Talk:Data Crystal

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Template:TotD This helpful tool brought to by the PJCL (working title) project. Please join this group or create your own! --Cat Lover 18:46, 23 April 2007 (EDT)

Dutch Allies...

Why don't we ever link to Magic Stone, our dutch(?) ally? Also, we got anymore alternate languages? --Cat Lover 18:08, 7 May 2007 (EDT)


I have just updated all the game systems on the left, plus Xbox, to be index my hacked-ness. See Help & style guidelines, sub-section Templates used by this wiki.--Cat Lover 19:43, 7 April 2007 (EDT)

Hi! I'm shocked how cool this wesite is!

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Uploading needs to be enabled. Seriously, the design of pages is god-awful, and a screenshot/box shot would spruce them up.

Opps, it was enabled. It must have been disabled by the upgrade to 1.5.1. Yes, that was it. Fixed. --AnyoneEB 18:24, 5 November 2005 (EST)

Protect Main Page?

Might be an idea - if a non sysop needed to make a change they could simply post a request here.

We have not really had a problem with vandalism on the main page. If it becomes a problem, then it will be protected. --AnyoneEB 20:15, 19 December 2005 (EST)

"Edit Article"

Could you please remove the [edit] tag that is (supposed) to be at the end of each section? I realise it can be disabled in your user profile, but the majority of FireFox users do not know this. It will look like this for most of them:


Now, this is hardly a useful feature - no one uses it. It would be better off if it was removed completely.

-_- I know the edit section link CSS is bugged when there are infoboxes to the right. It would be nice if someone could figure out how to fix the CSS.
I will see if there is some way to default those links to off instead of on. Personally, I find them useful.
--AnyoneEB 13:12, 29 January 2006 (EST)

Mature Hacks Month

This has got to be a terrible, terrible joke. --Dan 14:44, 2 July 2006 (EDT)

It was done by RyanVG, so I do not think so. If you have a better idea, feel free to change it. --AnyoneEB 22:19, 2 July 2006 (EDT)


August is Utilites Month! Help Data Crystal collect information about hacking utilites, both for individual ROMs and universal utilities that can hack any ROM!

The word "utilities" seems to be misspelled the first and second times it is used (but not the third time). 23:30, 29 August 2006 (EDT)

It's not august anymore

Can someone who has the rights to change the front page choose a different 'This is the month of' message? It's no longer August, in fact it's three days from January. Thanks.

I came here to say the same thing, maybe remove the "____ is ____ month!" thing altogether. Juggaleaux 01:57, 29 December 2006 (EST)

It's not January anymore. Does this site get any action anymore? Is it living up to its intention of being "the repository of all known hacking information"? I'm interested in Metroid hacking, and there is a lot of information on the web about it, but it's not on the Metroid page here, or even linked.

Could you unlock the Main Page?

Could you unlock the Main Page? It's January and people are going to get tired of 12, no, 11 "It's not January anymore" posts. Also, there's evidence that you originaly allowed it to be edited, such as "Feel free to add more consoles here!" --Cat Lover 16:17, 18 April 2007 (EDT)

I need help with Template:PJCLink

It keeps making a newline after it's over and reading something like this

gets very

, very


the fact I linked to Category:Things Cat Lover is about to comtemplate commiting suicide over. *Breaks down crying* Why does this STUPID FREAKIN template keeping adding in a newline?! WHY, DOGGONEIT, WHY?! *Hits head on desk* (Note the difference between "comtemplate commiting" and "commit". Basicly, it means I about to think about sucide for a second, come up with the though "Nah, if I did that, everyone else in the world would win." and go on to something else.)

You owe me $1.42 ;) Note that to link to a category you have to prefix it with a colon, or else mediawiki thinks you're assigning the page to that category. Labmaster Talk 19:54, 21 April 2007 (EDT)
By linking I mean I put it in there. I have a nasty habit of assuming that since I can understand something, everyone else can, too. :P Anyway, thank you. --Cat Lover 18:17, 23 April 2007 (EDT)

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