Metroid Fusion/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Metroid Fusion.

RAM Information
2026000-2028FFE Clipdata
203821D Slot A area number
203821E Slot A room number
203821E Slot A door number
203941D Slot A area number back-up
203941E Slot A room number back-up
203941F Slot A door number back-up
203A61D Slot B area number
203A61E Slot B room number
203A61F Slot B door number
203B81D Slot B area number back-up
203B81E Slot B room number back-up
203B81F Slot B door number back-up
203CA1D Slot C area number
203CA1E Slot C room number
203CA1F Slot C door number
203DC1D Slot C area number back-up
203DC1E Slot C room number back-up
203DC1F Slot C door number back-up
3000000 Displays x-parasite targets
3000002 Frame counter
3000014 Completed game switch
  • 0 for the normal map screen
  • 1 for the timer and item collection map screen
3000004 Alpha blend level
3000006 Special effects control
3000008 Display control
300000C Window 1 control
300000D Outside window control
3000011 Language switch
300001B Abilities counter
300001C Security door counter
3000025 Disable soft-resets
300002C Area ID
300002D Room ID
300002E Door ID
3000031 Horizontal mini-map coordinate
3000032 Vertical mini-map coordinate
300003B Main Deck percentage
300003C SRX percentage
300003D TRO percentage
300003E PYR percentage
300003F AQA percentage
3000040 ARC percentage
3000041 NOC percentage
300009C Clipdata Pointer
30000A2 Amount of clipdata to load in units of 16 blocks
30000A4 Tileset
30000C8 Horizontal background 0 positioning
30000CA Vertical background 0 positioning
30000CC Horizontal background 1 positioning
30000CE Vertical background 1 positioning
30000D0 Horizontal background 2 positioning
30000D2 Vertical background 2 positioning
30000D4 Horizontal background 3 positioning
30000D6 Vertical background 3 positioning
300012A Camera speed
3000138 In-game timer
3000140-177 Enemy slot 0
3000178-1AF Enemy slot 1
30001B0-1E7 Enemy slot 2
30001E8-21F Enemy slot 3
3000220-257 Enemy slot 4
3000258-28F Enemy slot 5
3000290-2C7 Enemy slot 6
30002C8-2FF Enemy slot 7
3000300-337 Enemy slot 8
3000338-36F Enemy slot 9
3000370-3A7 Enemy slot A
30003A8-3DF Enemy slot B
30003E0-417 Enemy slot C
3000418-44F Enemy slot D
3000450-487 Enemy slot E
3000488-4BF Enemy slot F
30004C0-4F7 Enemy slot 10
30004F8-52F Enemy slot 11
3000530-567 Enemy slot 12
3000568-29F Enemy slot 13
30005A0-2D7 Enemy slot 14
30005D8-60F Enemy slot 15
3000610-647 Enemy slot 16
3000648-67F Enemy slot 17
30006BC Enemy orientation
30006BE Enemy vertical position
30006C0 Enemy horizontal position
30006C2 Enemy vertical position spawn
30006C4 Enemy horizontal position spawn
30006C6 Enemy vertical hitbox
30006C8 Enemy vertical hitbox offset
30006CA Enemy horizontal hitbox
30006CC Enemy horizontal hitbox offset
30006D0 Enemy health
30006D2 Enemy animation
30006D4 Enemy graphic pointer
30006D8 Enemy animation counter
30006D9 Enemy ID
30006DB Enemy sprite set slot
30006DC Enemy palette (relative)
30006E0 Enemy pose
30006E2 Enemy timer for something
30006E8 Enemy invincibility timer
30006EA Enemy respawn timer
30006EE Enemy freeze timer
30008D9 Escape timer
3000960 Projectile slot 0
3000980 Projectile slot 1
30009A0 Projectile slot 2
30009C0 Projectile slot 3
30009E0 Projectile slot 4
3000A00 Projectile slot 5
3000A20 Projectile slot 6
3000A40 Projectile slot 7
3000A60 Projectile slot 8
3000A80 Projectile slot 9
3000AA0 Projectile slot A
3000AC0 Projectile slot B
3000AE0 Projectile slot C
3000B00 Projectile slot D
3000B20 Projectile slot E
3000B40 Projectile slot F
3000B60 Projectile rotation
3000B64 Projectile graphic pointer
3000B68 Projectile vertical positioning
3000B6A Projectile horizontal positioning
3000B6C Projectile animation frame
