Pokémon Red and Blue/RAM map

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< Pokémon Red and Blue
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Pokémon Red and Blue.

Currently, many more memory addresses can be found in the Pokémon Red disassembly project (WRAM, VRAM, HRAM).


C103 - Your Picture
CC2F - 
CC35 - Item highlighted with Select (01 = first item, 00 = no item, etc.)
CCD5 - Number of turns in current battle

Pokémon Mart

CF7B - Total Items
CF7C - Item 1
CF7D - Item 2
CF7E - Item 3
CF7F - Item 4
CF80 - Item 5
CF81 - Item 6
CF82 - Item 7
CF83 - Item 8
CF84 - Item 9
CF85 - Item 10

Name Rater

CF92 - Which Pokémon does Name Rater Change?


CFD3 - Your Move Effect (e.g. 10h = coins scatter everywhere)
CFD5 - Your Move Type
CCDC - Your Move Used
CFCC - Enemy's Move ID
CFCD - Enemy's Move Effect
CFCE - Enemy's Move Power
CFCF - Enemy's Move Type
CFD0 - Enemy's Move Accuracy
CFD1 - Enemy's Move Max PP
CFD2 - Player's Move ID
CFD3 - Player's Move Effect
CFD4 - Player's Move Power
CFD5 - Player's Move Type
CFD6 - Player's Move Accuracy
CFD7 - Player's Move Max PP
CFD8 - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID
CFD9 - Player's Pokémon internal ID
CFDA-CFE4 - Enemy's Name
CFE5 - Enemy's Pokémon internal ID
CFE6-CFE7 - Enemy's HP
CFE8 - Enemy's Level
CFE9 - Enemy's Status
CFEA - Enemy's Type 1
CFEB - Enemy's Type 2
CFEC - Enemy's Catch Rate (Unused, only referenced by Transform script, the one actually used is at D007)
CFED - Enemy's Move 1
CFEE - Enemy's Move 2
CFEF - Enemy's Move 3
CFF0 - Enemy's Move 4
CFF1 - Enemy's Attack and Defense DVs
CFF2 - Enemy's Speed and Special DVs
CFF3 - Enemy's Level
CFF4-CFF5 - Enemy's Max HP
CFF6-CFF7 - Enemy's Attack
CFF8-CFF9 - Enemy's Defense
CFFA-CFFB - Enemy's Speed
CFFC-CFFD - Enemy's Special
CFFE - Enemy's PP (First Slot)
CFFF - Enemy's PP (Second Slot)
D000 - Enemy's PP (Third Slot)
D001 - Enemy's PP (Fourth Slot)
D002-D006 - Enemy's Base Stats
D007 - Enemy's Catch Rate
D008 - Enemy's Base Experience

Pokémon 1st Slot (In-Battle)

D009-D013 - Name
D014 - Pokémon Number
D015-D016 - Current HP
D017 -
D018 - Status
D019 - Type 1
D01A - Type 2
D01B - 
D01C - Move #1 (First Slot)
D01D - Move #2 (Second Slot)
D01E - Move #3 (Third Slot)
D01F - Move #4 (Fourth Slot)
D020 - Attack and Defense DVs
D021 - Speed and Special DVs
D022 - Level
D023-D024 - Max HP
D025-D026 - Attack
D027-D028 - Defense
D029-D02A - Speed
D02B-D02C - Special
D02D - PP (First Slot)
D02E - PP (Second Slot)
D02F - PP (Third Slot)
D030 - PP (Fourth Slot)
D057 - Type of battle
D05A - Battle Type (Normal battle, Safari Zone, Old Man battle...)
D05C - Is Gym Leader battle music playing?
D05D - 
D05E - Critical Hit / OHKO Flag
       01 - Critical Hit!
       02 - One-hit KO!
D05F - Hooked Pokémon Flag
D062-D064 - Battle Status (Player)
            bit 0 - Bide
            bit 1 - Thrash / petal dance
            bit 2 - Attacking multiple times (e.g. double kick)
            bit 3 - Flinch
            bit 4 - Charging up for attack
            bit 5 - Using multi-turn move (e.g. wrap)
            bit 6 - Invulnerable to normal attack (using fly/dig)
            bit 7 - Confusion
            bit 0 - X Accuracy effect
            bit 1 - protected by "mist"
            bit 2 - focus energy effect
            bit 4 - has a substitute
            bit 5 - need to recharge
            bit 6 - rage
            bit 7 - leech seeded
            bit 0 - toxic
            bit 1 - light screen
            bit 2 - reflect
            bit 3 - tranformed
D065 - Stat to double (CPU)
D066 - Stat to halve (CPU)
D067-D069 - Battle Status (CPU) - Includes the "Transformed" status in D069 which makes the game regard the opponent as a Ditto.
D06A - Multi-Hit Move counter (Player)
D06B - Confusion counter (Player)
D06C - Toxic counter (Player)
D06D-D06E - Disable counter (Player)
D06F - Multi-Hit Move counter (CPU)
D070 - Confusion counter (CPU)
D071 - Toxic counter (CPU)
D072 - Disable counter (CPU)
D0D8 - Amount of damage attack is about to do. Max possible damage may appear one frame before actual damage.

Game Corner

D13D - 1st Game Corner Prize
D13E - 2nd Game Corner Prize
D13F - 3rd Game Corner Prize

Link Battle PRNG

D148-D150 - 9 Pseudo-Random Numbers used during Link Battles. Once a batch is used up, it generates a new batch with n × 5 + 1.


