M.C. Kids/RAM map

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< M.C. Kids
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for M.C. Kids.

Current Sprites

  • 0430 - 043F (000F) = Type
  • 0440 - 044F (000F) = Y position - high byte (01 per 4 blocks)
  • 0450 - 045F (000F) = X position - high byte (01 per 4 blocks)
  • 0460 - 046F (000F) = Y position - low byte (04 per pixel, 40 per block)
  • 0470 - 047F (000F) = X position - low byte (04 per pixel, 40 per block)
  • 0480 - 048F (000F) = ???
  • 04A0 - 04AF (000F) = Vertical speed
  • 04B0 - 04BF (000F) = Horizontal speed
  • 04C0 - 04CF (000F) = ???
  • 04D0 - 04DF (000F) = ???
  • 04E0 - 04EF (000F) = ???
  • 04F0 - 04FF (000F) = ???
  • 0500 - 050F (000F) = ???
  • 0510 - 051F (000F) = ???

Note: possibly more bytes after these


  • 0428 = Enemies killed (for health bonus)
  • 057D = Ms collected (skips A-F - ex. 83 hex = 83 decimal)
  • 057E = Bonus stage activated (Ms over 100) (unverified)
  • 057F = Lives (displayed as byte + 1)
  • 0580 = Health (displayed as byte + 1)
    • Setting health above 3 works, but is not displayed

  • 0555 = Horizontal speed (negative = left) (unverified)
  • 0556 = Vertical speed (negative = up) (unverified)

  • 06EC - 06F2 (0007) = Stage clear flags
  • 06F4 - 06FA (0007) = Goal block flags (same pattern as stage clear flags)
  • 06FC - 0702 (0007) = Unidentified flags

  • 6000 - 7FFF (2000) = Decompressed data