: 48 PHA C2/0399: 9B TXY C2/039A: 20 1A 05 JSR $051A (Pick another spell) C2/039D: 83 01 STA $01,S C2/039F: 68 PLA C2/03A0: EB XBA C2/03A1: A9 02 LDA #$02 C2/03A3: 20 E4 03 JSR $03E4 C2/03A6: 20 CB 4E JSR $4ECB C2/03A9: 64 B8 STZ $B8 C2/03AB: 64 B9 STZ $B9 C2/03AD: 68 PLA C2/03AE: EB XBA C2/03AF: 68 PLA C2/03B0: 20 B9 03 JSR $03B9 C2/03B3: 20 E4 03 JSR $03E4 C2/03B6: 4C CB 4E JMP $4ECB
C2/03B9 swap roulette to enemy roulette
C2/03B9: 08 PHP C2/03BA: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/03BC: C9 0C 8C CMP #$8C0C (is the command Lore and the attack Roulette?) C2/03BF: D0 03 BNE $03C4 (branch if not) C2/03C1: A9 1E 8C LDA #$8C1E (set command to Enemy Roulette, keep attack as Roulette) C2/03C4: 28 PLP C2/03C5: 60 RTS
C2/03C6 unknow
C2/03C6: 20 84 05 JSR $0584 C2/03C9: EB XBA C2/03CA: A9 1D LDA #$1D C2/03CC: 80 10 BRA $03DE
C2/03CE: 9B TXY C2/03CF: 20 D1 05 JSR $05D1 (Picks a Rage [when Muddled/Berserked/etc], and picks the Rage move) C2/03D2: EB XBA C2/03D3: A9 10 LDA #$10 C2/03D5: 80 07 BRA $03DE
C2/03D7: 9B TXY C2/03D8: 20 9C 05 JSR $059C C2/03DB: EB XBA C2/03DC: A9 13 LDA #$13 C2/03DE: 20 E4 03 JSR $03E4 C2/03E1: 4C CB 4E JMP $4ECB
C2/03E4 unknow
C2/03E4: 08 PHP C2/03E5: E2 30 SEP #$30 (Set 8-bit A,X, & Y) C2/03E7: 8D 7A 3A STA $3A7A C2/03EA: EB XBA C2/03EB: 8D 7B 3A STA $3A7B C2/03EE: EB XBA C2/03EF: C9 1E CMP #$1E C2/03F1: B0 2B BCS $041E (branch if command is 1Eh or above.. i.e. it's enemy Roulette or a counterattack) C2/03F3: 48 PHA C2/03F4: DA PHX C2/03F5: AA TAX C2/03F6: BF 7B 06 C2 LDA $C2067B,X (get command's "time to wait") C2/03FA: FA PLX C2/03FB: 18 CLC C2/03FC: 7D 2C 32 ADC $322C,X (add it to character's existing "time to wait") C2/03FF: B0 03 BCS $0404 C2/0401: 1A INC C2/0402: D0 02 BNE $0406 C2/0404: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0406: 3A DEC (if sum overflowed or equalled FFh, set it to FEh) C2/0407: 9D 2C 32 STA $322C,X (update time to wait) C2/040A: 68 PLA C2/040B: 20 D3 26 JSR $26D3 C2/040E: A9 04 LDA #$04 C2/0410: 14 BA TRB $BA (Clear "Don't retarget if target invalid") C2/0412: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0414: A5 B8 LDA $B8 C2/0416: D0 06 BNE $041E (branch if there are already targets) C2/0418: 9C 4E 3A STZ $3A4E C2/041B: 20 7E 58 JSR $587E (targeting function) C2/041E: 28 PLP C2/041F: 60 RTS
C2/0420 pick action if berserked, zombied, muddled, charmed or in the colosseum
C2/0420: 8A TXA C2/0421: EB XBA C2/0422: A9 06 LDA #$06 C2/0424: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (X * 6) C2/0427: A8 TAY C2/0428: 64 FE STZ $FE (save Fight as Command 5) C2/042A: 64 FF STZ $FF C2/042C: B9 2E 20 LDA $202E,Y (get Command 1) C2/042F: 85 F6 STA $F6 C2/0431: B9 31 20 LDA $2031,Y (get Command 2) C2/0434: 85 F8 STA $F8 C2/0436: B9 34 20 LDA $2034,Y (get Command 3) C2/0439: 85 FA STA $FA C2/043B: B9 37 20 LDA $2037,Y (get Command 4) C2/043E: 85 FC STA $FC C2/0440: A9 05 LDA #$05 (indicate 5 valid commands to choose from) C2/0442: 85 F5 STA $F5 C2/0444: BD E5 3E LDA $3EE5,X (Status byte 2) C2/0447: 0A ASL C2/0448: 0A ASL C2/0449: 85 F4 STA $F4 (Bit 7 = Muddled, Bit 6 = Berserk, etc) C2/044B: 0A ASL C2/044C: 10 04 BPL $0452 (If no Berserk status) C2/044E: 64 F4 STZ $F4 (Clear $F4, then skip Charm and Colosseum checks if Berserked) C2/0450: 80 0C BRA $045E C2/0452: BD 95 33 LDA $3395,X (Which target Charmed you) C2/0455: 49 80 EOR #$80 (FFh indicates no Charmer, so Bit 7 will now be set if there IS a Charmer) C2/0457: 04 F4 TSB $F4 C2/0459: AD 97 3A LDA $3A97 (Top bit indicates Colosseum battle?) C2/045C: 04 F4 TSB $F4 (Note that Berserk status will override Muddle/Charm/Colosseum for purposes of determining whether we choose from the C2/04D0 or the C2/04D4 command list. In contrast, Zombie will not; Charm/Colosseum/Muddle override it.) C2/045E: 9B TXY (Y now points to the attacker who is taking this turn) C2/045F: DA PHX C2/0460: A2 06 LDX #$06 (start checking 4th command slot) C2/0462: DA PHX (save slot position) C2/0463: B5 F6 LDA $F6,X C2/0465: 48 PHA (save command) C2/0466: 30 1A BMI $0482 (branch if slot empty) C2/0468: 18 CLC (clear Carry) C2/0469: 20 17 52 JSR $5217 (X = A DIV 8, A = 2 ^ (A MOD 8) ) C2/046C: 3F D0 04 C2 AND $C204D0,X (is command allowed when Muddled/Charmed/Colosseum?) C2/0470: F0 10 BEQ $0482 (branch if not) C2/0472: A5 F4 LDA $F4 C2/0474: 30 12 BMI $0488 (Branch if Muddled/Charmed/Colosseum but not Berserked) C2/0476: A3 01 LDA $01,S (get command) C2/0478: 18 CLC C2/0479: 20 17 52 JSR $5217 (X = A DIV 8, A = 2 ^ (A MOD 8) ) C2/047C: 3F D4 04 C2 AND $C204D4,X (is command allowed when Berserked/Zombied?) C2/0480: D0 06 BNE $0488 (branch if so) C2/0482: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0484: 83 01 STA $01,S (replace command on stack with Empty entry) C2/0486: C6 F5 DEC $F5 (decrement number of valid commands) C2/0488: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A) C2/0489: A3 01 LDA $01,S (get current command) (Loop below sees if our current command is one that requires special code to work with Muddle/Charm/Colosseum/Berserk/Zombie. If it is, a special function is called for the command.) C2/048B: A2 08 LDX #$08 C2/048D: DF D8 04 C2 CMP $C204D8,X (does our current command match one from table?) C2/0491: D0 06 BNE $0499 (if not, compare it to a second command in this loop iteration) C2/0493: FC E2 04 JSR ($04E2,X) (if it does, call the special code used by that command) C2/0496: EB XBA (put attack/spell # in top of A) C2/0497: 80 10 BRA $04A9 (exit loop, as we found our command) C2/0499: DF D9 04 C2 CMP $C204D9,X (does our current command match one from table?) C2/049D: D0 06 BNE $04A5 (if not, our current command didn't match either compared one. so move to new pair of commands in table, and repeat loop) C2/049F: FC EC 04 JSR ($04EC,X) (if it did match, call the special code used by that command) C2/04A2: EB XBA (put attack/spell # in top of A) C2/04A3: 80 04 BRA $04A9 (exit loop, as we found our command) C2/04A5: CA DEX C2/04A6: CA DEX C2/04A7: 10 E4 BPL $048D (Loop to compare current command to all 10 commands that utilize special code. If this loop doesn't exit before X becomes negative, that means our current command has no special function, and the Attack # in the top half of A will be zero.) C2/04A9: 68 PLA (get command # from stack) C2/04AA: FA PLX (get command slot from stack) C2/04AB: 95 F6 STA $F6,X (save command # in current command slot) C2/04AD: EB XBA C2/04AE: 95 F7 STA $F7,X (save attack/spell # corresponding to that attack) C2/04B0: CA DEX C2/04B1: CA DEX C2/04B2: 10 AE BPL $0462 (loop for first 4 command slots) (Fight has been put in the 5th command slot. Any valid commands, with their accompanying attack/spell numbers, have been established for slots 1 thru 4. Now we shall randomly pick from those commands. Each slot should have equal probability of being chosen.) C2/04B4: A5 F5 LDA $F5 (# of valid command slots) C2/04B6: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 (RNG: 0 to A - 1 . we're randomly picking a command) C2/04B9: A8 TAY C2/04BA: A2 08 LDX #$08 (start pointing to Command slot 5) C2/04BC: B5 F6 LDA $F6,X C2/04BE: 30 03 BMI $04C3 (if that command slot is Empty, move to next one) C2/04C0: 88 DEY (only decrement when on a valid command slot) C2/04C1: 30 07 BMI $04CA (If Y is negative, we've found our Nth valid command [starting with the last valid command and counting backward], where N is the number returned from the RNG plus 1. This is what we wanted, so branch.) C2/04C3: CA DEX C2/04C4: CA DEX C2/04C5: 10 F5 BPL $04BC (loop for all 5 command slots) C2/04C7: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A) C2/04C8: 80 04 BRA $04CE (clean up stack and exit function. A is zero, indicating Fight, which must be a fallback in case all 5 Command slots somehow came up useless. not sure how that'd happen, as Slot #5 should always hold Fight anyway...) C2/04CA: EB XBA C2/04CB: B5 F7 LDA $F7,X C2/04CD: EB XBA (bottom of A = command # from $F6,X top of A = attack/spell # from $F7,X) C2/04CE: FA PLX C2/04CF: 60 RTS
C2/04D0 data - commands allowed in colosseum, muddled or charmed
C2/04D0: ED (Fight, Magic, Morph, Steal, Capture, SwdTech) C2/04D1: 3E (Tools, Blitz, Runic, Lore, Sketch) C2/04D2: DD (Rage, Mimic, Dance, Row, Jump, X-Magic) C2/04D3: 2D (GP Rain, Health, Shock, MagiTek)
C2/04D4 data - commands allowed when berserked or zombied
C2/04D4: 41 (Fight, Capture) C2/04D5: 00 (none) C2/04D6: 41 (Rage, Jump) C2/04D7: 20 (MagiTek)
C2/04D8 data - commands with special functions when acts automatically
C2/04D8: 02 (Magic) C2/04D9: 17 (X-Magic) C2/04DA: 07 (SwdTech) C2/04DB: 0A (Blitz) C2/04DC: 10 (Rage) C2/04DD: 13 (Dance) C2/04DE: 0C (Lore) C2/04DF: 03 (Morph) C2/04E0: 1D (MagiTek) C2/04E1: 09 (Tools)
C2/04E2 unknow - code pointers
C2/04E2: 1A 05 (Magic) C2/04E4: 60 05 (SwdTech) C2/04E6: D1 05 (Rage) C2/04E8: F6 04 (Lore) C2/04EA: 84 05 (MagiTek) C2/04EC: 1A 05 (X-Magic) C2/04EE: 75 05 (Blitz) C2/04F0: 9C 05 (Dance) C2/04F2: 57 05 (Morph) C2/04F4: 8D 05 (Tools)
C2/04F6 lore command - auto setup
C2/04F6: B9 E5 3E LDA $3EE5,Y (Status Byte 2) C2/04F9: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/04FB: D0 52 BNE $054F (If Mute) C2/04FD: AD 87 3A LDA $3A87 (Number of Lores possessed?) C2/0500: F0 4D BEQ $054F (if there's zero, don't use Lore command) C2/0502: 48 PHA C2/0503: C2 21 REP #$21 C2/0505: B9 2C 30 LDA $302C,Y (starting address of Magic menu?) C2/0508: 69 D8 00 ADC #$00D8 (add 54 spells * 4 to get to next menu(?), which is Lore?) C2/050B: 85 EE STA $EE C2/050D: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/050F: 68 PLA C2/0510: EB XBA (put # of Lores possessed in top of A) C2/0511: A9 60 LDA #$60 (there are 24 Lores, and each menu slot must occupy 4 bytes, so set loop limit to 96) C2/0513: 20 34 05 JSR $0534 (randomly pick a valid Lore menu slot) C2/0516: 18 CLC C2/0517: 69 8B ADC #$8B (first Lore is #139, Condemned) C2/0519: 60 RTS
