Dragon Warrior/Notes

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Chest Contents

$00 = Staff of Rain + Fake Herb
$01 = Rainbow Drop
$02 = Herb
$03 = Key
$04 = Torch
$05 = Fairy Water
$06 = Wings
$07 = Dragon's Scale
$08 = Fairy Flute
$09 = Fighter's Ring
$0A = Erdrick's Token
$0B = Gwaelin's Love
$0C = Cursed Belt
$0D = Silver Harp
$0E = Gold (~107)
$0F = Stones of Sunlight
$10 = Staff of Rain
$11 = Erdrick's Sword
$12 = Gold (~10)
$13 = Gold (~10)
$14 = Gold (~10)
$15 = High Gold (~600)
$16 = 120 Gold
$[17-FF] = Tablet