Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES)/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES).

NOTE: Tables can be found here Tables

0716: Health? (A90A0022)

07E8: Either max number or starting number of victims per level (00-FF)

07BC: Sound to play when players exit level

07C3: Sound to play when ? (90 Unknown)

07F1 = Starting Level?

0801 = ?

0819: Sound to play when ? (00 Silence, maybe a soundtest mode?)

0820: Sound to play when ? (02 Clown Laugh, maybe a soundtest mode?)

0891: Sound to play when ? (00 Silence, maybe a soundtest mode?)

089B: Sound to play when ? (02 Clown Laugh, maybe a soundtest mode?)

08CA: Sound?

09AD: Sound to play when ? (A9 Unknown)

09AE: Sound to play when ?(9F Unknown)

0A7A -0AA0 :Starting Attributes

0A7A = Starting Health (00-0A)

0A80 = Amount of lives at start?

0A9D = Starting Weapon (Not sure how this works, default is CC, which gives you 150 squirtgun shots, change to

CD for 1000 squirtgun shots, change to CE for 150 fire ex., and CF for 1000 Fire Ex.)

0A92 = Starting Weapon Quantity (0000 - 03E7)?

0A95 = Starting Special Item Quantity (00-CE)?

0AA0 = Starting Special Item (Not sure how this works either, 1A is one health kit, 0F is 100 speed shoes)

0B92 = 100 points?

0E7E: Sound to play when ? (05 Health kit/potion drinking noise)

1015: Sound to play when player ? (10 Door open noise)

1038: Sound to play when ? (06 Boom)

156C-1BB4: Intro Screens

156C-155B: Lucas Arts Screen:

156C: Sound to play on Lucas Arts Intro Screen when player hits R (see table 5 for values)

154D: First sound to play on Lucas Arts Intro Screen when player hits L (see table 5 for values)

155B: Second sound to play on Lucas Arts Intro Screen when player hits L (see table 5 for values)

16EF-1959: Title Screen

16EF: Sound to play when "Start" or "Password" is selected from Title Screen (03 Password Chime)

1735: Sound to play when ? (10 Door Open Noise)

192B: Sound to play when cursor moves between "Start" or "Password" on Title Screen (See Table 5)

1959: Sound to play when ? (10 Door Open Noise)

1936: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

19C6: Sound?

1BB4: Character Select Screen

1B5B: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

1B92: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

1BB4: Sound to play when selecting character on Character Select Screen (See Table 5)

1BBB: Sound to play when ? (01 Pandora's Box Background noise)

1BD9: Sound to play when ? (10 Door open noise)

1C07: Sound to play when ? (01 Pandora's Box Background noise)

1D2E: Sound to play when ? (10 Door Open noise)

1DC7: Sound to play when ? (05 Healthkit/Potion Drinking noise)

22BB: Sound to play when ? (05 Healthkit/Potion Drinking noise)

22C9: Full Health? (A90A008D)

2430: Sound to play when ? (05 Healthkit/Potion Drinking noise)

24B1: Full Health? (A90A008D)

2573: Full Health? (A90A0022)


3562: Full Health? (A90A0038)

35B6: Full Health? (A90A002B)

4265 = 2000 points?

4BE3: Item pick-up spritecode?

4C09: Affects item movement?

4C6C: Graphics pointer for squirtgun (C9DB)

4C6E: Graphics pointer for Fire Extinguisher (D2DB)

4C70: Graphics pointer for Bubble Gun (D2DB)

4C72: Graphics pointer for Weed Whacker (E4DB)

4C74: Graphics pointer for Key (EDDB)

4C76: Graphics pointer for Sneakers (F6DB)

4C78: Graphics pointer for Monster potion (08DC)

4C7A: Graphics pointer for invisible potion? (FFDB)

4C7C: Graphics pointer for Mystery potion (11DC)

4C7E: Graphics pointer for Gray Mystery potion (11DC)

4C80: Graphics pointer for Burger (1ADC)

4C82: Graphics pointer for Soda (23DC)

4C84: Graphics pointer for Tomatos (2CDC)

4C86: Graphics pointer for Popsicle (35DC)

4C88: Graphics pointer for Banana (3EDC)

4C8A: Graphics pointer for Health kit (47DC)

4C8C: Graphics pointer for Plates (50DC)

4C8E: Graphics pointer for Forks? (59DC)

4C90: Graphics pointer for Artifact (62DC)

