EarthBound/Enemy Configuration Table

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Enemy Configuration Table
Game [[EarthBound]]
Start Address 0x159789
End Address 0x15EC5A
# of Entries 231
Entry Length 94 bytes (0x5E)
Total Length 21714 bytes (0x54D2)
Back to the [[EarthBound/{{{loc}}} map|{{{loc}}} map]]

The Enemy Configuration Table stores most of the data for enemies which is used inside battles. The first enemy is named "null" and has an index of 0. Information about where enemies spawn is in the enemy placement data and spans a few tables.


"The" flag

If the "The" flag is 1, then the word "the" is put in front of the enemy's name whenever it is mentioned in combat.


Name of the enemy in plain EarthBound text.


The gender of the enemy indicates which pronoun should be used when referring to it: male (1), female (2), or neutral (3).


The elemental type of the enemy. Enemies can be normal (1), insect (2), or metal (3). This changes the affects of certain items.

Battle sprite

The sprite to be used in battle to represent this enemy. Note that byte 0x35 determines the palette used.

Out of battle sprite

Run flag

If true (1), then the enemy will run away from the player if the player's level is greater than the enemy's level.


The number of hit points the enemy has. That is, the amount of damage which must be dealt to the enemy before it dies (unless the enemy heals itself).


The number of physic points the enemy has. Physic points (mana points) are used when casting PSI (spells). If the enemy runs out of physic points, they cannot cast any more PSI.


The amount of experience granted to the player's party upon defeating the enemy. This is spilt among however many playable characters there are in the player's party (1-4).


The amount of money added to the player's ATM account upon defeating the enemy.


This chooses the enemy's out of battle movement pattern. Exactly how this works is not well understood.

Start text pointer

  • Length: 4 bytes (0x4)
  • Offset within entry: 0x2D-0x30
  • Range of values: 0x00000000-0x00FFFFFF, but it must point to valid text; may or may not require a pointer to the ROM as opposed to RAM

Pointer to the text shown when you start a battle with this enemy.

Death text pointer

  • Length: 4 bytes (0x4)
  • Offset within entry: 0x31-0x34
  • Range of values: 0x00000000-0x00FFFFFF, but it must point to valid text; may or may not require a pointer to the ROM as opposed to RAM

Pointer to the text shown when you defeat this enemy.

Battle sprite palette

  • Length: 1 byte
  • Offset within entry: 0x35
  • Range of values: 0-255 (0x00-0xFF0), but above 31 (0x1F) is garbage

The palette used for the battle sprite. Only values 0-31 (0x00-0x1F) are meant to be used; higher values go into other non-palette data, but still work and therefore may be useful.

See Also

External Links

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?