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Mega Man 2/RAM map
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The following article is a RAM map for Mega Man 2.
- $0022 - Vertical position of screen scrolling
- $0023 - Controller 1 Poll
- $0025 - Controller 1 Mirror
- $0027 - Controller 1 Poll, only changes on first frame of state change. Crash Man checks this for jump code.
- $002A - Area selected
- $0030 - Gravity.
- $004B - Invincibility timer (when this is above $00, invincibility frames will start and this will count down at a rate of $01 per frame).
- $0066 - Sound effects for $0580 : $01 - play
- $0067 - Music playing for $0000 : $01 - play
- $0580 - Sound to play for $0066
- $009A - Unlocked Weapons
0000 0001 = $80 = 128 - Atomic Fire (Heatman) 0000 0010 = $40 = 64 - Air Shooter (Airman) 0000 0100 = $20 = 32 - Leaf Shield (Woodman) 0000 1000 = $10 = 16 - Bubble Lead (Bubbleman) 0001 0000 = $08 = 8 - Quick Boomerang (Quickman) 0010 0000 = $04 = 4 - Time Stopper (Flashman) 0100 0000 = $02 = 2 - Metal Blade (Metalman) 1000 0000 = $01 = 1 - Crash Bomb (Crashman)
- $009B - Item #s
0000 0001 = $80 = 128 - Item 1 (Floating Platform) 0000 0010 = $40 = 64 - Item 2 (Horizontal Platform) 0000 0100 = $20 = 32 - Item 3 (Vertical Platform)
- $009C - Number of times Atomic Fire (Heatman) can be used
- $009D - Number of times Air Shooter (Airman) can be used
- $009E - Number of times Leaf Shield (Woodman) can be used
- $009F - Number of times Bubble Lead (Bubbleman) can be used
- $00A0 - Number of times Quick Boomerang (Quickman) can be used
- $00A1 - Number of times Time Stopper (Flashman) can be used
- $00A2 - Number of times Metal Blade (Metalman) can be used
- $00A3 - Number of times Crash Bomb (Crashman) can be used
- $00A4 - Number of times Item 1 can be used
- $00A5 - Number of times Item 2 can be used
- $00A6 - Number of times Item 3 can be used
- $00A7 - Number of Energy Tanks Remaining
- $00A8 - Number of Lives remaining
- $00CB - Difficulty setting
Graphics Set Stuff
- $003A - A background-related boolean? (Changes to the rhythm of the clouds of Airman's stage)
- $00F7 - Graphics Set
- $0200 - Y location of Heatman's left eye
- $0201 - Graphic for Heatman's left eye
- $0202 - Palette for Heatman's left eye
- $0203 - X location of Heatman's left eye
- $0204 - Y location of Heatman's right eye
- $0205 - Graphic for Heatman's right eye
- $0206 - Palette for Heatman's right eye
- $0207 - X location of Heatman's right eye
- $0367-0369 - Megaman's Color Palette
Sprite stuff
- $049F - Enemy 1's speed to the left
- $0460 - Mega Man's X location
- $04A0 - Mega Man's Y location
- $0033 - Is Mega Man on land
- $04A2 - Windows' Y position on Title Screen
- $04A3 - Side of building's Y position on Title Screen
- $04B0 - Mega Man's Y position on Title Screen
- $04BF - Enemy 1's Y location
Sound Stuff
- $0680 - Number of dots left on Password entering
- $06A0 - Position of cursor on Password entering
- $06C0 - Mega Man's HP
Enemy HP
- $06D9 - $06DF