4C92: Graphics pointer for Bazooka (6BDC)

4C94: Graphics pointer for Football (74DC)

4C96: Graphics pointer for Flamethrower (7DDC)

4C98: Graphics pointer for Pandora's Box (86DC)

4C9A: Graphics pointer for Skull Key (8FDC)

4C9C: Graphics pointer for Clown Decoys (98DC)

4C9E: Graphics pointer for Pile of Keys (A1DC)

4CA0: Graphics pointer for Secret Icon (AADC)

4CA2: Graphics pointer for 1Up (B3DC)

4CA4: Graphics pointer for Dollars (BCDC)

4CA6: Graphics pointer for Coins (C5DC)

4CF9: Tells item to disappear when picked up? (0F Default, 01 and they won't disappear)

507B: Sound to play when player loses a life

5241: Determines how much health you lose when hit, actually a graphics pointer I think

(3A default, EA is zero)

5283: Sound to play when player gets hurt?

52D7: Sound to play when ? (0C, Quirky sound only used in Beta?)

533A: some spritecode?

53BA: Crashes game if changed to 00

54C3: Sound to play when player toggles Victim Radar? (See Table 5)

5B60: Health after losing a life (00-0A)?

5B68: Full Health? (A90A0085)

5B98: Sound to play when ? (same noise as collecting weapons)

5BAD: Sound to play when monster potion is used (See Table 5)

5BCD: Affects which direction monsterized player starts out facing

(default 0A, 0E faces left, change to 27 to flip player upside down!)

5CD6: Sound to play when invisible potion is used (See Table 5)

5D58: Sound to play when player is Zombiefied

5EB9: Full Health? (A90A0085)

6097: Sound to play when

6226: Full Health? (A90A0085)

6291: Sound to play when player is on trampoline?

631C: Sound to play when player is on trampoline?

6742 - ?

6794: Something to do with monsterized player movements (6020 default, change to 66EE to only move when punching)

67FE: More monsterized player code

684A: Part of code for invisible player

68C1: Part of code for zombified player


6B03: Sound to play when player opens door

6B10: Amount to subtract from key stock upon use

Skull Key

6B73: Sound to play when player opens skull door

6B80: Amount to subtract from Skull Key stock upon use

6BA8: Determines which tile to replace closed door with when opened?


6BCF: Sound to play when player opens cabinet

6BF8: Determines which tile to replace closed cabinet with when opened

6C1E: Something to do with opening of cabinets

6C17: Full Health? (A90A0053)

6C9C: Sound to play when player cycles through weapons inventory?

6CDA: Sound to play when player cycles through special items inventory?

6D3A-6D40: Health Kit

6D3A: Value of health bar after using healthkit (00-0A)

6D40: Sound to play when Health kit is used (See Table 5)

6D58: Amount to subtract from special item stock upon use (except keys and random potions)

6D6A: Pointer to (pandora's box?) animation

6D85: Something to do with pandora's box

6D92: Pointer to (potion drinking?) animation

6D97: Monster potion code pointer

6D9A: Pointer to (potion drinking?) animation (48EB default, change to 42DB to turn into zombie, then zombified player drinks invisible potion immediatly)

6D9F: Invisible potion code pointer

6DA4: Mystery potion code pointer

6DA8: Clown Decoy code starts?

6DAF: Pointer to clown decoys code?

6DF5: Squirtgun speed?

6E1D: Sound to play when ? (05 Healthkit noise)

6E31: Sound to play when ? (05 Healthkit noise

6F26: Affects Squirtgun shooting graphics in diagonal down/left position

00 = Pointing Down

01 = Left and Down (default

02 = Left

6F47: Amount to subtract from weapons upon use (default 0100)

7007: Mystery Potion Code Starts here?

700A: Part of code for monster effect of mystery potion (20 default, 60 to never turn into a monster)

700C: Starts animation sequence for health kit effect of mystery potion? (6020, 66EE for no animation)

7011: Sound to play during healthkit effect of mystery potion?

701A: Value of player health bar after healthkit effect of mystery potion (00-0A)

7020: Code for an effect of mystery potion? (66EE)

7022: Part of code for health kit mystery potion effect?

7027: Sound to play when player is poisoned?

703F: Part of code for poison mystery potion effect

7043: Part of code for zombiefied mystery potion effect (20 default, change to 60 to never be zombiefied)

704A: Part of code for invisible mystery potion effect (20 default, change to 60 to never be invisible)

7054: Part of code for sneakers mystery potion effect

7055: Sound to play during sneakers effect of mystery potion?

