Mother 3/Map info table

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Map info table
Start Address 0xD2E1D8
End Address 0xD34F43
# of Entries 1000 (0x3E8)
Entry Length 28 bytes (0x1C)
Total Length 28012 bytes (0x6D6C)
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This table contains map layer dimensions and alpha values. The table has a 12-byte dummy header that can be ignored (but should be left untouched).

Field listing

Table view

       00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
00  | [        A        ] [                            ?                            ]
10  | [        B        ] [        C        ] [        D        ]


It's unknown exactly how these values work, but they do influence how the map layers blend together; for example, the 'spotlight' layers in the Drago Plateau caves (maps 462-464) have special values.

Layer info

Each map has three layers. The 4-byte layer info includes the dimensions of each respective layer.

  • 00-00 (01) = Bitfield
    • 0x07 = (Width - 1), in units of 16 tiles (units of 256 pixels)
    • 0x38 = (Height - 1), in units of 16 tiles (units of 256 pixels)
    • 0xC0 = Unclassified data
  • 01-03 (03) = Unclassified data