Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars/ROM map

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< Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

ASM	65816 assembly code
CGFX	compressed graphics using the LZ4 format
DATA	any type of data or formatting
GFX	raw uncompressed graphics, such as objects
PAL	palettes or palette sets
PTR	pointers, in whatever structure
SND	sound effects, SPC data, samples
TXT	raw text, such as dialogue, names, descriptions, etc.

000088 - ...... | ASM  | CPU processor start offset
003CF4 - 00576E | ASM  | CPU event functions
007FAC - 007FAE | DATA | battle debug menu lock
007FC0 - 008001 | DATA | embedded cartridge info
008002 - ...... | ASM  | SA-1 processor start offset
00C685 - 00C6A4 | PTR  | Event function #$00-2F #$Fx pointers (16 pointers)
00C6A5 - 00C8A4 | PTR  | Event function pointers (256 pointers)
00C8A5 - 00CA44 | PTR  | Event function #$FD xx pointers
00CA82 - 00E396 | ASM  | SA-1 event functions
00EEB1 - 00F0B0 | PTR  | Event function SA-1 pointers
00F0B1 - 00F2B0 | PTR  | Event function SA-1 #$FD xx pointers
00F7F1 - 00FBCB | ASM  | LZ4 Decompression functions
00FBCC - 00FBEB | PTR  | LZ4 Decompression function pointers
01B100 - 01BEFF | GFX  | Chandelier GFX (uncompressed), alphanumeric symbols
01BF00 - 01CFFF | GFX  | other GFX
01E580 - 01FFFF | GFX  | alphanumeric symbols, menu cursor/symbol GFX
         01ED00 | GFX  | damage/heal numerals
         01F280 | GFX  | inventory page numerals
020D3D - 020F1E | ASM  | Event/Animation function pointers
020F1F - 026D__ | ASM  | Event/Animation functions
029F51 - 029F58 | DATA | Battle Music Assignment bytes (8 bytes)
02A3C3 - 02A402 | ASM  | Battle Script function pointers
02A403 - 02A8DD | ASM  | Battle Script functions
02D3AF - 02D3D1 | TXT  | Level-Up Bonus character names
02D5F8 - 02D6AF | TXT  | Level-Up Bonus text
02E555 - 02E55C | DATA | Level-Up Spell bits
030000 - 033FFF | ASM  | Windowing Assembly
034165 - 0341AA | TXT  | Alphanumeric Text
035000 - 037FFF | ASM  | Windowing Assembly
03F000 - 03FFFF | GFX  | Battle Numeral/Cursor GFX
         03FC00 | PAL  | Battle Numeral/Cursor palette
040000 - 040B0E | ASM  | CPU Assembly Code
040B0F - 0421E7 | ASM  | SPC Assembly Code
0421E8 - 04224D | PTR  | ??? pointers
04224E - 0422C7 | PTR  | Sound FX Decompression Function Pointers
042333 - 04248E | PTR  | Audio Sample Pointers (116 samples, 3 bytes each)
042748 - 042825 | PTR  | SPC Pointers (73 songs, 3 bytes each)
042826 - 042C25 | PTR  | EVT Sound FX APU Register Pointers (256 sounds, 4 bytes each, 2 pairs)
042C26 - 043E25 | SND  | EVT Sound FX Stats
043E26 - 044225 | PTR  | BAT Sound FX APU Register Pointers (256 sounds, 4 bytes each, 2 pairs)
044226 - 045425 | SND  | BAT Sound FX Stats
045426 - 045525 | SND  | Sound FX bytes (512 sounds total, 4 bits ie. 1/2 byte each)
045526 - 060938 | SND  | SPC Data
060939 - 093FFF | SND  | Audio Sample Data
094000 - 09E02D | ASM  | Assembly Code
09E02E - 09E0F6 | TXT  | 'multi5 connection' text
0A0000 - 0AF437 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
0B0000 - 0BF8E8 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
0C0000 - 0CF9A1 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
0D0000 - 0DF790 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
0E0000 - 0EFF8D | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
0F0000 - 0FF799 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
