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Mother 3/RAS block
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RAS is a block that's only used for the battle background data and entry tables. For consistency with the other named data structures, the format is explained on this page, rather than on the battle data pages.
- 00-03 (04) = "ras " header
- 04-05 (02) = Number of layer entries
- 06-07 (02) = Number of master entries
- 08-.. (..) = Layer entries
- ..-.. (..) = Master entries
- ..-.. (04) = "~ras" footer
Layer entries
The layer entries immediately follow the 8-byte header. In the battle background data table, there are 0x222 layer entries. Each entry uses 144 (0x90) bytes. Each entry contains animation information for its associated battle background layer.
Layer entry format
- 00-01 (02) = [ A ] Graphics entry
- 02-03 (02) = [ B ] Arrangement entry
- 04-43 (40) = [ C ] Palettes (2)
- 44-45 (02) = [ D ] Palette rotation: direction
- 46-47 (02) = Unclassified data
- 48-49 (02) = [ E ] Palette rotation: starting index
- 4A-4B (02) = [ F ] Palette rotation: ending index
- 4C-4D (02) = [ G ] Palette rotation: iteration delay
- 4E-73 (26) = Unclassified data
- 74-75 (02) = [ H ] Horizontal velocity
- 76-77 (02) = [ I ] Vertical velocity
- 78-7B (04) = Unclassified data
- 7C-7D (02) = [ J ] Horizontal amplitude
- 7E-7F (02) = [ K ] Vertical amplitude
- 80-81 (02) = [ L ] Horizontal wavenumber
- 82-83 (02) = [ M ] Vertical wavenumber
- 84-85 (02) = [ N ] Horizontal frequency
- 86-87 (02) = [ O ] Vertical frequency
- 88-8F (08) = Unclassified data
Table view
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 | [ A ] [ B ] [ C -> 10 | <- C -> 20 | <- C -> 30 | <- C -> 40 | <- C ] [ D ] [ ? ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ ? -> 50 | <- ? -> 60 | <- ? -> 70 | <- ? ] [ H ] [ I ] [ ? ] [ J ] [ K ] 80 | [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ ? ]