D158-D162 - Your Name
D163 - # Pokémon In Party
D164 - Pokémon 1
D165 - Pokémon 2
D166 - Pokémon 3
D167 - Pokémon 4
D168 - Pokémon 5
D169 - Pokémon 6
D16A - End of list

Pokémon 1

D16B - Pokémon (Again)
D16C-D16D - Current HP
D16E - Level
D16F - Status (Poisoned, Paralyzed, etc.)
D170 - Type 1
D171 - Type 2
D172 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D173 - Move 1
D174 - Move 2
D175 - Move 3
D176 - Move 4
D177-D178 - Trainer ID
D179-D17B - Experience
D17C-D17D - HP EV
D17E-D17F - Attack EV
D180-D181 - Defense EV
D182-D183 - Speed EV
D184-D185 - Special EV
D186 - Attack/Defense IV
D187 - Speed/Special IV
D188 - PP Move 1
D189 - PP Move 2
D18A - PP Move 3
D18B - PP Move 4
D18C - Level
D18D-D18E - Max HP
D18F-D190 - Attack
D191-D192 - Defense
D193-D194 - Speed
D195-D196 - Special

Pokémon 2

D197 - Pokémon
D198-D199 - Current HP
D19A - Level
D19B - Status
D19C - Type 1
D19D - Type 2
D19E - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D19F - Move 1
D1A0 - Move 2
D1A1 - Move 3
D1A2 - Move 4
D1A3-D1A4 - Trainer ID
D1A5-D1A7 - Experience 
D1A8-D1A9 - HP EV
D1AA-D1AB - Attack EV
D1AC-D1AD - Defense EV
D1AE-D1AF - Speed EV
D1B0-D1B1 - Special EV
D1B2 - Attack/Defense IV
D1B3 - Speed/Special IV
D1B4 - PP Move 1
D1B5 - PP Move 2
D1B6 - PP Move 3
D1B7 - PP Move 4
D1B8 - Level
D1B9-D1BA - Max HP
D1BB-D1BC - Attack
D1BD-D1BE - Defense
D1BF-D1C0 - Speed
D1C1-D1C2 - Special

Pokémon 3

D1C3 - Pokémon
D1C4-D1C5 - Current HP
D1C6 - Level
D1C7 - Status
D1C8 - Type 1
D1C9 - Type 2
D1CA - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D1CB - Move 1
D1CC - Move 2
D1CD - Move 3
D1CE - Move 4
D1CF-D1D0 - Trainer ID
D1D1-D1D3 - Experience
D1D4-D1D5 - HP EV
D1D6-D1D7 - Attack EV
D1D8-D1D9 - Defense EV
D1DA-D1DB - Speed EV
D1DC-D1DD - Special EV
D1DE - Attack/Defense IV
D1DF - Speed/Special IV
D1E0 - PP Move 1
D1E1 - PP Move 2
D1E2 - PP Move 3
D1E3 - PP Move 4
D1E4 - Level
D1E5-D1E6 - Max HP
D1E7-D1E8 - Attack
D1E9-D1EA - Defense
D1EB-D1EC - Speed
D1ED-D1EE - Special

Pokémon 4

D1EF - Pokémon
D1F0-D1F1 - Current HP
D1F2 - Level
D1F3 - Status
D1F4 - Type 1
D1F5 - Type 2
D1F6 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D1F7 - Move 1
D1F8 - Move 2
D1F9 - Move 3
D1FA - Move 4
D1FB-D1FC - Trainer ID
D1FD-D1FF - Experience 
D200-D201 - HP EV
D202-D203 - Attack EV
D204-D205 - Defense EV
D206-D207 - Speed EV
D208-D209 - Special EV
D20A - Attack/Defense IV
D20B - Speed/Special IV
D20C - PP Move 1
D20D - PP Move 2
D20E - PP Move 3
D20F - PP Move 4
D210 - Level
D211-D212 - Max HP
D213-D214 - Attack
D215-D216 - Defense
D217-D218 - Speed
D219-D21A - Special

Pokémon 5

D21B - Pokémon
D21C-D21D - Current HP
D21E - Level
D21F - Status
D220 - Type 1
D221 - Type 2
D222 - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D223 - Move 1
D224 - Move 2
D225 - Move 3
D226 - Move 4
D227-D228 - Trainer ID
D229-D22B - Experience 
D22C-D22D - HP EV
D22E-D22F - Attack EV
D230-D231 - Defense EV
D232-D233 - Speed EV
D234-D235 - Special EV
D236 - Attack/Defense IV
D237 - Speed/Special IV
D238 - PP Move 1
D239 - PP Move 2
D23A - PP Move 3
D23B - PP Move 4
D23C - Level
D23D-D23E - Max HP
D23F-D240 - Attack
D241-D242 - Defense
D243-D244 - Speed
D245-D246 - Special

Pokémon 6

D247 - Pokémon
D248-D249 - Current HP
D24A - Level
D24B - Status
D24C - Type 1
D24D - Type 2
D24E - Catch rate/Held item (When traded to Generation II)
D24F - Move 1
D250 - Move 2
D251 - Move 3
D252 - Move 4
D253-D254 - Trainer ID
D255-D257 - Experience 
D258-D259 - HP EV
D25A-D25B - Attack EV
D25C-D25D - Defense EV
D25E-D25F - Speed EV
D260-D261 - Special EV
D262 - Attack/Defense IV
D263 - Speed/Special IV
D264 - PP Move 1
D265 - PP Move 2
D266 - PP Move 3
D267 - PP Move 4
D268 - Level
D269-D26A - Max HP
D26B-D26C - Attack
D26D-D26E - Defense
D26F-D270 - Speed
D271-D272 - Special

