Mother 3/Level-up stats table

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Level-up ability table
Start Address 0xCC4E8
End Address 0xCD927
# of Entries 16 (0x10)
Entry Length 324 bytes (0x144)
Total Length 5184 bytes (0x1440)
Back to the ROM map


This table contains various level-up information, including the PSI abilities learned at each respective level. This does not contain level-up experience data. The entries in this table correspond to the party character names.


Each entry in the table uses 324 bytes.

Field listing

  • 000-001 (002) = [ A ] Character number
  • 002-0BF (0BE) = Unclassified data
  • 0C0-13F (080) = [ B ] PSI learning table
  • 140-143 (004) = Unclassified data

Table view

       00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   0A   0B   0C   0D   0E   0F
000  | [   A   ] [                                 ?                                ->
010  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
020  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
030  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
040  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
050  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
060  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
070  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
080  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
090  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
0A0  | <-                                     ?                                     ->
0B0  | <-                                      ?                                     ]
0C0  | [                                      B                                     ->
0D0  | <-                                     B                                     ->
0E0  | <-                                     B                                     ->
0F0  | <-                                     B                                     ->
100  | <-                                     B                                     ->
110  | <-                                     B                                     ->
120  | <-                                     B                                     ->
130  | <-                                      B                                     ]
140  | [        ?        ]

=PSI learning table

This table is only ever considered for Lucas and Kumatora; everyone else's tables are empty and never get read.

The table contains 32 entries, each consisting of four bytes:

  • 00-01 (02) = PSI entry number
  • 02-03 (02) = Level learned (use 100, or 0x64, if the ability uses event-based learning)