100000 - 10FC24 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, areas
110000 - 11FC00 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
120000 - 12FE96 | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
130000 - 13FFFF | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
140000 - 145FFF | GFX  | Compressed GFX, battle fields
146000 - 147FFF | SND  | Audio Sample Data
148000 - 1483FF | DATA | Sprite Map pointers
148400 - 14F016 | DATA | Sprite Map data
14F017 - 14FFFF | ---- | --------
150000 - 15EFEA | DATA | Battlefield Tile Maps
15EFEB - 15FFFF | ---- | --------
160000 - 16FDE8 | DATA | Tile Maps, compressed
170000 - 17FC80 | DATA | Tile Maps, compressed
180000 - 18FC80 | DATA | Tile Maps, compressed
190000 - 19FEDD | DATA | Tile Maps, compressed
1A0000 - 1A4D9F | DATA | Tile Maps, compressed
1A4DA0 - 1A7FFF | ---- | --------
1A8000 - 1AFF71 | DATA | Ending Scene Close/Beetle Game CGFX, palettes and tilemaps
1A8020 - 1A8B7D | DATA | Ending Scene Close - animation sequences & molds
1A8B7E - 1AA071 | CGFX | Ending Scene Close GFX - Mario
1AA072 - 1AA0F5 | PAL  | Ending Scene Close palettes (4 palettes total)
1AA0F6 - 1ADFEC | CGFX | Ending Scene Close GFX - Toadstool, Yoshi, Chancellor, Thank You
1ADFED - 1AE233 | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - BGL 1
1AE234 - 1AE554 | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - BGL 2
1AE555 - 1AEA37 | DATA | Ending Scene Close tilemap - 'Thank You' word art only
1AEA38 - 1AEB2A | PAL  | Ending Scene Close palettes (8 palettes total)
1AEB2B - 1AF3C4 | CGFX | Beetle Game objects: beetle, stars, timer, shells, hearts, numbers
1AF3C5 - 1AF430 | PAL  | Beetle Game object palettes (8 palettes total)
1AF431 - 1AF7F2 | CGFX | Beetle Game background clouds
1AF7F3 - 1AFC70 | CGFX | Beetle Game background woods, grass
1AFC71 - 1AFD44 | DATA | Beetle Game tilemap - clouds
1AFD45 - 1AFEF5 | DATA | Beetle Game tilemap - woods, grass
1AFEF6 - 1AFF1B | PAL  | Beetle Game background clouds palette (1 palette)
1AFF1C - 1AFF71 | PAL  | Beetle Game background woods, grass palettes (3 palettes total)
1B0000 - 1BFC12 | DATA | Physical Field Maps, compressed
1C0000 - 1C6505 | DATA | Physical Field Maps, compressed
1C8000 - 1CFFFF | SND  | Audio Sample Data
1D0040 - 1D243F | DATA | Area Layout data (layout PTR, screen placement, etc...)
1D2440 - 1D2D63 | DATA | Area Mapping Assignments data (tilesets, physical fields, palettes)
1D2D64 - 1D3165 | PTR  | Exit Field pointers
1D3166 - 1D4904 | DATA | Exit Field data
1D4906 - 1D4D04 | PTR  | ?????? pointers
1D4D05 - 1D5EBC | DATA | ?????? data
1D5EBD - 1D62BC | PTR  | Event Modification pointers
1D62BD - 1D8DAF | DATA | Event Modifications: backgrounds
1D8DB0 - 1D91AF | PTR  | Event Modification pointers
1D91B0 - 1D9AAE | DATA | Event Modifications: physical fields
1D9CF1 - 1D9DEE | PTR  | Layer Animation Effect pointers
1DB190 - 1DB7FF | ---- | --------
1DB800 - 1DC5FF | DATA | Object mapping properties (512 objects, 7 bytes each)
1DC600 - 1DDDFF | ---- | --------
1DDE00 - 1DDFDF | DATA | Sprite Mapping parameters (120 items, 4 bytes each)
1E0000 - 1E0BFF | PTR  | Event Data pointers: 0000 - 05FF
1E0C00 - 1EFFFF | DATA | Event Data
1F0000 - 1F0BFF | PTR  | Event Data pointers: 0600 - 0BFF
1F0C00 - 1FFFFF | DATA | Event Data
200000 - 2007FF | PTR  | Event Data pointers: 0C00 - 0FFF
200800 - 20DFFF | DATA | Event Data
20E000 - 20E3FF | DATA | Area Event Mapping pointers (512 pointers)