Trainer Name

D273-D27D - Trainer name for 1st
D27E-D288 - Trainer name for 2nd
D289-D293 - Trainer name for 3rd
D294-D29E - Trainer name for 4th
D29F-D2A9 - Trainer name for 5th
D2AA-D2B4 - Trainer name for 6th


D2B5-D2BF - Nickname for 1st
D2C0-D2CA - Nickname for 2nd
D2CB-D2D5 - Nickname for 3rd
D2D6-D2E0 - Nickname for 4th
D2E1-D2EB - Nickname for 5th
D2EC-D2F6 - Nickname for 6th


D2F7 - Own 1-8
D2F8 - Own 9-16
D2F9 - Own 17-24
D2FA - Own 25-32
D2FB - Own 33-40
D2FC - Own 41-48
D2FD - Own 49-56
D2FE - Own 57-64
D2FF - Own 65-72
D300 - Own 73-80
D301 - Own 81-88
D302 - Own 89-96
D303 - Own 97-104
D304 - Own 105-112
D305 - Own 113-120
D306 - Own 121-128
D307 - Own 129-136
D308 - Own 137-144
D309 - Own 145-152
D30A - Seen 1-8
D30B - Seen 9-16
D30C - Seen 17-24
D30D - Seen 25-32
D30E - Seen 33-40
D30F - Seen 41-48
D310 - Seen 49-56
D311 - Seen 57-64
D312 - Seen 65-72
D313 - Seen 73-80
D314 - Seen 81-88
D315 - Seen 89-96
D316 - Seen 97-104
D317 - Seen 105-112
D318 - Seen 113-120
D319 - Seen 121-128
D31A - Seen 129-136
D31B - Seen 137-144
D31C - Seen 145-152


D31D - Total Items
D31E - Item 1
D31F - Item 1 Quantity
D320 - Item 2
D321 - Item 2 Quantity
D322 - Item 3
D323 - Item 3 Quantity
D324 - Item 4
D325 - Item 4 Quantity
D326 - Item 5
D327 - Item 5 Quantity
D328 - Item 6
D329 - Item 6 Quantity
D32A - Item 7
D32B - Item 7 Quantity
D32C - Item 8
D32D - Item 8 Quantity
D32E - Item 9
D32F - Item 9 Quantity
D330 - Item 10
D331 - Item 10 Quantity
D332 - Item 11
D333 - Item 11 Quantity
D334 - Item 12
D335 - Item 12 Quantity
D336 - Item 13
D337 - Item 13 Quantity
D338 - Item 14
D339 - Item 14 Quantity
D33A - Item 15
D33B - Item 15 Quantity
D33C - Item 16
D33D - Item 16 Quantity
D33E - Item 17
D33F - Item 17 Quantity
D340 - Item 18
D341 - Item 18 Quantity
D342 - Item 19
D343 - Item 19 Quantity
D344 - Item 20
D345 - Item 20 Quantity
D346 - Item End of List


D347 - Money Byte 1
D348 - Money Byte 2
D349 - Money Byte 3


D34A-D351 - Rival's Name


D355 - Options

Bit 7 = Battle Animation (1 = Off, 0 = On)
Bit 6 = Battle Style (1 = Set, 0 = Shift)
Bit 5-4 = probably unused
Low Nybble = Text Speed (0x0 = fastest, 0xF = slowest)
Fast = 1
Medium = 3
Slow = 5

D356 = Badges (Binary Switches)

D358 = If bit0 = 0, delay is limited to 1 frame between each letter. If bit1 = 0, no delay during text printing. Overrides previous setting.

D359 = Player ID [1] (Multiple of 256) D35A = Player ID [2] (...+1-255)

D35B = Audio track (See Audio section) D35C = Audio bank (See Audio section)

D35D = Controls the map's palette. Usually 0, but is set to 6 when Flash is required.

D35E = Current Map Number

D35F-D360 = Event Displacement (view Notes, for more info)
D361 - 1 byte integer = Current Player Y-Position
D362 - 1 byte integer = Current Player X-Position
D363 = Current Player Y-Position (Current Block)
D364 = Current Player X-Position (Current Block)

D365 = Last map location for walking through certain exits (e.g. Safari Zone gate)


C022 = Audio track channel 1

C023 = Audio track channel 2

C024 = Audio track channel 3

C025 = Audio track channel 4

C0E9 = Music speed (lower values should = faster except for particularly low values)

