Motocross Maniacs/ROM map

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Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Motocross Maniacs.

* x0EC1-x0F07 - intro screen text data (2 bytes for display address, then list of tiles)
* x0F08-x0F13 - "GAME OVER" text data
* x0F14-x0F36 - "SOLO"/"VS COMPUTER"/"VS 2-PLAYER" text data
* x0F37-x0F8F - Pre-race screen text data ("QUALIFYING TIME"/"COURSE RECORD"...)
* x10DB-x???? - "Ultra" logo tiles
* x10E1-x12C0 - "Konami Games" logo
* x12F3-x145B - letter tileset (in 1 bit per pixel format)
* x14CC-x18EB - "Motocross Maniacs" logo (in 1BPP format)
* x2143-x214A - gravity pull data
* x214B-x???? - ramp physics data
* x2A5C-x2A67 - table of pointers to routines for Tire / Jet / Nitro...
 * x2A68 - set S (maximum speed multiplier)  
 * x2A92 - add +4 Nitro boosts
 * x2A9F - set Tire
 * x2AA9 - set Jet
 * x2AB8 - add +1 Biker
* x2DD1-x2DE8 - qualifying times for level A (in chunks of 3 bytes, time written backwards)
* x2DE9-x2E03 - qualifying times for level B
* x2E04-x2E1B - qualifying times for level C
* x2F66-x2F6D - "TIME UP" text data (only the tiles, no display address)
* x33E8-x3480 - more text data? (todo)
* x3481-x34F1 - table of pointers for player sprite building
* x34F2-x3708 - player sprite building data
* xXXXX-x475F - tile data
* x4760-x476F - table of x08 pointers to course data
* x4770-x56CB - course 1 data
* x56CC-x5793 - table of pointers to course object data
* x5794-x5A1E - course object data
* x5A1F-x5C8E - metatile data
* x5CBF-x???? - nitro boos/post-ramp behavior physics data? (todo)
* x5D8F-x???? - mid-air bike behavior data? (todo) (read in chunks of 4 bytes)
* x????-x5EFA - speed data? (todo)
* x5EFB-x5F0A - table of x08 pointers to item data (note that level 8 comes before level 7)
* x5F0B-x60E9 - item data
* x60EA-x61F9 - table of x08 pointers for computer opponent AI when offscreen
* x60FA-x6575 - computer opponent AI when offscreen data
* x6F1F-x6F5E - table of pointers to course 1 music data
* x6F5F-x6FE