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EarthBound Zero/TBL
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00--7f-Tiles 80-in 81-il 82-ll 83-'s 84--85-of 86-is 87--89-the 8a--93-blank 94-Circle 95-Filled Circle 96-♪ 97--9f-SMAAAASH!! A0- (space) A1-! A2-? A3-.. A4-$ A5-• A6-" A7-' A8-( A9-) AA-: AB-; AC-, AD-- AE-. AF-/ B0-0 B1-1 B2-2 B3-3 B4-4 B5-5 B6-6 B7-7 B8-8 B9-9 BA-°° BB-α BC-ß BD-τ BE-π BF-Ω C0-* C1-A C2-B C3-C C4-D C5-E C6-F C7-G C8-H C9-I CA-J CB-K CC-L CD-M CE-N CF-O D0-P D1-Q D2-R D3-S D4-T D5-U D6-V D7-W D8-X D9-Y DA-Z DB-╔ DC-═ DD-╗ DE-║ DF- ║ E0- --> E1-a E2-b E3-c E4-d E5-e E6-f E7-g E8-h E9-i EA-j EB-k EC-l ED-m EE-n EF-o F0-p F1-q F2-r F3-s F4-t F5-u F6-v F7-w F8-x F9-y FA-z FB-╚ FC-═ FD-╝ FE-═ FF->