C0EB = Audio related

C0EC = Audio related

C0EF = Audio bank

C0F0 = Audio bank

D35B = Audio track in current map

D35C = Audio bank in current map

Bank 02
B3 = Validate
B4 = Bump
B5 = Exit of a house
B6 = Save Game
B8 = Pokéflute
B9 = Ding Dong
BA = PalletTown
BD = Pokecenter
C0 = Gym
C3 = Viridian City, Pewter City, Saffron City
C7 = Cerulean City, Fuchsia City
CA = Celadon City
CD = Cinnabar City
D0 = Vermilion City
D4 = Lavender Town
D8 = SS Anne
DB = Meet Oak
DE = Meet Blue
E1 = Follow me
E5 = Safari Zone / Evolution
E8 = Pokémon Healding
EB = Road 1, 2
EF = Road 24, 25
F3 = Road 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
F7 = Road 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
FB = Indigo Plateau
Bank 08
EA = Gym Leader Battle
ED = Trainer Battle
F0 = Wild Battle
F3 = Final Battle
F6 = Defeated Trainer
F9 = Defeated Wild Pokemon
FC = Defeated Champion / Gym
Bank 1F
C3 = Title Screen
C7 = Credits
CA = Hall of fame
CD = Oak's Lab
D0 = Jigglypuff Song
D2 = Bike Riding
D6 = Surfing
D9 = Came Corner
DC = Intro Game
DF = Power Plant, Unknown Dungeon, Rocket HQ
E3 = Viridian Forest, Seafoam Islands
E7 = Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road
EB = Cinnabar City Mansion
EF = Pokemon Tower
F2 = Silph Co.
F5 = Eye contact Evil Trainer
F8 = Eye contact Female Trainer
FB = Eye contact Male Trainer
FF = Stop Sound

Map Header

D367 - 1 byte integer = Map's Tileset, 1 byte
D368 - 1 byte integer = Map's Height (Blocks)
D369 - 1 byte integer = Map's Width (Blocks)
D36A-D36B = Map's Data
D36C-D36D = Map's Text Pointer Table (For Each NPC) Location
D36E-D36F = Map's Level-Script Pointer
D370 = Map's Connection Byte
D371-D37B = Map's 1st Connection Data
D37C-D386 = Map's 2nd Connection Data
D387-D391 = Map's 3rd Connection Data
D392-D39C = Map's 4th Connection Data

Tileset Header

D52B = Tileset Bank
D52C-D52D = Pointer to Blocks
D52E-D52F = Pointer to GFX
D530-D531 = Pointer to Collision Data
D532-D534 = "Talking-Over" Tiles
D535 = Grass Tile

Tile graphics

Tiles are 8x8 pixels, stored in 16 bytes, with each byte representing 4 pixels.

For size comparison, the player is 16x16 pixels, therefore, 4 tiles.

"Active" tiles are stored sequentially in RAM, starting at address 0x8000. From address 0x8000 to 0x9000 there are 256 tiles which make up the player in all orientations, and some commonly used stuff. The real map tiles are from 0x9000 to 0x9600.

8000 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 0 (often the top left player tile)
8010 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 1 (often the top right player tile)
8020 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = tile 2 (often the bottom left player tile)


9000 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 0 (often blank)
9010 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 1
9020 - 16 byte tile graphic struct = map tile 2


Stored Items

D53A - Total items in storage
D53B - Stored Item 1
D53C - Stored Item 1 Quantity
D53D - Stored Item 2
D53E - Stored Item 2 Quantity
D53F - Stored Item 3
D540 - Stored Item 3 Quantity
D541 - Stored Item 4
D542 - Stored Item 4 Quantity
D543 - Stored Item 5
D544 - Stored Item 5 Quantity
D545 - Stored Item 6
D546 - Stored Item 6 Quantity
D547 - Stored Item 7
D548 - Stored Item 7 Quantity
D549 - Stored Item 8
D54A - Stored Item 8 Quantity
D54B - Stored Item 9
D54C - Stored Item 9 Quantity
D54D - Stored Item 10
D54E - Stored Item 10 Quantity
D54F - Stored Item 11
D550 - Stored Item 11 Quantity
D551 - Stored Item 12
D552 - Stored Item 12 Quantity
D553 - Stored Item 13
D554 - Stored Item 13 Quantity
D555 - Stored Item 14
D556 - Stored Item 14 Quantity
D557 - Stored Item 15
D558 - Stored Item 15 Quantity
D559 - Stored Item 16
D55A - Stored Item 16 Quantity
D55B - Stored Item 17
D55C - Stored Item 17 Quantity
D55D - Stored Item 18
D55E - Stored Item 18 Quantity
D55F - Stored Item 19
D560 - Stored Item 19 Quantity
D561 - Stored Item 20
D562 - Stored Item 20 Quantity
D563 - Stored Item 21
D564 - Stored Item 21 Quantity
D565 - Stored Item 22
D566 - Stored Item 22 Quantity
D567 - Stored Item 23
D568 - Stored Item 23 Quantity
D569 - Stored Item 24
D56A - Stored Item 24 Quantity
D56B - Stored Item 25
D56C - Stored Item 25 Quantity
D56D - Stored Item 26
D56E - Stored Item 26 Quantity
D56F - Stored Item 27
D570 - Stored Item 27 Quantity
D571 - Stored Item 28
D572 - Stored Item 28 Quantity
D573 - Stored Item 29
D574 - Stored Item 29 Quantity
D575 - Stored Item 30
D576 - Stored Item 30 Quantity
D577 - Stored Item 31
D578 - Stored Item 31 Quantity
D579 - Stored Item 32
D57A - Stored Item 32 Quantity
D57B - Stored Item 33
D57C - Stored Item 33 Quantity
D57D - Stored Item 34
D57E - Stored Item 34 Quantity
D57F - Stored Item 35
D580 - Stored Item 35 Quantity
D581 - Stored Item 36
D582 - Stored Item 36 Quantity
D583 - Stored Item 37
D584 - Stored Item 37 Quantity
D585 - Stored Item 38
D586 - Stored Item 38 Quantity
D587 - Stored Item 39
D588 - Stored Item 39 Quantity
D589 - Stored Item 40
D58A - Stored Item 40 Quantity
D58B - Stored Item 41
D58C - Stored Item 41 Quantity
D58D - Stored Item 42
D58E - Stored Item 42 Quantity
D58F - Stored Item 43
D590 - Stored Item 43 Quantity
D591 - Stored Item 44
D592 - Stored Item 44 Quantity
D593 - Stored Item 45
D594 - Stored Item 45 Quantity
D595 - Stored Item 46
D596 - Stored Item 46 Quantity
D597 - Stored Item 47
D598 - Stored Item 47 Quantity
D599 - Stored Item 48
D59A - Stored Item 48 Quantity
D59B - Stored Item 49
D59C - Stored Item 49 Quantity
D59D - Stored Item 50
D59E - Stored Item 50 Quantity
D59F - Stored Items End of List

