Mother 3/Town map info table

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Revision as of 07:57, 8 August 2013 by JeffMan (talk | contribs)
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Enemy data table
Start Address 0xC2BE8
End Address 0xC5AC7
# of Entries 1000 (0x3E8)
Entry Length 12 bytes (0xC)
Total Length 12000 bytes (0x2EE0)
Back to the ROM map


The town map table gives directives on which town map each area uses, as well as the physical bounds of the current map area on the town map itself. There are 1000 entries, one for each area in the game.

Field listing

  • 00-01 (02) = [ A ] Town map number
  • 02-03 (02) = [ B ] Top-left X
  • 04-05 (02) = [ C ] Top-left Y
  • 06-07 (02) = [ D ] Bottom-right X
  • 08-09 (02) = [ E ] Bottom-right Y
  • 0A-0B (02) = Unclassified data

Table view

       00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
00  | [   A   ] [   B   ] [   C   ] [   D   ] [   E   ] [   ?   ]