The current URL is
EarthBound Beginnings/Teleport targets
Offset: 1C10
- Byte 0 and 1: Name pointer
Flip the bytes and subtract 7FF0 to get the offset as it appears in a hex editor
- Byte 2: Music to play upon arrival
This sometimes affects which minitile the party stops on??? not sure what's up with that
- Byte 3: X coordinate
Distance from the left side of the map
- Byte 4:
First number: Which minitile you stop on, but only on the right-hand side of the chunk:
0 to 3 = upper right
4 to 7 = upper middle
8 to B = lower middle
C to F = bottom right
Second number: Direction to run in from
0 = ⬆
1 = ⬈
2 = ⮕
3 = ⬊
4 = ⬇
5 = ⬋
6 = ⬅
7 = ⬉
8 = shuffle in place
9 and higher = crash the game
- Byte 5: Y coordinate
Distance from the top of the map
- Byte 6: Unused, always 00
- Byte 7: Unused, always 00
(Please note that collision comes into effect pretty soon upon arrival, so if you're not careful, the party will run straight into a tree and stop abruptly.)
Original contents:
D3 83 86 33 46 51 00 00
DA 83 C6 2A C2 69 00 00
E1 83 C6 52 C2 73 00 00
ED 83 86 72 C6 EF 00 00
F6 83 46 B7 02 D9 00 00
FF 83 0A E6 84 EF 00 00
07 84 B0 B8 C6 74 00 00
11 84 86 CA 86 4B 00 00