Game Coins

D5A4 - Casino Chips Byte 1
D5A5 - Casino Chips Byte 2

Event Flags

D5AB - Starters Back?

D5C0(bit 1) - 0=Mewtwo appears, 1=Doesn't (See D85F)

D5F3 - Have Town map?

D60D - Have Oak's Parcel?

D700 - Bike Speed

D70B - Fly Anywhere Byte 1
D70C - Fly Anywhere Byte 2
D70D - Safari Zone Time Byte 1
D70E - Safari Zone Time Byte 2

D710 - Fossilized Pokémon?

D714 - Position in Air

D72E - Did you get Lapras Yet?

D732 - Debug New Game

D751 - Fought Giovanni Yet?

D755 - Fought Brock Yet?

D75E - Fought Misty Yet?

D773 - Fought Lt. Surge Yet?

D77C - Fought Erika Yet?

D782 - Fought Articuno Yet?

D790 - If bit 7 is set, Safari Game over

D792 - Fought Koga Yet?

D79A - Fought Blaine Yet?

D7B3 - Fought Sabrina Yet?

D7D4 - Fought Zapdos Yet?

D7D8 - Fought Snorlax Yet (Vermilion)

D7E0 - Fought Snorlax Yet? (Celadon)

D7EE - Fought Moltres Yet?

D803 - Is SS Anne here?

D85F - Mewtwo can be caught if bit 2 clear - Needs D5C0 bit 1 clear, too

Wild Pokémon

D887 - Wild Pokémon encounter rates

Common Battles:

D888 - Level of Encounter 1
D889 - Pokémon Data Value 1
D88A - Level of Encounter 2
D88B - Pokémon Data Value 2
D88C - Level of Encounter 3
D88D - Pokémon Data Value 3
D88E - Level of Encounter 4
D88F - Pokémon Data Value 4

Uncommon Battles:

D890 - Level of Encounter 1
D891 - Pokémon Data Value 1
D892 - Level of Encounter 2
D893 - Pokémon Data Value 2
D894 - Level of Encounter 3
D895 - Pokémon Data Value 3
D896 - Level of Encounter 4
D897 - Pokémon Data Value 4

Rare Battles:

D898 - Level of Encounter 1
D899 - Pokémon Data Value 1
D89A - Level of Encounter 2
D89B - Pokémon Data Value 2

Opponent Trainer’s Pokémon

D89C - Total enemy Pokémon
D89D - Pokémon 1
D89E - Pokémon 2
D89F - Pokémon 3
D8A0 - Pokémon 4
D8A1 - Pokémon 5
D8A2 - Pokémon 6
D8A3 - End of list

Pokémon 1

D8A4 - Pokémon
D8A5-D8A6 - Current HP
D8A7 -
D8A8 - Status
D8A9 - Type 1
D8AA - Type 2
D8AB -
D8AC - Move 1
D8AD - Move 2
D8AE - Move 3
D8AF - Move 4
D8B0-D8B1 - Trainer ID
D8B2-D8B4 - Experience
D8B5-D8B6 - HP EV
D8B7-D8B8 - Attack EV
D8B9-D8BA - Defense EV
D8BB-D8BC - Speed EV
D8BD-D8BE - Special EV
D8BF - Attack/Defense IV
D8C0 - Speed/Special IV
D8C1 - PP Move 1
D8C2 - PP Move 2
D8C3 - PP Move 3
D8C4 - PP Move 4
D8C5 - Level
D8C6-D8C7 - Max HP
D8C8-D8C9 - Attack
D8CA-D8CB - Defense
D8CC-D8CD - Speed
D8CE-D8CF - Special

Pokémon 2

D8D0 - Pokémon
D8D1-D8D2 - Current HP
D8D3 -
D8D4 - Status
D8D5 - Type 1
D8D6 - Type 2
D8D7 -
D8D8 - Move 1
D8D9 - Move 2
D8DA - Move 3
D8DB - Move 4
D8DC-D8DD - Trainer ID
D8DE-D8E0 - Experience
D8E1-D8E2 - HP EV
D8E3-D8E4 - Attack EV
D8E5-D8E6 - Defense EV
D8E7-D8E8 - Speed EV
D8E9-D8EA - Special EV
D8EB - Attack/Defense IV
D8EC - Speed/Special IV
D8ED - PP Move 1
D8EE - PP Move 2
D8EF - PP Move 3
D8F0 - PP Move 4
D8F1 - Level
D8F2-D8F3 - Max HP
D8F4-D8F5 - Attack
D8F6-D8F7 - Defense
D8F8-D8F9 - Speed
D8FA-D8FB - Special

