Breath of Fire II/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Breath of Fire II.

7E:5670 - 7E:5673          Warp Point Modifier (Set to FF to have all Warp Locations)

7E:0C86                    Overworld 'Event' loading
01 - Nothing
02 - Dialogue box
03 - Main Menu
04 - Battle
05 - Character Switch
06 - Fishing
07 - Field Game
08 - Overworld Map

7E:55E0                    Township level

7E:00C5                    Screen brightness
7E:00C9                    Layer 1 X Coordinates
7E:00CB                    Layer 1 Y Coordinates
7E:00CD                    Layer 2 X Coordinates
7E:00CF                    Layer 2 Y Coordinates
7E:00D1                    Layer 3 X Coordinates
7E:00D3                    Layer 3 Y Coordinates
7E:0400                    Background palettes

7E:5050 - 7E:5053          Current PC's in your party \
7E:5054 - 7E:5057          Current PC's check         / These two areas 'MUST' be the same
7E:5058 - 7E:505F          Possibly blank or unused

7E:5060 - 7E:50DF          Inventory items (2 bytes each)
7E:50E0 - 7E:51C0          Bank data (2 bytes each. Includes Zenny)

7E:51D0 - 7E:51DF          ??? (Gets written to and read from beginning of game and battle but does nothing from what is seen)
7E:51E0 - 7E:51E3          Start of PC data (PC Name)
7E:51E4                    When set to 20, it sets PC sprite as Valerie
7E:51E5                    PC 1 Status
7E:51E6                    PC 1 Current PC
00 - Ryu
01 - Bow
02 - Rand
03 - Katt
04 - Nina
05 - Jean
06 - Sten
07 - Spar
08 - Bleu
09 - Kid Ryu
0A - Kid Bow (Zombie in battle)
0B - Spar Form #1 (Snap Dragon)
0C - Jean Form #1
0D - Rand Form #1
0E - Bow Form #1
0F - Nina Form #1
10 - Katt Form #1
11 - Spar Form #2 (Mushroom Girl)
12 - Spar Form #3 (Seedling)
13 - Sten Form #1
14 - Rand (Recolored)
15 - Nina (Recolored)
16 - Sten (Recolored)
17 - Spar (Recolored)
18 - Valerie (No battle sprites)
19 - Ryu Battle Sprites (Final running scene)

7E:51E7                    PC 1 Level
7E:51E8                    PC 1 Current Health (2 bytes)
7E:51EA                    PC 1 Max Health (2 bytes)
7E:51EC                    PC 1 Current AP (2 bytes)
7E:51EE                    PC 1 Max AP (2 bytes)
7E:51F0                    PC 1 Shaman Form
7E:51F1                    PC 1 Strength
7E:51F2                    PC 1 Stamina (Base defense) + (Equipment = Defense)
7E:51F3                    PC 1 Agility (2 bytes)
7E:51F5                    PC 1 Condition (Better PC Condition, the more damage dealt, less damage taken and higher counter attack)
7E:51F6                    Weapon Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's a weapon)
7E:51F8                    Shield Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's a shield)
7E:51FA                    Armor Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an armor)
7E:51FC                    Helmet Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an helmet)
7E:51FE                    Accessory #1 Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an accessory)
7E:5200                    Accessory #2 Equipped (2 bytes. 2nd byte dictates it's an accessory)
7E:5202                    PC 1 Attack (2 bytes)
7E:5204                    PC 1 Defense (2 bytes)
7E:5206                    PC 1 Vigor (2 bytes)
7E:2508                    PC 1 Wisdom (From current equipment + Base)
7E:5209                    PC 1 Luck (From current equipment + Base)
7E:520B                    PC 1 Guts
7E:520C                    PC 1 Wisdom Base
7E:520D                    PC 1 Luck Base
7E:520E                    PC 1 Current EXP (3 bytes)
7E:5211-7E:521F            All do nothing but are read to be stored into another location with other stats.
7E:5420                    Ryu's spell table
7E:5440                    Bow's spell table
7E:5460                    Rand's spell table
7E:5480                    Katt's spell table
7E:54A0                    Nina's spell table
7E:54C0                    Jean's spell table
7E:54E0                    Sten's spell table
7E:5500                    Spar's spell table
7E:5520                    Bleu's spell table

7E:5540 - 7E:55B0          Shaman stat bonus for each PC (+10 per PC)
7E:5540                    Offense Shaman stat boost
7E:5542                    Defense Shaman stat boost
7E:5544                    Vigor Shaman stat boost
7E:5546                    Wisdom Shaman stat boost
7E:5548                    Luck Shaman stat boost (Does not work)
7E:554A                    AP Shaman stat boost
7E:554C                    PC graphic to use
7E:554E                    Unused

7E:5696                    Bit for Sana being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5697                    Bit for Seso being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5698                    Bit for Spoo being used (Based on PC #)
7E:5699                    Bit for Solo being used (Based on PC #)
7E:569A                    Bit for Seny being used (Based on PC #)
7E:569B                    Bit for Shin being used (Based on PC #)