C2/051A magic and x-magic command - auto setup
C2/051A: B9 E5 3E LDA $3EE5,Y (Status Byte 2) C2/051D: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/051F: D0 2E BNE $054F (If Mute) C2/0521: B9 F8 3C LDA $3CF8,Y (Number of spells possessed by this character?) C2/0524: F0 29 BEQ $054F (if there's zero, don't use Magic/X-Magic command) C2/0526: 48 PHA C2/0527: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0529: B9 2C 30 LDA $302C,Y (starting address of Magic menu?) C2/052C: 85 EE STA $EE C2/052E: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0530: 68 PLA C2/0531: EB XBA (put # of spells possessed in top of A) C2/0532: A9 D8 LDA #$D8 (there are 54 spells, and each menu slot must occupy 4 bytes, so set loop limit to 216) C2/0534: DA PHX C2/0535: 5A PHY C2/0536: A8 TAY C2/0537: EB XBA (retrieve number of spells/Lores possessed) C2/0538: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 (RNG: 0 to A - 1 . we're randomly picking a spell/lore) C2/053B: AA TAX C2/053C: B1 EE LDA ($EE),Y (what's in this Magic/Lore menu slot?) C2/053E: C9 FF CMP #$FF (is it null?) C2/0540: F0 03 BEQ $0545 (if so, skip to next slot) C2/0542: CA DEX C2/0543: 30 07 BMI $054C (If X becomes negative, that means we've found the Nth valid slot [starting with the last valid slot and counting backward], where N is the X returned from our RNG plus 1. This is what we wanted, so branch.) C2/0545: 88 DEY C2/0546: 88 DEY C2/0547: 88 DEY C2/0548: 88 DEY C2/0549: D0 F1 BNE $053C (loop and check next slot) C2/054B: 7B TDC (if we didn't get any matches, just use Fire [or Condemned for Lore, since 139 gets added]) C2/054C: 7A PLY C2/054D: FA PLX C2/054E: 60 RTS
C2/054F randomly chosen command failed
C2/054F: C6 F5 DEC $F5 (decrement # of valid command slots) C2/0551: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0553: 83 03 STA $03,S (store Empty in current command slot, indicating that it cannot be chosen) C2/0555: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A. note that only the bottom 8-bits, which indicate the attack/spell #, matter.. the command # is loaded by the stack retrieval at C2/04A9, and will obviously be FFh in this case.) C2/0556: 60 RTS
C2/0557 morph command - check availability
C2/0557: A9 0F LDA #$0F C2/0559: CD F6 1C CMP $1CF6 (Morph supply) C2/055C: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A) C2/055D: B0 F0 BCS $054F (if Morph supply isn't at least 16, don't allow Morph command) C2/055F: 60 RTS
C2/0560 sword tech command - auto setup
C2/0560: B9 A4 3B LDA $3BA4,Y (Special properties for right-hand weapon slot) C2/0563: 19 A5 3B ORA $3BA5,Y ( for left-hand) C2/0566: 89 02 BIT #$02 (is Swdtech allowed by either hand?) C2/0568: F0 E5 BEQ $054F (if not, don't use Swdtech as command) C2/056A: AD 20 20 LDA $2020 (index of highest known Swdtech?) C2/056D: 1A INC (# of known Swdtechs) C2/056E: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 (Pick a known Swdtech) C2/0571: 18 CLC C2/0572: 69 55 ADC #$55 (first Swdtech is #85, Dispatch) C2/0574: 60 RTS
C2/0575 blitz command - auto setup
C2/0575: 7B TDC C2/0576: AD 28 1D LDA $1D28 (Known Blitzes) C2/0579: 20 2A 52 JSR $522A (Pick a random bit that is set) C2/057C: 20 F0 51 JSR $51F0 (Get which bit is picked) C2/057F: 8A TXA C2/0580: 18 CLC C2/0581: 69 5D ADC #$5D (first Blitz is #93, Pummel) C2/0583: 60 RTS
C2/0584 magitek command - auto setup
C2/0584: A9 03 LDA #$03 C2/0586: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 (0 to 2 -- only pick between first 3 MagiTek moves, since anybody besides Terra can only use Fire Beam + Bolt Beam + Ice Beam + Heal Force, but there's Bio Blast in between those last two. just picking from the first three simplifies code, although decent planning would have had Heal Force before Bio Blast.. or add a few instructions here and include Bio Blast anyway.) C2/0589: 18 CLC C2/058A: 69 83 ADC #$83 (first MagiTek move is #131, Fire Beam) C2/058C: 60 RTS
C2/058d tools command - auto setup
C2/058D: 7B TDC C2/058E: AD 9B 3A LDA $3A9B (Which tools are owned) C2/0591: 20 2A 52 JSR $522A (Pick a random tool that is owned) C2/0594: 20 F0 51 JSR $51F0 (Get which bit is set, thus returning a 0-7 Tool index) C2/0597: 8A TXA C2/0598: 18 CLC C2/0599: 69 A3 ADC #$A3 (item number of first tool, NoiseBlaster, is 163) C2/059B: 60 RTS
C2/059C dance command - auto setup
C2/059C: DA PHX C2/059D: B9 E1 32 LDA $32E1,Y (get the dance number?) C2/05A0: C9 FF CMP #$FF (is it null?) C2/05A2: D0 0E BNE $05B2 (if it's valid, a Dance has already been chosen, so just proceed to choose a step) C2/05A4: 7B TDC (clear 16-bit A) C2/05A5: AD 4C 1D LDA $1D4C (bitfield of known Dances?) C2/05A8: 20 2A 52 JSR $522A (Pick a random bit that is set) C2/05AB: 20 F0 51 JSR $51F0 (Get which bit is picked) C2/05AE: 8A TXA C2/05AF: 99 E1 32 STA $32E1,Y (save our Dance #) C2/05B2: 0A ASL C2/05B3: 0A ASL (* 4) C2/05B4: 85 EE STA $EE (Each Dance has 4 steps, and occupies 4 bytes in the Dance Step --> Attack Number table at $CFFE80) C2/05B6: 20 5A 4B JSR $4B5A (RNG: 0 to 255) C2/05B9: A2 02 LDX #$02 C2/05BB: DF CE 05 C2 CMP $C205CE,X (see data below for chances of each step) C2/05BF: B0 02 BCS $05C3 C2/05C1: E6 EE INC $EE (move to next step for this Dance) C2/05C3: CA DEX C2/05C4: 10 F5 BPL $05BB (loop until we reach step determined by random #) C2/05C6: A6 EE LDX $EE (= (Dance * 4) + step) C2/05C8: BF 80 FE CF LDA $CFFE80,X (get attack # for the Dance step used) C2/05CC: FA PLX C2/05CD: 60 RTS
C2/05CE data - chances for each dance step
(Data - for chances of each dance step) (Probabilities: Dance Step 0 = 7/16, Step 1 = 6/16, Step 2 = 2/16, Step 3 = 1/16) C2/05CE: 10 30 90
C2/05D1 rage command - auto setup
C2/05D1: DA PHX C2/05D2: 08 PHP C2/05D3: 7B TDC C2/05D4: 99 A9 33 STA $33A9,Y C2/05D7: B9 A8 33 LDA $33A8,Y (which monster it is) C2/05DA: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/05DC: D0 22 BNE $0600 (branch if a non-null monster was passed) C2/05DE: 1A INC C2/05DF: 99 A8 33 STA $33A8,Y (store enemy #0, Guard) C2/05E2: AD 9A 3A LDA $3A9A (# of rages possessed) C2/05E5: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 C2/05E8: 1A INC (random #: 1 to $3A9A) C2/05E9: 85 EE STA $EE C2/05EB: A2 00 LDX #$00 C2/05ED: BD 7E 25 LDA $257E,X (copy of Rages menu? menu is filled in C2/580C routine, and #$257E constant is copied to $002181) C2/05F0: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/05F2: F0 0C BEQ $0600 (branch if that menu slot was null, which means enemy #0 should be defaulted to) C2/05F4: C6 EE DEC $EE (decrement our random index) C2/05F6: F0 05 BEQ $05FD (if it's zero, branch, and use the menu item last read) C2/05F8: E8 INX C2/05F9: D0 F2 BNE $05ED (loop again to check next menu entry) C2/05FB: 80 03 BRA $0600 (if we've looped a full 256 times and somehow there's been no match with the random index, branch and just use enemy #0) (i'm not sure what the purpose of the above loop is.. it selects Enemy #0 if any menu slots up to and including the randomly chosen one hold FFh. maybe it's a check to see if the list got "broken," as a normally generated one should never have any nulls in the middle.) C2/05FD: 99 A8 33 STA $33A8,Y (store enemy number) C2/0600: 20 53 4B JSR $4B53 (0 or 1) C2/0603: C2 30 REP #$30 C2/0605: 2A ROL C2/0606: AA TAX C2/0607: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0609: BF 00 46 CF LDA $CF4600,X (Rage) C2/060D: 28 PLP C2/060E: FA PLX C2/060F: 60 RTS
C2/0610 load monster properties for rage
C2/0610: 08 PHP C2/0611: B9 A8 33 LDA $33A8,Y (Which monster it is) C2/0614: AA TAX C2/0615: EB XBA C2/0616: BF C0 37 CF LDA $CF37C0,X (get enemy Special move graphic) C2/061A: 99 81 3C STA $3C81,Y C2/061D: A9 20 LDA #$20 C2/061F: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (get monster # * 32 to access the monster data block) C2/0622: C2 10 REP #$10 C2/0624: AA TAX C2/0625: BF 1A 00 CF LDA $CF001A,X (monster's regular weapon graphic) C2/0629: 99 A8 3C STA $3CA8,Y C2/062C: 99 A9 3C STA $3CA9,Y C2/062F: 20 C1 2D JSR $2DC1 (load monster's special attack, elemental properties, statuses, status immunities, special properties like Human/Undead/Dies at MP=0 , etc) C2/0632: 28 PLP C2/0633: 60 RTS
C2/0634 monster commands - auto setup
Picks command for Muddled/Charmed/Berserk/Colosseum monsters C2/0634: DA PHX C2/0635: C2 30 REP #$30 (Set 16-bit A,X & Y) C2/0637: BD F9 1F LDA $1FF9,X (Which monster it is) C2/063A: 0A ASL C2/063B: 0A ASL C2/063C: AA TAX (multiply monster # by 4 to index its Control/Muddled/Charm/Colosseum attack table) C2/063D: BF 00 3D CF LDA $CF3D00,X (Muddled commands) C2/0641: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0643: BF 02 3D CF LDA $CF3D02,X (Muddled commands) C2/0647: 85 F2 STA $F2 C2/0649: E2 30 SEP #$30 (Set 8-bit A,X, & Y) C2/064B: 64 EE STZ $EE C2/064D: 20 5A 4B JSR $4B5A (random: 0 to 255) C2/0650: 29 03 AND #$03 (0 to 3 - point to a random attack slot) C2/0652: AA TAX C2/0653: B5 F0 LDA $F0,X C2/0655: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/0657: D0 0B BNE $0664 (branch if valid attack in slot) C2/0659: CA DEX C2/065A: 10 F7 BPL $0653 (loop through remainder of attack slots) C2/065C: E6 EE INC $EE (if we couldn't find any valid attacks, increment counter) C2/065E: F0 04 BEQ $0664 (give up if we've incremented it 256 times? i can't see why more than 1 time would be necessary.. if we give up, it appears FFh is retained as the attack #, which should make the monster do nothing..) (it would've been far faster to change C2/064B to "LDA #$FF / STA $EE" and this BEQ to a BNE.) C2/0660: A2 03 LDX #$03 (if randomly chosen attack slot and all the ones below it were Empty, go do the loop again, this time starting with the highest numbered slot. this way, we'll check EVERY slot before throwing in the towel) C2/0662: 80 EF BRA $0653 C2/0664: FA PLX C2/0665: 48 PHA C2/0666: BD E5 3E LDA $3EE5,X C2/0669: 89 10 BIT #$10 C2/066B: F0 04 BEQ $0671 (Branch if not Berserk) C2/066D: A9 EE LDA #$EE C2/066F: 83 01 STA $01,S (Set attack to Battle) C2/0671: 68 PLA C2/0672: 20 BF 1D JSR $1DBF (choose a command based on attack #) C2/0675: 20 E4 03 JSR $03E4 C2/0678: 4C CB 4E JMP $4ECB