7076: Amount to subtract from mystery potion stock upon use

70E9: Animation for something?

7129: Looks like animation for something?

71BE: Direction and animation of player punching as monster?

73AA: Sound to play when Monsterized player tries to go in water or on trampoline?

7A7D: Sound to play when player collects Weapons (See Table 5)

7AAC-7B1D: Weapon and Special Item Pickups:

This data indicates how many items you get on a pick-up. For example, if you pick up a squirtgun, you normally get 99 shots added to your total amount of squirtgun ammo.

Offset Item/Weapon

For normal weapons, 0-999 (0000 - 03E7) is a valid amount

7AAC = Squirtgun

7AAE = Fire Extinguisher

7AB0 = Martian Bubble Gun

7AB2 = Weed Eater

7AB4 = Artifact

7AB6 = Bazooka

7AB8 = Soda

7ABA = Tomatos

7ABC = Popsicles

7ABE = Bananas

7AC0 = Plates

7AC2 = Silverware

7AC4 = Footballs

7AC6 = Flamethrower

7AD8: Sound to play when player collects Special Items? (See Table 5)

For special items, 0-99 is a valid amount

7B07 = Key

7B09 = Sneakers

7B0B = Monster Potion

7B0D = Invisible Potion

7B0F = Mystery Potion

7B11 = Gray Potion

7B13 = Perhaps a dummied out item, although I think it has something to do with burgers?

7B15 = Health Kit

7B17 = Pandora's Box

7B19 = Skeleton Key

7B1B = Clown Decoys

7B1D = Perhaps a dummied out item, or pile of keys, secret icon, or 1-Up?

7B2E: Sound to play when player rescues victim (See Table 5)

7BBB: Looks like some sort of pointer? (Tells game which secret level to go to when player gets icon?)

7C07: Sound to play when ? (0E Weapon Collect Noise)

7C27: Sound to play when player gets Secret Icon item (See Table 5)

7C4B: Sound to play when player gets 1up item? (See Table 5)

7C5A: How many lives to add when player gets 1up?

7C7A: Coins

7C7A: Sound to play when player gets Coins item (See Table 5)

7C98: Point value of Coins?

7CA5: Dollars

7CA5: Sound to play when player gets Dollars item? (See Table 5)

7CC3: Point value of Dollars?

7CD6: Burger

7CDB: How much health burger gives player (00-0A)

7CE1: Something to do with health burger gives player (00 = Full?, 03 = 3, 06 = 0)

7CE9: Sound to play when player gets a burger (See Table 5)

7D5A: ?

7DCC: ?

84C5: Sound to play when ? (08 Dying/Poisoned/Zombiefied tune)

86EC: Full Health? (A90A0022)

8929-8AB9: Zombie Code

8928: How many points to add to player score when zombie (and mummy?) is killed

89F8: Zombie Sprite Code Starts Here (assuming 18AD DE00 starts sprite code)

8A22: Something to do with taking damage or dying? (8888 default, change to FFFF for invincible zombies, most other things crash game, 7777 makes the screen go crazy, very cool looking)

8A08: Something to do with spawning?

8A0B: Pointer to spawning animation (6C88)

8A1A: Determines speed or player tracking? (eb85)

8A1D: Determines toughness (0000 is default, 0400 is as tough as mummy, FFFF may be equal to 0000)

8A2B: ? (default is 64, change to C8 and zombies can't move)

8A2E: Speed of Zombies (default is 02, change to 01 for fast zombies, 05 for slow)

8A6C: Spawning Animation frame 1 of zombie? (8AC9 0A00)

8A8E: ?

8AB9: Something to do with hit detection or dying of zombies?

8ACA: Super zombie code starts here? (18AD DE00)

8B02: Something to do with spawning of super zombies?

8C45: Unknown (default 64, change to CF for crazy spinning super zombies)

8CFA: Speed of super zombie (default one, change to 05 for light speed)

8E17: Mummy Code starts here (18AD DE00)

8E3C: Mummy Toughness

8E7E: 38AD DE00?

8F10 - 9??? Clone code

8F10: Sound to play when Clone spawns

9091: Clones sprite code starts here?

90D6: Amount to add to player score when clone is killed?

9127: Fast Clone code starts here?

9648: Speed of clone?

9A3A: Chainsaw Maniac code

9A92: Amount of points to add to player score when Chainsaw Maniac is killed?

