Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)/RAM map

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< Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES).

Sprite Related

  • $0014 - Page of main character's X position
  • $001E - Page of main character's Y position
  • $0028 - Fraction of main character's X position on page
  • $0029 - Fraction of enemy 5's X position on page
  • $002A - Fraction of enemy 4's X position on page
  • $002B - Fraction of enemy 3's X position on page
  • $002C - Fraction of enemy 2's X position on page
  • $002D - Fraction of enemy 1's X position on page
  • $0033 - Fraction of enemy 5's Y position on page
  • $0034 - Fraction of enemy 4's Y position on page
  • $0035 - Fraction of enemy 3's Y position on page
  • $0036 - Fraction of enemy 2's Y position on page
  • $0037 - Fraction of enemy 1's Y position on page
  • $003C - Enemy 5's speed left/right
  • $003D - Enemy 4's speed left/right
  • $003E - Enemy 3's speed left/right
  • $003F - Enemy 2's speed left/right
  • $0040 - Enemy 1's speed left/right
  • $0046 - main character's jumping physics
  • $0047 - enemy 5's jumping physics
  • $0048 - enemy 4's jumping physics
  • $0049 - enemy 3's jumping physics
  • $004A - Enemy 2's jumping physics
  • $004B - Enemy 1's jumping physics
  • $0050 - Is character on a vine?
00 - no
01 - yes
  • $0051 - Enemy 5's status
  • $0052 - Enemy 4's status
  • $0053 - Enemy 3's status
  • $0054 - Enemy 3's status
  • $0055 - Enemy 2's status
00 - Invisable
01 - Visable
02 - Dead
  • $005A - Enemy 5's relation to main character/landscape
  • $005B - Enemy 4's relation to main character/landscape
  • $005C - Enemy 3's relation to main character/landscape
  • $005D - Enemy 2's relation to main character/landscape
  • $005E - Enemy 1's relation to main character/landscape
00 - not on the ground (could be jumping or being thrown)
04 - walking
05 - turn left because object blocks path
06 - turn right because object blocks path
20 - carrying main character when reaching an edge to turn around
24 - carrying main character with same speed as movement
  • $0065 - Enemy 5's palette, mirroring, etc.
  • $0066 - Enemy 4's palette, mirroring, etc.
  • $0067 - Enemy 3's palette, mirroring, etc.
  • $0068 - Enemy 2's palette, mirroring, etc.
  • $0069 - Enemy 1's palette, mirroring, etc.


$0085 - Amount of time left until Mario becomes vulnerable $0086 - Amount of time left? $0087 - Amount of time left before Bob Omb 5 explodes $0088 - Amount of time left before Bob Omb 4 explodes $0089 - Amount of time left before Bob Omb 3 explodes $008A - Amount of time left before Bob Omb 2 explodes $008B - Amount of time left before Bob Omb 1 explodes $008C - Amount of time left before Bomb 1 explodes $008D - Amount of time left before Bomb 2 explodes $008E - Amount of time left before Bomb 3 explodes

Sprite IDs

$008F - Character selected (appearance only, until defeated, then stats as well) ......00 - Mario ......01 - Princess ......02 - Toad ......03 - Luigi $0090 - Changes enemy 5's ID $0091 - Changes enemy 4's ID $0092 - Changes enemy 3's ID $0093 - Changes enemy 2's ID $0094 - Changes enemy 1's ID

$0096 - Item pulled up from ground

$0099 - Sprite graphics used when jumping $009A - Drop through $009B - Sprite graphics used when walking

$009C - Status - Holding an item ......00 = no ......01 = yes $009D - Character's mirroring, etc. (not palette) $00A3 - Changes once for everytime Tweeter jumps

$00AD - Is key held? Key appears above head even if thrown, but then not chased. ......00 - no ......01 - yes $00AE - Item in hand height (used for different character sizes?)

$00B9 - Current time left to use Pidget's carpet $00BA - Screen speed moving left and right

$00C7 - Character's status

Button Related

$00F5 - Button pressed (Controller 1) $00F6 - Button pressed (Controller 2) $00F7 - Button held (Controller 1) >>>>>>>>>> Directional Pad ......*0 - no movement ......*1 - Right ......*2 - Left ......*3 - Left + Right ......*4 - Down ......*5 - Down + Right ......*6 - Down + Left ......*7 - Down + Left + Right ......*8 - Up ......*9 - Up + Right ......*A - Up + Left ......*B - Up + Left + Right ......*C - Up + Down ......*D - Up + Down + Right ......*E - Up + Down + Left ......*F - Up + Down + Left + Right >>>>>>>>>> Buttons ......0* - not pressed ......1* - Start ......2* - Select ......3* - Start + Select ......4* - B ......5* - Start + B ......6* - Select + B ......7* - Start + Select + B ......8* - A ......9* - Start + A ......A* - Select + A ......B* - Start + Select + A ......C* - A + B ......D* - Start + A + B ......E* - Select + A + B ......F* - Start + Select + A + B $00F8 - Button held (Controller 2)

$0100 - (screen hold?)

$0415 - the rising of the heart $0416 - Height of whale's spout after peaking.

