Star Fox/Level Data

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< Star Fox
Revision as of 12:53, 22 June 2019 by SpyderTL (talk | contribs) (Added notes on executing native code events.)
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This is a sub-page of Star Fox.

Level Data
Game Star Fox
Start Address 0x028000
End Address 0x06ffff
# of Entries unknown
Entry Length unknown
Total Length 65,536 bytes (0x10000)
Back to the ROM map

Level Data

Level data is located in 2 separate pages in ROM memory. Each level has a starting address, where a list of events are read. Some events jump to other addresses, and can even jump to a "subroutine" of events that will be executed, and then the level will return to the event immediately after the calling event. The level data can be viewed as a language or instruction set to be read one instruction at a time and interpreted like any other language. Some events include native CPU instructions that will be executed before the next event is processed.

Level Events

Each event starts with an event type byte. Each event type has a different structure length.

Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x00 - 3D Object)
 0x01   2       Z
 0x03   2       X
 0x05   2       Y
 0x07   2       Timer
 0x09   1       Object Index
 0x0A   1       Behavior Index
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x02 - End Level) 
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x04 - Loop)
 0x01   2       Address
 0x03   2       Times
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x0A - Random Object)
 0x01   2       Z
 0x03   2       X
 0x05   2       Y
 0x07   2       Timer
 0x09   2       Object
 0x0A   5       Group
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x0C - Random Data)
 0x01   4       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x0E - Show Stage Number)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x10 - Initialize Level)
 0x01   4       Level
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x12 - Set Timer)
 0x01   2       Timer
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x14 - Change Music)
 0x01   1       Music 
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x26 - Unknown)
 0x01   3       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x28 - Call Sub-Level Routine)
 0x01   3       Address
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x2A - Return To Caller)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x2C - Branch)
 0x01   3       Address
 0x04   2       Condition
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x2E - Jump)
 0x01   3       Address
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x36 - Rotate Previous Object)
 0x01   1       Mode
 0x02   2       Angle
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x38 - Define Area For Previous Object)
 0x01   4       Area 
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x3C - Offset Z-Position)
 0x01   1       Z
 0x02   1       X
 0x03   1       Y
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x3E - Unknown)
 0x01   4       Data 
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x42 - Unknown)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x44 - Fade Out)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x48 - Move Previous Object By Parent)
 0x01   5       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x4C - Unknown)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x4E - Unknown)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x50 - Unknown)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x5A - Palette Change Previous Object)
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x5C - Set Address To Value)
 0x01   1       Value
 0x02   3       Address
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x5E - Screen Transition)
 0x01   5       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x64 - Reset Camera)
 0x01   1       Value
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x6A - Unknown)
 0x01   5       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x70 - 3D Object)
 0x01   1       Timer
 0x02   1       Z
 0x03   1       X
 0x04   1       Y
 0x05   1       Object Index
 0x06   1       Behavior Index
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x74 - 3D Object)
 0x01   2       Timer
 0x03   2       Z
 0x05   2       X
 0x07   2       Y
 0x09   1       Behavior Index
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x76 - 3D Object)
 0x01   1       Z
 0x02   1       X
 0x03   1       Y
 0x04   1       Timer
 0x05   1       Behavior Index
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x78 - Native Code)
 0x01   *       SNES Native Instructions
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x7A - Transition)
 0x01   3       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x82 - Unknown)
 0x01   1       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x84 - Change Palette)
 0x01   1       Data
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x86 - 3D Object)
 0x01   2       Z
 0x03   2       X
 0x05   2       Y
 0x07   2       Timer
 0x09   2       Object
 0x0A   3       Behavior
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x8A - Timer)
 0x01   1       Value
Offset  Size    Description
------- ----    -----------
 0x00   1       Type (0x8C - Attach Behavior To Previous Object)
 0x01   2       Data

Native Code

The Native Code event (0x78) executes the bytes immediately following the event type byte as native CPU instructions. These events do not have a fixed length, and do not include a length field to specify how many bytes follow the event type field. You must interpret the instructions in order to determine how many bytes are included in this event. A simple approach is to scan for bytes with the value of 0xA2, and storing the following 2 bytes in a list. Then, when you reach an address that matches one of these values, this address will be the address of the next event. (This works because there is no way to resume processing events without writing the address of the next event to a CPU register.)

