Magical Vacation/RAM map

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< Magical Vacation
Revision as of 15:47, 12 September 2014 by Lytron (talk | contribs) (Added timers)
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$020000D0-$02000107 - Gets values from $080C5590 at $08001724
$02000108           - Loaded at $08008E98

$02000330-$02000331 - Table Number Entry where the Main Loop Jumps next

$02000340           - Loaded at $08008E98

$02000360           - Loaded at $08008E98

$02001191           - Contains a value between #$00 and #$06 (always even number), index for registers $02001192-$02001199 (see $0805BEAC)
$02001192-$02001199 - Storage for doublebyte values (see $0805BEAC)

$02008678           - Loaded at $08008E98

$020096B0           - Loaded at $08008E98

$02029CB0           - Loaded at $08008E98

$0202DE30-$0202DE33 - Contains the address of the graphics settings
$0202DE34-$0202DE37 - Contains the address of the graphics buffer offset, normally $0203CAD0

$0202DEBE           - Number of which Intro Story graphic comes next

$0202FD31           - Flag register? (see $08097CB4)

$020326CC           - Set to #$1E at $08099C18.
$020326CD           - Set to #$00 at $08099C18.
$020326CE           - Set to #$3F at $08099C18.
$020326CF           - Set to #$00 at $08099C18.
$020326D0           - Jump Table Entry number for $080977CC; decides about Video Mode.
$020326D1           - Contains the number of the Jump Table Entry where $0800052E jumps to. Is loaded at the end of the subroutine at $080972B4
$020326D2           - ?
$020326D3           - LYTRON'S THEORY: Counter for the Intro Sequence with the Still Frames and story, which picture has to be loaded
$020326D4           - Flag Register; decides at $0809878C which Intro Graphics get loaded
                    - Bit 0: If clear, the subroutine at $080975CC does nothing
                    - Bit 3: If set, the subroutine at $0809878C loads an Intro Story graphic
                    - Bit 4: If set, the subroutine at $0809878C loads the Title Screen Tilemap data
                    - Bit 5: If set, the subroutine at $0809878C loads the Title Screen Graphic data
$020326D5           - Flag Register; decides at $0809878C which Intro Graphics get loaded

$02032704-$02032707 - (Storage for the Offset of the Tilemap buffers?)

$0203B6D0-$0203B7D8?- Storage for addresses, see $080BD320

$0203BB48           - Relevant for Jump Table at $080A6DD4, (loaded at $080A6F28, too)

$0203BB4E           - (see $080A6F28)
$0203BB4F-$0203BB50 - Flags (see $080A08C8)
$0203BB51           - (see $080A7AFC)

$0203BB60-$0203BB63 - Address (see 080A7CFE onwards)

$0203BBA0-$0203BBA1 - Buffer for $04000050 (BLDCNT - Color Special Effects Selection)
$0203BBA2-$0203BBA3 - Buffer for $04000052 (BLDALPHA - Alpha Blending Coefficients)
$0203BBA4-$0203BBA5 - Buffer for $04000054 (BLDY - Brightness (Fade-In/Out) Coefficient)

$0203BBA8-$0203BBA9 - Buffer for $04000000 (DISPCNT - LCD Control)
$0203BBAA-$0203BBAB - Buffer for $04000008 (BG0CNT - BG0 Control)
$0203BBAC-$0203BBAD - Buffer for $0400000A (BG1CNT - BG1 Control)
$0203BBAE-$0203BBAF - Buffer for $0400000C (BG2CNT - BG2 Control)
$0203BBB0-$0203BBB1 - Buffer for $0400000E (BG3CNT - BG3 Control)
$0203BBB2-$0203BBB3 - Buffer for $04000010 (BG0HOFS - BG0 X-Offset)
$0203BBB4-$0203BBB5 - Buffer for $04000012 (BG0VOFS - BG0 Y-Offset)
$0203BBB6-$0203BBB7 - Buffer for $04000014 (BG1HOFS - BG1 X-Offset)
$0203BBB8-$0203BBB9 - Buffer for $04000016 (BG1VOFS - BG1 Y-Offset)
$0203BBBA-$0203BBBB - Buffer for $04000018 (BG2HOFS - BG2 X-Offset)
$0203BBBC-$0203BBBD - Buffer for $0400001A (BG2VOFS - BG2 Y-Offset)
$0203BBBE-$0203BBBF - Buffer for $0400001C (BG3HOFS - BG3 X-Offset)
$0203BBC0-$0203BBC1 - Buffer for $0400001E (BG3VOFS - BG3 Y-Offset)
$0203BBC2-$0203BBC3 - Buffer for $04000020 (BG2PA - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter A (alias dx))
$0203BBC4-$0203BBC5 - Buffer for $04000022 (BG2PB - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter B (alias dmx))
$0203BBC6-$0203BBC7 - Buffer for $04000024 (BG2PC - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter C (alias dy))
$0203BBC8-$0203BBC9 - Buffer for $04000026 (BG2PD - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter D (alias dmy))
$0203BBCA-$0203BBCB - Buffer for $04000030 (BG3PA - BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter A (alias dx))
$0203BBCC-$0203BBCD - Buffer for $04000032 (BG3PB - BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter B (alias dmx))
$0203BBCE-$0203BBCF - Buffer for $04000034 (BG3PC - BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter C (alias dy))
$0203BBD0-$0203BBD1 - Buffer for $04000036 (BG3PD - BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter D (alias dmy))

$0203BBD4-$0203BBD7 - Buffer for $04000028/A (BG2X - BG2 Reference Point X-Coordinate)
$0203BBD8-$0203BBDB - Buffer for $0400002C/E (BG2Y - BG2 Reference Point Y-Coordinate)
$0203BBDC-$0203BBDF - Buffer for $04000038/A (BG3X - BG3 Reference Point X-Coordinate)
$0203BBE0-$0203BBE3 - Buffer for $0400003C/E (BG3Y - BG3 Reference Point Y-Coordinate)

$0203BC00            - Big Timer (incremented each time the Small Timer runs out)
$0203BC01            - Big Timer Goal value
$0203BC02            - Small Timer (decremented each Loop)
$0203BC03            - Small Timer restore value

$0203BC10-$0203CAA3 - Space cleared (and used?) at $080B6970

$0203DD90-$0203E18F - OAM buffer

$0203E490-$0203E68F - BG/OBJ Palette buffer

$0203E9D0-$0203E9D3 - Flag registers, worked off at $080988E0

$0203F3AC           - Contains a Timer's Number (#$00-#$03), see $080BFB30

$0203F3B4-$0203F3B7 - Contains a Timer's Reload/Counter register's address (#$04000100, #$04000104...), see $080BFB30

$0203F3CC-§0203F3CF - Contains an address (see $080B7628)