EarthBound/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for EarthBound.

Active Palettes

  • 000200-00023F (000040) = Current text palette
  • 000240-0002FF (0000C0) = Current map palette
  • 000300-00039F (0000A0) = Unclassified data
  • 0003A0-0003BF (000020) = Current party palette
  • 0003C0-0003DF (000020) = Current NPC palette (humans?)
  • 0003E0-0003FF (000020) = Current NPC palette (nonhumans?)

Credits Sequence

  • 001E60-001E6F (00000F) = Chosen four and pet's name stored for Credits parsing (Paula's mom, Paula's dad, Poo's Master).


  • 005D62-005D63 (000002) = Current TPT entry
  • 005D64-005D9F (00003C) = Unclassified data
  • 005DA0-005DA1 (000002) = If nonzero, causes mushroomization walking-direction-jumbling.

Windows and text

  • 008650-0088DF (000290) = Window statistics table
  • 0088E0-0088E3 (000004) = Unclassified data
  • 0088E4-008957 (000074) = Window existence table
  • 008958-008958 (000001) = Current window with focus (what values does this use?)
  • 008959-009642 (000CF0) = Unclassified data
  • 009643-009644 (000002) = 0x00 outside of battle, 0x01 in battle (if nonzero, treat like 0x01)
  • 009645-009645 (000001) = Locks button input during text parsing if 01 (used by 1F 50 and 1F 51)
  • 009646-00964C (000007) = Unclassified data
  • 00964D-00964D (000001) = 0x00 = Blinking triangle prompt, nonzero = Absence of this prompt
  • 00964E-0096C4 (000077) = Unclassified data
  • 0096C5-0097B7 (0000F2) = Text parser call stack
  • 0097B8-0097B9 (000002) = Text parser stack pointer
  • 0097BA-0097CA (000011) = Memory used by control code parser

Player data

  • 0097F5-009800 (00000C) = First twelve letters of player name with spaces (0x50) replaced with K (0x7B). Left over from translation - Tony would try-make the English version of your name in katakana or hirigana in Mother 2.
  • 009801-009818 (000018) = Player name
  • 009819-00981E (000006) = Pet's name
  • 00981F-009824 (000006) = Favourite food
  • 009825-009828 (000004) = "PSI "
  • 009829-00982E (000006) = Favourite thing
  • 00982F-009830 (000002) = " " and 0x00, used with favourite thing text stuff
  • 009831-009834 (000004) = Money on hand
  • 009835-009838 (000004) = Money in ATM
  • 009839-009839 (000001) = Learned PSI
  • 00983A-00983F (000006) = Unclassified data
  • 009840-009840 (000001) = Status (00 = Normal, 01 = Burnt, 03 = Skip Sandwich)
  • 009841-00984A (00000A) = Unclassified data
  • 00984B-00986E (000024) = Escargo Express stored items
  • 00986F-009876 (000008) = Unclassified data
  • 009877-009878 (000002) = Party leader X coordinate
  • 009879-00987A (000002) = Unclassified data
  • 00987B-00987C (000002) = Party leader Y coordinate
  • 00987D-00987E (000002) = Unclassified data
  • 00987F-00987F (000001) = Direction Ness is facing
  • 009880-009882 (000003) = Unclassified data
  • 009883-009883 (000001) = Party movement style
  • 009884-00988A (000007) = Unclassified data
  • 00988B-009891 (000007) = Current party members
  • 009892-009895 (000004) = Current player-controlled party members
  • 009896-0098A2 (00000D) = Unclassified data
  • 0098A3-0098A3 (000001) = Number of party members
  • 0098A4-0098A4 (000001) = Number of player controlled party members
  • 0098A5-0098B0 (00000C) = Unclassified data
  • 0098B1-0098B1 (000001) = Auto Fight toggle (00 = Off, 01 = On)
  • 0098B2-0098B5 (000004) = Exit Mouse coordinates, stored when 1F 68 is used
  • 0098B6-0098B6 (000001) = Text speed (1 = Fast, 2 = Medium, 3 = Slow)
  • 0098B7-0098B7 (000001) = Sound setting (1 = Stereo, 2 = Mono)
  • 0098B8-0099CD (000116) = Unclassified data
  • 0099CE-009B49 (00017C) = Character stats table


  • 009E54-009E55 (000002) = Timer for Dad's phone calls
  • 00A21C-00A??? (000???) = Enemies in battle table
  • 00AA10-00AA11 (000002) = Item-be received at the end of battle (High byte unused)
  • 00B4A1-00B4A1 (000001) = Current selected save slot (1-3)
  • 00B549-00B549 (000001) = Sector boundary behavior

Enemy in-battle data

  • 7EA242-7EA243 (000002) = Enemy 1's Offense
  • 7EA244-7EA245 (000002) = Enemy 1's Defense
  • 7EA246-7EA247 (000002) = Enemy 1's Speed
  • 7EA248-7EA249 (000002) = Enemy 1's Guts
  • 7EA24A-7EA24B (000002) = Enemy 1's Luck