Level Entry Points

Name ROM Address System Address
Black Hole 0x06C89A 0x0D489A
Out Of This World 0x06C8E5 0x0D48E5
Scramble 0x06D068 0x0D5068
Corneria 1/2 0x06D0BB 0x0D50BB
Asteroid 1 0x06D268 0x0D5268
Space Armada 0x06D2C3 0x0D52C3
Meteor 0x06D586 0x0D5586
Venom 1/2 Space 0x06D602 0x0D5602
Venom 1 Surface 0x06D67F 0x0D567F
Sector X 0x06DF4C 0x0D5F4C
Titania 0x06DFA8 0x0D5FA8
Sector Y 0x06E02A 0x0D602A
Venom 1/2 Space 0x06E085 0x0D6085
Highway 0x06E0F5 0x0D60F5
Asteroid 3 0x06E62A 0x0D662A
Fortuna 0x06E651 0x0D6651
Sector Z 0x06E6D8 0x0D66D8
Macbeth 0x06E81C 0x0D681C
Venom 3 Space 0x06E8B9 0x0D68B9
Venom 3 Surface 0x06E929 0x0D6929
Training 0x06EE9A 0x0D6E9A

Sub-Level Entry Points

Name ROM Address System Address
Unknown 0x028042 0x050042
Unknown 0x0283b2 0x0503b2
Unknown 0x028691 0x050691
Unknown 0x028774 0x050774
Unknown 0x0287DA 0x0507DA
Unknown 0x028CE5 0x050CE5
Unknown 0x029380 0x051380
Unknown 0x029982 0x051982
Unknown 0x02998A 0x05198A
Unknown 0x02A0AD 0x0520AD
Unknown 0x02B280 0x053280
Unknown 0x02B488 0x053488
Unknown 0x02BB7C 0x053B7C
Unknown 0x02BE53 0x053E53
Unknown 0x02C2FB 0x0542FB
Unknown 0x02C301 0x054301
Unknown 0x02D885 0x055885
Unknown 0x02DA0E 0x055A0E
Unknown 0x02DA3F 0x055A3F
Unknown 0x02DBAE 0x055BAE
Unknown 0x02DD53 0x055D53
Unknown 0x02DEED 0x055EED
Unknown 0x02E07A 0x05607A
Unknown 0x02E1F1 0x0561F1
Unknown 0x02E72B 0x05672B
Unknown 0x02EF16 0x056F16
Launch Sequence 0x068000 0x0D0000
Unknown 0x06812D 0x0D012D
Unknown 0x068920 0x0D0920
Unknown 0x0690AD 0x0D10AD
Unknown 0x06995D 0x0D195D
Unknown 0x06A8A7 0x0D28A7
Unknown 0x06AB67 0x0D2B67
Unknown 0x06ACE5 0x0D2CE5
Unknown 0x06AE09 0x0D2E09
Unknown 0x06AF49 0x0D2F49
Unknown 0x06B17C 0x0D317C
Unknown 0x06B2B3 0x0D32B3
Unknown 0x06B4FB 0x0D34FB
Unknown 0x06B5D3 0x0D35D3
Unknown 0x06BC57 0x0D3C57
Unknown 0x06C92E 0x0D492E
Unknown 0x06CC27 0x0D4C27
Unknown 0x06CDA3 0x0D4DA3
Unknown 0x06CF1D 0x0d4F1D
Unknown 0x06E97E 0x0D697E
Unknown 0x06EB76 0x0D6B76
Unknown 0x06ED02 0x0D6D02
Unknown 0x06ED21 0x0D6D21
Unknown 0x06F2DD 0x0D72DD
Unknown 0x06F52D 0x0D752D