20E400 - 20FDC7 | DATA | Area Event Mapping Data: event maps, exit fields events, area music
210000 - 2107FF | PTR  | Object Movement Sequence pointers
210800 - 21BADE | DATA | Object Movement Sequences
21BADF - 21BFFF | ---- | --------
21C000 - 21FFFF | PAL  | Palettes
220000 - 249100 | DATA | Dialogue
249434 - 24A003 | DATA | Dialogue/Menu Text GFX
24A000 - 24EDDF | DATA | Palette Sets for areas (93 sets, 212 bytes each)
24EDE0 - 24FFFF | ---- | --------
250000 - 2508FF | DATA | Object animation data (575 items, 4 bytes each)
250C00 - 250E7F | DATA | Object animation data (spells)
251000 - 2511C1 | DATA | Spell GFX assignments
251800 - 251FFF | DATA | Object GFX/Palette Pointers (512 items, 4 bytes each)
                | DATA | 1st short: pointer to GFX
                | DATA | 2nd short: pointer to palette
252000 - 252BFF | PTR  | Object Sequence pointers (1024 objects, 3 bytes each)
252C00 - 252FFF | DATA | Spell GFX assignment mold/palette pointers
253000 - 258FFF | DATA | Object palettes (819 palettes, 30 bytes each)
259000 - 27FFFF | DATA | Object Sequences
280000 - 32FFFF | GFX  | Object uncompressed GFX
350202 - 350401 | PTR  | Monster death animation/misc pointers (256 monsters, 2 bytes each)
350462 - 351025 | DATA | Common animation code
351026 - 35107F | PTR  | Spell animation pointers-Monsters (45 spells, 2 bytes each)
351080 - 351492 | DATA | Spell animation code/pointer sets-Monsters
351493 - 351594 | PTR  | Attack animation pointers (129 pointers)
         351595 | DATA | Attack animation code/pointer sets
359300 - 35C760 | DATA | Spell timing ranges, sounds
35C761 - 35C802 | PTR  | Item Animation pointers (81 items)
35C803 - 35C967 | DATA | Item Animation code/pointer sets 
35C968 - 35C981 | DATA | Item Freebie code/timers
35C982 - 35C991 | DATA | display 'Get a freebie!' message
35C992 - 35C9C7 | PTR  | Spell animation pointers-Allies (27 spells, 2 bytes each)
35C9C8 - 35CAAB | DATA | Spell animation code/pointer sets-Allies
360000 - 36FFFF | DATA | Object animation data/molds
370024 - 370984 | DATA | Tileset, ????
370985 - 371469 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - background clouds
37146A - 371496 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (2 total) - background clouds
371497 - 371547 | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 3
371548 - 373638 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - grassland hills & flower bed
373639 - 37376D | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 2
37376E - 373896 | DATA | Flower Garden Tileset, BGL 1
373897 - 373A3A | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (16 total) - Toadstool, Pipehouse
373A3B - 373BE2 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (16 total) - Toadstool, Pipehouse (darkened) 
373BE3 - 374521 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Bowser in helicopter, dialogue bubble
374522 - 374589 | DATA | Flower Garden Tilemap, Objects/Sprites
37458A - 3745D3 | DATA | Tilemap, ????
3745D4 - 374635 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes (3 total) - Bowser, helicopter, dialogue bubble
374636 - 374654 | DATA | Tileset, ????
374655 - 376C9D | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Toadstool picking flowers, Pipehouse
376C9E - 378725 | CGFX | Flower Garden CGFX - Mario at opened door, jumping
378726 - 3787C4 | PAL  | Flower Garden palettes - Mario
3787C5 - 3799E8 | DATA | Tileset, ????