3000B6E Projectile animation counter
3000B70 Projectile orientation
3000B72 Projectile momentum
3000B76 Projectile vertical hitbox
3000B78 Projectile vertical hitbox offset
3000B7A Projectile horizontal hitbox
3000B7C Projectile horizontal hitbox offset
3000B7E Projectile bomb timer
3000B7F Projectile part
3000B84 Menu status
  • 0 Exits menu
  • 1 Gunship
  • 2 Normal menu
  • 3 Adam
  • 4 Adam
  • 5 Map, then messes up all the sprites
  • 6 SA-X clip-art scene
3000B86 Map area
3000B87 Event counter
3000BDE Clear SRAM menu switch
3000BE8-DE7 Interrupt code
3000DE8-11E7 OAM data
30011E8 Button input
30011EA New input
30011EC Changed input
3001243 Pose lock
  • 00 Free
  • 80 Locked
3001245 Pose status
  • 0 Standing
  • 1 Turning around
  • 2 Shooting
  • 3 Running
  • 4 Jumping/falling
  • 5 Turning around and jumping/falling
  • 6 Landing
  • 7 Ducking
  • 8 Turning around and ducking
  • 9 Shooting and ducking
  • A Starting a spin-jump
  • B Spinning
  • C Morphing
  • D Morphball
  • E Rolling
  • F Unmorphing
  • 10 Jumping/falling in morphball
  • 11 Getting hurt
  • 12 Getting hurt in morphball
  • 13 Getting knocked back
  • 14 Getting knocked back in morphball
  • 15 Starting a wall-jump
  • 16 Wall-jumping
  • 17 Using an elevator
  • 18 Hanging on a ledge
  • 19 Pulling yourself up from hanging
  • 1A Pulling yourself forward from hanging
  • 1B Pulling yourself into a morphball tunnel
  • 1C Pulling yourself down to start hanging???
  • 1D Space-jumping
  • 1E Screw-attacking
  • 1F Skidding
  • 20 On a save pad
  • 21 On a recharge/security pad
  • 22 Turning around to be recharged
  • 23 Delay before shinesparking
  • 24 Shinesparking
  • 25 Delay after shinesparking
  • 26 Hanging from a vertical ladder
  • 27 Starting to hold your arm connon out on a vertical ladder
  • 28 Holding your arm connon out on a vertical ladder
  • 29 Shooting on a vertical ladder
  • 2A Starting to put away your arm connon on a vertical ladder
  • 2B Handing on a horizontal ladder
  • 2C Moving on a horizontal ladder
  • 2D Turning around on a horizontal ladder
  • 2E Delay after shooting on a horizontal ladder
  • 2F Shooting on a horizontal ladder
  • 30 Frozen
  • 31 Frozen and falling
  • 32 Frozen in morphball
  • 33 Frozen in morphball and falling
  • 34 Unlocking security
  • 35 Saving/loading game
  • 36 On a navigation pad
  • 37 Downloading an ability
  • 38 Being recharged
  • 39 Facing the foreground
  • 3A Facing the background
  • 3B Unlocking the habitations deck
  • 3D Being loaded by the gunship
  • 3E Dying
  • 3F Hit by Omega Metroid
  • 40 Grabbed by Yakuza
3001246 Turn switch
  • 0 Not turning around
  • 1 Turning around
3001247 Bounce/wall-jump switch/shinespark angle
  • 0 Not bouncing/wall-jumping/sparking upwards
  • 1 Bouncing/wall-jumping/sparking sidewards
  • 2 Sparking diagonally
  • 14 Jumping when bouncing
  • 15 Jumping when bouncing
  • 16 Jumping when bouncing
3001248 Wall-jump timer
3001249 Invincibility timer
300124A Speed boosting switch
  • 0 Not speed boosting
  • 1 Speed boosting
300124B Arm cannon direction
  • 0 None
  • 1 Forward
  • 2 Diagonally upwards
  • 3 Diagonally downwards
  • 4 Upwards
  • 5 Downwards
300124C Missiles switch
  • 0 Missiles not selected
  • 1 Missiles selected
300124D Projectile type
  • 1 Beam
  • 2 Missile
  • 4 Bomb
  • 5 Charged beam
  • 6 Power bomb
300124E Cooldown timer
3001250 Charge beam counter
3001252 Arm running animation switch
  • 0 Arm connon out
  • 1 Arm connon not out
3001253 Speed boosting/knock-back counter
3001254 Wall-jump direction switch
  • 10 Rightwards
  • 20 Leftwards
3001256 Direction switch
  • 10 Rightwards
  • 20 Leftwards
300125A Horizontal positioning