C2/067B data - time to wait for commands
(Data - Time to wait after entering a command until character actually performs it (iow, how long they spend in their ready stance). This value * 256 is compared to their $3AB4 counter. I'm really not sure how this applies to enemies.) C2/067B: 10 (Fight) C2/067C: 10 (Item) C2/067D: 20 (Magic) C2/067E: 00 (Morph) C2/067F: 00 (Revert) C2/0680: 10 (Steal) C2/0681: 10 (Capture) C2/0682: 10 (SwdTech) C2/0683: 10 (Throw) C2/0684: 10 (Tools) C2/0685: 10 (Blitz) C2/0686: 10 (Runic) C2/0687: 20 (Lore) C2/0688: 10 (Sketch) C2/0689: 10 (Control) C2/068A: 10 (Slot) C2/068B: 10 (Rage) C2/068C: 10 (Leap) C2/068D: 10 (Mimic) C2/068E: 10 (Dance) C2/068F: 10 (Row) C2/0690: 10 (Def.) C2/0691: E0 (Jump) C2/0692: 20 (X-Magic) C2/0693: 10 (GP Rain) C2/0694: 10 (Summon) C2/0695: 20 (Health) C2/0696: 20 (Shock) C2/0697: 10 (Possess) C2/0698: 10 (MagiTek) C2/0699: 00 C2/069A: 00
C2/069B unknow
C2/069B: A2 12 LDX #$12 C2/069D: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/06A0: 4A LSR C2/06A1: 90 5D BCC $0700 C2/06A3: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/06A5: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/06A8: 2C 4E 2F BIT $2F4E C2/06AB: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/06AD: D0 51 BNE $0700 C2/06AF: 20 AD 07 JSR $07AD C2/06B2: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/06B5: 89 82 BIT #$82 (Check for Dead or Zombie Status) C2/06B7: F0 06 BEQ $06BF (branch if none set) C2/06B9: 9E F4 3B STZ $3BF4,X (Set HP to 0) C2/06BC: 9E F5 3B STZ $3BF5,X C2/06BF: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/06C2: 89 C2 BIT #$C2 (Check for Dead, Zombie, or Petrify status) C2/06C4: F0 09 BEQ $06CF (branch if none set) C2/06C6: BD 19 30 LDA $3019,X C2/06C9: 0C 3A 3A TSB $3A3A C2/06CC: 20 C8 07 JSR $07C8 C2/06CF: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/06D2: 10 2C BPL $0700 (Branch if alive) C2/06D4: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/06D6: B0 0C BCS $06E4 (branch if monster) C2/06D8: BD D8 3E LDA $3ED8,X (Which character) C2/06DB: C9 0E CMP #$0E C2/06DD: D0 05 BNE $06E4 (Branch if not Banon) C2/06DF: A9 06 LDA #$06 C2/06E1: 8D 6E 3A STA $3A6E (Banon fell... "End of combat" method #6) C2/06E4: 20 10 07 JSR $0710 C2/06E7: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/06EA: 89 02 BIT #$02 (Check for Zombie Status) C2/06EC: F0 03 BEQ $06F1 C2/06EE: 20 28 07 JSR $0728 C2/06F1: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/06F4: 10 0A BPL $0700 (Branch if alive) C2/06F6: BD F9 3E LDA $3EF9,X C2/06F9: 89 04 BIT #$04 C2/06FB: F0 03 BEQ $0700 (branch if no Life 3 status) C2/06FD: 20 99 07 JSR $0799 (prepare Life 3 revival) C2/0700: CA DEX C2/0701: CA DEX C2/0702: 10 99 BPL $069D C2/0704: A2 12 LDX #$12 C2/0706: 20 39 07 JSR $0739 (clean up Control) C2/0709: CA DEX C2/070A: CA DEX C2/070B: 10 F9 BPL $0706 (loop for every entity onscreen) C2/070D: 4C 26 5D JMP $5D26
C2/0710 unknow
C2/0710: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0712: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0715: 2C 2C 3F BIT $3F2C (are they in the middle of a Jump?) C2/0718: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/071A: F0 0B BEQ $0727 (Exit function if not) C2/071C: 20 28 07 JSR $0728 (clear Wound for now, so they don't actually croak in mid-air) C2/071F: BD 05 32 LDA $3205,X C2/0722: 29 FB AND #$FB C2/0724: 9D 05 32 STA $3205,X (Set Air Anchor effect) C2/0727: 60 RTS
C2/0728 unknow
C2/0728: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/072B: 29 7F AND #$7F (Clear death status) C2/072D: 9D E4 3E STA $3EE4,X C2/0730: BD 04 32 LDA $3204,X C2/0733: 29 BF AND #$BF (clear bit 6) C2/0735: 9D 04 32 STA $3204,X C2/0738: 60 RTS
C2/0739 check and remove control effects
(Remove Control's influence from this entity and its Controller/Controllee if Control was flagged to be deactivated due to: - C2/07AD found certain statuses on entity [doesn't matter whether it's the Controller or it's the Controllee]) - this entity is a Controllee and C2/0C2D detected them sustaining physical damage [healing or 0 damage will count, but a non-damaging attack -- i.e. one with no damage numerals -- will not] ) C2/0739: BD B9 32 LDA $32B9,X (who's Controlling this entity?) C2/073C: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/073E: F0 08 BEQ $0748 (branch if nobody controls them) C2/0740: 10 06 BPL $0748 (branch if somebody controls them, and Control wasn't flagged to be deactivated) C2/0742: 29 7F AND #$7F C2/0744: A8 TAY (put Controller in Y [Controllee is in X]) C2/0745: 20 5B 07 JSR $075B (clear Control info for the Controller and Controllee [this entity]) C2/0748: BD B8 32 LDA $32B8,X (now see who this entity Controls) C2/074B: C9 FF CMP #$FF C2/074D: F0 0B BEQ $075A (branch if they control nobody) C2/074F: 10 09 BPL $075A (branch if they control somebody, and Control wasn't flagged to be deactivated) C2/0751: 29 7F AND #$7F C2/0753: DA PHX C2/0754: 9B TXY (put Controller in Y) C2/0755: AA TAX (put Controllee in X) C2/0756: 20 5B 07 JSR $075B (clear Control info for the Controller [this entity] and Controllee) C2/0759: FA PLX C2/075A: 60 RTS
C2/075B clear control data
(Clear Control-related data for a Controller, addressed by Y, and a Controllee, addressed by X) C2/075B: B9 4D 3E LDA $3E4D,Y C2/075E: 29 FE AND #$FE C2/0760: 99 4D 3E STA $3E4D,Y C2/0763: B9 F9 3E LDA $3EF9,Y C2/0766: 29 EF AND #$EF C2/0768: 99 F9 3E STA $3EF9,Y (clear "Chant" status from Controller) C2/076B: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/076D: 9D B9 32 STA $32B9,X (set to nobody controlling Controllee) C2/0770: 99 B8 32 STA $32B8,Y (set to Controller controlling nobody) C2/0773: BD 19 30 LDA $3019,X C2/0776: 1C 54 2F TRB $2F54 C2/0779: DA PHX C2/077A: 20 83 07 JSR $0783 C2/077D: BB TYX C2/077E: 20 83 07 JSR $0783 C2/0781: FA PLX C2/0782: 60 RTS
C2/0783 unknow
C2/0783: A9 40 LDA #$40 C2/0785: 20 AB 5B JSR $5BAB (set bit 6 of $3AA1,X) C2/0788: BD 04 32 LDA $3204,X C2/078B: 09 40 ORA #$40 C2/078D: 9D 04 32 STA $3204,X (set bit 6) C2/0790: A9 7F LDA #$7F C2/0792: 3D A0 3A AND $3AA0,X C2/0795: 9D A0 3A STA $3AA0,X C2/0798: 60 RTS
C2/0799 prepare life 3 revival
C2/0799: 29 FB AND #$FB C2/079B: 9D F9 3E STA $3EF9,X (clear Life 3 status) C2/079E: BD 19 30 LDA $3019,X C2/07A1: 1C 2F 2F TRB $2F2F C2/07A4: A9 30 LDA #$30 C2/07A6: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/07A8: A9 26 LDA #$26 (command #$26) C2/07AA: 4C 91 4E JMP $4E91 (queue it?)
C2/07AD unknow
C2/07AD: F4 C2 B0 PEA $B0C2 (Sleep, Muddled, Berserk, Death, Petrify, Zombie) C2/07B0: F4 11 03 PEA $0311 (Rage, Freeze, Dance, Stop) C2/07B3: 9B TXY C2/07B4: 20 64 58 JSR $5864 C2/07B7: B0 0E BCS $07C7 (Exit function if none of those statuses set) C2/07B9: 1E B8 32 ASL $32B8,X C2/07BC: 38 SEC C2/07BD: 7E B8 32 ROR $32B8,X (flag "Who you control" link to be deactivated) C2/07C0: 1E B9 32 ASL $32B9,X C2/07C3: 38 SEC C2/07C4: 7E B9 32 ROR $32B9,X (flag "Who controls you" link to be deactivated) C2/07C7: 60 RTS
C2/07C8 unknow
C2/07C8: EC F9 33 CPX $33F9 C2/07CB: D0 28 BNE $07F5 (branch if you're not being Zingered) C2/07CD: DA PHX C2/07CE: AE F8 33 LDX $33F8 (who's doing the Zingering) C2/07D1: BD 19 30 LDA $3019,X C2/07D4: 85 B9 STA $B9 C2/07D6: A9 04 LDA #$04 C2/07D8: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/07DA: A2 00 LDX #$00 C2/07DC: A9 24 LDA #$24 C2/07DE: 20 91 4E JSR $4E91 C2/07E1: A9 02 LDA #$02 C2/07E3: 85 B8 STA $B8 C2/07E5: A2 08 LDX #$08 C2/07E7: A9 24 LDA #$24 C2/07E9: 20 91 4E JSR $4E91 C2/07EC: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/07EE: 8D F8 33 STA $33F8 (nobody's Zingering) C2/07F1: 8D F9 33 STA $33F9 (nobody's being Zingered) C2/07F4: FA PLX C2/07F5: BD 6C 33 LDA $336C,X C2/07F8: 30 04 BMI $07FE (branch if you have no Love Token slave) C2/07FA: A8 TAY C2/07FB: 20 2D 08 JSR $082D (Clear Love Token links between you and slave) C2/07FE: BD 6D 33 LDA $336D,X C2/0801: 30 07 BMI $080A (branch if you're nobody's Love Token slave) C2/0803: DA PHX C2/0804: 9B TXY C2/0805: AA TAX C2/0806: 20 2D 08 JSR $082D (Clear Love Token links between you and master) C2/0809: FA PLX C2/080A: BD 94 33 LDA $3394,X C2/080D: 30 04 BMI $0813 (branch if you're not Charming anybody) C2/080F: A8 TAY C2/0810: 20 36 08 JSR $0836 (Clear Charm links between you and your Charmee) C2/0813: BD 95 33 LDA $3395,X C2/0816: 30 07 BMI $081F (branch if you're not Charmed by anybody) C2/0818: DA PHX C2/0819: 9B TXY C2/081A: AA TAX C2/081B: 20 36 08 JSR $0836 (Clear Charm links between you and Charmer) C2/081E: FA PLX C2/081F: EC 04 34 CPX $3404 (Compare to Quick's target byte) C2/0822: D0 08 BNE $082C (Exit If this actor does not get extra turn due to Quick) C2/0824: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0826: 8D 04 34 STA $3404 (Store #$FF (empty) to Quick's target byte) C2/0829: 8D 02 34 STA $3402 (Store #$FF (for none) to the number of turns due to Quick) C2/082C: 60 RTS
C2/082D clear love token effect
C2/082D: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/082F: 9D 6C 33 STA $336C,X C2/0832: 99 6D 33 STA $336D,Y C2/0835: 60 RTS
C2/0836 clear charm effect
C2/0836: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0838: 9D 94 33 STA $3394,X C2/083B: 99 95 33 STA $3395,Y C2/083E: 60 RTS
C2/083F update battle variables