3799E9 - 379FFF | ---- | --------
37A000 - 37BFFF | PAL  | Palettes
37C000 - 37DFFF | GFX  | Overworld Menu Alphanumeric symbol GFX
37E000 - 37FFFF | PTR  | Dialogue pointers (to bank $E2-$E4)
380000 - 384678 | CGFX | Ending Credits (LC_LZ8 compression)
384800 - 384DC8 | CGFX | Ending Credits, fireworks (mushroom, star, flower)
385000 - 3857FF | PAL  | Ending Credits, palettes
385800 - 385D96 | DATA | Ending Credits procession march, tilemap
386000 - 387214 | DATA | Ending Credits final closing screen, tilemap
387400 - 3878EB | CGFX | Ending Credits, BG star in final closing screen
387A00 - 387CA7 | CGFX | Ending Credits, 'The End' word art
387CA8 - 387FFF | ---- | --------
388000 - 38801E | PTR  | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Stage Properties
38801F - 389EC4 | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Compressed GFX (used for Mode 7)
389EC5 - 389F98 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Tileset (used for Mode 7)
389F99 - 38A05D | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - Palettes (used for Mode 7)
38A05E - 38A07D | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - CGFX Assignments (used for Mode 7)
38A07E - 38A539 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1 - Tilemap  (used for Mode 7)
38A53A - 38AAD4 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 3 - Tilemap  (used for Mode 7)
38AAD5 - 38ACB6 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 1,3 - background tilemap
38ACB7 - 38B035 | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Item GFX (mushroom, coin, sparks)
38B036 - 38B077 | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad - Item Palettes (mushroom, coin, sparks)
38B078 - 38B37A | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Physical Field
38B37B - 38EBFC | CGFX | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Compressed GFX
38EBFD - 38EE6E | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Tileset
38EE6F - 38EF33 | PAL  | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - Palettes
38EF34 - 38F534 | DATA | Moleville Mountain Railroad Stage 2,4 - background tilemap
390026 - 390224 | PTR  | Monster Stats pointers
390226 - 391146 | DATA | Monster Stats (256 monsters, 16 bytes each)
391226 - 391429 | DATA | Monster Special Attack stats (128 specials, 4 bytes each)
39142A - 391629 | PTR  | Monster EXP, coins, items, Yoshi Cookie pointers
39162A - 391C29 | DATA | Monster EXP, coins, items, Yoshi Cookie (256 monsters, 6 bytes each)
39222A - 392609 | DATA | Monster Formation Packs (248 packs, 4 bytes each)
39260A - 392AA9 | ---- | --------
392AAA - 3930A9 | DATA | Monster Formation Stats (512 items, 3 bytes each)
3930AA - 3932A9 | PTR  | Monster Battle Script pointers (256 monsters, 2 bytes each)
3932AA - 3959F3 | DATA | Monster Battle Script data
3959F4 - 396554 | TXT  | Monster special attack names
396554 - 396753 | PTR  | Battle Dialogue pointers
396755 - 3992D0 | TXT  | Battle Dialogue
                |      | 02 01  break line
                |      | 02 00  end dialogue
                |      | 20  space
3992D1 - 399FD0 | TXT  | Monster names
399FD1 - 39A1D0 | PTR  | Psychopath Message pointers
39A1D1 - 39B643 | TXT  | Psychopath Messages
39B644 - 39B843 | DATA | Battlefield Layout data (64 battlefields, 8 bytes each)
                |      | Byte 1-5	GFX sets
                |      | Byte 6	??? (nothing uses this)
                |      | Byte 7	BG1 Tileset
                |      | Byte 8	Palette Set
39B944 - 39BA43 | DATA | Monster targetting cursor coordinates (256 bytes)
                |      | lower bits: +Y coordinate from bottom of monster
                |      | upper bits: -X coordinate from right of monster
39BA44 - 39BB43 | DATA | Battlefield Sets by area map byte (64 sets, 4 bytes each)
39BB44 - 39BC44 | DATA | Monster Flower Bonus (256 bytes)
                |      | bit 0-3   flower bonus
                |      | bit 4-7   odds of getting flower
                |      | 1   Attack Up
                |      | 2   Defense Up
                |      | 3   HP Max
                |      | 4   Once Again
