Snake Rattle N Roll/RAM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a RAM map for Snake Rattle N Roll.

$0016 - Controller 1 button held

$0017 - Controller 2 button held

$0018 - Controller 1 button pressed

$0019 - Controller 2 button pressed

$00AA - Current Level

$00CE - First digit of timer

$00CF - Second digit of timer

$00D0 - Count down to change timer digit

$00FB - Current Continues left

$03E1 - *00000 value of total score

$03E2 - 0*0000 value of total score

$03E3 - 00*000 value of total score

$03E4 - 000*00 value of total score

$03E5 - 0000*0 value of total score

$03E6 - 00000* value of total score

$03ED - *00000 value of pellet score

$03EE - 0*0000 value of pellet score

$03EF - 00*000 value of pellet score

$03F0 - 000*00 value of pellet score

$03F1 - 0000*0 value of pellet score

$03F2 - 00000* value of pellet score

$03DF - Current Lives

$03F9 - Blue pellets eaten

$03FB - Red pellets eaten

$03FD - Yellow pellets eaten

$0407 - Time left for wind-up key

$040B - Time left for reversed controls

$040D - Time left for invincibility

$059F - Current weight (will not cause buzzer to ring)

$04D7 - Player 1 current x coordinate

$04C3 - Player 1 current high byte x coordinate

$04FF - Player 1 current y coordinate

$04EB - Player 1 current high byte y coordinate

$0527 - Player 1 current z coordinate

$0513 - Player 1 current high byte z coordinate

(Then you're dead you will be restored at old coordinates position)

$0469 - Player 1 old x coordinate

$0467 - Player 1 old x coordinate high byte

$046D - Player 1 old y coordinate

$046A - Player 1 old y coordinate high byte

$0471 - Player 1 old z coordinate

$046F - Player 1 old z coordinate high byte

(Jump coordinates are saved then you're making a jump or fall down. You can safely jump or fall down only 4 squares down. If you force these values to 0, you can jump any squares down (within level constraints))

$0475 - Player 1 z coordinate of the jump

$0473 - Player 1 z coordinate of the jump high byte

$0499 - Player 1 tongue length. 17 - is a maximum single screen length, but greater values are also allowed.

$05F4 - 2nd level bonus, 2nd level second "gramophone, 3rd level second "grammophone".

$05F3 - 1 st level bonus, 1st level "gramophone", 2nd level nearest "gramophone", 3rd level bonuses, 3rd level nearest "grammophone", 4th level "grammophone", 4th level bonus

In bonus game, current phase of the "gramophone". Values are:

  • 0 - red pellet
  • 1 - blue pellet
  • 2 - red pellet
  • 3 - blue pellet
  • 4 - yellow pellet
  • 5 - do nothing
  • $B - current level color pellet. Acts like a yellow pelet, but has a main level color

If you set this value to a greater than 5, it will continuousely repeat this pattern, but the stop pattern doesn not appear. Bonus game continues as long as there is at least 1 pellet available.

In normal game, this value is increased by 1 by each arriving pellet. Resets to 0 then you're out "gramophone" view.

Z coordinate level constrains: you'll die if you fall down below it's level:

  • Level 1 -$00 $00
  • Level 2 -$00 $00
  • Level 3 -$00 $60
  • Level 4 -$00 $88
  • Level 5 -$02 $88
  • Level 6 -$01 $60
  • Level 7 -$03 $B0
  • Level 8 -$05 $18
  • Level 9 -$00 $01
  • Level 10 -$02 $28
  • Level 11 -$06 $BC

$0465 - level 1 and 2 shark distance from player 1. By default, it's $A0 and comes down to zero when you're in water.

All levels are constrained by border. Maximum non-glitched value for the right border is 6 $FF.

$00CA - current maximum right border hi byte

$00CB - current maximum right border.

$00CC - current minimum left border hi byte

$00CD - current minimum left border

$001D - current music speed. $FF is the maximum music speed. This value is valid only for one cycle of the song, then the value is reset to default one. Every level has different music speed.

$00B6 - 0 if door is closed and 1 if door is opened

$0495 - Contains 0 if fish tail has not been collected by player1, 110 overwise.

$006D - Current screen left border hi byte

$006E - Current screen left border