9AEC: Amount to add to player score when martian is killed?

9BDF: Martian code starts here?

9BC2: Speed of martian?

9BF0: Affects speed of martian somehow (0000 - FFFF, 0000 is fastest)

9C03: Amount of points to add to player score when martian dies?

9C43: Strafing martian code starts here?

9C54: Speed of strafing martian (0000 - FFFF, 0000 is fastest)

9C67: Amount of points to add to player score when strafing martian dies?

Frankenstein code:

A655: Frankenstein code

A6EA: Amount of points to add to player score when Frankenstein dies?

ADFB: Werewolf code

AE3D: Amount of points to add to score when doll or werewolf dies?

Doll Code:

B4AC: Amount of points to add to player score when doll dies?

B4B0: Doll Code (18AD DE00 change to FFFF DE00 for no dolls in game)

B4EF: 200 Points?

B516: Which monster will be spawned when doll dies

B53F - B54E: Doll Dying animation frames

B562: ?

B6EA: Doll's axe code?

Flameman code:

B4AC: Amount of points to add to player score when flameman dies?

B864: Flamemen code?

BDEB: Amount of points to add to player score when ant dies?

C401: Black ants (coming out of hole) code?

C492: ??? Ants Carrying items code?

C532: Black Ants (coming from offscreen) code?

C5BC: Red Ants code?

CA80: Football players code?

CECF-D1?? Blob and Blob's goo code

CECF: Blob Sprite code starts

CEFC: Amount of points to add to player score when blob dies?

CEE1: Blob speed?

D03A: Sound to play when Blob's goo spawns?

D0C6: Sound to play when Blob's goo lands (on player or on ground only?)

D110: Blob's goo code

D115: Blob Goo disappear time? (default 0400)

D124: Speed of Blob goo (0200 default)

D48C: Mutant Plant code

D49F: Speed of plant projectile?

D4B3: Amount of points to add to player score when mutant plant dies?

D6D0: Speed of plant projectile?

D859: Mushroom men code

D859: ?

D90A: Mushroom men code

D91D: Speed of Mushroom Men

D933: Amount of points to add to player score when mushroom man dies

D9C9: Mushroom men graphics

DAC5: ?

DDCE: Speed of Squidmen?

DFC1: Speed of Squidmen?

E69A: Squidman code

E69A: Fast Squidman out of water Code

E6D4: Amount of points to add to player score when fast squidman dies?

E736: Squidman (both types) in water code

E767: Amount of points to add to player score when squidman dies?

E92C: Squidman out of water code

EAAA: Weed Eater Code

EC0C = Weed Eater Weapons Properties (See Table 1)

ECE6: Artifact Code

ECF3: Sound to play when artifact is used

ED9E: Artifact Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

EDE2: Bazooka Code

EFAB = Bazooka Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F0B7: Pandora's Box Code

F225 = Speed of Pandora's Box

F303 = Pandora's Box Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F359: Clown Decoy Code

F3BE: Sound to play while clown decoy is alive (See Table 5)

F41B: Clown Laugh Delay?

F42A: ?

F42D: Clown Dying Delay?

F4AA: Clown Animation Frame 1

F4B2: Sprite code that affects player punching through wall as monster (maybe the smoke cloud?)

F58B: Bubble Gun Code

F599: Sound to play when Bubble Gun is fired?

F5F0 = Speed of Bubble Gun

F626 = ?

F6C6 = Bubble Gun Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F761: Code for tomatos, popsicle, bananas, plates and silverware

F763 = Sound to play when throwing stuff (see table 5)

F773 = Speed of Tomato/Popsicle/Banana/Plates/Silverware

F8B8 = Tomatos Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F8BC = Popsicles Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F8C0 = Bananas Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F8C4 = Plates Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F8C8 = Forks Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

F8D6 = Pointer to tomato GFX?