                |      | 5   Lucky
39BC57 - 39BFFF | ---- | --------
39C000 - 39F3FF | DATA | Monster Formations (512 formations, 26 bytes each)
39F400 - 39FFFF | ---- | --------
         3A0000 | PTR  | Starting Stats/Items
         3A0002 | PTR  |
         3A0004 | PTR  | Item Stats
         3A0006 | PTR  | Character Names
         3A0008 | PTR  | Spell Names
         3A000A | PTR  | Item Names
         3A000C | PTR  | Level Up XP
         3A000E | PTR  | Level Up Status Mods
         3A0010 | PTR  | Level Up Bonus
         3A0012 | PTR  | Magic Stats
         3A0014 | PTR  | Battle Messages
         3A0016 | PTR  | Block of 0x02's
         3A0018 | PTR  | Magic Spell Descriptions
         3A001A | PTR  | Equipment/Item Descriptions
         3A001C | PTR  | Shop Prices for Items
         3A001E | PTR  | 
         3A0020 | PTR  | Magic Spell Level Up Mods
         3A0022 | PTR  | 
         3A0024 | PTR  | 
         3A0026 | PTR  | Weapon Timing Variables
         3A0028 | PTR  | 
         3A002A | PTR  | Shop Stats
3A002C - 3A008F | DATA | Characters' starting stats (16 bytes each)
3A0090 - 3A00DA | DATA | Starting Items, Equipment, Special Items
3A00DB - 3A00E0 | DATA | Starting Coins, FP, and Frog Coins
3A014D - 3A134C | DATA | Item stats (256 items, 18 bytes each)
3A137F - 3A1514 | TXT  | Spell Names-Allies
3A1514 - 3A1AFF | TXT  | Spell Names-Monsters
3A1AFF - 3A1B38 | DATA | Experience needed for level up (29 items, 2 bytes each)
3A1B39 - 3A1CEB | DATA | Stat modifications by level (29 items, 3 bytes each)
                | DATA | 1st byte		HP increase
                | DATA | 2nd byte, bit 4-7	Attack increase
                | DATA | 2nd byte, bit 0-3	Defense increase
                | DATA | 3rd byte, bit 4-7	Mg.Attack increase
                | DATA | 3rd byte, bit 0-3	Mg.Defense increase
3A1CEC - 3A1E9E | DATA | Stat Bonus modifications by level (29 items, 3 bytes each)
3A20F1 - 3A2234 | DATA | Magic Stats-Allies (12 bytes each)
3A23F1 - 3A26F0 | DATA | Magic Stats-Monsters (12 bytes each)
3A26F1 - 3A274C | PTR  | Battle Message pointers
3A274D - 3A29FF | TXT  | Battle Message data
3A2A00 - 3A2B7F | DATA | Pointers to a block of 2's? What's the point?
3A2B80 - 3A2BB5 | PTR  | Magic Spell description pointers
3A2BB6 - 3A2F1F | TXT  | Magic Spell description data
3A2F20 - 3A311F | PTR  | Equipment/Item description pointers
3A3120 - 3A40A1 | TXT  | Equipment/Item description data
3A40F2 - 3A42F1 | DATA | Shop Prices for Items (256 items, 2 bytes each)
3A42F5 - 3A4389 | DATA | Magic Spell Level Up Mods by level (starts at LV 2, 29 items, 5 bytes each)
		| DATA | byte 1	Mario's spell to learn
		| DATA | byte 2	Toadstool's spell to learn
		| DATA | byte 3	Bowser's spell to learn
		| DATA | byte 4	Geno's spell to learn
		| DATA | byte 5	Mallow's spell to learn
3A438A - 3A441D | DATA | Weapon Timing variables (41 weapons, 4 bytes each)
3A44DF - 3A46EE | DATA | Shop Data (16 bytes each)
3A46EF - 3A55EF | TXT  | Equipment/Item names
3A55F0 - 3A5FFF | DATA | --------
3A6004 - 3A60CF | PTR  | Battle Event pointers
3A60D0 - 3A70__ | DATA | Battle Event data
3B0000 - 3BFA55 | DATA | Tilesets, compressed
3C0000 - 3CFF54 | DATA | Tilesets, compressed
3D0000 - 3DB5D3 | DATA | Tilesets, compressed
3DB5D4 - 3DBFFF | DATA | --------
3DC000 - 3DD7FF | DATA | Physical Tile properties (1024 tiles, 6 bytes each)
3DD800 - 3DEFFF | DATA | --------
3DF000 - 3DFFFF | GFX  | fog/sky and other GFX
3E0000 - 3EE03A | CGFX | Compressed GFX - world maps, overworld menus
3EEF00 - 3EEFEB | PTR  | Menu Text Pointers
3EF000 - 3EF5FF | TXT  | Menu Text
3EF800 - 3EF81F | DATA | Map image and coordinates (3 bytes each)
		|      | byte 1 - image, byte 2,3 - X,Y coordinates
3EF820 - 3EF82F | DATA | Map Location point count
3EF830 - 3EFBAF | DATA | Map Location data (55 locations, 16 bytes each)
3EFD00 - 3EFD7F | PTR  | Location Names pointers
3EFD80 - 3EFF1F | TXT  | Location Names
3F0000 - 3F9FFF | PAL  | Palettes
3FA000 - 3FAFFF | ASM  | LZ8 Decompression functions (ending credits)
3FB5E3 - 3FB642 | TXT  | alphanumeric text
3FE800 - 3FFFFF | GFX  | long alphanumeric symbols