Secret of Mana (SNES)/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Secret of Mana (SNES).

These are file addresses for the unheadered ROM.

Disassembly is available on the Secret Of Mana Bank Disassemblies article.


105116 = Enemy Movement and AI data (Each enemy entry ending with FF)
101DFA = Enemy Stats (First entry - Rabite)
D03A50 = Rabite Treasure Chest - Drop percentage
D03A53 = Rabite Treasure Chest - Item dropped
D8FB9C = Item prices in stores (First entry - Candy)

Stat related data

Main Character

Level 1
104213 = Strength
104214 = Agility
104215 = Constitution 
104216 = Intelligence
104217 = Wisdom
Level 2 is 0x28 (40) bytes ahead.
The rest of the levels (to 99) probably follow the same pattern.

Music Data

 33D39 = SPC pointers
 33F22 = Sample indexes

BRR Data

(Direct copy/paste from the ROM)

8247C3 = 3----
684EC3 = 3----
4453C3 = 3----
B856C3 = 3----
8E61C3 = 3----
DA6EC3 = 3----
0B7CC3 = 3----
C67DC3 = 3----
D381C3 = 3----
9591C3 = 3----
E2A0C3 = 3----
8EBAC3 = 3----
3ECAC3 = 3----
9BCCC3 = 3----
88CFC3 = 3----
8BE3C3 = 3----

3BF3C3 = 3----
B7F4C3 = 3----
CAFBC3 = 3----
0616C4 = 4----
A51EC4 = 4----
0C23C4 = 4----
0739C4 = 4----
9C3FC4 = 4----
F347C4 = 4----
8959C4 = 4----
5562C4 = 4----
E36CC4 = 4----
158EC4 = 4----
4C95C4 = 4----
DA9FC4 = 4----
59B0C4 = 4----

89BBC4 = 4----

SPC Sequence Data

(Direct copy/paste from the ROM)

3DD3C4 = 4----   Into the Thick of It
430FC5 = 5----   Flight into the Unknown
3F96C5 = 5----   Star of Darkness
56FCC5 = 5----   Prophecy
78F0C4 = 4----   Danger
E4FDC4 = 4----   Far Thunder
B806C5 = 5----   The Wind Never Ceases
4B0AC5 = 5----   Close your Eyelids
630BC5 = 5----   Spirit of the Night
AFD7C4 = 4----   The Fairy Child
BF1FC5 = 5----   What the Forest Taught Me
DA22C5 = 5----   Eternal Recurrence
232FC5 = 5----   Oracle
CB37C5 = 5----   Tell a Strange Tale
1942C5 = 5----   Into the Thick of It 2
6647C5 = 5----   Rose and Ghost

E14BC5 = 5----   Did You See the Sea?
7A53C5 = 5----   The Color of the Summer Sky
855AC5 = 5----   Menu
645CC5 = 5----   The Legend
FBDEC4 = 4----   The Orphan of the Storm
ADE7C4 = 4----   Eight Ringing Bells
F266C5 = 5----   Dancing Beasts
336BC5 = 5----   Victory
466CC5 = 5----   Boss Defeated
FE6CC5 = 5----   Cannon Travel Launch
926DC5 = 5----   Cannon Travel
426FC5 = 5----   Ceremony
7DA2C5 = 5----   Always Together
5271C5 = 5----   A Prayer and a Whisper
2A74C5 = 5----   Burning Castle (?)
0375C5 = 5----   Happenings on a Moonlight Night

E77AC5 = 5----   A Curious Happening
4981C5 = 5----   Unknown Fanfare (?)
44A1C5 = 5----   Midge Mallet
0E84C5 = 5----   Unknown Fanfare (?)
D181C5 = 5----   A Wish
1C85C5 = 5----   Monarch on the Shore
CA8DC5 = 5----   Steel and Traps
3E9BC5 = 5----   Pure Night
00ACC5 = 5----   Flammie Coming
EA9EC5 = 5----   Kind Memories
0CA8C5 = 5----   The Holy Intruder
48ADC5 = 5----   In the Darkness' Depths
95AEC5 = 5----   Angel's Fear
EBB7C5 = 5----   Grumble (?)
58B8C5 = 5----   Mara's Key
29B9C5 = 5----   Got an Item

03BAC5 = 5----   Elemental Acquired
D0BAC5 = 5----   Give Love its Rightful Time
B0C5C5 = 5----   The Second Truth From the Left
5DC4C5 = 5----   The Curse
B0DFC5 = 5----   I Won't Forget
1BE1C5 = 5----   Ally Joins
E5E1C5 = 5----   To Reach Tomorrow
62E6C5 = 5----   One of Them is Hope
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion
F8E9C5 = 5----   Meridian Dance
60F9C5 = 5----   The Wings No Longer Beat
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion
E2E8C5 = 5----   A Conclusion (wtf?)

SPC Sequence Commands

00-0D = Play note, C
0E-1B = Play note, C#
1C-29 = Play note, D
2A-37 = Play note, D#
38-45 = Play note, E
46-53 = Play note, F
54-61 = Play note, F#
62-6F = Play note, G
70-7D = Play note, G#
7E-8B = Play note, A
8C-99 = Play note, A#
9A-A7 = Play note, B
A8-BF = Play note, B#
C0-CE = Rest

D2 xx       = Set instrument volume to xx
D3 xx       = ???
D4 xx       = Pan channel left or right [$00 = Right, $64 = Middle, $FF = Left] (Reverse stereo)
D7 ss tt dd = Vibrato: ss = Speed, tt = Time until vibrato, dd = Depth
E0          = Vibrato off?
E1          = ???
E2          = ???
E3          = ???
E4 xx       = Change pitch to xx
E5 xx       = Length of next note is xx
EA xx       = Change instrument to xx
F0 xx yy    = ???
F1          = ???
F2          = End of channel
F3 xx       = Change tempo to xx
F4          = ???
F5 xx       = Set reverb to xx
F6          = ???
F7 xx yy    = ???
F8 xx       = Set global SPC volume to xx
FF          = End of sequence?

Map related data

Potos Village

 A933F = Music byte for Potos Village
 A9340 = Fade out time for previous song and echo effect of currnet song
 A9341 = Music volume related
 A9342 = Unknown
 A9343 = Event after music fades upon entering location
 A9344 = Also an event byte upon entering location

Exit Data

 83000 - Exit Data (4 bytes entries)

 * Byte 1 = Destination
 * Byte 2 = Destination X coord
 * Byte 3 = Destination Y coord
 * Byte 4 = Destination entrance style