Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

From Data Crystal
Revision as of 04:09, 10 January 2007 by Alchemic (talk | contribs) (SNES template info from nsrt, some text)
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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Company Square
Header SWC
Bank LoROM
Interleaved No
SRAM 64 Kb
Type Normal + Batt
ROM 4 Mb
Country USA
Video NTSC
ROM Speed 200ns (SlowROM)
Revision 1.0
Checksum Good 0x4CDE
CRC32 6B19A2C6

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest has not yet been extensively hacked.


No known utilities exist specifically for editing Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.


No known Final Fantasy Mystic Quest hacks exist.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Template:Final fantasy