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Adventures of Batman and Robin/TBL
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This game has several tables for different places in the game, the main ones are as follows:
Table used on the game's main dialogs, the dictionary is stored at 4f610.
E2=! E3=" E5=$ E6=% E7=& E8=' E9=( EA=) EB=* EC=+ ED=, EE=- EF=. F0=/ F1=0 F2=1 F3=2 F4=3 F5=4 F6=5 F7=6 F8=7 F9=8 FA=9 FB=: FD=< FF=> 00=A 02=B 04=C 06=D 08=E 0A=F 0C=G 0E=H 10=I 12=J 14=K 16=L 18=M 1A=N 50=Y 1C=O 1E=P 20=a 22=b 24=c 26=d 28=e 2A=f 2C=g 2E=h 30=i 32=j 34=k 36=l 38=m 3A=n 3c=o 3e=p 40=Q 42=R 44=S 46=T 48=U 4A=V 4C=W 4E=X 50=Y 52=Z 54=. 56=- 58=' 5a=' 60=q 62=r 64=s 66=t 68=u 6a=v 6c=w 6e=x 70=y 72=z 74=? 76=! 78=, fe=<line> fc02= staff is in fc03=in Block-A fc04=in Block-B fc05=on the Xst floor fc06=in the basement. fc07=No staff is in fc08=there's someone in fc09=there's someone fc10=Batman fc13= this fc1a=have fc20=Gotham fc25= little fc26=This is Summer fc27=Gleeson. fc28=university fc29= here fc2a= are you fc2b= other fc2c=It appears fc2d=you are fc2e=presen fc2f="Maze of the fc30= seems fc31=... fc32=unless you fc33=solve fc34= try fc35=care fc36=in the fc37=congratulations fc38=Master Bruce fc39=MODE fc3a=I know, Alfred. fc3b=room fc3c=after fc3d=eing fc3e=four fc3d=present fc3f=The fc40=. fc41=The fc42=my fc43= be fc44=cyber fc45=space fc46=Alfred fc47=a trap fc48= This is fc49=The current password fc4a=Commissioner's *f8ca=[BRUCE PORTRAIT] *ff0c=[HARLEY PORTRAIT] *ff18=[JOKER PORTRAIT] *fc10=[BATMAN PORTRAIT] *ff00=[BATMAN PORTRAIT B]
There are two instances of text being used ingame, using the main font, but storing the text in a different manner. One being the ingame messages for the driving stage(stored at 1fcb52) the other being the answer to the second riddle on the fifth stage (stored at 2c9ea). Both times the text is stored as the top half of the letters and then the bottom half, so two tables have to be used to edit this part. One for the upper tiles and one for the lower ones.
Upper Tiles TBL
00= 80=A 81=B 82=C 83=D 84=E 85=F 86=G 87=H 88=I 89=J 8A=K 8B=L 8c=M 8d=N 8e=O 8f=P a0=a a1=b a2=c a3=d a4=e a5=f a6=g a7=h a8=i a9=j aa=¿ ab=l ac=m ad=n ae=o af=p C0=Q C1=R C2=S C3=T C4=U C5=V C6=W C7=¡ C8=Y C9=Z CA=2 CB=3 CC=4 CD=5 CE=6 CF=7 E0=q e1=r e2=s e3=t e4=u e5=v e6=w e7=x e8=y e9=z ec=? ED=!
Lower Part
00= 90=A 91=B 92=C 93=D 94=E 95=F 96=G 97=H 98=I 99=J 9A=K 9B=L 9C=M 9D=N 9E=O 9F=P b0=a b1=b b2=c b3=d b4=e b5=f b6=g b7=h b8=i b9=j ba=¿ bb=l bc=m bd=n be=o bf=p D0=Q D1=R d2=S d3=T D4=U D5=V D6=W D7=¡ D8=Y D9=Z DA=2 DB=3 DC=4 DD=5 DE=6 DF=7 E0=q f1=r f2=s f3=t f4=u f5=v f6=w f7=x f8=y f9=z fb=? FC=!