(Update a variety of things when the battle starts, when the enemy formation is switched, and at the end of each turn [after the turn's animation plays out]) C2/083F: A2 12 LDX #$12 C2/0841: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0844: 4A LSR C2/0845: 90 77 BCC $08BE C2/0847: 1E E0 32 ASL $32E0,X C2/084A: 5E E0 32 LSR $32E0,X (clear Bit 7 of $32E0. this prevents C2/4C5B from triggering a counterattack for a once-attacked entity turn after turn, while still preserving the attacker in Bits 0-6.) C2/084D: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/0850: 30 07 BMI $0859 (Branch if dead) C2/0852: BD A1 3A LDA $3AA1,X C2/0855: 89 40 BIT #$40 C2/0857: F0 03 BEQ $085C (If bit 5 of $3AA1 is not set) C2/0859: 20 77 09 JSR $0977 C2/085C: BD 04 32 LDA $3204,X C2/085F: F0 4A BEQ $08AB C2/0861: 4A LSR C2/0862: 90 03 BCC $0867 C2/0864: 20 4A 0B JSR $0B4A (If bit 0 of $3204,X is set) C2/0867: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/086A: 90 03 BCC $086F (Branch if bit 7 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity when their Imp status is toggled, the attack/spell costs them MP to cast, or the attack itself affects their MP because they're a target [or the caster, if it's a draining attack]) C2/086C: 20 63 57 JSR $5763 (Update availability of entries on Esper, Magic, and Lore menus) C2/086F: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/0872: 90 08 BCC $087C C2/0874: 20 0F 0A JSR $0A0F (If bit 6 of $3204,X is set) C2/0877: A9 80 LDA #$80 C2/0879: 20 AB 5B JSR $5BAB (set bit 7 of $3AA1,X) C2/087C: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/087F: 90 03 BCC $0884 (Branch if bit 5 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity upon Condemned status being set.) C2/0881: 20 B4 09 JSR $09B4 (Assign a starting value to Condemned counter) C2/0884: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/0887: 90 03 BCC $088C (Branch if bit 4 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity when Condemned expires or is otherwise cleared.) C2/0889: 20 CE 09 JSR $09CE (Zero the Condemned counter) C2/088C: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/088F: 90 07 BCC $0898 (Branch if bit 3 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity when Mute or Imp status is toggled.) C2/0891: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0893: B0 03 BCS $0898 (Branch if not a character) C2/0895: 20 7D 52 JSR $527D (Update availability of commands on character's main menu) C2/0898: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/089B: 90 03 BCC $08A0 (Branch if bit 2 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity when Haste or Slow is toggled, and a couple other cases I'm not sure of.) C2/089D: 20 D2 09 JSR $09D2 (Recalculate the amount by which to increase the ATB gauge. Affects various other timers, too) C2/08A0: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/08A3: 90 03 BCC $08A8 (Branch if bit 1 of $3204,X is not set. It is set for an entity when Morph status is toggled) C2/08A5: 20 A8 0A JSR $0AA8 (switch command on main menu from Morph to Revert [or vice versa], and adjust Morph-related variables like timers) C2/08A8: 1E 04 32 ASL $3204,X C2/08AB: 20 1F 09 JSR $091F C2/08AE: 20 C6 08 JSR $08C6 C2/08B1: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/08B4: 89 50 BIT #$50 C2/08B6: F0 03 BEQ $08BB C2/08B8: 20 41 0A JSR $0A41 C2/08BB: 20 4A 0A JSR $0A4A (Prepare equipment spell activations on low HP) C2/08BE: CA DEX C2/08BF: CA DEX C2/08C0: 30 03 BMI $08C5 C2/08C2: 4C 41 08 JMP $0841 (loop for all 10 entities) C2/08C5: 60 RTS
C2/08C6 unknow
C2/08C6: A9 50 LDA #$50 C2/08C8: 20 B4 11 JSR $11B4 C2/08CB: AD 04 34 LDA $3404 C2/08CE: 30 05 BMI $08D5 C2/08D0: EC 04 34 CPX $3404 C2/08D3: D0 F0 BNE $08C5 C2/08D5: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/08D8: 89 C0 BIT #$C0 C2/08DA: D0 E9 BNE $08C5 (Exit if dead or Petrify) C2/08DC: BD F8 3E LDA $3EF8,X C2/08DF: 89 10 BIT #$10 C2/08E1: D0 E2 BNE $08C5 (Exit if stop) C2/08E3: A9 EF LDA #$EF C2/08E5: 20 92 07 JSR $0792 C2/08E8: BD B9 32 LDA $32B9,X C2/08EB: 10 D8 BPL $08C5 (Exit if you are controlled) C2/08ED: BD E5 3E LDA $3EE5,X C2/08F0: 30 D3 BMI $08C5 (Exit if asleep) C2/08F2: BD F9 3E LDA $3EF9,X C2/08F5: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/08F7: D0 CC BNE $08C5 (Exit if life 3) C2/08F9: BD 59 33 LDA $3359,X C2/08FC: 10 C7 BPL $08C5 (Exit if seized) C2/08FE: A9 BF LDA #$BF C2/0900: 20 92 07 JSR $0792 C2/0903: BD A1 3A LDA $3AA1,X C2/0906: 10 BD BPL $08C5 (Exit if bit 7 of $3AA1 is not set) C2/0908: 29 7F AND #$7F (Clear bit 7) C2/090A: 9D A1 3A STA $3AA1,X C2/090D: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/0910: 1A INC C2/0911: F0 B2 BEQ $08C5 (Exit if $32CC is #$FF) C2/0913: BD A1 3A LDA $3AA1,X C2/0916: 4A LSR C2/0917: 90 03 BCC $091C (Branch if bit 0 of $3AA1 is not set) C2/0919: 4C 77 4E JMP $4E77 C2/091C: 4C 66 4E JMP $4E66
C2/091F unknow
C2/091F: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0921: B0 A2 BCS $08C5 (exit if monster) C2/0923: BD D8 3E LDA $3ED8,X (Which character it is) C2/0926: C9 0D CMP #$0D C2/0928: F0 9B BEQ $08C5 (Exit if Umaro) C2/092A: BD 55 32 LDA $3255,X C2/092D: 10 96 BPL $08C5 C2/092F: AD 97 3A LDA $3A97 C2/0932: D0 91 BNE $08C5 (exit if in the Colosseum) C2/0934: A9 02 LDA #$02 C2/0936: 85 EE STA $EE C2/0938: EC 04 34 CPX $3404 C2/093B: D0 04 BNE $0941 C2/093D: A9 88 LDA #$88 C2/093F: 04 EE TSB $EE C2/0941: A5 EE LDA $EE C2/0943: 20 B4 11 JSR $11B4 C2/0946: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0949: 2C 4C 2F BIT $2F4C C2/094C: D0 38 BNE $0986 C2/094E: BD 59 33 LDA $3359,X C2/0951: 3D 95 33 AND $3395,X C2/0954: 10 30 BPL $0986 (branch if Seized or Charmed) C2/0956: F4 C2 B0 PEA $B0C2 (Sleep, Muddled, Berserk, Death, Petrify, Zombie) C2/0959: F4 01 21 PEA $2101 (Dance, Hide, Rage) C2/095C: 9B TXY C2/095D: 20 64 58 JSR $5864 C2/0960: 90 24 BCC $0986 (Branch if any set) C2/0962: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0965: 10 66 BPL $09CD C2/0967: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/096A: 10 61 BPL $09CD C2/096C: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/096F: 09 08 ORA #$08 C2/0971: 9D A0 3A STA $3AA0,X (turn on bit 3) C2/0974: 4C EF 11 JMP $11EF
C2/0977 unknow
C2/0977: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0979: A9 D3 LDA #$D3 C2/097B: BF 20 92 07 LDA $079220,X C2/097F: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/0981: A9 01 LDA #$01 C2/0983: 9D 19 32 STA $3219,X C2/0986: A9 F9 LDA #$F9 C2/0988: EB XBA C2/0989: BD F9 3E LDA $3EF9,X C2/098C: 89 20 BIT #$20 C2/098E: D0 13 BNE $09A3 (Branch if Hide status) C2/0990: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0993: 2C 4C 2F BIT $2F4C C2/0996: D0 0B BNE $09A3 C2/0998: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/099B: 10 06 BPL $09A3 (Branch if bit 7 of $3AA0 is not set) C2/099D: A9 79 LDA #$79 C2/099F: EB XBA C2/09A0: 20 66 4E JSR $4E66 C2/09A3: EB XBA C2/09A4: 20 92 07 JSR $0792 C2/09A7: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/09A9: B0 22 BCS $09CD (Exit function) C2/09AB: 8A TXA C2/09AC: 4A LSR C2/09AD: 85 10 STA $10 C2/09AF: A9 03 LDA #$03 C2/09B1: 4C 11 64 JMP $6411
C2/09B4 assign value to condemned counter
C2/09B4: AD AF 11 LDA $11AF (Level) C2/09B7: 20 65 4B JSR $4B65 (random: 0 to Level - 1) C2/09BA: 18 CLC C2/09BB: 6D AF 11 ADC $11AF (Add to level) C2/09BE: 85 EE STA $EE C2/09C0: 38 SEC C2/09C1: A9 3C LDA #$3C C2/09C3: E5 EE SBC $EE (Subtract from 60) C2/09C5: B0 01 BCS $09C8 C2/09C7: 7B TDC (Set to 0 if less than 0) C2/09C8: 69 14 ADC #$14 (Add 21. if it was less than 0, add 20 instead, giving it a starting value of 20.) C2/09CA: 9D 05 3B STA $3B05,X (set Condemned counter) (note that this counter is "one off" from the actual numerals you'll see onscreen: 00 value = numerals disabled 01 value = numerals at "00" 02 value = numerals at "01" 03 value = numerals at "02" , etc.) C2/09CD: 60 RTS
C2/09CE null condemned counter
C2/09CE: 9E 05 3B STZ $3B05,X (Condemned counter = 0) C2/09D1: 60 RTS
C2/09D2 battle timer counter function
Battle Time Counter function (Recalculate the amount by which to increase the ATB gauge. This will also affect the speed of the "wait timer" [which determines how long a character is in their ready stance], the Condemned counter, invisible timers for auto-expiring statuses, and the frequency of damage/healing from statuses like Regen and Poison.) C2/09D2: 08 PHP C2/09D3: A0 20 LDY #$20 (ATB multiplier = 32 if slowed) C2/09D5: BD F8 3E LDA $3EF8,X C2/09D8: 89 04 BIT #$04 C2/09DA: D0 08 BNE $09E4 (Branch if Slow) C2/09DC: A0 40 LDY #$40 (ATB multiplier = 64 normally) C2/09DE: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/09E0: F0 02 BEQ $09E4 (Branch if not Haste) C2/09E2: A0 54 LDY #$54 (ATB multiplier = 84 if hasted)
C2/09E4: 98 TYA C2/09E5: 9D DD 3A STA $3ADD,X (save the ATB multiplier) C2/09E8: 98 TYA (this instruction seems frivolous) C2/09E9: 48 PHA C2/09EA: 18 CLC C2/09EB: 4A LSR C2/09EC: 63 01 ADC $01,S C2/09EE: 83 01 STA $01,S (ATB multiplier *= 1.5) C2/09F0: BD 19 3B LDA $3B19,X (Speed) C2/09F3: 69 14 ADC #$14 C2/09F5: EB XBA (Speed + 20 in top byte of Accumulator) C2/09F6: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/09F8: 90 06 BCC $0A00 (branch if not an enemy) C2/09FA: AD 90 3A LDA $3A90 (= 255 - (Battle Speed setting * 24) ) (remember that what you see on the Config menu is Battle Speed + 1) C2/09FD: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (A = (speed + 20) * $3A90 ) C2/0A00: 68 PLA (bottom byte of A is now Slow/Normal/Haste Constant) C2/0A01: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (Let C be the Slow/Normal/Haste constant, equal to 48, 96, or 126, respectively. for characters: A = (Speed + 20) * C for enemies: A = ( ((Speed + 20) * $3A90) DIV 256) * C ) C2/0A04: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0A06: 4A LSR C2/0A07: 4A LSR C2/0A08: 4A LSR C2/0A09: 4A LSR (A = A / 16) C2/0A0A: 9D C8 3A STA $3AC8,X (Save as amount by which to increase ATB timer.) C2/0A0D: 28 PLP C2/0A0E: 60 RTS
C2/0A0F unknow