F8DC = Animation Speed of Popcicles

F8DE = Velocity of Popcicles

F8E6 = Pointer to animation of Popsicle (56 = Vertical Popsicle, 5A = Diagonal Popsicle

(change to 59, 5D, 61 to throw frankenstein)

03 = big glitch

04 = ant glitch

05 = beast glitch (crashes

06 = perfect ant (crashes)

07 = Chainsaw Maniac + Electric Zombies

08 = Ants, explosion (crashes)

0D = big Glitch

0E = Big Glitch

14 = Part of Vampire? (looks pretty cool, maybe you can make a bat)

15 = perfect Tourists + Football player (crashes)

16 = perfect ant +perfect ant emerging (crashes)

18 = perfect ant + perfect ant climbing (crashes)

1B = perfect red ants + small glitches

1C = perfect tomato (actual code)

23 = perfect ant emerging (looks pretty cool)

24 = big glitch

27 = big glitch with red ants

28 = glitch

35 = glitch with black ants

36 = glitch

39 = throw perfect upside down red (frozen) ant

3D = Throw perfect upside down red (frozen) ants

42 = Tomato Frame 2 (crashes)

46 = Tomato Splat

4A = Tomato Splat 2

4C = Tomato Splat 2 Upside Down (can't duplicate effect?

4E = Tomato Splat 3

55 = Glitch with Female Beast

56 = Popsicle upright

5A = Popsicle Diagonal

5D = Half a Smoke Cloud

5E = Popsicle Diagonal 2

61 = Glitch with Man in Bubble

62 = Upside Down Upright Popsicle

65 = Frankenstien + Dolls (cool looking)

66 = Diagonal Popsicle 3

69 = Frankenstein (very cool)

6A = Popsicle Reverse Diagonal

6B = Invisible Popsicle, Splat stays on ground (crashes)

6C = same as above

6D = Glitch with ants (effed up the screen)

6E = Glitch

70 = Glitch (crashes)

80 = glitch (crashes)

90 = Glitch with Plates (Crashes)

A0 = Glitch with Plates

D0 = Invisible Popsicle, Splat stays on ground (crashes)

F0 = Big mess

FE = Sometimes makes weird glitches on screen, then crashes

FF = Invisible Popsicle, Invisible Splat, otherwise normal

F8EC = Animation Speed of Bananas

F8EE = Velocity or Distance of Bananas

F8F0 = Height of Banana's Arc (03 = Normal, FF = Straight, but set Velocity to 00)

(V=6-9, H=0 looks pretty cool)

F8F2: Animation Frames of Bananas Flying (00 = No Animation, 06 = Default)

F8F4: Unknown (always 0000?)

F8F6: Pointer to animation of Bananas?

F8F8: Pointer to end of animation?

F8FA: Pointer to animation of Banana splat?

F8FC: Animation Frames of Banana still being held

F906: Pointer to plate animation

F916: Pointer to silverware animation?

F952: Animation Speed of Tomato Splat Frame 3

F956: Animation for Popsicle and banana

popsicle a8a3 b1a3 baa3 c3a3

Forks bfa4 c8a4 d1a4

Broken Plate e3a4 eca4 f5a4

F95A: Something about popsicle (DD = Frozen)

F9C1: Animation for plates?

FA08:Football code

FA1D = Speed of Football (00-FF)

FB18 = Football Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

FB76: Soda can code

FB84: Speed of Soda Can

FBAB: Soda Can Animation Frame 1

FBB6: Speed of Soda Can Explosion

FCCD: Soda Properties

FCF8:Fire Extinguisher and flamethrower code

FD5F = Speed of Fire Extinguisher/Flamethrower

FE0A = Fire Extinguisher Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

FE0E = Flamethrower Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

FEBF:Squirtgun Code

FF41: Speed of squirtgun?

100C3 = Squirtgun Weapon Properties (See Table 1)

10082 = Graphics while shooting Left and Down?

10096 = Graphics while shooting down?

10ACA: Speed of something?

10148-101FF: Free space?

10200: Graphics or Screen Priorities for Flying Saucer?

1093C: Flying Saucer Code

109C0: Amount of points to add to player score when Flying saucer is destroyed

11769: Giant Baby Code

117AC: Amount of points to add to player score when Giant Baby is destroyed

11B1A: Tentacle code

11B3F: Amount of points to add to player score when Tentacle is destroyed

11BD9: Speed of Tentacle?

12633: Speed of Tentacle?

12ACB:Snakeoid (as regular monster only?)code

12AF3: Amount of points to add to player score when snakeoid is destroyed?

12B11: Speed of snakeoid?

12B25: Speed of Snakeoid Boss?

12CE0 = Weapon Properties? (6900 0480)

12F16: 2000 points?

13378: Something to do with passwords?

133CB: 2000 points?

