Arcana/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Arcana.

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==Bank $00==
$00/8C34	Flag table for de/buffs

==Bank $02==
$02/8F00	Suspected RNG table (referenced by [$10] which is at RAM $1E10). Does not take kindly to corruption.

==Bank $03==
$03/A52A	Dungeon BGM (See Music tab for ID list)
$03/D5BF	Max # item slots x 2, when buying items in town. Default $60 = $30 slots (48 items @ 8 per page) (see $07/AA28)
$03/DDD6	Max # items - 1 (x 2), used after selling an item in town to check when to stop rearranging. (see $07/AA28)
$03/DF27	Bar prices (you know, the Alchemist guy)
		(NOTE: His prices are also plaintext in his dialogue and need to be edited separately)
$03/DFA2	Bar option 2 HP gain
$03/DFA4	Bar option 3 HP gain
$03/DFA6	Bar option 4 HP gain
$03/DFA8	Bar option 2 MP gain
$03/DFAA	Bar option 3 MP gain
$03/DFAC	Bar option 4 MP gain
$03/E052	Card prices (see Inventory)

==Bank $05==
$05/9F7B	Names, Characters ($0A bytes per entry + 00 delimeter)
$05/9FE9	Names, Enemies ($10 bytes per entry + 00 delimeter)
$05/A539	Enemy postfixes A-H (I forget what 81 40 means though)
$05/A554	Classes, Characters ($10 bytes per entry + 00 delimeter) NOTE: Using too long a name will result in a blank line.
$05/A5FE	Names, Areas ($10 bytes per entry + 00 delimeter)
$05/A895	Names, Elements ($06 bytes per entry + 00 delimeter)
$05/A8BF	Names, Status effects ($0C bytes per entry + 00 delimeter)
$05/AD6A	Level-up stats, Rooks (HP, MP, Str, End, Int, Alt) (2 bytes per entry)
$05/B03A	Level-up stats, Sylph
$05/B2FD	Level-up stats, Dao
$05/B5CE	Level-up stats, Marid
$05/B89E	Level-up stats, Efrite
$05/BB7A	Level-up stats, Teefa
$05/BE4A	Level-up stats, Salah
$05/C11A	Level-up stats, Darwin
$05/C3EA	Level-up stats, Axs

$05/C8D4	Level-up spells, Rooks
$05/C8E2	Level-up spells, Sylph
$05/C8F2	Level-up spells, Dao
$05/C8F2	Level-up spells, Marid
$05/C8FB	Level-up spells, Efrite
$05/C904	Level-up spells, Teefa
$05/C911	Level-up spells, Salah
$05/C91F	Level-up spells, Darwin
$05/C929	Level-up spells, Axs

$05/C92D	Monster race/element (2 bytes per entry) (ends at 2C9CB)
$05/C9CD	Monster Equipment stats, several unknown (start)
$05/CE54	Monster Equipment stats (end)
$05/CE55	Monster HP
$05/CEF5	Monster EXP
$05/CF95	Monster GP
$05/D035	Monster Lvl
$05/D0D5	Monster ?? stat - $20 entries of 00 through 05. No idea what this is.
$05/D195	Monster boss music (00 none, 01 Boss1, 03 Boss2, 02 Rimsala)
$05/D1E5	Monster boss flag (00-0F are bosses, FF are not bosses)
$05/D235	Monster spell. (If nonzero, there's a random chance they'll use that spell instead of attacking.) (see Spells page)
$05/D285	Monster ?? stat
$05/D405	Monster Armor Def table (bugged?): offset = Armor * 2
$05/D445	Monster Accessory Def table: offset = Accessory * 2
$05/D4A5	Possible monster stat
$05/D565	Possible monster stat
$05/DE88	Equipment prices (see Equipment tab)
$05/DF79	Equipment "can be equipped by" data (see Equipment tab)
$05/DFF3	Equipment power/defense
$05/E0E3	Equipment race bonus/element (2 bytes per item)
$05/E1D5	Equipment: weapon crit rate
$05/E226	Equipment: shield mag def ($05/E1D5)
$05/E24E	Equipment ??2
$05/E2C8	Equipment - spell cast in battle
$05/E356	Spells' names
$05/EA4D	Spells’ “battle only flag” (01: out of battle only, 02: battle only, 03: either)
$05/EA9F	Spells’ “single/multi target flag” (00: single, 01: multi); Change Attribute is broken as ST
$05/EAF1	Spells’ accuracy
$05/EB4D	Spells' power
$05/EC04	Spells' element (paired with an unknown byte, so skip a byte for each entry) (see Magic tab)
$05/ECA6	Spells' MP cost
$05/ECF8	Spells' color palette (see Magic tab)
$05/ED57	Spells’ sfx
$05/EE9A	Item names (look for LDA $05/EE9A,x or "BF 9A EE 05")
$05/F038	Card names (look for LDA $05/F038,x or "BF 38 F0 05")
$05/F17E	Sleeping Bag HP heal amount (200 HP) (Heals everyone but the spirits)
$05/F180	Sleeping Bag MP heal amount (25 MP)
$05/F194	Tent HP heal amount (999 MP) (Heals everyone but the spirits)
$05/F196	Tent MP heal amount (999 MP)
$05/F20A	Herbs heal amount (70 HP)
$05/F21F	Medicine heal amount (200 HP)
$05/F234	Silver Flask heal amount (15 MP)
$05/F249	Gold Flask heal amount (40 MP)

==Bank $07==
$07/8EDF	FINIS (tile bytes) (appears 2x for some reason)
$07/8F6E	SLEEP (appears 3x for some reason)
$07/9020	EFRITE
$07/903A	SALAH
$07/906A	End of names' sprite values
$07/AA27	Max # item slots x 2, when taking items from chests. Default $60 = $30 slots (48 items @ 8 per page)
$07/AA4D	Max # equipment slots x 2, when taking items from chests. Default $40 = $20 slots (32 items @ 8 per page)
$07/B29E	Should be #87 to avoid a patch conflict
$07/BBEA	Pointer table for character stats in RAM
$07/BBF6	Honey stat boost amounts (Str, Int, End, Alt, HP, MP)
$07/C355	Pointer table for spell effects
$07/C8DE	SFX for Healing (See Music tab for values)
$07/C8E5	SFX for Change Attribute
$07/C8E4	SFX for Buffs

==Bank $08==
$08/8000	Script, Battle/Towns/Items/Magic
$08/9650	Spell descriptions

==Bank $0C==
$0C/2010	Main Script

==Bank $0E==
$0E/95A3	Sylph gfx
$0E/A12C	Marid gfx
$0E/AC91	Dao gfx
$0E/B715	Efrite gfx
$0E/C292	Teefa gfx
$0E/D25E	Salah gfx

==Bank $13==
$13/EBF7	Balnea Temple 1F map (These are all preceded by FF E4. Read break on $7FFC42 or similar and follow the DMA address given.)
$13/ECFF	Balnea Temple 2F map
$13/F764	Bintel Castle map

==Bank $17==
$17/8130	Intro script ("This is an historic land")

==Bank $18==
$18/8044	Encounter rate (higher = fewer encounters)
$18/0A00	Suspected block for treasure chests
$18/10F0	End of suspected block
$18/9001	Location of Robe of Valor in Bintel Castle first room
$18/900D	Location of Gold Flask in Bintel Castle first room ^_^
$18/1079	Location of Grand Shield
$18/1023-27	Desiree
$18/1047-4A	Return Ring in "A Tunnel".
$18/91B3	Encounter data (1C 1D 1E 1A 1B -> 5 monsters in Ice Cave)