Pokémon 3

D8FC - Pokémon
D8FD-D8FE - Current HP
D8FF -
D900 - Status
D901 - Type 1
D902 - Type 2
D903 -
D904 - Move 1
D905 - Move 2
D906 - Move 3
D907 - Move 4
D908-D90A - Trainer ID
D90A-D90C - Experience
D90D-D90E - HP EV
D90F-D910 - Attack EV
D911-D912 - Defense EV
D913-D914 - Speed EV
D915-D916 - Special EV
D917 - Attack/Defense IV
D918 - Speed/Special IV
D919 - PP Move 1
D91A - PP Move 2
D91B - PP Move 3
D91C - PP Move 4
D91D - Level
D91E-D91F - Max HP
D920-D921 - Attack
D922-D923 - Defense
D924-D925 - Speed
D926-D927 - Special

Pokémon 4

D928 - Pokémon
D929-D92A - Current HP
D92B -
D92C - Status
D92D - Type 1
D92E - Type 2
D92F -
D930 - Move 1
D931 - Move 2
D932 - Move 3
D933 - Move 4
D934-D935 - Trainer ID
D936-D938 - Experience
D939-D93A - HP EV
D93B-D93C - Attack EV
D93D-D93E - Defense EV
D93F-D940 - Speed EV
D941-D942 - Special EV
D943 - Attack/Defense IV
D944 - Speed/Special IV
D945 - PP Move 1
D946 - PP Move 2
D947 - PP Move 3
D948 - PP Move 4
D949 - Level
D94A-D94B - Max HP
D94C-D94D - Attack
D94E-D94F - Defense
D950-D951 - Speed
D952-D953 - Special

Pokémon 5

D954 - Pokémon
D955-D956 - Current HP
D957 -
D958 - Status
D959 - Type 1
D95A - Type 2
D95B -
D95C - Move 1
D95D - Move 2
D95E - Move 3
D95F - Move 4
D960-D961 - Trainer ID
D962-D964 - Experience
D965-D966 - HP EV
D967-D968 - Attack EV
D969-D96A - Defense EV
D96B-D96C - Speed EV
D96D-D96E - Special EV
D96F - Attack/Defense IV
D970 - Speed/Special IV
D971 - PP Move 1
D972 - PP Move 2
D973 - PP Move 3
D974 - PP Move 4
D975 - Level
D976-D977 - Max HP
D978-D979 - Attack
D97A-D97B - Defense
D97C-D97D - Speed
D97E-D97F - Special

Pokémon 6

D980 - Pokémon
D981-D982 - Current HP
D983 -
D984 - Status
D985 - Type 1
D986 - Type 2
D987 -
D988 - Move 1
D989 - Move 2
D98A - Move 3
D98B - Move 4
D98C-D98D - Trainer ID
D98E-D990 - Experience
D991-D992 - HP EV
D993-D994 - Attack EV
D995-D996 - Defense EV
D997-D998 - Speed EV
D999-D99A - Special EV
D99B - Attack/Defense IV
D99C - Speed/Special IV
D99D - PP Move 1
D99E - PP Move 2
D99F - PP Move 3
D9A0 - PP Move 4
D9A1 - Level
D9A2-D9A3 - Max HP
D9A4-D9A5 - Attack
D9A6-D9A7 - Defense
D9A8-D9A9 - Speed
D9AA-D9AB - Special

Trainer Name

D9AC-D9B6 - Trainer name for 1st
D9B7-D9C1 - Trainer name for 2nd
D9C2-D9CC - Trainer name for 3rd
D9CD-D9D7 - Trainer name for 4th
D9D8-D9E2 - Trainer name for 5th
D9E3-D9ED - Trainer name for 6th


D9EE-D9F8 - Nickname for 1st
D9F9-DA03 - Nickname for 2nd
DA04-DA0E - Nickname for 3rd
DA0F-DA19 - Nickname for 4th
DA1A-DA24 - Nickname for 5th
DA25-DA2F - Nickname for 6th


Game Time

DA40 - Hours, two bytes
DA42 - Minutes, two bytes
DA44 - Seconds, one byte
DA45 - Frames, one byte

DA47 - Safari Balls

Stored Pokémon

This is for the current box that's in use.

DA80 - Number of Pokémon in current box
DA81-CA94 - Pokémon 1-20
DA95 - End of list

Pokémon 1

DA96 - Pokémon
DA97-DA98 - HP
DA99 - Level
DA9A - Status
DA9B-DA9C - Types
DA9D - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DA9E-DAA1 - Moves
DAA2-DAA3 - Trainer ID
DAA4-DAA6 - Experience
DAA9-DAAA - Attack EV
DAAB-DAAC - Defense EV
DAAF-DAB0 - Special EV
DAB1 - Attack/Defense IV
DAB2 - Speed/Special IV
DAB3-DAB6 - PP Moves

Pokémon 2

DAB7 - Pokémon
DABA - Level
DABB - Status
DABE - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DABF-DAC2 - Moves
DAC2-DAC4 - Trainer ID
DAC4-DAC7 - Experience
DACC-DACD - Defense EV
DAD0-DAD1 - Special EV
DAD2 - Attack/Defense IV
DAD3 - Speed/Special IV
DAD4-DAD7 - PP Moves

Pokémon 3

DAD8 - Pokémon
DADB - Level
DADC - Status
DADF - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DAE0-DAE3 - Moves
DAE4-DAE5 - Trainer ID
DAE6-DAE8 - Experience
DAED-DAEE - Defense EV
DAEF-DAF0 - Speed EV
DAF1-DAF2 - Special EV
DAF3 - Attack/Defense IV
DAF4 - Speed/Special IV
DAF5-DAF8 - PP Moves