13461: Sound to play when ? (artifact noise)

134BF: Sound to play when ? (0E weapon collect noise)

135C3: Sound to play when ? (artifact noise)

135EA: Sound to play when ? (artifact noise)

1366C: Sound to play when player enters backspace in Password Screen (See Table 5)

13688: Sound to play when player enters letter in Password Screen (See Table 5)

1453C: Sound to play when ? (artifact noise)

14007: Sound to play when password is given (level 8 only?)

14028: Sound to play when Extra Bonus Victim is earned?

14043: Sound to play when Extra Bonus Player is earned?

14364: Sound to play when Extra Bonus Victim is earned by player 2?

1437B: Sound to play when Extra Bonus Player is earned by player 2?

145CE: Ten Cheerleader Bonus

145CE: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Ten Cheerleader Bonus"?

145E2: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Ten Cheerleader Bonus"?

146A2: All Victims Saved Bonus

146A2: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "All Victims Saved Bonus"?

146B6: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "All Victims Saved Bonus"?

1477F: You Saved More Victims Bonus

1477F: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "You Saved More Victims Bonus"?

1478B: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "You Saved More Victims Bonus"?

14845: Massive Destruction

14845: Amount of things to blow up for "Massive Destruction"?

1484F: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Massive Destruction"?

14860: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Massive Destruction"?

14925: Bonus for Pass Completion

14925: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Bonus for Pass Completion"?

14939: Amount of Football players to pass to for "Bonus for Pass Completion"? (player 1 only?)

1493E: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Bonus for Pass Completion"?

14A01: Weed Cutting Bonus

14A01: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Weed Cutting Bonus"?

14A1A: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Weed Cutting Bonus"?

14ADC: No Bazooka Fired Bonus

14ADC: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "No Bazooka Fired Bonus"?

14AF2: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "No Bazooka Fired Bonus"?

14BB7: Martian Bubbled Bonus

14BB7: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Martian Bubbled Bonus"?

14BD0: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Martian Bubbled Bonus"?

14C95: Monster Frozen Bonus

I think this bonus is missing 5 or 6 bytes of code from each section (player 1 and player 2), it was not in the original game, and I can't activate it unless I set it so you don't have to kill anything to get it.

14C95: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Monster Frozen Bonus"?

14C90: Number of blobs to destroy for "Monster Frozen Bonus"

14CA9: Number of blobs to destroy for "Monster Frozen Bonus"

14CAE: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Monster Frozen Bonus"?

14D87: Extermination Bonus

14D73: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Extermination Bonus"?

14D87: Number of ants to destroy for "Extermination Bonus"?

14D8C: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Extermination Bonus"?

14E49: Chainsaw Begone Bonus

14E49: Somehow determines which monster to destroy for "Chainsaw Begone Bonus" (D0)

14E4F: Always 2 more than monster determining byte? (D2)

14E52: Number of Chainsaw Maniacs for player 1 to destroy for "Chainsaw Begone Bonus"

14E57: Amount of points to add to player (1?) score from "Chainsaw Begone Bonus"?

14E5A: Pointer to "Chainsaw Begone Bonus" Text?

14E71: Number of Chainsaw Maniacs for player 2 to destroy for "Chainsaw Begone Bonus"?

14E76: Amount of points to add to player (2?) score from "Chainsaw Begone Bonus"?

14F3C: Fish Fry Bonus

14F3C: Number of Squidmen to destroy for "Fish Fry Bonus"?

14F41: Amount of points to add to player score from "Fish Fry Bonus"?

14F60: Same as above?

1501D: Frankenstein Destroy Bonus

1501D: Somehow determines which monster to destroy for "Frankenstein Destroy Bonus"? (E8)

15023: 2 more than monster determining byte? (EA)

15026: Number of Frankensteins to destroy for "Frankenstein Destroy Bonus"

1502B: Amount of points to add to player score from "Frankenstein Destroy Bonus"?

1504A: Same as above?

15107: Vampire Destroyed

15107: Determines which monster to destroy for "Vampire Destroyed"? (EC)

1510D: 2 more than monster determining byte? (EE)

15110: Number of Vampires to destroy for "Vampire Destroyed"?

15115: Amount of points to add to player score from "Vampire Destroyed"?

15134: Same as above?

151FA: Alien Invasion Repulsed

151FA: Amount of points to add to player score from "Alien Invasion Repulsed"?

15214: Same as above?

152E4: 2000 points for a dummied out bonus?

15308: Same as above?

1568D: Amount of points needed for (first?) "Extra Bonus Victim"?

156D3: Amount of points needed for (every other?) "Extra Bonus Victim"?