$0456 - Current time left Hawkmouth (before Wart) is open

Enemy HP

$0465 - Enemy 5's health $0466 - Enemy 4's health $0467 - Enemy 3's health $0468 - Enemy 2's health $0469 - Enemy 1's health

$0471 - look into

$0484 - look into

$04B4 - Something to do with the Hawkmouth opening and closing

$04AD - Current number of enemies defeated to grab a heart.

$04B0 - Has Key been used on lock? If yes, then it won't reappear. ......00 - no ......01 - yes

$04B4 - How wide Hawkmouth is open $04B5 - Has the Crystal been obtained? If yes, effect will last while in area. ......00 - no ......01 - yes $04B6 - look into

$04BE - Time counts up for how long the door takes to open

$04C2 - Current life in the life meter ......0F - One heart ......1F - Two hearts ......2F - Three hearts ......3F - Four hearts

$04C3 - Number of bars in the life meter (for visual purposes only) ......FF - One bar (doesn't work very well) ......00 - Two bars (default) ......01 - Three bars ......02 - Four bars $04C4 - Amount of time left for the screen to shake after POW $04C5 - Height to raise and lower the "level" for shake $04C6 - Amount of time left for bomb flash in background

$04CA - Amount of time to build up to charged jump

$04E0 - Current Starman time length left

$04E7 - Area to regenerate $04E8 - Sub-area to regenerate $04E9 - Page to regenerate

$04EC - I can't describe this one. ......00 - normal game play ......01 - begin the same level and area again (like dying revive) ......02 - game over ......03 - end level, go to bonus game ......04 - warp $04ED - Current number of lives

Mushroom Flags

$04FB - Has First Mushroom been pulled? If yes, then it won't reappear. ......00 - no ......01 - yes $04FC - Has Second Mushroom been pulled? If yes, then it won't reappear. ......00 - no ......01 - yes

$04FF - Current amount of time left from the stop watch.

$051D - look into

$0521 - look into

Level in Memory

$0531 - Current level loaded ......00 - 1-1 ......01 - 1-2 ......02 - 1-3 ......03 - 2-1 ......04 - 2-2 ......05 - 2-3 ......06 - 3-1 ......07 - 3-2 ......08 - 3-3 ......09 - 4-1 ......0A - 4-2 ......0B - 4-3 ......0C - 5-1 ......0D - 5-2 ......0E - 5-3 ......0F - 6-1 ......10 - 6-2 ......11 - 6-3 ......12 - 7-1 ......13 - 7-2

$0532 - look into
$0533 - look into

$0544 - look into
$0545 - look into

Character Properties

$0546 - Pickup Speed Animation 1 $0547 - Pickup Speed Animation 2 $0548 - Pickup Speed Animation 3 $0549 - Pickup Speed Animation 4 $054A - Pickup Speed Animation 5 $054B - Pickup Speed Animation 6

$054D - Standing Jump Height $054E - Crouching Power Jump Height

$0550 - Running Jump Height $0551 - Running Jump Height while carrying object

$0553 - Float Timer (set to 0 for everyone but Princess)

$0545 - look into

$0555 - Character's Jumping physics?

$05C5 - Current number of Continues

Music and Sound Properties

$05EE - Current music track? $05EF - Current music track?

$0600 - Loads the current song track $0601 - Plays a sound effect $0602 - Plays a sound effect $0603 - Plays a small clip of music (and also for ending sequence) $0604 - Character's sound effects $0605 - POW sound effects $0606 - Stores sound effect from $0603 played $0607 - Stores sound effect from $0602 played $0608 - Stores sound effect from $0601 played $0609 - Stores music track from $0600 played

$0612 - Current music tempo

Subspace Related Properites

$0620 - Has 1-up been pulled? If yes, then it won't reappear. ......00 - no ......01 - yes $0621 - Number of times leaving Subspace aftering grabbing a coin ......00 - 1st chance to grab coins ......01 - 2nd chance to grab coins ......02 - No more chances, get vegetables.

$0628 - In subspace? ......00 - no ......02 - yes (doesn't work for vertical areas) $0629 - look into

Collectable Counts

$062A - Current number of cherries $062B - Current number of coins pulled in Subspace (Slot machine currency) $062C - Current number of BIG vegetables pulled for stop watch

World Properites

$0635 - Current World number (loads characteristics of world such as Ice)

$06F2 - !!!!!

$06F4 - look into!

$06F6 - Character growing or shrinking

Graphics Tileset

$06F7 - Current Level Tileset (1st half of the right Table) $06F8 - Current Cycling Sprite Tileset (2nd half of the right Table) $06F9 - Current Character (Appearance,not stats) (1st quarter of left Table) ......00 - Large Mario ......01 - Large Luigi ......02 - Large Princess ......03 - Large Toad ......04 - Small Mario ......05 - Small Luigi ......06 - Small Princess ......07 - Small Toad $06FA - Current standard sprites (Snifits, Hawkmouth, etc.) (2nd quarter of left Table) $06FB - Current standard sprites (1-Up, Birdo, etc.) (3rd quarter of left Table) $06FC - Current changable sprites (Ostro, Pidget, Pokey, etc.) (4th quarter of left Table) $06FD - Current animation of $06F8 (Cycling sprites)

Level Layout (Jars/Subspace)

$0700 ~ $07FF - Subspace and jars

$14CA - Timer for crouch jump power (0 - 3C)

Level Layout (Area)

$6000 ~ $695F - Currently loaded level (Almost half the SRAM)