C2/0A0F: 20 01 03 JSR $0301 C2/0A12: BD CC 32 LDA $32CC,X C2/0A15: 10 F8 BPL $0A0F C2/0A17: AC 64 3A LDY $3A64 C2/0A1A: 8A TXA C2/0A1B: D9 20 37 CMP $3720,Y C2/0A1E: D0 05 BNE $0A25 C2/0A20: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0A22: 99 20 37 STA $3720,Y C2/0A25: C8 INY C2/0A26: CC 65 3A CPY $3A65 C2/0A29: 90 EF BCC $0A1A C2/0A2B: BD 19 32 LDA $3219,X C2/0A2E: D0 08 BNE $0A38 C2/0A30: DE 19 32 DEC $3219,X C2/0A33: A9 D3 LDA #$D3 C2/0A35: 20 92 07 JSR $0792 C2/0A38: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0A3A: B0 0D BCS $0A49 C2/0A3C: A9 2C LDA #$2C C2/0A3E: 4C 91 4E JMP $4E91
C2/0A41 unknow
C2/0A41: A9 FD LDA #$FD C2/0A43: 3D A1 3A AND $3AA1,X C2/0A46: 9D A1 3A STA $3AA1,X C2/0A49: 60 RTS
C2/0A4A prepare equipment spell activations on low HP
C2/0A4A: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0A4D: 89 10 BIT #$10 C2/0A4F: D0 3F BNE $0A90 (Exit function) C2/0A51: A9 02 LDA #$02 C2/0A53: 3C E5 3E BIT $3EE5,X C2/0A56: F0 38 BEQ $0A90 (Branch if not Near Fatal) C2/0A58: 3C 05 32 BIT $3205,X (is bit 1 set?) C2/0A5B: F0 33 BEQ $0A90 (exit if not, meaning we've already activated a spell on low HP this battle) C2/0A5D: 5D 05 32 EOR $3205,X C2/0A60: 9D 05 32 STA $3205,X (turn off bit 1) (TRB $3205,X could've replaced two instructions) C2/0A63: BD 59 3C LDA $3C59,X C2/0A66: 4A LSR C2/0A67: 90 0B BCC $0A74 (Branch if not Shell when low HP) C2/0A69: 48 PHA C2/0A6A: A9 25 LDA #$25 C2/0A6C: 85 B8 STA $B8 (Shell spell ID) C2/0A6E: A9 26 LDA #$26 C2/0A70: 20 91 4E JSR $4E91 C2/0A73: 68 PLA C2/0A74: 4A LSR C2/0A75: 90 0B BCC $0A82 (branch if not Safe when low HP) C2/0A77: 48 PHA C2/0A78: A9 1C LDA #$1C C2/0A7A: 85 B8 STA $B8 (Safe spell ID) C2/0A7C: A9 26 LDA #$26 C2/0A7E: 20 91 4E JSR $4E91 C2/0A81: 68 PLA C2/0A82: 4A LSR C2/0A83: 90 0B BCC $0A90 (branch if not Reflect when low HP [no item in game has this feature, but it's possible]) C2/0A85: 48 PHA C2/0A86: A9 24 LDA #$24 C2/0A88: 85 B8 STA $B8 (Rflect spell ID) C2/0A8A: A9 26 LDA #$26 C2/0A8C: 20 91 4E JSR $4E91 C2/0A8F: 68 PLA C2/0A90: 60 RTS
C2/0A91 unknow
C2/0A91: A2 06 LDX #$06 C2/0A93: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0A96: 2C 74 3A BIT $3A74 C2/0A99: F0 08 BEQ $0AA3 C2/0A9B: 2C 2C 3F BIT $3F2C C2/0A9E: D0 03 BNE $0AA3 C2/0AA0: 20 0F 0A JSR $0A0F C2/0AA3: CA DEX C2/0AA4: CA DEX C2/0AA5: 10 EC BPL $0A93 C2/0AA7: 60 RTS
C2/0AA8 unknow
C2/0AA8: A5 B1 LDA $B1 C2/0AAA: 4A LSR C2/0AAB: B0 0A BCS $0AB7 C2/0AAD: BD 19 32 LDA $3219,X C2/0AB0: D0 05 BNE $0AB7 C2/0AB2: A9 88 LDA #$88 C2/0AB4: 20 B4 11 JSR $11B4 C2/0AB7: DA PHX C2/0AB8: BD F9 3E LDA $3EF9,X C2/0ABB: 49 08 EOR #$08 (Toggle Morph status) C2/0ABD: 4A LSR C2/0ABE: 4A LSR C2/0ABF: 4A LSR C2/0AC0: 4A LSR C2/0AC1: 08 PHP (save Carry flag, which is opposite of "currently Morphed") C2/0AC2: 7B TDC C2/0AC3: 69 03 ADC #$03 C2/0AC5: 85 EE STA $EE ($EE = 3 or 4, depending on carry flag) C2/0AC7: 8A TXA C2/0AC8: EB XBA C2/0AC9: A9 06 LDA #$06 C2/0ACB: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 C2/0ACE: AA TAX C2/0ACF: A0 04 LDY #$04 C2/0AD1: BD 2E 20 LDA $202E,X (get contents of menu slot) C2/0AD4: C5 EE CMP $EE C2/0AD6: D0 05 BNE $0ADD (if Morphed and menu item isn't Morph(3), branch -OR- if not Morphed and menu item isn't Revert(4), branch) C2/0AD8: 49 07 EOR #$07 C2/0ADA: 9D 2E 20 STA $202E,X (toggle menu item between Morph(3) and Revert(4) ) C2/0ADD: E8 INX C2/0ADE: E8 INX C2/0ADF: E8 INX C2/0AE0: 88 DEY C2/0AE1: D0 EE BNE $0AD1 (loop for all 4 menu items) C2/0AE3: 28 PLP C2/0AE4: FA PLX C2/0AE5: 90 1A BCC $0B01 (Branch if currently Morphed) C2/0AE7: 08 PHP C2/0AE8: 20 36 0B JSR $0B36 (Establish new value for Morph supply based on its previous value and the current Morph timer) C2/0AEB: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0AED: 8D E2 3E STA $3EE2 (Store null as Morphed character) C2/0AF0: 9E 04 3B STZ $3B04,X (Set the Morph gauge for this entity to 0) C2/0AF3: E0 08 CPX #$08 (Compare target number to 8) C2/0AF5: B0 03 BCS $0AFA (Branch if it's greater (not a character)) C2/0AF7: 20 7D 52 JSR $527D (Update availability of commands on character's main menu - grey out or enable) C2/0AFA: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0AFC: 9C 30 3F STZ $3F30 (morph timer = 0) C2/0AFF: 28 PLP C2/0B00: 60 RTS
C2/0B01 unknow
C2/0B01: DA PHX C2/0B02: 08 PHP C2/0B03: AD E2 3E LDA $3EE2 (Which target is Morphed) C2/0B06: 10 2B BPL $0B33 (Exit function if someone is already Morphed) C2/0B08: AD BB 3E LDA $3EBB C2/0B0B: 4A LSR C2/0B0C: 4A LSR C2/0B0D: 6A ROR C2/0B0E: B0 23 BCS $0B33 (Exit function if bit 2 of $3EBB is set.. Set for just Phunbaba battle #4 [i.e. Terra's second Phunbaba encounter]) C2/0B10: 0A ASL (Put Bit 1 into Carry) C2/0B11: 8E E2 3E STX $3EE2 C2/0B14: 7B TDC C2/0B15: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0B17: 3A DEC C2/0B18: 8D 30 3F STA $3F30 (Morph timer = 65535) C2/0B1B: AE F6 1C LDX $1CF6 (Morph supply) C2/0B1E: 20 92 47 JSR $4792 (65535 / Morph supply) C2/0B21: 90 01 BCC $0B24 (Branch if bit 1 of $3EBB not set. This bit is set in Terra's 2nd Phunbaba battle [i.e. Phunbaba #4], and lasts afterward. So little Terra gains some resolve here? ^__^) C2/0B23: 4A LSR C2/0B24: 4A LSR C2/0B25: 4A LSR C2/0B26: 4A LSR (A = (65535 / Morph supply) / 8 [pre-Phunbaba] A = (65535 / Morph supply) / 16 [post-Phunbaba] ) C2/0B27: C9 00 08 CMP #$0800 C2/0B2A: 90 03 BCC $0B2F C2/0B2C: A9 FF 07 LDA #$07FF (this will cap amount to decrement morph time counter at 2048) C2/0B2F: 1A INC C2/0B30: 8D 32 3F STA $3F32 (Amount to decrement morph time counter) C2/0B33: 28 PLP C2/0B34: FA PLX C2/0B35: 60 RTS
C2/0B36 update or set value for morph supply
(Establish new value for Morph supply based on its previous value and the current Morph timer) C2/0B36: AD E2 3E LDA $3EE2 (Which target is Morphed) C2/0B39: 30 0E BMI $0B49 (Exit if no one is Morphed) C2/0B3B: AD F6 1C LDA $1CF6 C2/0B3E: EB XBA C2/0B3F: AD 31 3F LDA $3F31 C2/0B42: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (16-bit A = morph supply * (morph timer DIV 256) ) C2/0B45: EB XBA C2/0B46: 8D F6 1C STA $1CF6 (morph supply = (morph supply * (morph timer DIV 256)) DIV 256 ) C2/0B49: 60 RTS
C2/0B4A unknow
C2/0B4A: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0B4C: BD 18 30 LDA $3018,X C2/0B4F: 0C 2C 3F TSB $3F2C (flag entity as Jumping) C2/0B52: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0B54: BD A0 3A LDA $3AA0,X C2/0B57: 29 9B AND #$9B C2/0B59: 09 08 ORA #$08 C2/0B5B: 9D A0 3A STA $3AA0,X C2/0B5E: AC 66 3A LDY $3A66 (get current action queue position?) C2/0B61: 8A TXA C2/0B62: D9 20 38 CMP $3820,Y (does queue entry match our current entity?) C2/0B65: D0 05 BNE $0B6C (if not, branch and move to next entry) C2/0B67: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/0B69: 99 20 38 STA $3820,Y (if there was a match, null out this queue entry) C2/0B6C: C8 INY (move to next entry) C2/0B6D: CC 67 3A CPY $3A67 C2/0B70: 90 EF BCC $0B61 (keep looping until position matches next available queue slot -- i.e., we've checked through the end of the queue) C2/0B72: BD 05 32 LDA $3205,X C2/0B75: 29 7F AND #$7F C2/0B77: 9D 05 32 STA $3205,X C2/0B7A: 9E B5 3A STZ $3AB5,X C2/0B7D: A9 E0 LDA #$E0 C2/0B7F: 9D 2C 32 STA $322C,X (save delay between inputting command and performing it. iow, how long you spend in the "ready stance." E0h is the same delay as the Jump command, and its ready stance constitutes the character being airborne.) C2/0B82: 60 RTS
C2/0B83 damage modification
Modify Damage, Heal Undead, and Elemental modification C2/0B83: 08 PHP C2/0B84: E2 20 SEP #$20 C2/0B86: AD A6 11 LDA $11A6 (Battle Power) C2/0B89: D0 03 BNE $0B8E (Branch if not 0) C2/0B8B: 4C 2B 0C JMP $0C2B (Exit function if 0) C2/0B8E: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 (Special Byte 2) C2/0B91: 30 05 BMI $0B98 (Branch if power = factor of HP) C2/0B93: 20 9E 0C JSR $0C9E (Damage modification) C2/0B96: 80 03 BRA $0B9B C2/0B98: 20 87 0D JSR $0D87 (Figure HP based damage) C2/0B9B: 64 F2 STZ $F2 C2/0B9D: B9 E4 3E LDA $3EE4,Y (Status byte 1 of target) C2/0BA0: 0A ASL C2/0BA1: 30 57 BMI $0BFA (Branch if target is Petrify, damage = 0) C2/0BA3: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 C2/0BA6: 85 F2 STA $F2 (Store special byte 2 in $F2. what we're looking at is Bit 1, the Heal flag.) C2/0BA8: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 C2/0BAB: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/0BAD: F0 24 BEQ $0BD3 (Branch if not Invert Damage on Undead) C2/0BAF: B9 95 3C LDA $3C95,Y C2/0BB2: 10 0B BPL $0BBF (Branch if not undead) C2/0BB4: AD AA 11 LDA $11AA C2/0BB7: 89 82 BIT #$82 (Check if dead or zombie attack) C2/0BB9: D0 70 BNE $0C2B (Exit if ^) C2/0BBB: 64 F2 STZ $F2 (Clear heal flag) C2/0BBD: 80 07 BRA $0BC6 C2/0BBF: B9 E4 3E LDA $3EE4,Y C2/0BC2: 89 02 BIT #$02 (Check for Zombie status) C2/0BC4: F0 0D BEQ $0BD3 (Branch if not zombie) C2/0BC6: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 C2/0BC9: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/0BCB: F0 06 BEQ $0BD3 (Branch if not redirection) C2/0BCD: A5 F2 LDA $F2 C2/0BCF: 49 01 EOR #$01 C2/0BD1: 85 F2 STA $F2 (Toggle heal flag) C2/0BD3: AD A1 11 LDA $11A1 C2/0BD6: F0 46 BEQ $0C1E (Branch if non-elemental) C2/0BD8: AD C8 3E LDA $3EC8 (Forcefield nullified elements) C2/0BDB: 49 FF EOR #$FF C2/0BDD: 2D A1 11 AND $11A1 C2/0BE0: F0 18 BEQ $0BFA (Set damage to 0 if element nullified) C2/0BE2: B9 CC 3B LDA $3BCC,Y (Absorbed elements) C2/0BE5: 2C A1 11 BIT $11A1 C2/0BE8: F0 08 BEQ $0BF2 (branch if none are used in attack) C2/0BEA: A5 F2 LDA $F2 C2/0BEC: 49 01 EOR #$01 C2/0BEE: 85 F2 STA $F2 (toggle healing flag) C2/0BF0: 80 2C BRA $0C1E C2/0BF2: B9 CD 3B LDA $3BCD,Y (Nullified elements) C2/0BF5: 2C A1 11 BIT $11A1 C2/0BF8: F0 06 BEQ $0C00 (branch if none are used in attack) C2/0BFA: 64 F0 STZ $F0 C2/0BFC: 64 F1 STZ $F1 (Set damage to 0) C2/0BFE: 80 1E BRA $0C1E C2/0C00: B9 E1 3B LDA $3BE1,Y (Elements cut in half) C2/0C03: 2C A1 11 BIT $11A1 C2/0C06: F0 06 BEQ $0C0E (branch if none are used in attack) C2/0C08: 46 F1 LSR $F1 C2/0C0A: 66 F0 ROR $F0 (Cut damage in half) C2/0C0C: 80 10 BRA $0C1E C2/0C0E: B9 E0 3B LDA $3BE0,Y (Weak elements) C2/0C11: 2C A1 11 BIT $11A1 C2/0C14: F0 08 BEQ $0C1E (branch if none are used in attack) C2/0C16: A5 F1 LDA $F1 C2/0C18: 30 04 BMI $0C1E (Don't double damage if over 32768) C2/0C1A: 06 F0 ASL $F0 C2/0C1C: 26 F1 ROL $F1 (Double damage) C2/0C1E: AD A9 11 LDA $11A9 (get attack special effect) C2/0C21: C9 04 CMP #$04 C2/0C23: D0 03 BNE $0C28 (Branch if not Atma Weapon) C2/0C25: 20 39 0E JSR $0E39 (Atma Weapon damage modification) C2/0C28: 20 2D 0C JSR $0C2D C2/0C2B: 28 PLP C2/0C2C: 60 RTS
