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Mother 3/Known script sequences
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[01 XXXXXX] [01 YYYYYY] [01 TTTTTT] [04 00 40 00] [00 00 AAAA] [05 00 D6 16] ([01 DDDDDD] [04 00 00 00])
- XXXXXX = X destination
- YYYYYY = Y destination
- TTTTTT = Transition period (proportional to 1/speed)
- AAAA = Unknown; 0x000F has been observed
- DDDDDD = Delay until continuing with parsing. This is typically included so that text doesn't begin showing up while the camera is still panning.
Example: when talking to the Magypsies for the first time, this script occurs when panning the screen towards Mixolydia:
$1280E58: [01 D8 00 00] [01 C0 00 00] [01 40 00 00] [04 00 40 00] [00 00 0F 00] [05 00 D6 16] [01 40 00 00] [04 00 00 00]