156F3: Same as 1568D?

15746: Sound to play when Extra Bonus Victim is earned?

15997: Sound to play when ? (password chime)

159B7: Sound to play when ? (potion drinking/healthkit noise)

15EA0: End of level victim tally sprite code?

15FC9: Sound to play when ? (password chime)

1624A: Sound to play when ? (password chime)

16200: Sound to play when correct password is entered?

16C3E: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

17044: Sound to play when ? (password chime)

1713C:Vampire Code

1715B: Amount of points to add to player score when vampire dies?

1723E:Disappearing Dr. Tongue Code

173E6:Something to do with Vampire Bat?

1745D:Bonfire code

176A4: Flying Saucer Lightning Code

17910:Exit Door Code

19899: BBQ Victim code?

198F6: Amount of points to add to player score when BBQ Victim is rescued?

19900: ?

19930: Animation for BBQ Victim

19932: Animation or Graphics pointer of BBQ Victim Frame 1

19934: Animation Delay for BBQ Victim Frame 1

19976: Baby Victim Code?

199D2: Amount of points to add to player score when Baby Victim is rescued?

19A0D: Animation for Baby Victim starts?

19A68: Trampoline Girl Victim code?

19B0B: Amount of points to add to player score when Trampoline Girl Victim is rescued?

19B3D: Army Victim Code?

19BF1: Amount of points to add to player score when Army Victim is rescued?

19C89: Dog Victim Code?

19D45: Amount of points to add to player score when Dog Victim is rescued?

19DAD: Dr Bug Victim Code?

19E19: Amount of points to add to player score when Dr Bug Victim is rescued?

19E6D: Teacher Victim Code?

19EC3: Amount of points to add to player score when Teacher Victim is rescued?

19F00: Pool Guy Victim Code?

19F8B: Amount of points to add to player score when Pool Guy Victim is rescued?

1A015: Explorer Victim code?

1A071: Amount of points to add to player score when Explorer Victim is rescued?

1A0BE: Cheerleader Victim Code

1A0E4: Something about Cheerleader landing after jump?

1A0E7: Cheerleader Delay Rate

1A0F7: Tells cheerleader which frame to jump at? (default 08, change to 0F for standing jump)

1A0F9: Height of Cheerleaders jump?

1A104: How far down after jumping before cheerleader lands?

1A128: Cheerleader falling delay

1A15A: Amount of points to add to player score when Cheerleader Victim is rescued?

1A1E2: Tourists Victim Code

1A249: Amount of points to add to player score when Tourists Victim is rescued?

1A2A8: First monster spawned by tourists at night (see table 4.06 and 4.09 for values)

1A2C2: Second monster spawned by tourists at night (see table 4.06 and 4.09 for values)

1A504: Dying Sound or speed of tourists?

1A68C - 1A69F: Free Space?

1AF36: Pre-Giant Spider Dr. Tongue code?

1AFC7: Sound to play when Dr. Tongue drinks potion (to disappear?)

1AFD0: Sound to play when Dr. Tongue drinks potion (to turn into spider?)

1B059: Sound to play when Dr. Tongue drinks potion (to disappear after spider?)

1B0BE: Sound to play when Dr. Tongue drinks potion (to turn into Giant Head?)

1B14C: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

1B28D: Sound to play when Dr. Tongue drinks potion (don't know what this one's for?)

1B3DD: Dr. Tongue/Spider metamorphosis code or giant spider code?

1B480: Small Spiders Code

1B4A9: Amount of points to add to player score when small spider is killed?

1B76B: Sound to play when ? (password chime)

1B7AD: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr Tongue Laugh)

1B7BB: Sound to play when ? (potion/healthkit noise)

1B9F6: Credit Level Boss Kelly Flock code

1BA24: Amount of points to add to player score when Boss Kelly Flock is killed?

1C15E: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

1C887: Giant Dr. Tongue head code?

1C91D: Head speed or potion drinking noise?

1C9E0: Sound to play when ? (27 Dr. Tongue Laugh)

1CA04: Giant Dr. Tongue Head speed?

1CA2C: Giant Dr. Tongue Head Eyeball projectile speed?

1CC4A: Giant Dr. Tongue Eyeball projectile code

1634F: Pointers to credit messages See Table 2 for more information

32 entries, add 8200 to pointer to get file offset first pointer is E18F

16390: Credit Messages See Table 2 for more information 0X03(text)YY00 X = How many lines to go down YY = 00 or FF, 00 ends the message, FF continues to next line

1836C: Sound to play during Konami Intro Screen

19CE8: Sound to play when Dog Victim Barks

19AEB: Sound to play when Trampoline Girl Victim bounces?