C2/0C2D unknow
C2/0C2D: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 C2/0C30: 4A LSR C2/0C31: 90 2A BCC $0C5D (Branch if not physical damage) C2/0C33: AD 82 3A LDA $3A82 C2/0C36: 2D 83 3A AND $3A83 C2/0C39: 10 22 BPL $0C5D (Branch if blocked by Golem or dog) C2/0C3B: BD E4 3E LDA $3EE4,X C2/0C3E: 89 02 BIT #$02 (Check for Zombie Status on attacker) C2/0C40: F0 03 BEQ $0C45 (Branch if no zombie) C2/0C42: 20 21 0E JSR $0E21 (Poison / Dark status for zombies) C2/0C45: AD AB 11 LDA $11AB (Status set by attack 2) C2/0C48: 49 A0 EOR #$A0 (Sleep & Muddled) C2/0C4A: 29 A0 AND #$A0 C2/0C4C: 39 E5 3E AND $3EE5,Y (Status byte 2) C2/0C4F: 19 FD 3D ORA $3DFD,Y C2/0C52: 99 FD 3D STA $3DFD,Y (mark Sleep & Muddled to be cleared from target, provided it already has the statuses, and the attack itself isn't trying to inflict or remove them) C2/0C55: B9 B9 32 LDA $32B9,Y C2/0C58: 09 80 ORA #$80 C2/0C5A: 99 B9 32 STA $32B9,Y (Flag target to be released from Control at end of turn) C2/0C5D: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 C2/0C60: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/0C62: F0 11 BEQ $0C75 (Branch if not redirection) C2/0C64: 20 ED 0D JSR $0DED (Cap damage/healing based on max HP/MP of drainer, and remaining HP/MP of drainee) C2/0C67: DA PHX (save attacker index) C2/0C68: 5A PHY (save target index) C2/0C69: 5A PHY C2/0C6A: 9B TXY (put old attacker index into target index) C2/0C6B: FA PLX (put old target index into attacker index) C2/0C6C: 20 2F 36 JSR $362F (save target as attacker's attacker in a counterattack variable [provided attacker doesn't yet have another attacker]. reciprocity and all, man. however, the Carry Flag state passed to this function seems to be quite arbitrary, particularly if this is a physical attack [usually being set, but sometimes not if attacker is a Zombie]. it'll never be set for magical attacks, which seems suspect as well.) C2/0C6F: 38 SEC (enforce 9999 cap for redirection for attacker) C2/0C70: 20 76 0C JSR $0C76 C2/0C73: 7A PLY (restore target index) C2/0C74: FA PLX (restore attacker index) C2/0C75: 18 CLC (now enforce 9999 cap for target) C2/0C76: 5A PHY C2/0C77: 08 PHP C2/0C78: 2A ROL C2/0C79: 45 F2 EOR $F2 (get Carry XOR attack's heal bit) C2/0C7B: 4A LSR C2/0C7C: 90 04 BCC $0C82 (branch if: - we're checking attacker and attack "reverse" drains [e.g. because target is undead or absorbs element] - we're checking target and attack damages [includes draining]) C2/0C7E: 98 TYA C2/0C7F: 69 13 ADC #$13 C2/0C81: A8 TAY (point to Healing instead of Damage) C2/0C82: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0C84: B9 D0 33 LDA $33D0,Y (Damage Taken / Healing Done) C2/0C87: 1A INC C2/0C88: F0 01 BEQ $0C8B (if no [i.e. FFFFh] damage, treat as zero) C2/0C8A: 3A DEC (otherwise, keep as-is) C2/0C8B: 18 CLC C2/0C8C: 65 F0 ADC $F0 (add Damage/Healing so far to $F0, which is the lowest of: - attack damage - HP of target [or attacker if reverse drain] ) - Max HP - HP of attacker [or target if reverse drain] ) C2/0C8E: B0 05 BCS $0C95 (if total Damage/Healing to this target overflowed, branch and set it to 9999) C2/0C90: C9 10 27 CMP #$2710 (If over 9999) C2/0C93: 90 03 BCC $0C98 C2/0C95: A9 0F 27 LDA #$270F (Truncate Damage to 9999) C2/0C98: 99 D0 33 STA $33D0,Y (Damage Taken / Healing Done) C2/0C9A: 28 PLP C2/0C9C: 7A PLY C2/0C9D: 60 RTS
C2/0C9E damage modification
Damage modification (Randomness, Row, Self Damage, and more) C2/0C9E: 08 PHP C2/0C9F: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0CA1: AD B0 11 LDA $11B0 (Maximum Damage) C2/0CA4: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0CA6: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0CA8: AD 14 34 LDA $3414 C2/0CAB: D0 03 BNE $0CB0 C2/0CAD: 4C 3B 0D JMP $0D3B (Exit if $3414 = 0) C2/0CB0: 20 5A 4B JSR $4B5A (Random number 0 to 255) C2/0CB3: 09 E0 ORA #$E0 (Set bits 7,6,5; bits 0,1,2,3,4 are random) C2/0CB5: 85 E8 STA $E8 (Random number [224..255]) C2/0CB7: 20 3D 0D JSR $0D3D (Damage randomness) C2/0CBA: 18 CLC C2/0CBB: AD A3 11 LDA $11A3 C2/0CBE: 30 04 BMI $0CC4 (Branch if Concern MP) C2/0CC0: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 C2/0CC3: 4A LSR C2/0CC4: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 C2/0CC7: 89 20 BIT #$20 C2/0CC9: D0 57 BNE $0D22 (Branch if ignores defense) C2/0CCB: 08 PHP C2/0CCC: B9 B9 3B LDA $3BB9,Y (Magic Defense) C2/0CCF: 90 03 BCC $0CD4 (Branch if concern MP or Magical damage) C2/0CD1: B9 B8 3B LDA $3BB8,Y (Defense) C2/0CD4: 1A INC C2/0CD5: F0 10 BEQ $0CE7 (If = 255) C2/0CD7: EB XBA C2/0CD8: AD 82 3A LDA $3A82 C2/0CDB: 2D 83 3A AND $3A83 C2/0CDE: 30 03 BMI $0CE3 (If Blocked by Golem or Dog, defense = 192) C2/0CE0: A9 C1 LDA #$C1 C2/0CE2: EB XBA C2/0CE3: EB XBA C2/0CE4: 3A DEC C2/0CE5: 49 FF EOR #$FF C2/0CE7: 85 E8 STA $E8 (= 255 - Defense) C2/0CE9: 20 3D 0D JSR $0D3D (Multiply damage by (255 - Defense) / 256 , then add 1) C2/0CEC: A3 01 LDA $01,S C2/0CEE: 4A LSR C2/0CEF: B9 F8 3E LDA $3EF8,Y (Status byte 3) C2/0CF2: B0 01 BCS $0CF5 (Branch if physical attack) C2/0CF4: 0A ASL C2/0CF5: 0A ASL C2/0CF6: 10 07 BPL $0CFF (Branch if no safe / shell) C2/0CF8: A9 AA LDA #$AA C2/0CFA: 85 E8 STA $E8 C2/0CFC: 20 3D 0D JSR $0D3D (Multiply damage by 170 / 256 , then add 1) C2/0CFF: 28 PLP C2/0D00: 90 15 BCC $0D17 (Skip row check if magical attack) C2/0D02: B9 A1 3A LDA $3AA1,Y C2/0D05: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/0D07: F0 04 BEQ $0D0D (Branch if not defending) C2/0D09: 46 F1 LSR $F1 C2/0D0B: 66 F0 ROR $F0 (Cut damage in half) C2/0D0D: 89 20 BIT #$20 (Check row) C2/0D0F: F0 11 BEQ $0D22 (Branch if target in front row) C2/0D11: 46 F1 LSR $F1 C2/0D13: 66 F0 ROR $F0 (Cut damage in half) C2/0D15: 80 0B BRA $0D22 (Skip morph if physical attack) C2/0D17: B9 F9 3E LDA $3EF9,Y C2/0D1A: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/0D1C: F0 04 BEQ $0D22 (Branch if not morph) C2/0D1E: 46 F1 LSR $F1 C2/0D20: 66 F0 ROR $F0 (Cut damage in half) C2/0D22: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0D24: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 C2/0D27: 4A LSR C2/0D28: B0 0A BCS $0D34 (Branch if heal, heal skips self damage theory) C2/0D2A: C0 08 CPY #$08 C2/0D2C: B0 06 BCS $0D34 (Branch if target is a monster) C2/0D2E: E0 08 CPX #$08 C2/0D30: B0 02 BCS $0D34 (Branch if attacker is monster) C2/0D32: 46 F0 LSR $F0 (Cut damage in half if party attacks party) C2/0D34: A5 F0 LDA $F0 C2/0D36: 20 0B 37 JSR $370B (Increment damage using $BC) C2/0D39: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0D3B: 28 PLP C2/0D3C: 60 RTS
C2/0D3D damage function
Multiplies damage by $E8 / 256 and adds 1 (Used by damage randomness etc.) C2/0D3D: 08 PHP C2/0D3E: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0D40: A5 F0 LDA $F0 (Load damage) C2/0D42: 20 B7 47 JSR $47B7 (Multiply by randomness byte) C2/0D45: 1A INC (Add 1 to damage) C2/0D46: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0D48: 28 PLP C2/0D49: 60 RTS
C2/0D4A atlas armlet and earring function
C2/0D4A: 08 PHP C2/0D4B: AD A4 11 LDA $11A4 (Special Byte 2) C2/0D4E: 4A LSR C2/0D4F: B0 34 BCS $0D85 (Exits function if attack heals) C2/0D51: AD A3 11 LDA $11A3 C2/0D54: 30 04 BMI $0D5A (Branch if concern MP) C2/0D56: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 (Special Byte 1) C2/0D59: 4A LSR (Check for physical / magic) C2/0D5A: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0D5C: AD B0 11 LDA $11B0 (Max Damage) C2/0D5F: 85 EE STA $EE (Stores damage at $EE) C2/0D61: BD 44 3C LDA $3C44,X (Relic effects) C2/0D64: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0D66: B0 06 BCS $0D6E (Branch if physical damage unless concerns mp) C2/0D68: 89 02 BIT #$02 C2/0D6A: D0 09 BNE $0D75 (Branch double earrings - add 50% damage) C2/0D6C: EB XBA C2/0D6D: 4A LSR C2/0D6E: 4A LSR C2/0D6F: 90 14 BCC $0D85 (Exits function if not Atlas Armlet / Earring) C2/0D71: 46 EF LSR $EF (Halves damage) C2/0D73: 66 EE ROR $EE C2/0D75: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0D77: A5 EE LDA $EE C2/0D79: 4A LSR (Halves damage) C2/0D7A: 18 CLC C2/0D7B: 6D B0 11 ADC $11B0 (Adds to damage) C2/0D7E: 90 02 BCC $0D82 C2/0D80: 7B TDC C2/0D81: 3A DEC C2/0D82: 8D B0 11 STA $11B0 (Stores result back in damage) C2/0D85: 28 PLP C2/0D86: 60 RTS
C2/0D87 figure damage if based on HP
C2/0D87: DA PHX C2/0D88: 5A PHY C2/0D89: 08 PHP C2/0D8A: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0D8C: B9 D0 33 LDA $33D0,Y (Damage Taken) C2/0D8F: 1A INC C2/0D90: F0 01 BEQ $0D93 (If damage taken is none set to 0) C2/0D92: 3A DEC C2/0D93: 85 EE STA $EE C2/0D95: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0D97: 20 DD 0D JSR $0DDD (Use MP if concerns MP) C2/0D9A: AD A6 11 LDA $11A6 (Spell Power) C2/0D9D: 85 E8 STA $E8 C2/0D9F: A5 B5 LDA $B5 C2/0DA1: C9 01 CMP #$01 C2/0DA3: F0 06 BEQ $0DAB (if command = item, then always use Max HP) C2/0DA5: AD A2 11 LDA $11A2 C2/0DA8: 4A LSR C2/0DA9: 4A LSR C2/0DAA: 4A LSR C2/0DAB: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0DAD: B0 0B BCS $0DBA (If hit only the (dead XOR undead), then use Max HP) C2/0DAF: 38 SEC (Else use current HP) C2/0DB0: B9 F4 3B LDA $3BF4,Y (HP) C2/0DB3: E5 EE SBC $EE (Subtract damage taken) C2/0DB5: B0 06 BCS $0DBD C2/0DB7: 7B TDC C2/0DB8: 80 03 BRA $0DBD C2/0DBA: B9 1C 3C LDA $3C1C,Y (Max HP) C2/0DBD: 20 CB 0D JSR $0DCB C2/0DC0: 48 PHA C2/0DC1: 68 PLA C2/0DC2: D0 01 BNE $0DC5 C2/0DC4: 1A INC C2/0DC5: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0DC7: 28 PLP C2/0DC8: 7A PLY C2/0DC9: FA PLX C2/0DCA: 60 RTS
