Super Boy I/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Super Boy I.



Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
E048       1    Time timer
E049       2    Time
E233       1    Coin count
E23E       1    Airborne state
                * 00 - Jumping
                * 01 - Standing
                * 02 - Falling after jumping
                * 03 - Falling
E36C       1    Player Y position
E36D       1    Player X position
E372       1    Big flag
E373       1    Fireball flag
E383       1    Demo mode flag
E384       1    Music speed (Default: 80)
E83F     705    Current on-screen level data

Sega Master System

Addr    Size    Description
----    ----    -----------
C048       1    Time timer
C049       2    Time
C233       1    Coin count
C23E       1    Airborne state
                * 00 - Jumping
                * 01 - Standing
                * 02 - Falling after jumping
                * 03 - Falling
C36C       1    Player Y position
C36D       1    Player X position
C372       1    Big flag
C373       1    Fireball flag
C383       1    Demo mode flag
C384       1    Music speed (Default: 80)
C83F     705    Current on-screen level data