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The Legend of Zelda/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for The Legend of Zelda.
Offsets are from the beginning of the ROM. To get the offset from the beginning of an iNES (.nes) file, add 0x10 (16 decimal).
From | To | Description |
D60 | D84 | Music Pointers |
1F90 | Square instrument for the entire game. Default is 90. | |
4000 | 404B | Pointer table for character text |
404C | 45A1 | Text spoken by characters. |
4DB4 | 5EB4 | Graphics for Title Screen. |
6B5D | 6B7B | Item palette assignments |
6010 | 6017 | Warp whistle coordinates. Default screen ID#s are 36 3B 73 44 0A 21 41 6C. The screen ID# needs to be to the left of the target screen because the whirlwind scrolls you right. |
6B95 | Temporary "green"? 29 is Link's original color. Related to next two. | |
6B96 | Temporary "blue" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the blue ring there. | |
6D97 | Temporary "red" assigned in dungeon to Link if he finds the red ring there. | |
6D97 | 6D9A | "Lost Woods" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North) |
6D9B | 6D9E | "Lost Hills" secret path (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North) |
6DA7 | "Lost Woods" map location | |
6DC0 | "Lost Woods" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North) | |
6DC9 | "Lost Hills" map location | |
6DD2 | "Lost Hills" exit direction (01 = East, 02 = West, 04 = South, 08 = North) | |
6F4F | 701A | Character palette assignments and sprite orientation. |
752A | Beam Power of Magical Sword (default is 40) | |
7533 | Beam Power of White Sword (default is 20) | |
7539 | Beam Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10) | |
7596 | Attack Power of Wooden Sword (default is 10) | |
7597 | Attack Power of White Sword (default is 20) | |
7598 | Attack Power of Magical Sword (default is 40) | |
807F | 8F4F | Graphics for Link, items, text, status bar. |
929B | 94AC | "All of Treasures" inventory listing |
94AD | 94E6 | Pointer table [2-byte] for inventory listing (not sequential!) |
9562 | 9565 | Colors for the Link that holds up the "see manual" sign. |
9969 | 9B68 | Title Screen Color Morphing (Defaults to blue/black colors) |
9D48 | 9DDE | Registration/Elimination Mode text |
9EEB | 9EEF | The name needed to skip the first quest. (default is ZELDA) |
A287 | Link's original color (default to 29 for green) | |
A288 | Link's blue tunic color (default to 32 for light blue) | |
A289 | Link's red tunic color (default to 16 for red) | |
A959 | A97E | Text: "Thanks Link, you're the hero of Hyrule." |
AB07 | AB3B | Text: "Finally, peace returns to Hyrule. This ends the story." |
AC2E | AC44 | Pointer table [first halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text |
AC45 | AC5B | Pointer table [second halves of 2-byte pointers] for credits text |
AC5C | ADF9 | Credits text |
C11B | EBCB | Graphics for dungeon and map, overworld, triforce collection, people, monsters |
10CB2 | The place where a statue hides a hidden item. (24) | |
10CB3 | 10CB8 | The six places where statues can hide secret stairways. |
10CB9 | H-placement of item hidden by statue. | |
10CBA | 10CBF | H-placement of stairs hidden by statues. (30 = 4th column) |
10CE5 | V-placement of stairs hidden by statues. (90 = middle row) | |
10D05 | Item code for the item hidden under a statue. (14 = power bracelet) | |
11452 | Aquamentus' starting X-coordinate | |
11456 | Aquamentus' starting Y-coordinate | |
117C2 | Aquamentus' leftbound limit | |
117C6 | Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds leftbound limit. | |
117D0 | Aquamentus' rightbound limit | |
117D4 | Fallback value for when Aquamentus exceeds rightbound limit | |
11812 | 11833 | Aquamentus' Fireball Routine |
11834 | 1183F | Aquamentus' graphics pointer tables (six bytes apiece) |
11840 | 1084B | Y- and X-coordinates for the six 8x16 tiles that make up the Aquamentus (six bytes apiece) |
1184C | 11892 | Aquamentus Graphics Handler |
12809 | 1281A | Gleeok(Many-headed dragon)'s pointer table. |
12F67 | 12F69 | Ganon turns these colors if you don't kill him with arrow when it's time to. |
1416A | 14181 | The Triforce layout on the Start screen. |
14944 | The first room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (3F). This is embedded in code. | |
14948 | The second room where Link can use the raft in the overworld (55). | |
15418 | 15BD7 | Overworld screens. Each byte refers to 1 of 150 (256 addressible) columns. |
15BD8 | 15F9B | The 150 overworld columns. First bytes six are the first column. |
15FA0 | 15FED | Graphics pointers for dungeon walls. |
15FEE | 16029 | Special graphics pointers for east wall. (Five, twelve-byte segments: open door, locked door, shutter, unbombed, bombed) |
1602A | 16065 | Special graphics pointers for west wall. |
16066 | 160A1 | Special graphics pointers for south wall. |
160A2 | 160DD | Special graphics pointers for north wall. |
160DE | 162D5 | All 42 possible dungeon rooms. (use of vertical dungeon "macros".) |
162D6 | 163F5 | Macro content definitions (much overlap; set seventh bit denotes starting points) |