C2/0DCB math: spell power * HP / 16
C2/0DCB: 20 B7 47 JSR $47B7 C2/0DCE: A9 03 00 LDA #$0003 C2/0DD1: DA PHX C2/0DD2: AA TAX C2/0DD3: A5 E8 LDA $E8 (Spell Power * HP) C2/0DD5: 46 EA LSR $EA (Cut in half) C2/0DD7: 6A ROR C2/0DD8: CA DEX C2/0DD9: 10 FA BPL $0DD5 (Do 4 times) C2/0DDB: FA PLX C2/0DDC: 60 RTS
C2/0DDD make damage effects MP instead of HP
C2/0DDD: AD A3 11 LDA $11A3 C2/0DE0: 10 0A BPL $0DEC (Branch if not Concern MP) C2/0DE2: 98 TYA C2/0DE3: 18 CLC C2/0DE4: 69 14 ADC #$14 C2/0DE6: A8 TAY C2/0DE7: 8A TXA C2/0DE8: 18 CLC C2/0DE9: 69 14 ADC #$14 C2/0DEB: AA TAX C2/0DEC: 60 RTS
C2/0DED unknow
Set $F0 to lowest of ($F0, HP/MP of target, Max HP/MP - HP/MP of attacker) If bit 0 of $F2 is set, switch attacker and target If bit 7 of $B2 is not set, compare only $F0 and HP of target C2/0DED: DA PHX C2/0DEE: 5A PHY C2/0DEF: 08 PHP C2/0DF0: 20 DD 0D JSR $0DDD (Set to use MP if concern MP) C2/0DF3: AD 14 34 LDA $3414 C2/0DF6: 10 25 BPL $0E1D (Exit if bit 7 $3414 is 0) C2/0DF8: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0DFA: A5 F2 LDA $F2 C2/0DFC: 4A LSR C2/0DFD: 90 03 BCC $0E02 (branch if not healing target) C2/0DFF: DA PHX C2/0E00: BB TYX C2/0E01: 7A PLY (Switch target and attacker) C2/0E02: B9 F4 3B LDA $3BF4,Y (HP of target) C2/0E05: C5 F0 CMP $F0 C2/0E07: B0 02 BCS $0E0B (If HP >= $F0) C2/0E09: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0E0B: A5 B1 LDA $B1 C2/0E0D: 10 0E BPL $0E1D (Branch if top bit of $B2 is clear; it's cleared by the Drain while Seized used by Tentacles) C2/0E0F: 9B TXY (Make attacker the target) C2/0E10: 38 SEC C2/0E11: B9 1C 3C LDA $3C1C,Y (Max HP of target) C2/0E14: F9 F4 3B SBC $3BF4,Y (HP of target) C2/0E17: C5 F0 CMP $F0 C2/0E19: B0 02 BCS $0E1D (If >= $F0) C2/0E1B: 85 F0 STA $F0 C2/0E1D: 28 PLP C2/0E1E: 7A PLY C2/0E1F: FA PLX C2/0E20: 60 RTS
C2/0E21 zombie chances to inflict dark or poison
Called if Zombie 1 in 16 chance inflict Dark -OR- 1 in 16 chance inflict Poison C2/0E21: 20 5A 4B JSR $4B5A (Random number 0 to 255) C2/0E24: C9 10 CMP #$10 C2/0E26: B0 04 BCS $0E2C C2/0E28: A9 04 LDA #$04 (will mark Poison status to be set) C2/0E2A: 80 06 BRA $0E32 C2/0E2C: C9 20 CMP #$20 C2/0E2E: B0 F0 BCS $0E20 (Exit function) C2/0E30: A9 01 LDA #$01 (will mark Dark status to be set) C2/0E32: 19 D4 3D ORA $3DD4,Y (Status to set byte 1) C2/0E35: 99 D4 3D STA $3DD4,Y C2/0E38: 60 RTS
C2/0E39 atma weapon damage
C2/0E39: 08 PHP C2/0E3A: DA PHX C2/0E3B: 5A PHY C2/0E3C: 9B TXY C2/0E3D: B9 F5 3B LDA $3BF5,Y (HP / 256) C2/0E40: 1A INC C2/0E41: EB XBA C2/0E42: B9 18 3B LDA $3B18,Y (Level) C2/0E45: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (Level * ((HP / 256) + 1)) C2/0E48: BE 1D 3C LDX $3C1D,Y (Max HP / 256) C2/0E4B: E8 INX C2/0E4C: 20 92 47 JSR $4792 ((Level * ((HP / 256) + 1)) / ((Max HP / 256) + 1)) C2/0E4F: 85 E8 STA $E8 C2/0E51: C2 20 REP #$20 C2/0E53: A5 F0 LDA $F0 (load damage so far) C2/0E55: 20 B7 47 JSR $47B7 (24-bit $E8 = $E8 * damage) C2/0E58: A9 05 00 LDA #$0005 C2/0E5B: 20 D1 0D JSR $0DD1 (Divide 24-bit Damage in $E8 by 64. [note that calculation operates on 4 bytes]) C2/0E5E: 1A INC (+1) C2/0E5F: 85 F0 STA $F0 (save final damage) (note that we're assuming damage fit into 16 bits, which should be true provided Level wasn't hacked past 99.) C2/0E61: C9 F5 01 CMP #$01F5 (501) C2/0E64: 90 0D BCC $0E73 (branch if < 501) C2/0E66: A2 5B LDX #$5B (put index for alternate, bigger weapon graphic, into X) C2/0E68: C9 E9 03 CMP #$03E9 (1001) C2/0E6B: 90 01 BCC $0E6E (branch if < 1001) C2/0E6D: E8 INX (make graphic bigger yet) C2/0E6E: 86 B7 STX $B7 (save graphic index) C2/0E70: 20 BB 35 JSR $35BB (Change Atma Weapon length) C2/0E73: 7A PLY C2/0E74: FA PLX C2/0E75: 28 PLP C2/0E76: 60 RTS
C2/0E77 JSL: equipment check function
C2/0E77: DA PHX C2/0E78: 5A PHY C2/0E79: 8B PHB C2/0E7A: 08 PHP C2/0E7B: E2 30 SEP #$30 (Set 8-bit Accumulator, X and Y) C2/0E7D: 48 PHA C2/0E7E: 29 0F AND #$0F C2/0E80: A9 7E LDA #$7E C2/0E82: 48 PHA C2/0E83: AB PLB (set Data Bank register to 7E) C2/0E84: 68 PLA C2/0E85: A2 3E LDX #$3E C2/0E87: 9E A0 11 STZ $11A0,X C2/0E8A: CA DEX C2/0E8B: 10 FA BPL $0E87 (zero out our temporary item bytes) C2/0E8D: 1A INC C2/0E8E: EB XBA C2/0E8F: A9 25 LDA #$25 (37 bytes of info per character, see Tashibana's ff6zst.txt for details. this block is documented as starting at $1600, but the INC above means X is boosted by 37 -- perhaps to avoid a negative X later -- so the base addy is 15DB) C2/0E91: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 C2/0E94: C2 10 REP #$10 (Set 16-bit X and Y) C2/0E96: AA TAX C2/0E97: BD DB 15 LDA $15DB,X (get sprite, which doubles as character index??) C2/0E9A: EB XBA C2/0E9B: A9 16 LDA #$16 (22 startup bytes per character) C2/0E9D: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 C2/0EA0: DA PHX C2/0EA1: AA TAX (X indexes character startup block) C2/0EA2: BF AA 7C ED LDA $ED7CAA,X (get character Battle Power) C2/0EA6: 8D AC 11 STA $11AC C2/0EA9: 8D AD 11 STA $11AD (store it in both hands) C2/0EAC: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0EAE: BF AB 7C ED LDA $ED7CAB,X (character Defense and Magic Defense) C2/0EB2: 8D BA 11 STA $11BA C2/0EB5: BF AD 7C ED LDA $ED7CAD,X (character Evade and MBlock) C2/0EB9: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/0EBB: 8D A8 11 STA $11A8 (save Evade here) C2/0EBE: EB XBA C2/0EBF: 8D AA 11 STA $11AA (save MBlock here) C2/0EC2: BF B5 7C ED LDA $ED7CB5,X (character start level info) C2/0EC6: 29 03 AND #$03 C2/0EC8: 49 03 EOR #$03 C2/0ECA: 1A INC C2/0ECB: 1A INC C2/0ECC: 8D DC 11 STA $11DC (invert and add 2. this gives you 5 - (bottom two bits of Level byte) , the amount to add to the character's "Run Success" variable.) C2/0ECF: FA PLX (X indexes into character info block again) C2/0ED0: A0 06 00 LDY #$0006 (point to Vigor item in character info) C2/0ED3: BD F5 15 LDA $15F5,X C2/0ED6: 99 A0 11 STA $11A0,Y ($11A6 = Vigor, 11A4 = Speed, 11A2 = Stamina, 11A0 = Mag Pwr) C2/0ED9: E8 INX C2/0EDA: 88 DEY C2/0EDB: 88 DEY C2/0EDC: 10 F5 BPL $0ED3 (loop 4 times) C2/0EDE: BD EB 15 LDA $15EB,X (get character Status 1) C2/0EE1: 85 FE STA $FE (save it, it'll be used for tests with Imp equip) C2/0EE3: A0 05 00 LDY #$0005 (point to last relic slot?) C2/0EE6: BD FB 15 LDA $15FB,X C2/0EE8: 99 C6 11 STA $11C6,Y (save the item #) C2/0EEC: 20 9A 0F JSR $0F9A (load item data for a slot) C2/0EEF: CA DEX C2/0EF0: 88 DEY C2/0EF1: 10 F3 BPL $0EE6 (loop for all 6 equipment+relic slots) C2/0EF3: BD ED 15 LDA $15ED,X (get top byte of Maximum MP) C2/0EF6: 29 3F AND #$3F (zero out top 2 bits, so MP can't exceed 16383) C2/0EF8: 85 FF STA $FF (store top byte of Max MP. Note: X would be -2 here had the extra 37 not been added earlier. i don't think indexed addressing modes are signed or allow "wrapping", so that was a good precaution) C2/0EFA: A9 40 LDA #$40 (first boost we will check is MP + 50%, then lower %) C2/0EFC: 20 7D 0F JSR $0F7D (jump off to handle % MP boosts from equipment) C2/0EFF: 05 FF ORA $FF C2/0F01: 9D ED 15 STA $15ED,X (store boost in highest 2 bits of MP) C2/0F04: BD E9 15 LDA $15E9,X (get top byte of Maximum HP) C2/0F07: 29 3F AND #$3F (zero out top 2 bits, so HP can't exceed 16383) C2/0F09: 85 FF STA $FF (store top byte of Max HP) C2/0F0B: A9 08 LDA #$08 C2/0F0D: 20 7D 0F JSR $0F7D (go check HP + 50% boost, then lower %) C2/0F10: 05 FF ORA $FF C2/0F12: 9D E9 15 STA $15E9,X (store boost in highest 2 bits of HP) C2/0F15: A2 0A 00 LDX #$000A C2/0F18: BD A1 11 LDA $11A1,X (did MBlock/Evade/Vigor/Speed/Stamina/MagPwr exceed 255 with equipment boosts?) C2/0F1B: F0 09 BEQ $0F26 (if not, look at the next stat) C2/0F1D: 0A ASL (if the topmost bit of the stat is set, it's negative thanks to horrid equipment. so bring it up to Zero) C2/0F1E: 7B TDC C2/0F1F: B0 02 BCS $0F23 (if the topmost bit wasn't set, the stat is just big) C2/0F21: A9 FF LDA #$FF (.. in which case we bring it down to 255) C2/0F23: 9D A0 11 STA $11A0,X C2/0F26: CA DEX C2/0F27: CA DEX C2/0F28: 10 EE BPL $0F18 (loop for all aforementioned stats) C2/0F2A: AE CE 11 LDX $11CE (call a function pointer depending on what is in each hand) C2/0F2D: FC 47 0F JSR ($0F47,X) C2/0F30: AD D7 11 LDA $11D7 C2/0F33: 10 0D BPL $0F42 (if Boost Vigor bit isn't set, exit function) C2/0F35: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/0F37: AD A6 11 LDA $11A6 C2/0F3A: 4A LSR C2/0F3B: 18 CLC C2/0F3C: 6D A6 11 ADC $11A6 C2/0F3F: 8D A6 11 STA $11A6 (if Boost Vigor was set, add 50% to Vigor) C2/0F42: 28 PLP C2/0F43: AB PLB C2/0F44: 7A PLY C2/0F45: FA PLX C2/0F46: 6B RTL
C2/0F47: 67 0F (Do nothing) (shouldn't be called, as i can't get shields in both hands) C2/0F49: 61 0F (2nd hand is occupied by weapon, 1st hand holds nonweapon) (so 2nd hand will strike. i.e. it retains some Battle Power) C2/0F4B: 68 0F (1st hand is occupied by weapon, 2nd hand holds nonweapon) (so 1st hand will strike) C2/0F4D: 6F 0F (1st and 2nd hand are both occupied by weapon) C2/0F4F: 61 0F (2nd hand is empty, 1st hand holds nonweapon) (so 2nd hand will strike) C2/0F51: 67 0F (Do nothing) (filler.. shouldn't be called, contradictory 2nd hand) C2/0F53: 6B 0F (2nd hand is empty, 1st is occupied by weapon) (so 1st hand will strike, Gauntlet-ized if applicable) C2/0F55: 67 0F (Do nothing) (filler.. shouldn't be called, contradictory 2nd hand) C2/0F57: 68 0F (1st hand is empty, 2nd hand holds nonweapon) (so 1st hand will strike) C2/0F59: 64 0F (1st hand is empty, 2nd hand occupied by weapon) (so 2nd hand will strike, Gauntlet-ized if applicable) C2/0F5B: 67 0F (Do nothing) (filler.. shouldn't be called, contradictory 1st hand) C2/0F5D: 67 0F (Do nothing) (filler.. shouldn't be called, contradictory 1st hand) C2/0F5F: 68 0F (1st and 2nd hand both empty) (so might as well strike with 1st hand) (view C2/10B2 to see how the bits for each hand were set)
