Pokémon Stadium (International)/Notes

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< Pokémon Stadium (International)
Revision as of 08:56, 29 March 2015 by Mantidactyle (talk | contribs) (These two have probably no effect, but I haven't checked it yet.)
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a Notes Page for Pokémon Stadium (International).

Move Effect IDs

ID    Type
--    ----
00    Normal Damage
01    Puts Enemy to Sleep, no damage (Unused)
02    30.1% Chance of Poison
03    Absorbs half of damage inflicted
04    10.2% Chance of Burn
05    10.2% Chance of Freeze
06    10.2% Chance of Paralyze
07    Opponent's defense is halved during attack, user faints
08    Dream Eater
09    Mirror Move
0A    Raises Attack UP 1 Stage
0B    Raises Defense UP 1 Stage
0C    Raises Speed UP 1 Stage (Unused)
0D    Raises Special UP 1 Stage
0E    Raises Accuracy UP 1 Stage (Unused)
0F    Raises Evasion UP 1 Stage
10    Gain money after battle (User's Level × 2 × Number of uses)
11    Never misses
12    Lowers Attack DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance)
13    Lowers Defense DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance)
14    Lowers Speed DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance)
15    Lowers Special DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
16    Lowers Accuracy DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance)
17    Lowers Evasion DOWN 1 Stage (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
18    Changes user's type to match opponent's
19    Removes all stat changes, returns status to Normal
1A    User doesn't attack for 2-3 turns, then returns double the damage taken
1B    Attacks 2-3 times, afterwards user becomes Confused
1C    -
1D    Attacks 2-5 Times in one turn
1E    Attacks 2-5 Turns (Unused)
1F    10.2% Chance of Flinch
20    Puts opponent to Sleep for 1-3 Turns
21    39.8% Chance of Poison
22    30.1% Chance of Burn
23    10.2% Chance of Freeze (Blizzard)
24    30.1% Chance of Paralyze
25    30.1% Chance of Flinch
26    One Hit K.O.
27    Charges for one turn, attacks on the next
28    Deals damage equal to 50% HP, leaves 1 HP
29    Deals set damage (Dragon Rage, Sonicboom, Psywave, Night Shade, Seismic Toss)
2A    Attack 2-5 times, prevents opponent from attacking, stops when the opponent switches out
2B    Invulnerable first turn, attacks on the next
2C    Attacks 2 times
2D    If user misses, 1 damage to user
2E    Evade effects that lower stats
2F    Doubles Critical Hit rate
30    User receives Recoil damage equal to 1/4 the damage dealt
31    Chance of Confusion (Probability = Hit Chance)
32    Raises Attack UP 2 Stages
33    Raises Defense UP 2 Stages
34    Raises Speed UP 2 Stages
35    Raises Special UP 2 Stages
36    Raises Accuracy UP 2 Stages (Unused)
37    Raises Evasion UP 2 Stages (Unused)
38    User Recovers HP
39    Transform into opponent, inheriting all stats
3A    Lowers Attack DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
3B    Lowers Defense DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance)
3C    Lowers Speed DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
3D    Lowers Special DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
3E    Lowers Accuracy DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
3F    Lowers Evasion DOWN 2 Stages (Probability = Hit Chance) (Unused)
40    Doubles Special when being attacked
41    Doubles Defense when being attacked
42    Chance to Poison (Probability = Hit Chance)
43    Chance to Paralyze (Probability = Hit Chance)
44    33.2% Chance of lowering Attack DOWN 1 Stage
45    33.2% Chance of lowering Defense DOWN 1 Stage
46    33.2% Chance of lowering Speed DOWN 1 Stage
47    33.2% Chance of lowering Special DOWN 1 Stage
48    10.2% Chance of lowering Accuracy DOWN 1 Stage (Unused)
49    10.2% Chance of lowering Evasion DOWN 1 Stage (Unused)
4A    -
4B    -
4C    10.2% Chance of Confusion
4D    Attacks 2 times, 19.8% chance of Poison
4E    -
4F    Creates clone of user, costs 25% HP, rounded down
50    User can't attack next turn
51    User's attack raises UP 1 stage each time user is hit, can't be cancelled
52    Move is replaced by a random move of the opponent's until switched
53    Metronome
54    Absorbs 1/16 of enemy HP each turn
55    Splash
56    Disables a random attack of the opponent for 2-5 turns

