Mother 3/Level-up stats table

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3.

Level-up ability table
Start Address 0xCC4E8
End Address 0xCD927
# of Entries 16 (0x10)
Entry Length 324 bytes (0x144)
Total Length 5184 bytes (0x1440)
Back to the ROM map


This table contains various level-up information, including the PSI abilities learned at each respective level. This does not contain level-up experience data. The entries in this table correspond to the party character names.


Each entry in the table uses 324 bytes.

Field listing

Table view

        00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
000  | [   A   ] [                       ?                       ] [        B       ->
010  | <-                            B                           ] [        C       ->
020  | <-                                     C                                     ->
030  | <-                                     C                                     ->
040  | <-                                     C                                     ->
050  | <-                                     C                                     ->
060  | <-                                     C                                     ->
070  | <-                                     C                                     ->
080  | <-                                     C                                     ->
090  | <-                                     C                                     ->
0A0  | <-                                     C                                     ->
0B0  | <-                            C                           ] [ D] [ E] [   ?   ]
0C0  | [                                      F                                     ->
0D0  | <-                                     F                                     ->
0E0  | <-                                     F                                     ->
0F0  | <-                                     F                                     ->
100  | <-                                     F                                     ->
110  | <-                                     F                                     ->
120  | <-                                     F                                     ->
130  | <-                                     F                                      ]
140  | [   G   ][   ?   ]


There are 11 stats entries: one for the starting/base stats, and then ten entries used for extrapolating a stats curve (one point at every tenth level). Each entry has 16 bytes:

  • 00-03 (04) = HP target
  • 04-07 (04) = PP target
  • 08-08 (01) = Offense target
  • 09-09 (01) = Defense target
  • 0A-0A (01) = IQ target
  • 0B-0B (01) = Speed target
  • 0C-0F (04) = Unknown; used by the game, but always zero

The game will try to meet these targets, but it adds some randomness to it as well, so the exact values aren't usually met.


If byte BC is not 00, it won't be possible to see the Status of the character and their inventory. If byte BD is not 01, the character won't be playable in battle.

PSI learning table

This table is only ever considered for Lucas and Kumatora; everyone else's tables are empty and never get read.

The table contains 32 entries, each consisting of four bytes:

  • 00-01 (02) = PSI entry number
  • 02-03 (02) = Level learned (use 100, or 0x64, if the ability uses event-based learning)

Attack sound pointer

These bytes point to the sound of the characters's attacks. These numbers correspond to the song pointer table, and not to the sound player songlist.