C2/0F61 unknow
C2/0F61: 20 74 0F JSR $0F74 C2/0F64: 9C AC 11 STZ $11AC (clear Battle Power for 1st hand) C2/0F67: 60 RTS
C2/0F68 unknow
C2/0F68: 20 74 0F JSR $0F74 C2/0F6B: 9C AD 11 STZ $11AD (clear Battle Power for 2nd hand) C2/0F6E: 60 RTS
(NOTE: C2/0F6F is only called if you have weapons in both hands, which means that's the ONLY situation where the Genji Glove effect is cleared. So you'll do full damage with each strike if you have two weapons, but have it reduced by 1/4 if you have zero or one weapon. This is widely acknowledged as ass-backwards; common sense tells you that 1 weapon should hardly be more cumbersome than 2... Nor should a magic glove make gripping one a tall feat. I suspect Square was thrown by their own byte $11CF, as "set effect to be cleared" sounds like an oxymoron. They were probably trying to *enable* the genji effect below (after all, TSB usually _does_ _enable_ things). At least that's what my forthcoming patch will assume... ^__^ ) C2/0F6F: A9 10 LDA #$10 (Genji Glove Effect) C2/0F71: 0C CF 11 TSB $11CF (Sets Genji Glove effect to be cleared) C2/0F74: A9 40 LDA #$40 C2/0F76: 1C DA 11 TRB $11DA (turn off Gauntlet effect for 1st hand) C2/0F79: 1C DB 11 TRB $11DB (turn off Gauntlet effect for 2nd hand) C2/0F7C: 60 RTS
C2/0F7D unknow
(11D5 = 01: Raise Attack Damage 10: Raise HP by 12.5% 02: Raise Magic Damage 20: Raise MP by 25% 04: Raise HP by 25% 40: Raise MP by 50% 08: Raise HP by 50% 80: Raise MP by 12.5% . from yousei's doc) C2/0F7D: 2C D5 11 BIT $11D5 C2/0F80: F0 03 BEQ $0F85 C2/0F82: A9 80 LDA #$80 (if bit is set, store 50% boost) C2/0F84: 60 RTS
C2/0F85: 4A LSR C2/0F86: 2C D5 11 BIT $11D5 C2/0F89: F0 03 BEQ $0F8E C2/0F8B: A9 40 LDA #$40 (if bit is set, store 25% boost) C2/0F8D: 60 RTS
C2/0F8E: 0A ASL C2/0F8F: 0A ASL C2/0F90: 2C D5 11 BIT $11D5 C2/0F93: F0 03 BEQ $0F98 C2/0F95: A9 C0 LDA #$C0 (if bit is set, store 12.5% boost) C2/0F97: 60 RTS
C2/0F98: 7B TDC (if none of the bits were set, store 0% boost) C2/0F99: 60 RTS
C2/0F9A load item data into memory
C2/0F9A: DA PHX C2/0F9B: 5A PHY (Y = equip/relic slot, 0 to 5?) C2/0F9C: EB XBA C2/0F9D: A9 1E LDA #$1E C2/0F9F: 20 81 47 JSR $4781 (multiply index by size of item data block) C2/0FA2: AA TAX C2/0FA3: BF 05 50 D8 LDA $D85005,X (field effects) C2/0FA7: 0C DF 11 TSB $11DF C2/0FAA: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit accumulator) C2/0FAC: BF 06 50 D8 LDA $D85006,X C2/0FB0: 0C D2 11 TSB $11D2 (status bytes 1 and 2 protection) C2/0FB3: BF 08 50 D8 LDA $D85008,X C2/0FB7: 0C D4 11 TSB $11D4 (11D4 = equipment status byte 3, 11D5 = raise attack damage, raise magic damage, and HP and MP % boosts) C2/0FBA: BF 0A 50 D8 LDA $D8500A,X (battle effects 1 and "status effects 2". latter is nothing to do with status ailments. 11D6: 01: Increase Preemptive Atk chance 10: Sketch -> Control 02: Prevent Back/Pincer attacks 20: Slot -> GP Rain (this won't work for battles where back/pincer are forced) 04: Fight -> Jump 40: Steal -> Capture 08: Magic -> X-Magic 80: Jump continuously 11D7: 01: Increase Steal Rate 10: 100% Hit Rate 02: -- 20: Halve MP Consumption 04: Increase Sketch Rate 40: Reduce MP Consumption to 1 08: Increase Control Rate 80: Raise Vigor . yousei's doc) C2/0FBE: 0C D6 11 TSB $11D6 C2/0FC1: BF 0C 50 D8 LDA $D8500C,X (battle effects 2 and 3) C2/0FC5: 0C D8 11 TSB $11D8 (11D8: 01: Fight -> X-Fight 10: Can equip a weapon in each hand 02: Randomly Counter Attacks 20: Wearer can equip heavy armor 04: Increases chance of evading attack 40: Wearer protects those with low HP 08: Attack with two hands 80: 11D9: 01: Casts Shell when HP is low 10: Doubles Gold received 02: Casts Safe when HP is low 20: 04: Casts Rflect when HP is low 40: 08: Doubles Experience received 80: Makes body cold C2/0FC8: BF 10 50 D8 LDA $D85010,X (Vigor+ / Speed+ / Stamina+ / MagPwr+ , by ascending address) C2/0FCC: A0 06 00 LDY #$0006 C2/0FCF: 48 PHA C2/0FD0: 29 0F 00 AND #$000F (isolate bottom nibble) C2/0FD3: 89 08 00 BIT #$0008 (if top bit of stat boost is set, adjustment will be negative) C2/0FD6: F0 04 BEQ $0FDC (if not, branch) C2/0FD8: 49 F7 FF EOR #$FFF7 (create a signed 16-bit negative value) C2/0FDB: 1A INC C2/0FDC: 18 CLC C2/0FDD: 79 A0 11 ADC $11A0,Y C2/0FE0: 99 A0 11 STA $11A0,Y (make adjustment to stat, ranging from -7 to +7) ($11A6 = Vigor, 11A4 = Speed, 11A2 = Stamina, 11A0 = Mag Pwr) C2/0FE3: 68 PLA C2/0FE4: 4A LSR C2/0FE5: 4A LSR C2/0FE6: 4A LSR C2/0FE7: 4A LSR (get next highest nibble) C2/0FE8: 88 DEY C2/0FE9: 88 DEY C2/0FEA: 10 E3 BPL $0FCF (loop for all 4 stats) C2/0FEC: BF 1A 50 D8 LDA $D8501A,X (Evade/MBlock byte) C2/0FF0: DA PHX C2/0FF1: 48 PHA C2/0FF2: 29 0F 00 AND #$000F (isolate evade) C2/0FF5: 0A ASL C2/0FF6: AA TAX (evade nibble * 2, turn into pointer) C2/0FF7: BF 05 11 C2 LDA $C21105,X (get actual evade boost/reduction of item) C2/0FFB: 18 CLC C2/0FFC: 6D A8 11 ADC $11A8 C2/0FFF: 8D A8 11 STA $11A8 (add it to other evade boosts) C2/1002: 68 PLA C2/1003: 29 F0 00 AND #$00F0 (isolate mblock) C2/1006: 4A LSR C2/1007: 4A LSR C2/1008: 4A LSR C2/1009: AA TAX (mblock nibble * 2, turn into pointer) C2/100A: BF 05 11 C2 LDA $C21105,X (get actual mblock boost/reduction of item) C2/100E: 18 CLC C2/100F: 6D AA 11 ADC $11AA C2/1012: 8D AA 11 STA $11AA (add it to other mblock boosts) C2/1015: FA PLX C2/1016: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/1018: BF 14 50 D8 LDA $D85014,X (get weapon battle power / armor defense power) C2/101C: EB XBA C2/101D: BF 02 50 D8 LDA $D85002,X (get top byte of equippable chars?) C2/1021: 0A ASL C2/1022: 0A ASL (carry = Specs active when Imp?) C2/1023: A5 FE LDA $FE (Character Status Byte 1) C2/1025: B0 02 BCS $1029 (branch if imp-activated) C2/1027: 49 20 EOR #$20 (flip Imp status) C2/1029: 89 20 BIT #$20 (character has Imp status?) C2/102B: D0 03 BNE $1030 C2/102D: A9 01 LDA #$01 (if you're an Imp and specs aren't Imp-activated, defense/battle power = 1. or if you're not an Imp and the specs are Imp-activated, battle/defense power = 1) C2/102F: EB XBA C2/1030: EB XBA (if imp-activation and imp status match, put the original Battle/Defense Power back in bottom of A) (note that Item #255 has a Battle Power of 10, so bare hands will actually be stronger than Imp Halberd on a non-Imp) C2/1031: 85 FD STA $FD C2/1033: BF 00 50 D8 LDA $D85000,X (item type) C2/1037: 29 07 AND #$07 (isolate classification) C2/1039: 3A DEC C2/103A: F0 76 BEQ $10B2 (if it's a weapon, branch) C2/103C: BF 19 50 D8 LDA $D85019,X C2/1040: 0C BC 11 TSB $11BC (equipment status byte 2) C2/1043: BF 0F 50 D8 LDA $D8500F,X (50% resist elements) C2/1047: EB XBA C2/1048: BF 18 50 D8 LDA $D85018,X (weak to elements) C2/104C: C2 20 REP #$20 (Set 16-bit Accumulator) C2/104E: 0C B8 11 TSB $11B8 (bottom = weak elements, top = 50% resist elements) C2/1051: BF 16 50 D8 LDA $D85016,X C2/1055: 0C B6 11 TSB $11B6 (bottom = absorbed elements, top = nullified elements) C2/1058: E2 20 SEP #$20 (Set 8-bit Accumulator) C2/105A: 18 CLC C2/105B: A5 FD LDA $FD (get equipment Defense Power) C2/105D: 6D BA 11 ADC $11BA (add it into Defense so far) C2/1060: 90 02 BCC $1064 C2/1062: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/1064: 8D BA 11 STA $11BA (if defense exceeds 255, make it 255) C2/1067: 18 CLC C2/1068: BF 15 50 D8 LDA $D85015,X (get equipment Magic Defense) C2/106C: 6D BB 11 ADC $11BB (add it into MagDef so far) C2/106F: 90 02 BCC $1073 C2/1071: A9 FF LDA #$FF C2/1073: 8D BB 11 STA $11BB (if magic defense exceeds 255, make it 255) C2/1076: 7A PLY C2/1077: A9 02 LDA #$02 C2/1079: 1C D5 11 TRB $11D5 (clear "raise magic damage" bit in Item Bonuses -- raise fight, raise magic, HP + %, MP + %) C2/107C: F0 08 BEQ $1086 C2/107E: 0C D7 11 TSB $11D7 (if Earring effect is set in current equipment slot, set it in Item Special 2: boost steal, single Earring, boost sketch, boost control, sniper sight, gold hairpin, economizer, vigor + 50%) C2/1081: F0 03 BEQ $1086 C2/1083: 0C D5 11 TSB $11D5 (if Earring effect had also been set by other equipment slots, set it again in item bonuses, where it will actually represent _double_ Earring, even though the initial data byte would have it set even for a lone Earring) (if all this crazy bit swapping seems convuluted, keep in mind that $11D5 isn't RELOADED for each equipment slot; it's ADDED to via the TSB at C2/0FB7. thus, we must clear the Earring bit in $11D5 for each of the 6 equip slots if we wish to see whether the CURRENT slot gives us the Earring effect.) C2/1086: 7B TDC C2/1087: BF 1B 50 D8 LDA $D8501B,X (item byte 1B, special action) C2/108B: 99 BE 11 STA $11BE,Y C2/108E: 89 0C BIT #$0C (shield animation for blocked physical/magic attacks or weapon parry?) C2/1090: F0 1E BEQ $10B0 (if none of above, branch) C2/1092: 48 PHA (save old Byte 1B) C2/1093: 29 03 AND #$03 (isolate bottom 2 bits. for a given item: bit 0 = big weapon parry anim. bit 1 = "any" shield block, all except cursed shld. both = zephyr cape. neither = small weapon parry bit 2 = physical block: shield, weapon parry, or zephyr cape) bit 3 = magical shield block. shields only? ) C2/1095: AA TAX (put Acc in X. Following loop gives us 2^X) C2/1096: 7B TDC (clear Acc) C2/1097: 38 SEC (set carry flag) C2/1098: 2A ROL (rotate carry into lowest bit of Acc) C2/1099: CA DEX (decrement X, which was 0-3) C2/109A: 10 FC BPL $1098 (loop if X>=0) C2/109C: EB XBA C2/109D: 68 PLA (retrieve item byte 1B) C2/109E: 89 04 BIT #$04 C2/10A0: F0 05 BEQ $10A7 (branch if physical block animation not set) C2/10A2: EB XBA C2/10A3: 0C D0 11 TSB $11D0 (if one of above was set, store our 2^X value) C2/10A6: EB XBA C2/10A7: 89 08 BIT #$08 C2/10A9: F0 05 BEQ $10B0 (if no magic attack block for shield, branch) C2/10AB: EB XBA C2/10AC: 0C D1 11 TSB $11D1 (if there was, store our 2^X value) C2/10AF: EB XBA C2/10B0: FA PLX C2/10B1: 60 RTS