19F9F: Sound to play when Victim is killed?

1A3A6: Sound to play when Victim is killed?

1A3C7: Sound to play when Victim is killed?

2BE35 = Weapon Properties? (0100 0480)

34456 = Weapon Properties? (6D00 0180)

38024 = Weapon Properties? (6000 0480)

3F135 = Weapon Properties? (0000 0480)

3F373 = Weapon Properties? (0400 0480)

45460 = Weapon Properties? (C400 0480)

5B3EB = Weapon Properties? (FE00 0480)

5E615 = Weapon Properties? (0300 0480)

5E671 = Weapon Properties? (0800 0480)

68B08 = Weapon Properties? (1800 0480)

B6900: Graphics for Inventory (Encoded as Gameboy/2BPP)

C94F3: ?

F8202: Pointers to level data

Level Data:

Affects glow of meteor? (4)

Monster (maker only?) map pointer (2)

Victim map pointer (2)

Item map pointer (2)

Level X Dimension (2)

Level Y Dimension (2)

Screen Priorities (2)

Decompression? (2)

Player 1 Starting Point X coord (2)

Player 1 Starting Point Y coord (2)

Player 2 Starting Point X coord (2)

Player 2 Starting Point Y coord (2)

Music (1)

Unused? (1)

Unknown (2)

Pointer to 1st level title (2)

Pointer to 2nd level title (2)

Pointer to end of 2nd level title (2)

Boss Monster ID code (if no boss, skip to next) (4)

Always 0000 0000? (4)

Tile Animation? (if no animation, skip to next) (unknown)

X coordinates of 1st Title (1)

Y coordinates of 1st Title (1)

Font of 1st Title (1)

Starting Line of 1st Title (1)

First title data


What type of level (grass, desert, office, etc)

If Table 4.01 had been written yet, you would have to see it

Level Music:

What song to play on the level

1 Byte, see Table 4.02 for values


What boss (if any) is on the level

See Table 4.03 for values

Level Title Fonts:

What letter style the title of the level uses


XX = Letter style value (See Table 4.04a for values)

YY = 01 if first line in title, 00 if not

Levl Titles:

What each title says, and where to begin new lines in the title


What bonuses are available on the level

See Table 4.05 for values

Respawning Monsters:

+0 Frequency (1)

+1 x coordinates (2)

+3 y coordinates (2)

+5 radius (1)

+6 Monster code pointer (4), see table 4.06

Non-Respawning enemies may be placed as monster generators to generate infinite of that monster, but a monster generator code placed in the non-respawning enemy section of a level will still generate infinite monsters.


The victim code in each level is 7h Bytes long (12 bytes x 10 Victims)

10 bytes for each victim, followed always by 8300h

+0: X coordinate (2 bytes)

+2: Y coordinate (2 bytes)

+4: ?? always 0 (1 byte)

+5: Same as above

+6: Victim number* (1 byte)

+7: ?? always 0 (1 byte)

+8: Victim code pointer (2 bytes), see table 4.07

  • the victim number indicates which victims won't appear if you have less than 10. victim number 01 will always appear since you need at least 1 to continue the game, whereas victim 10 will only appear when no victims have been killed.


+0 X coordinate (2 bytes)

+2 Y coordinate (2 bytes)

+4 ID Code (1 byte), see table 4.08

Non-Respawning Monsters:

+0 x coordinates (2)

+2 y coordinates (2)

+4 Monster code Pointer (4), see table 4.09

Victims can be placed in the non-respawning monsters section, but they won't count for or against the victim total

Background Pallettes:


XX = pallette value, see table 4.10

Note: to make a level change palletes after starting (to create the sundown effect) look for that string of data after the title

Sprite Palletes:


Add Points to player score:

XXXX = Amount of points, reverse ordered and written in decimal (eg. 1000 is 0010)

A0XXXXA2: Points from end of level bonus

A2XXXX20: Points from rescuing Victim

A2XXXXA5: Points from destroying Monster

Add Health:?



A9XXXX9D: Starting Health


Play Sound:

XX = sound value, see table 4

A9 XX 00 22 3B CC 80 (53 83 80?)

NOTE: Tables can be found here Zombies Ate My Neighbors:Tables