Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!/RAM map

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$0001 - Opponent ID # (0=Glass Joe, 13=Tyson $0002 - Opponent Type ID # (0=Glass/Don, 2=Von/Great Tiger 5=Piston/Tyson etc.) $0004 - Initialize Fight (FF=in a fight, 01=Between rounds/cutscene/title screen) $0005 - Initialize Opponent is Kockedown (1=oppoenent is knocked down, 0 = opponent is up) $0006 - Current Round # $000A - # of Mac's Losses

$0011 - Mac's sprite X position (not actual position just appearance on screen) $0013 - Screen Redraw offset (Determines the centering of the graphics on screen) $0015 - Mac's sprite X position (identical to $0011) $0016 - Initialize Mac's sprites draw (1 = Mac, 0 = no Mac) $0017 - Initialize Opponent's sprites draw (1 = Oppoenent, 0 = No opponent) $0019 - Button ID (keep track of what buttons are being pressed on controller 1)

$00BC - Ability to throw punches (01 - yes, 00 - no)

$00F2 - Music? 08...Victory!

$0323 - First digit of hearts left

$0324 - Second digit of hearts left

$0326 - Graphic for first digit of hearts left

$0327 - Graphic for first digit of hearts left

$0391 - Energy

$0393 - Energy GFX bar

$0715 - Sound FX