Excitebike (NES)/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Excitebike (NES).

RAM Address Function Details
0x000E moving i think this is 1 when your standing still and are ready to go, 0 else
0x0024 timers count down at start. 0x0034 starts at 5 counts down every 11 frames then 0024 starts to count down once per frame, when 0024 is at 2, it means go
0x0034 timers count down at start. 0x0034 starts at 5 counts down every 11 frames then 0024 starts to count down once per frame, when 0024 is at 2, it means go
0x0090 x pos vertical position (out of context of game)
0x00B0 lane which track you are in, 1-4 (0 means sand etc). luke says "when in the air" :s
0x00F3 speed starting at 0, maxes at 46/47. pressing B gets you there faster (increments by 2, where A adds just one), but 47/49 seems the max speed. seems to be a cap somewhere, poking it higher doesnt give you more speed.
0x037C status 0:ok, 1:puddle, 2:top/bottom of track (1 and 2 = slowdown)
0x03AC heading (?) 2=down, 1 moves towards the moter a little bit (how much?), 0 doesnt move towards the motor/on the motor/...
0x03D4 coord y some kind of vert pos, not quite though
0x03E3 motor temp. starts at 08. stables at 17 when holding A. overheats at 32. running over "speedup" actually just resets your temp (kind of misleading...)
0x0408/F timer (f=low 8=high). counts 0 to 10 each
0x0490/FF sprites track sprites, use for collision stuff
0x0627/C score (low nibbles make up score)
So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?