16704 | 16717 | Pointers to the ten Macro Content sequences (low-endian) |
1697C | 169B3 | Primary square table: squares specified as first of four tiles |
169B4 | 169F3 | Secondary square table: squares specified as series of four tiles |
16976 | 1697B | Secrets table: list of six squares to draw for 'secrets' squares (E5-EA in primary square table), such as a bombable rock wall or burnable bush |
1788A | Item code for the overworld heart container that requires the stepladder. | |
1788E | Horizontal positioning of the overworld heart container. | |
1789A | The screen where the overworld heart container is placed. | |
18000 | 18013 | Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 (overworld) and 1 - 9. |
18014 | 18027 | Ten 2-byte pointers specifying location of level data blocks. |
1802A | 1803D | Ten 2-byte pointers specifying which PPU Spriteblock to use for levels 0 - 9 for second quest. |
1813C | The screen to use in 2nd quest for A12. (1st quest's Level 5) default 7B | |
18141 | The screen to use in 2nd quest for D13. (1st quest's Level 2) default 7B | |
18146 | The screen to use in 2nd quest for H5. (1st quest's Level 3) default 5A | |
1815F | 18165 | 7 locations that change in 2nd quest (dungeon/cave entrance, non-border palette) (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear) |
18167 | 1816C | Define what those 7 locations change to in 2nd quest. |
1816F | 183BE | 2nd quest dungeon map info |
18400 | 1847F | Outer color borders for the overworld, Link's H-placement, Zoras, wave sfx. |
18403 | (Changing cave exit location causes glitched graphics to appear when the player opens the subscreen. | |
18444 | (Changing outer from brown makes caves white instead of dark brown.) | |
18480 | 184FF | Inner colors for the overworld and underground location assignment |
184C4 | (Changing inner from green changes the color of the caves' text.) | |
18500 | 1857F | Placement of monsters on the overworld. |
18580 | 185FF | Arrangement of 8 X 16 screens that make up the overworld. (Bit 8 changes what enemies appear) |
18600 | 1867F | Store prices, items sold, and item graphics used (see below). |
18600 | 18602 | Specify items found in the wooden sword cave. (Final item has bit 7 set) |
18603 | 18605 | Specify items found in the "take a free bottle/heart-container" caves. (Final item has bit 7 set) |
18606 | 18608 | Specify items found in the white sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set) |
18609 | 1860B | Specify items found in the magical sword cave. (First AND final items have bit 7 set) |
18618 | 1861A | Specify items found in the letter cave. (Final item has bit 7 set) |
18622 | 18624 | Specify "items" found in the gambling caves(?). (Final item has bit 7 set) |
1861E | 18620 | Specify items sold in store E. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set) |
18627 | 18629 | Specify items sold in store A. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set) |
1862A | 1862C | Specify items sold in store B. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set) |
1862D | 1862F | Specify items sold in store C. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set) |
18630 | 18632 | Specify items sold in store D. (Final item has bits 7 and 8 set) |
1865A | Price of blue medicine in store E. | |
1865C | Price of red medicine in store E. | |
18663 | 18665 | Prices for items in store A. |
18666 | 18668 | Prices for items in store B. |
18669 | 1866B | Prices for items in store C. |
1866C | 1866E | Prices for items in store D. |
18670 | Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 30) | |
18673 | Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 100) | |
18676 | Number of rupees given by moblin. (default is 10) | |
18680 | 186FF | Overworld: stair placement, quest secrets, Link's V placement, monster entry. |
1st Quest Dungeons: | ||
18700 | 1877F | N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18771 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18773 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18776 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18779 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
1877C | For entrance to Level 3. | |
1877D | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18780 | 187FF | E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
187F1 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
187F3 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
187F6 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
187F9 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
187FC | For entrance to Level 3. | |
187FD | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18800 | 1887F | Monsters for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18871 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18873 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18876 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18879 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
1887C | For entrance to Level 3. | |