Move IDs

ID    Move
--    ----
01    Pound
02    Karate Chop
03    Doubleslap
04    Comet Punch
05    Mega Punch
06    Pay Day
07    Fire Punch
08    Ice Punch
09    Thunderpunch
0A    Scratch
0B    Vicegrip
0C    Guillotine
0D    Razor Wind
0E    Swords Dance
0F    Cut
10    Gust
11    Wing Attack
12    Whirlwind
13    Fly
14    Bind
15    Slam
16    Vine Whip
17    Stomp
18    Double Kick
19    Mega Kick
1A    Jump Kick
1B    Rolling Kick
1C    Sand-Attack
1D    Headbutt
1E    Horn Attack
1F    Fury Attack
20    Horn Drill
21    Tackle
22    Body Slam
23    Wrap
24    Take Down
25    Thrash
26    Double-Edge
27    Tail Whip
28    Poison Sting
29    Twineedle
2A    Pin Missile
2B    Leer
2C    Bite
2D    Growl
2E    Roar
2F    Sing
30    Supersonic
31    Sonicboom
32    Disable
33    Acid
34    Ember
35    Flamethrower
36    Mist
37    Water Gun
38    Hydro Pump
39    Surf
3A    Ice Beam
3B    Blizzard
3C    Psybeam
3D    Bubblebeam
3E    Aurora Beam
3F    Hyper Beam
40    Peck
41    Drill Peck
42    Submission
43    Low Kick
44    Counter
45    Seismic Toss
46    Strength
47    Absorb
48    Mega Drain
49    Leech Seed
4A    Growth
4B    Razor Leaf
4C    Solarbeam
4D    Poisonpowder
4E    Stun Spore
4F    Sleep Powder
50    Petal Dance
51    String Shot
52    Dragon Rage
53    Fire Spin
54    Thundershock
55    Thunderbolt
56    Thunder Wave
57    Thunder
58    Rock Throw
59    Earthquake
5A    Fissure
5B    Dig
5C    Toxic
5D    Confusion
5E    Psychic
5F    Hypnosis
60    Meditate
61    Agility
62    Quick Attack
63    Rage
64    Teleport
65    Night Shade
66    Mimic
67    Screech
68    Double Team
69    Recover
6A    Harden
6B    Minimize
6C    Smokescreen
6D    Confuse Ray
6E    Withdraw
6F    Defense Curl
70    Barrier
71    Light Screen
72    Haze
73    Reflect
74    Focus Energy
75    Bide
76    Metronome
77    Mirror Move
78    Selfdestruct
79    Egg Bomb
7A    Lick
7B    Smog
7C    Sludge
7D    Bone Club
7E    Fire Blast
7F    Waterfall
80    Clamp
81    Swift
82    Skull Bash
83    Spike Cannon
84    Constrict
85    Amnesia
86    Kinesis
87    Softboiled
88    Hi Jump Kick
89    Glare
8A    Dream Eater
8B    Poison Gas
8C    Barrage
8D    Leech Life
8E    Lovely Kiss
8F    Sky Attack
90    Transform
91    Bubble
92    Dizzy Punch
93    Spore
94    Flash
95    Psywave
96    Splash
97    Acid Armor
98    Crabhammer
99    Explosion
9A    Fury Swipes
9B    Bonemerang
9C    Rest
9D    Rock Slide
9E    Hyper Fang
9F    Sharpen
A0    Conversion
A1    Tri Attack
A2    Super Fang
A3    Slash
A4    Substitute
A5    Struggle

Trainer IDs

ID    Trainer
--    -------
00    ?
01    Trainer
02    Brock
03    Misty
04    Surge
05    Erika
06    Koga
07    Sabrina
08    Blaine
09    Giovani
0A    Lorelei
0B    Bruno
0C    Agatha
0D    Lance
0E    Rival
0F    Bug Boy
10    Lass
11    Lad
12    JR♂
13    JR♀
14    Nerd
15    Pkmniac
16    Beauty
17    Cool♂
18    Cool♀
19    Hiker
1A    Medium
1B    Sailor
1C    Old Man
1D    Fisher
1E    Lab Man
1F    Burglar
20    Birdboy
21    Judoboy
22    Gambler
23    Juggler
24    Rocker
25    Mr.Fix
26    Biker
27    Cueball
28    Swimmer
29    Tamer
2A    Psychic
2B    Rocket
2C    Nintendo Cup '98 #2 (Unused)
2D    Nintendo Cup '98 #3 (Unused)
2E    Nintendo Cup '98 #4 (Unused)
2F    Nintendo Cup '98 #5 (Unused)
30    Nintendo Cup '98 #6 (Unused)
31    Nintendo Cup '98 #7 (Unused)
32    Nintendo Cup '98 #8 (Unused)
33    Metapod (Unused)
34    Mewtwo
35    Trainer ×2

Type IDs

ID    Type
--    ----
00    Normal
01    Fighting
02    Flying
03    Poison
04    Ground
05    Rock
06    Bird (Invalid)
07    Bug
08    Ghost
14    Fire
15    Water
16    Grass
17    Electric
18    Psychic
19    Ice
1A    Dragon