Mother 3/Attack sound probability table

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This is a sub-page of Mother 3.

Attack sound probability table
Start Address 0x112EA8
End Address 0x112F17
# of Entries 14 (0xE)
Entry Length 8 bytes
Total Length 112 bytes (0x70)
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Each playable character has six sets of his/her own unique attack sounds. The game randomly picks which set of sounds to use when attacking. This table controls the probability distribution of these sets.

There are 14 entries (one for each playable character), and each entry has 8 bytes. Only the first 6 of the 8 bytes are used. The values denote a percentage and should sum to 100.

  • 00 = Probability of set 1 (usually 32% or 100%)
  • 01 = Probability of set 2 (usually 24% or 0%)
  • 02 = Probability of set 3 (usually 18% or 0%)
  • 03 = Probability of set 4 (usually 12% or 0%)
  • 04 = Probability of set 5 (usually 9% or 0%)
  • 05 = Probability of set 6 (usually 5% or 0%)