Uses quarter pixels

300125C Vertical positioning

Uses quarter pixels

300125E Horizontal momentum

Uses 32ths of a pixel

3001260 Vertical momentum

Uses 32ths of a pixel

3001262 Current slope type
  • 0 Flat
  • 11 Steep right
  • 12 Gentle right
  • 21 Steep left
  • 22 Gentle left
3001264 Animation type
3001265 Animation counter
3001266 Animation status
3001268 Horizontal hitbox
300126A Vertical hitbox
300126C Horizontal hitbox offset
300126E Vertical hitbox offset
3001270-129B Mirrors 3001244-126F when changing pose
30012DC Shinespark timer
30012F0 Trail FX type slot 1
  • 0 None
  • 1 Slight splash
  • 3 Slight dust cloud
  • 4 Slight big dust cloud
  • 5 Water surface splash
  • 6 Slight water surface splash
  • 7 Lava bubbles
  • 8 Splash
  • 9 Bubbles
  • A Dust cloud
  • B Big dust cload
  • D Skidding
  • E Air bubbles
30012F1 Trail FX timer slot 1
30012F2 Trail FX status slot 1
30012F3 X absorption timer
30012F8 Trail FX horizontal position slot 1
30012FA Trail FX vertical position slot 1
30012FC Trail FX ROM data pointer slot 1
3001300 Trail FX type slot 2
3001301 Trail FX timer slot 2
3001302 Trail FX status slot 2
3001308 Trail FX horizontal position slot 2
300130A Trail FX vertical position slot 2
300130C Trail FX ROM data pointer slot 2
3001310 Health status
3001312 Health capacity
3001314 Missile status
3001316 Missiles capacity
3001318 Power bomb status
3001319 Power bomb capacity
300131A Beam status
  • 0 None
  • 1 Charge beam
  • 2 Wide beam
  • 4 Plasma beam
  • 8 Wave beam
  • 10 Ice beam
300131B Missile + bomb status
  • 0 None
  • 1 Missile
  • 2 Super missile
  • 4 Ice missile
  • 8 Diffusion missile
  • 10 Bomb
  • 20 Power bomb
300131C Suit + misc. status
  • 0 None
  • 1 Hi-jump
  • 2 Speed booster
  • 4 Space jump
  • 8 Screw attack
  • 10 Varia suit
  • 20 Gravity suit
  • 40 Morph ball
  • 80 Omega suit
300131D Security status
  • 0 White doors
  • 1 Blue doors
  • 2 Green doors
  • 3 Yellow doors
  • 4 Red doors
  • FF None
300131F Low health switch
  • 0 Not low health
  • 1 Low health
300132C Horizontal wall collision detection
  • 0 None of Samus
  • 1 Top of Samus
  • 2 Middle of Samus
  • 4 Bottom of Samus
3001330 Half speed switch
  • 0 Normal speed
  • 1 Half speed
3001332 Vertical acceleration
3001334 Maximum vertical speed
3001336 Horizontal in-air acceleration
3001338 Maximum horizontal in-air speed
300133A Maximum horizontal in-air morphball speed
300133C Horizontal acceleration
300133E Maximum horizontal speed
3001342 Previous horizontal positioning
3001344 Previous vertical positioning
3001346 Underwater switch
  • 0 Overwater
  • 1 Underwater
300134C-30013CA Previous 64 horizontal positionings
30013CC-300144A Previous 64 vertical positionings
30019C4 Music ROM data pointer
30019EC Music slot 1
30019EE Music slot 2
30019F0 Slot switch
  • 0 for slot 2
  • 1 for slot 1
30019F4-1F70 Music data
3004D28 Suit colour
3004D90 SA-X suit colour
3004DEC 1st door type
  • 0x Left facing white door
  • 1x Right facing white door
  • 2x Left facing blue door
  • 3x Right facing blue door
  • 4x Left facing green door
  • 5x Right facing green door
  • 6x Left facing yellow door
  • 7x Right facing yellow door
  • 8x Left facing red door
  • 9x Right facing red door
  • Ax Left facing grey door
  • Bx Right facing grey door
  • x1 Inactive
  • x3 About to open
  • x5 1st frame of opening/closing
  • x7 2nd frame of opening/closing
  • x9 last fame of opening/closing
3004DED 1st door animation
  • 0 Closed
  • 1 Open bottom half of door
  • 2 Opened
  • 3 Close bottom half of door
  • 9 Open top half of door
  • B Close top half of door
  • 11 Increase door type by 2
  • 13 Increase door type by 2
3004DEE 1st door horizontal positioning

Uses 17 pixels

3004DEF 1st door vertical positioning

Uses 17 pixels

3004DF0 2nd door type
3004DF1 2nd door animation
3004DF2 2nd door horizontal positioning
3004DF3 2nd door vertical positioning
3004DF4 3rd door type
3004DF5 3rd door animation
3004DF6 3rd door horizontal positioning
3004DF7 3rd door vertical positioning
3004DF8 4th door type
3004DF9 4th door animation
3004DFA 4th door horizontal positioning
3004DFB 4th door vertical positioning
3004DFC 5th door type
3004DFD 5th door animation
3004DFE 5th door horizontal positioning
3004DFF 5th door vertical positioning
3004E00 6th door type
3004E01 6th door animation
3004E02 6th door horizontal positioning
3004E03 6th door vertical positioning
3004E04 7th door type
3004E05 7th door animation
3004E06 7th door horizontal positioning
3004E07 7th door vertical positioning
3004E08 8th door type
3004E09 8th door animation
3004E0A 8th door horizontal positioning
3004E0B 8th door vertical positioning