1887D | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18880 | 188FF | Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
188F1 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
188F3 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
188F6 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
188F9 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
188FC | For entrance to Level 3. | |
188FD | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18900 | 1897F | Floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18971 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18973 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18976 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18979 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
1897C | For entrance to Level 3. | |
1897D | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18980 | 189FF | Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
189F1 | For entrance to Level 4. | |
189F3 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
189F6 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
189F9 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
189FC | For entrance to Level 3. | |
189FD | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18A00 | 18A7F | N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18A76 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18A79 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18A7E | For entrance to Level 8. | |
18A80 | 18AFF | E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18AF6 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18AF9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18AFE | For entrance to Level 8. | |
18B00 | 18B7F | Monsters for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18B76 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18B79 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18B7E | For entrance to Level 8. | |
18B80 | 18BFF | Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18BF6 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18BF9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18BFE | For entrance to Level 8. | |
18C00 | 18C7F | Floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18C76 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18C79 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18C7E | For entrance to Level 8. | |
18C80 | 18CFF | Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
18CF6 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
18CF9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
18CFE | For entrance to Level 8. | |
2nd Quest Dungeons: | ||
18D00 | 18D7F | N / S & outer color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18D72 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18D74 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18D75 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18D77 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18D79 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18D7D | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18D80 | 18DFF | E / W & inner color for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18DF2 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18DF4 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18DF5 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18DF7 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18DF9 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18DFD | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18E00 | 18E7F | Monsters for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18E72 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18E74 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18E75 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18E77 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18E79 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18E7D | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18E80 | 18EFF | Types of rooms used for Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18EF2 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18EF4 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18EF5 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18EF7 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18EF9 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18EFD | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18F00 | 18F7F | Floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18F72 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18F74 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18F75 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18F77 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18F79 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18F7D | For entrance to Level 4. | |
18F80 | 18FFF | Special floor items in Levels 1 through 6. (see below) |
18FF2 | For entrance to Level 5. | |
18FF4 | For entrance to Level 6. | |
18FF5 | For entrance to Level 3. | |
18FF7 | For entrance to Level 1. | |
18FF9 | For entrance to Level 2. | |
18FFD | For entrance to Level 4. | |