Pokémon 4

DAF9 - Pokémon
DAFC - Level
DAFD - Status
DB00 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DB01-DB04 - Moves
DB05-DB06 - Trainer ID
DB07-DB09 - Experience
DB0C-DB0D - Attack EV
DB0E-DB0F - Defense EV
DB10-DB11 - Speed EV
DB12-DB13 - Special EV
DB14 - Attack/Defense IV
DB15 - Speed/Special IV
DB16-DB19 - PP Moves

Pokémon 5

DB1A - Pokémon
DB1D - Level
DB1E - Status
DB1F-DB20 - Types
DB21 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DB22-DB25 - Moves
DB26-DB27 - Trainer ID
DB28-DB2A - Experience
DB2D-DB2E - Attack EV
DB2F-DB30 - Defense EV
DB31-DB32 - Speed EV
DB33-DB34 - Special EV
DB35 - Attack/Defense IV
DB36 - Speed/Special IV
DB37-DB3A - PP Moves

Pokémon 6

DB3B - Pokémon
DB3E - Level
DB3F - Status
DB40-DB41 - Types
DB42 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DB43-DB46 - Moves
DB47-DB48 - Trainer ID
DB4A-DB4B - Experience
DB4E-DB4F - Attack EV
DB50-DB51 - Defense EV
DB52-DB53 - Speed EV
DB54-DB55 - Special EV
DB56 - Attack/Defense IV
DB57 - Speed/Special IV
DB58-DB5B - PP Moves

Pokémon 7

DB5C - Pokémon
DB5F - Level
DB60 - Status
DB61-DB62 - Types
DB63 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DB64-DB67 - Moves
DB68-DB69 - Trainer ID
DB6A-DB6C - Experience
DB6F-DB70 - Attack EV
DB71-DB72 - Defense EV
DB73-DB74 - Speed EV
DB75-DB76 - Special EV
DB77 - Attack/Defense IV
DB78 - Speed/Special IV
DB79-DB7C - PP Moves

Pokémon 8

DB7D - Pokémon
DB80 - Level
DB81 - Status
DB82-DB83 - Types
DB84 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DB85-DB88 - Moves
DB89-DB8A - Trainer ID
DB8B-DB8D - Experience
DB90-DB91 - Attack EV
DB92-DB93 - Defense EV
DB94-DB95 - Speed EV
DB96-DB97 - Special EV
DB98 - Attack/Defense IV
DB99 - Speed/Special IV
DB9A-DB9D - PP Moves

Pokémon 9

DB9E - Pokémon
DBA1 - Level
DBA2 - Status
DBA3-DBA4 - Types
DBA5 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DBA6-DBA9 - Moves
DBAA-DBAB - Trainer ID
DBAC-DBAE - Experience
DBB1-DBB2 - Attack EV
DBB3-DBB4 - Defense EV
DBB5-DBB6 - Speed EV
DBB7-DBB8 - Special EV
DBB9 - Attack/Defense IV
DBBA - Speed/Special IV

Pokémon 10

DBBF - Pokémon
DBC2 - Level
DBC3 - Status
DBC4-DBC5 - Types
DBC6 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DBC7-DBCA - Moves
DBCB-DBCC - Trainer ID
DBCD-DBCF - Experience
DBD2-DBD3 - Attack EV
DBD4-DBD5 - Defense EV
DBD6-DBD7 - Speed EV
DBD8-DBD9 - Special EV
DBDA - Attack/Defense IV
DBDB - Speed/Special IV

Pokémon 11

DBE0 - Pokémon
DBE3 - Level
DBE4 - Status
DBE5-DBE6 - Types
DBE7 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DBE8-DBEB - Moves
DBEC-DBED - Trainer ID
DBEE-DBF0 - Experience
DBF3-DBF4 - Attack EV
DBF5-DBF6 - Defense EV
DBF7-DBF8 - Speed EV
DBF9-DBFA - Special EV
DBFB - Attack/Defense IV
DBFC - Speed/Special IV
DBFD-DC00 - PP Moves

Pokémon 12

DC01 - Pokémon
DC02-DC03 - HP
DC04 - Level
DC05 - Status
DC06-DC07 - Types
DC08 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DC09-DC0C - Moves
DC0D-DC0E - Trainer ID
DC0F-DC11 - Experience
DC12-DC13 - HP EV
DC14-DC15 - Attack EV
DC16-DC17 - Defense EV
DC18-DC19 - Speed EV
DC1A-DC1B - Special EV
DC1C - Attack/Defense IV
DC1D - Speed/Special IV
DC1E-DC21 - PP Moves

Pokémon 13

DC22 - Pokémon
DC23-DC24 - HP
DC25 - Level
DC26 - Status
DC27-DC28 - Types
DC29 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DC2A-DC2D - Moves
DC2E-DC2F - Trainer ID
DC30-DC32 - Experience
DC33-DC34 - HP EV
DC35-DC36 - Attack EV
DC37-DC38 - Defense EV
DC39-DC3A - Speed EV
DC3B-DC3C - Special EV
DC3D - Attack/Defense IV
DC3E - Speed/Special IV
DC3F-DC42 - PP Moves

