Donkey Kong Land III/Notes

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All color palettes, such as the sprite color palettes (0x0001BE60-0x0001BE67) and the level color palettes (0x00084FFB-0x000852FA) are 15-bit color values: 5 bits for red, 5 bits for green, and 5 for blue, in that order. The first bit is unused. The bits are then translated into a four-digit hex value, and the first two hex digits and the last two are switched because all Game Boy variants use little endian.

All sprite color values, from 0x0001BEA0-0x0001BF1E (?), is assigned a 3-bit value from 00-07. This number corresponds to the palette defined in the Sprite Color Palettes section (from 0x0001BE60-0x0001BE9F). Any number 08 or higher will cause the sprite to be invisible.

Most playable characters have different colors for every animation, especially Dixie and Kiddy. Therefore, if you change the color of a character, it is important to change the color for every byte that relates to that character, otherwise a character can change color depending on his/her action.

When Kobble is defeated, his color becomes that of Skidda's. Therefore, if you make Skidda a different color from Kobble (Kobble's color is located in 0x0001BEA1, Skidda's is 0x0001BEA4, Kobble will turn into a different color when he is defeated.

(todo: add screenshots)