19000 | 1907F | N / S & outer color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
19074 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
19079 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
1907F | For entrance to Level 8. | |
19080 | 190FF | E / W & inner color for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
190F4 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
190F9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
190FF | For entrance to Level 8. | |
19100 | 1917F | Monsters for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
19174 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
19179 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
1917F | For entrance to Level 8. | |
19180 | 191FF | Types of rooms used for Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
191F4 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
191F9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
191FF | For entrance to Level 8. | |
19200 | 1927F | Floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
19274 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
19279 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
1927F | For entrance to Level 8. | |
19280 | 192FF | Special floor items in Levels 7 through 9. (see below) |
192F4 | For entrance to Level 9. | |
192F9 | For entrance to Level 7. | |
192FF | For entrance to Level 8. | |
Overworld Colors | ||
From | To | Description |
19300 | 19302 | Palette Control Code |
19303 | 19306 | "Gray" Palette, used for cemetery and subscreen menu |
19307 | 1930A | "Red" Palette |
1930B | 1930E | "Green" Palette, for forest areas |
1930F | 19312 | "Brown" Palette, for mountain areas |
19313 | 19316 | Sprite Palette #0; Link, certain items |
19317 | 1931A | Sprite Palette #1; Blue enemies, certain items |
1931B | 1931E | Sprite Palette #2; Red enemies, certain items |
1931F | 19322 | Sprite Palette #3; used for what? |
19324 | 19327 | Number of monsters to use at each setting. |
19328 | Link's starting V position for the overworld. (default 8D) | |
1932F | 00 to 7F used to decide where Link starts in Hyrule. (default 77) | |
19333 | The "Level #" for the overworld. Default is 00 (or, no label) | |
19334 | 19337 | The four shortcuts on the overworld. (defaults are 1D, 23, 49, 79) |
193FF | 19CD7 | Dungeon Data |
19CEC | 19CEE | File Select: Link's palette, File 1 (defaults: 29 27 07) |
19CF0 | 19CF2 | File Select: Link's palette, File 2 (defaults: 22 27 07) |
19CF4 | 19CF6 | File Select: Link's palette, File 3 (defaults: 26 27 07) Note: The first byte is irrelevant, despite being green, blue, and red values; the tunic color always comes from $A287 to $A289) |
19D04 | 19D0D | Text: "Level" |
19D0F | 19D2E | Column directory pointer table: 16-bit pointers to the start of each of 16 column tables. |
19D5B | 19D65 | Text: "Triforce" |
19D3A | The frame of the Triforce on the Start screen. | |
1A116 | 1A201 | Main menu ("- S E L E C T -", etc.) |
1A20E | 1A210 | Ending's text: light blue / grey font colors |
1A212 | 1A214 | Ending's text: light green / grey font colors |
1A281 | 1A284 | Overworld enemy color palette for black, sea blue, red. |
1A289 | 1A28C | Colors for Gleeok, the many-headed dragons. |
1A292 | 1A294 | Colors for the Aquamentus, the easy dragon boss. |
1A299 | 1A29C | Colors for Dodongo and Digdogger. |
1A2B8 | 1A2D2 | Text: Continue, Save, Retry |
1A2F0 | 1A2F3 | Text: Life |
1A316 | 1A387 | Subscreen text |
1A3D6 | 1A3E2 | Text: "Game Over " |
1A3FE | 1A81A | The storyboard text |
1A81B | 1A85D | Use of colours for the storyboard - every 2 bits sets the colour for a 2x2 block of text |
1A85E | 1A868 | Starts with green before title for treasure list. |
1A869 | 1AC85 | Title Screen's use of graphics. (avoid certain values!) |
1AC86 | 1ACC8 | Title Screen's use of colors.
(Title: In 01AC90 to 01AC9F, 00's = grey, 55's = gold, AA = green) |
1EF66 | 1EF70 | The eleven places where the recorder unveils secrets. |
1F20D | 1F212 | The six places where stepladder is enabled. |
1FFFF | ROM ends |
Cave Types
There are 20 different cave types in the game, not including levels. The data that defines the cave types is listed below. Some behavior of different cave types may be hard-coded. (The last three appear to be the only cave types that can give out free money.)
From | To | Description |
045A2 | Cave text - Low six bits specify text (values should be multiples of 2), bit 6 specifies whether player can pick up items, and bit 7 is set for shops, potion shops, and pay-to-talk caves. | |
1860C | Cave Items. 3 Bytes per cave types, format is (high bit first) NMaaaaaa HTbbbbbb PIcccccc. aaaaaa, bbbbbb, and cccccc are value 0-63 that specify item type. Other bits are as follows: N = show prices as negative, M requires player to have enough hearts to get item, H is set for gambling game and secret money, T is set for pay-to-talk caves, P and I specify whether items and prices are visible. | |
18648 | Item prices - 3 bytes per cave | |
06E6F | Cave dweller - 58 = old man, 59 = old woman, 5A = merchant, 5B = moblin |
Internal Data for The Legend of Zelda
| |