Pokémon 14

DC43 - Pokémon
DC44-DC45 - HP
DC46 - Level
DC47 - Status
DC48-DC49 - Types
DC4A - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DC4B-DC4E - Moves
DC4F-DC50 - Trainer ID
DC51-DC53 - Experience
DC54-DC55 - HP EV
DC56-DC57 - Attack EV
DC58-DC59 - Defense EV
DC5A-DC5B - Speed EV
DC5C-DC5D - Special EV
DC5E - Attack/Defense IV
DC5F - Speed/Special IV
DC60-DC63 - PP Moves

Pokémon 15

DC64 - Pokémon
DC65-CC66 - HP
DC67 - Level
DC68 - Status
DC69-DC6A - Types
DC6B - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DC6C-DC6F - Moves
DC70-DC71 - Trainer ID
DC72-DC74 - Experience
DC75-DC76 - HP EV
DC77-DC78 - Attack EV
DC79-DC7A - Defense EV
DC7B-DC7C - Speed EV
DC7D-DC7E - Special EV
DC7F - Attack/Defense IV
DC80 - Speed/Special IV
DC81-DC84 - PP Moves

Pokémon 16

DC85 - Pokémon
DC86-DC87 - HP
DC88 - Level
DC89 - Status
DC8A-DC8B - Types
DC8C - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DC8D-DC90 - Moves
DC91-DC92 - Trainer ID
DC93-DC95 - Experience
DC96-DC97 - HP EV
DC98-DC99 - Attack EV
DC9A-DC9B - Defense EV
DC9C-DC9D - Speed EV
DC9E-DC9F - Special EV
DCA0 - Attack/Defense IV
DCA1 - Speed/Special IV
DCA2-DCA5 - PP Moves

Pokémon 17

DCA6 - Pokémon
DCA9 - Level
DCAA - Status
DCAD - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DCAE-DCB1 - Moves
DCB2-DCB3 - Trainer ID
DCB4-DCB6 - Experience
DCB9-DCBA - Attack EV
DCBB-DCBC - Defense EV
DCBF-DCC0 - Special EV
DCC1 - Attack/Defense IV
DCC2 - Speed/Special IV
DCC3-DCC6 - PP Moves

Pokémon 18

DCC7 - Pokémon
DCCA - Level
DCCB - Status
DCCE - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DCCF-DCD2 - Moves
DCD3-DCD4 - Trainer ID
DCD5-DCD7 - Experience
DCDC-DCDD - Defense EV
DCE0-DCE1 - Special EV
DCE2 - Attack/Defense IV
DCE3 - Speed/Special IV
DCE4-DCE7 - PP Moves

Pokémon 19

DCE8 - Pokémon
DCEB - Level
DCEC - Status
DCEF - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DCF0-DCF3 - Moves
DCF4-DCF5 - Trainer ID
DCF6-DCF8 - Experience
DCFD-DCFE - Defense EV
DCFF-DD00 - Speed EV
DD01-DD02 - Special EV
DD03 - Attack/Defense IV
DD04 - Speed/Special IV
DD05-DD08 - PP Moves

Pokémon 20

DD09 - Pokémon
DD0C - Level
DD0D - Status
DD0E-DD0F - Types
DD10 - Held Item (When traded to Generation II)
DD11-DD14 - Moves
DD15-DD16 - Trainer ID
DD17-DD19 - Experience
DD1C-DD1D - Attack EV
DD1E-DD1F - Defense EV
DD20-DD21 - Speed EV
DD22-DD23 - Special EV
DD24 - Attack/Defense IV
DD25 - Speed/Special IV
DD26-DD29 - PP Moves

Trainer name

DD2A-DD34 - Trainer name for 1st
DD35-DD3F - Trainer name for 2nd
DD40-DD4A - Trainer name for 3rd
DD4B-DD55 - Trainer name for 4th
DD56-DD60 - Trainer name for 5th
DD61-DD6B - Trainer name for 6th
DD6C-DD76 - Trainer name for 7th
DD77-DD81 - Trainer name for 8th
DD82-DD8C - Trainer name for 9th
DD8D-DD97 - Trainer name for 10th
DD98-DDA2 - Trainer name for 11th
DDA3-DDAD - Trainer name for 12th
DDAE-DDB8 - Trainer name for 13th
DDB9-DDC3 - Trainer name for 14th
DDC4-DDCE - Trainer name for 15th
DDCF-DDD9 - Trainer name for 16th
DDDA-DDE4 - Trainer name for 17th
DDE5-DDEF - Trainer name for 18th
DDF0-DDFA - Trainer name for 19th
DDFB-DE05 - Trainer name for 20th


DE06-DE10 - Nickname for 1st
DE11-DE1B - Nickname for 2nd
DE1C-DE26 - Nickname for 3rd
DE27-DE31 - Nickname for 4th
DE32-DE3C - Nickname for 5th
DE3D-DE47 - Nickname for 6th
DE48-DE52 - Nickname for 7th
DE53-DE5D - Nickname for 8th
DE5E-DE68 - Nickname for 9th
DE69-DE73 - Nickname for 10th
DE74-DE7E - Nickname for 11th
DE7F-DED9 - Nickname for 12th
DE8A-DE94 - Nickname for 13th
DE95-DE9F - Nickname for 14th
DEA0-DEAA - Nickname for 15th
DEAB-DEB5 - Nickname for 16th
DEB6-DEC0 - Nickname for 17th
DEC1-DECB - Nickname for 18th
DECC-DED6 - Nickname for 19th
DED7-DEE1 - Nickname for 20th