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Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge/ROM map
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The following article is a ROM map for Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge.
Bank 0: Unknown
- 0x 0000- 3978 ???
- 420- 5BF Alphabet gfx??
- 857-85B Put initial Weapon in RAM Address: DFA1
00:0857 3E 01 ld a,$01 (a=$01=Initial Weapon="P") 00:0859 EA A1 DF ld [$DFA1],a (Put the value $01="P" in $DFA1=Weapon)
- B26-B2A Put initial Energy value in RAM Address: DFA3
00:0B26 3D 98 ld a,$98 (a=$98=Initial energy) 00:0B28 EA A3 DF ld [$DFA3],a (Put the value $98 in $DFA3=Energy)
- BCA-BCF Decrease lives
00:0BCA 21 08 C1 ld hl,$C108 (Load in hl the Address $C108=Lives) 00:0BCD 34 dec [hl] (Decrease the value into the Address $C108=Lives) 00:0BCE 28 23 jr z,$0BF3 (Jump if is zero to the Address 00:0BF3) Note: If you change the instruction in 00:0BC4 you can have infinite lives. 00:0BCD 00 nop (NOt Operation) The value of lives don´t decrease.
- CCE-CD2 Put initial lives of the game
00:0CCE 3E 03 ld a,$03 (a=$03=Initial lives of the game) 00:0CD0 EA 08 C1 ld [$C108],a (Put the value $03 in the Addres $C108=Lives) Notes: You can have mor lives if you change the instruction in 00:0CCE. For example: 00:0CCE 3E 09 ld a,$09 The initial value of lives is 9. You have more lives.
- 0x 3979- 3FFF Unused
Bank 1: Unknown
- 0x 4000- 738C ???
- 0x 738D- 7FFF Unused
Bank 2: Unknown (Music?)
- 0x 8000- BCA1
- 0x BCA2- BFFF Unused
Bank 3: Unknown
- 0x C000- FBE4 ???
- 0x FBE5- FFFF Unused
Bank 4: Main Sprite Graphics
- 10060-123FF Graphics (Mega Man, Status Bar, Enemies)
- 0x12FE0-13FFF Unused
Bank 5: Robot Master Level Data
- 0x14000-14007 - Pointer List
- 0x14008-1492E - Cut Man
- 0x1492F-15259 - Ice Man
- 0x1525A-15F71 - Fire Man
- 0x15F72-16AAC - Elec Man
- 0x16AAD-17FFF - Unused
- 0x17000-17FFF Unused
Bank 6: Static Screen Data
- 0x18000-1BBB6 ??? GFX: Static Screen Data
- 0x1803C-18148 - Menu texts
- 0x1814B-18226 - Title screen data
- 0x1BBB7-1BFFF Unused
Bank 7: Robot Master Graphics
- 0x1C000-1F812 ??? Boss GFX (Cu,Ic,El,Fi,En,Bu,Fl,He,Qu,Wily)
- 0x1F813-20000 Unused
Bank 8: Wily 1 Data
- 0x20001-23828 Wily 1 Level Data?
- 0x2134A-21809 Teleporter area gfx
- 0x23829-23FFF Unused
Bank 9: Unknown
- 0x24000-27D31 ???
- 0x27D32-27FFF Unused
Bank A: Unknown
- 0x28000-2B20C ???
- 0x2B20D-2BFFF Unused
Bank B: Unknown
- 0x2C000-2D5CF ???
- 0x2D5D0-2FFFF Unused
Bank C: Level Graphics
- 0x30000-33395 Level GFX
- 0x33396-33FFF Unused
Bank D: Unknown
- 0x34000-36310 ???
- 0x36311-37FFF Unused
Bank E: Ending Data
- 0x38000-3BBAF ???
- ~39000 Ending GFX
- 0x3BBB0-3BFFF Unused
Bank F: Unused
- 0x3C000-3FFFF Unused